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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

Page 74

by Violet Patterson

  A loud rumble rolled through the hall outside the study. The beast leapt to the couch beside Sophia and Lucian crept around to crouch before them.

  “This is ridiculous!” Storm’s voice cut through the silence, unmistakable in her frustration. Lucian turned back to his mate and grinned.

  Sure enough, moments later Storm appeared in the frame of the study doors. “What happened here?” Her eyes landed on Lucian and Sophia. Relief flooded her face and Storm sped across the space between them, pausing only for the beast to drop her flames. Storm launched herself at him throwing her arms about his neck. “You are okay! How are the girls? What happened here? Where are Dan and Shane? Angeline is alive! Have you seen –“

  “Whoa! Hold on, Storm. One at a time.” Lucian chuckled as he released her. He met Ryder’s eye as his friend approached. “We are well enough and the girls are just fine.” Lucian clasped his friend’s arm, an unspoken appreciation passing through their bond. Storm had already passed on to Sophia, curled beside her and began cooing at the sleeping babes like any new mother would. She looked younger and healthier than she had in months and Lucian relaxed into the moment, nearly forgetting the horror outside.


  “Has anybody else returned?” The thought hit her all of a sudden. She’d been so lost in the joy of finding Sophia, Lucian and the girls unharmed that Storm nearly forgot about all of the others. She internally reprimanded herself for being so thoughtless.

  Forgive yourself this one transgression, dear. Damarra’s voice rippled through her mind. You have been through a great deal. Go to them now, you are needed. Roane and I will return soon.

  Storm nodded. There was much to do before celebrations could commence. But celebrate they would.

  “Dorian and a few vamps are somewhere in the house but there are several still cowering under the curtains outside with all of the others who were deposited on the lawn.” Lucian gestured out back. “It is pretty grim out there, Storm.”

  “Then we need to get out there and help. Where are Dan and Shane?” Storm leapt to her feet, cradling her daughter’s head.

  “You cannot take the girls out there, my love.” Ryder protested and moved to bar her way. “Let the others handle it.”

  “No. They fought for me and for our babes. I need to go out there.” Storm set her jaw.

  “The Angels are already out there, Storm. You and Sophia can stay in here with the girls and we’ll go out.” Lucian naturally stepped in on Ryder’s side. She glowered at him.

  “I think Storm is right.” Sophia’s soft voice of agreement warmed her. Her friend stood and accepted the Phoenix on her back, her jaw set and eyes resolute. “We should all make ourselves seen.”

  “See, I’m right. Let’s go, Soph.” Storm turned on her heel and made for the back of the study via the new exit. “We should probably get the vampires inside first.”

  “If the greenhouse is still standing we could black it out and give them their own space. I am not sure how much of their quarters are left.” Sophia kept pace with her, ignoring their mates’ protests as they picked their way through the broken glass and window frames to emerge in the sunlight. To their right stood a makeshift tent of curtains – the ones that used to hang in the study.

  “Nice tent.” Storm called out to Dan who was working with his back to her at the far end of the curtain wall.

  Dan spun, his eyes flying wide with surprise. “Storm?” He sprinted across the space between them and hugged her, perhaps a bit tighter than she would have liked but he quickly released her when Autumn moved between them. “Oh, sorry!” He touched Autumn’s forehead lightly, her eyes flickered and closed again, still surprisingly sleepy.

  “It’s okay. Good to see you too.” Storm grinned. “Shane okay?”

  Dan nodded. “Ryder alright?”

  Storm nodded. “Who else have you found?”

  Dan shrugged, “There are a lot of wounded, Storm. Dorian’s inside but I haven’t seen Gregoire. I haven’t seen Fred or Jordan either.”

  Storm raised her hand, “Then let’s stop talking and find them.” She glanced at the back yard and fought back tears. The beautiful orchard was all but destroyed and as she looked closer, Storm noticed it was littered with bodies and even worse, body parts.

  “Maybe we should go back inside and just look after the girls.” Sophia looked ill as she sized up the yard as well. “I mean, we could set up the study to help with healing and-“ she trailed off.

  “Why don’t you go back in, Soph. It’s fine. Have Lucian and Ryder help you clean up some space and gather supplies. It’s such a wreck in there and I think we are going to need a lot more space.”

  “I think you should go with me, Storm.” Sophia frowned. “You know more about how the potions work than Ryder and Lucian and they’ve seen more wars than we have to know whose needs are more pressing.” She sighed, “I know you want to do the right thing and be present. I agree with you but now that I see this,” she gestured toward the remnants of the battle, “maybe that means helping with the healing.”

  Storm considered it. The thought of seeing all of those corpses up close and personal did not appeal to her at all. “Fair enough.” Storm conceded. She started back inside with Sophia but paused and made for the makeshift tent over the vampires. Storm peered in and spoke calmly, “Thank you all for what you’ve done. Please come inside.” She did not wait for an answer before joining Sophia in the study.

  Ryder and Lucian slipped out to help Dan and Shane with little urging. Storm and Sophia set the girls up near the Phoenix and were cleaning the mess when they heard a shuffling sound. The vampires were entering under the protection of the heavy curtains. Storm exchanged respectful nods with several of them as they passed into the hallway. Before long, grating noises echoed in from the hall and Storm realized they were cleaning up as well. Tears welled in her eyes. Sophia noticed and stepped over to hug her. “We’ll talk later, Storm, but you should know how happy I am to see you. They all are. I can feel it.” Sophia squeezed her once and returned to putting books back on shelves as quickly as she could. They had the desk and the area around it cleared before the first wounded survivor came in.


  Storm had won. Angeline’s first thought as she recognized her surroundings was that her friend had defeated the enemy. Then Fred had collapsed on her and she snapped back to reality. They were on the far side of the property, deep in the orchards and though she was stronger since her return, Fred was heavier than he looked. Angeline looped his arm around her neck and half dragged him several yards before stumbling on the first body. The orchard was littered with bodies and dismembered parts. Angeline choked back the urge to vomit several times. She heard people calling out and saw some wandering aimlessly as she dragged Fred’s unconscious form toward the house. She’d nearly forgotten about the arrow that had seemed so inconsequential to the massive bear. But now, as a man, Fred was losing blood. Angeline wished she were a healer.

  “Dan! Shane! Somebody help!” Angeline screamed out. She knew somehow that Fred was dying and that was not acceptable. “Liv?” She whispered. “Liv, do not take Fred, please.”

  “I am not taking Fred.” Olivia appeared in front of her. “There has been enough loss. I am here to help you, Ang. Sheesh.”

  Angeline bit back the relief. “Sorry, Liv. I have to get used to this.”

  “If you think I am coming to claim somebody every time I visit you then I think our relationship is in trouble, An-hell-ina.” Olivia’s tone was light but her expression rather severe.

  “You’re right, I’m sorry, I really am.” Angeline smiled weakly at her sister. “Thank you.”

  “He fought well. The shifter deserves more than death by an arrow.” Olivia shrugged and hoisted his other arm over her shoulder.

  They ignored the other injured supernats and all of the odd looks as the sisters carried Frederick’s limp body through the back of Willow Wood into the study. Storm and Sophia were working on clea
ring space but they stopped at the sight of Frederick, Angeline, and Olivia.

  “Get him to the desk.” Sophia directed once she overcame the shock of what she was seeing.

  “He took an arrow, Storm.” Angeline’s words were failing her as she helped lay Frederick on his good side upon the massive desk .

  “Alright, then let’s get to work.” Storm looked grim. “He’s lost a lot of blood.”

  Angeline felt something brush against her leg and looked down into the flaming eyes of the Phoenix. We will help. You are needed elsewhere. She nodded at Angeline and leapt on the desk beside Frederick. Angeline knew when she was being dismissed, stole one last look at Fred and left the way she’d come - directly into Dan’s arms. He wrapped her up and slanted his mouth on hers before she had a chance to react. Then her fingers found his hair and his hands were sliding down her back to pull her closer. Angeline rolled her fingers through his silky curls and melted against his body, hard and tight and so warm. Dan’s hands made it to the curve of her ass, massaging as he pulled her up and wrapped her legs about his waist. She could barely breathe and it didn’t matter. Dan’s arms around her and his lips on hers made everything right in her world. Finally.

  “Good Gods! Get a room already!” Olivia’s disgruntled cry broke through the magic of Angeline’s moment.

  Dan withdrew with a sigh. He breathed into her ear, “Later.” He stared at her, waiting for a response. She nodded and he took off.

  Angeline whirled on her sister, “Unnecessary, Liv.”

  “There are hundreds of injured, dead, and dismembered bodies all around. I am trying to save you from having your first meaningful experience in the middle of a battlefield.” Olivia glared at her but then her face softened. “I get it, Ang. I mean, I kind of get it. You have loved him for years and believe me, he has pined away for you too. I saw it. But you both deserve more than this.” She dramatically swept her hand outward toward the field. “I mean, it’s starting to stink. Gross.” She shivered.

  Angeline chuckled. “Point taken.”


  He avoided Lucian as much as possible as they worked. How could he explain what he witnessed? How was Storm going to sell all of it to their friends? He still disagreed with the decisions that were made but he had been the sole voice of dissention and easily overruled. To be honest, he was not sure what part was most disturbing. He was trying to trust his mate and her family, but as he collected body parts and corpses for the bonfires, Ryder wondered if they did the right thing in the end.

  “You still question your mate’s choices?”

  A peculiar voice rippled over his conscious. Ryder was not sure if it was in his head or all around him. He drop the body he had been carrying and looked about, peering through the tree trunks. “Who are you?”

  A slender male appeared in front of him. He looked much as the White Lady did and Ryder knew immediately who he was. The original Angel of Death. The man raised a hand, “Do not fear, I do not come for you or any of your loved ones, Immortal.” He leaned casually against a tree. “Your mistrust concerns my kin. We feel it as a pebble in a shoe. I believe that is a saying your people would use, is it not?”

  Ryder nodded weakly. What the hell?

  “What the hell? I do not understand that saying.” The male looked at him peculiarly. “You are strange people, Immortal. But that is not what brings me to your realm. You must believe in your mate’s choices. She has done as she was bidden. Her destiny and purpose are fulfilled but she may still falter and undo what has been done if you do not fulfill your purpose.”

  “What?” Ryder thought he had fulfilled his purpose.

  “Ah, yes. We suspected as much. You believed that Storm and the young ones were your purpose.” The male shook his head. “They are indeed a part of your purpose. In fact, they are the motivation to ensure you fulfill your purpose. You, Ryder Cohen, are the new guardian of the book. We believe you will succeed where Nuada failed.”

  “It is all true?” Ryder felt as though the wind had been knocked out of him. Everything that had happened, it was all pre-destined.

  “Yes, Ryder.” A new voice answered him. Ryder shifted his gaze to the arrival, the Mystic. “Will you give my best to Storm. My purpose has been fulfilled.”

  Ryder forced himself to nod. The Mystic bowed his head respectfully and joined the Angel of Death.

  “Everything has happened as it should have, Immortal. Make her happy. You both deserve it.” The Mystic touched the Angel of Death and faded out of existence.

  “Guard the book well, Immortal. Tell the tale of Nuada and Morrigan to all who will listen. And most importantly, love your mate and your young above all others.” The Angel of Death raised a hand in farewell and vanished.

  Ryder fell against a nearby tree and breathed slowly for several minutes as the weight of everything crashed down on him with a vengeance.


  By nightfall the study, the hall, and the foyer were filled with injured supernats on makeshift cots and blankets. Angeline and Olivia had started compiling lists of the injured and the severity of their injuries. They’d worked up quite a system in a short time. The smell of burning flesh and wood and sulfur hung in the air from the bonfires outside and Storm was still working out a way to rid the house of the smell. That would have to wait she supposed.

  “Hello, Storm Sullivan.” Dorian’s cool voice carried across the room to where Storm was working on a shifter who’d been bitten by one of the were-hybrids. He seemed to be having some sort of reaction to the bite though Storm had not known the hybrids to be venomous.

  She stood and faced him, inclining her head formally. “Hello, Dorian. Are you well?” As far as she knew, Gregoire had not yet been found and that did not bode well in her mind.

  “I am well enough, thank you.” Dorian sauntered over, looking as collected as ever.

  “I am truly glad.” Storm smiled warmly. “Thank you, Dorian.”

  Dorian ignored her gratitude. “So you have succeeded in defeating the enemy?”

  “Yes.” Storm answered shortly, not sure where he was going with this.

  “I will be taking my leave but I am certain I shall see you again, Storm Sullivan.” Dorian bowed graciously.

  “I would like that, Dorian. Please visit whenever you wish and if you should ever need my aide, do not hesitate to call.” Storm inclined her head again, wondering if she should curtsy or something. Dorian simply spun on his heel and left the room.

  “That was awkward.” Lucian stepped closer to her, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

  “Not really.” Storm shook her head.

  “I found Watson’s body in the rubble and one of the vamps just told me that he saw Gregoire dusted in the meadow. And, I would guess that Dorian has heard about Angeline and Dan by now.” Lucian looked apologetic, “Dorian has lost everything in this war, Storm.”

  Storm frowned. Not good. The loss of Watson was not a surprise after seeing the damage to Willow Wood, and while Angeline’s choice had been a bit of a shock, she was glad for her friends. Storm hadn’t expected Dorian to lose his brother as well. Dammit. Something told her she would have some work to do to smooth things over with Dorian and she had no idea where to start. Wiping some stray hairs out of her face, Storm glanced around the room where many of their more grievously wounded now lay. “Have you found any more survivors?”

  “No, we are still digging. I think it is going to take weeks to clean this all up before we can even begin to rebuild anything.” Lucian grabbed a water bottle from their makeshift supply area and took a swig. “We really could use more help.”

  “Well, we can’t involve humans until all signs of the supernatural are gone.” Storm had been a part of the argument earlier and though it was not a popular decision, it had been agreed on that no humans would be involved for the time being.

  “We could if the vamps would agree to work their mind mojo on them.” Lucian pressed his main argument again.

rolled her eyes, “Luc, we’ve been over this. Not happening.”

  “Fine, fine. Just thought it would save us a whole lot of time. I think we all need a long vacation.”

  “Don’t I know it. I am thinking a beach and those drinks with the tiny umbrellas.” Storm grinned. “Believe me. It will happen. Tiny, colorful umbrellas.”

  Epilogue – The END


  She exhaled long and slow, relishing the feel of the sun on her toes. Autumn lay sprawled across her chest, sucking her thumb and sleeping soundly. Storm relaxed into the cushions of her sun chair and looked over to Sophia, positioned similarly with Ember curled on her chest, the Phoenix in a ball near her feet, and a lazy smile on her face. Her friend’s abdomen was just showing a gentle swell beneath her t-shirt and Storm smiled proudly to herself. Lucian and Ryder were fighting over the grill-master duties with Kell and Pollux who had finally regained their beefy physiques again though both carried a hollowness in their eyes that had not been there before. Storm’s eyes roved over the group gathered around her. Jordan and Frederick were tossing a Frisbee back and forth with two female shifters who had stayed on long after they’d been healed and showed no signs of departing now. The foursome shifted into various forms as they played, just to make it interesting they’d explained when she asked about it.

  A fresh breeze rolled over them and brought with it two more visitors. Dan and Shane landed nimbly at the foot of her sun chair. “Isn’t that the life?” Shane remarked sarcastically.

  “It is and I deserve every minute of it,” Storm retorted. Both men smiled, their beautiful faces as familiar as her own.

  “Indeed you do, Storm.” Dan stepped between the chairs, bent over and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “Is everybody here?”

  “Almost.” Storm surveyed her guests again. “We’re just waiting on my family.”


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