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Fighting Irish (Crime Kings Book 2)

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by May Gordon

  I throw on a pair of jeans and my boots and race downstairs. I fucking hate the feeling of waking up alone. The funny thing is that I always have. She told me last night she’s never slept in the same bed as a man, well I never have with a woman. And now I’ll never sleep without Molly from this day forward.

  I hit the bottom step and freeze when I hear her laugh. God it sounds incredible. Loud, full of life, and somehow you can hear the Irish in it. I smile and relax, glad she didn’t just disappear. She must be talking to Betty, my house manager. I walk to the kitchen and stop when I hear Novak's voice.

  “You’re joking, right?” He laughs.

  I let out a growl, not liking how familiar Novak seems with her. He’s one of my best friends, but women fall all over him, even if he never takes them up on it. He has a very open and friendly personality, but it’s all a cover. Only his closest friends know the pain he hides from the world.

  Regardless, I'm still jealous as hell that he’s laughing and being friendly with my Molly. I storm in and see her, Novak, Jack, and Ryan all sitting at the table.

  “What the fuck is this?” I revert to my grumpy asshole boss mode and stare at Novak “You weren't supposed to be here until next week,” I snap at him. He gives me a wide smile, knowing full well he’s pissing me off. I look at Jack and Ryan, at least they know well enough to wipe the grins off their faces. “And you two. Shouldn’t you be working?” I growl out.

  I feel Molly’s hand on my arm, which stops my tirade and I look down at her. “Good morning to you too husband. Can I get you some coffee or would you prefer to keep being an arsehole?” She asks with a sweet smile.

  Fuck, she must see me as some beast, coming down here and bitching at everyone, I didn’t even say anything to her. I face her, bracing my hands on her shoulders, then lean in and kiss her freckle dusted cheek. “Good morning, Molly,” I whisper in her ear before pulling back.

  “Good morning, Quinn.” She smirks, amused by my behaviour. “Coffee? Food?” She asks.

  “Yes, please.” I run my hands down her arms, loving the feeling of her skin under mine.

  “Sit and act human while I get you some breakfast.” She pulls out her chair for me and I glance around the table, catching amused looks from the three of them.

  “What?” I snap.

  “Relax Quinn. We’re just amazed that’s all,” Novak says with a smirk.

  “At fucking what?” I spit out.

  “Quinn,” Molly’s sharp voice cuts through the air. “Human.”

  There are quiet snickers from them. “That,” Novak says quietly. “Your wife has tamed the beastly Irish monk,” he adds with a chuckle.

  He’s right though. I’d kill anyone who dared talk to me that way, but when Molly does it makes me feel like we've been married for years, and I know it’s something she’ll continue to do.

  “You’re here early,” I point out, deciding to bypass the previous conversation.

  “I was already on my way, but then Jack called last night and told me all about Molly.”

  I glare at Jack. “Sorry boss, she was just too impressive not to talk about.” He grins.

  Suddenly a plate and coffee are set in front of me, and Molly sits beside me. The dish is filled with bacon, eggs, and fruit.

  “Molly, this is amazing.” She shrugs and smiles at me.

  “Eat up,” she encourages.

  She doesn’t have to tell me twice. “So why are you early? Something happened?” I ask Novak.

  “Yeah.” He takes a sip of coffee and looks pissed now. “My fight club was poisoned.” Well shit.

  “You got a thrower?” Molly asks. I turn to her and raise an eyebrow.

  “What’s that?” Novak asks before I can.

  “A person who makes a living throwing fights. They're like a sickness, and once they’re in, it’s hard to get them out,” she explains.

  “That’s exactly what I have,” Novak confirms. “And his boss lives here.”

  “Who is it?” I ask.

  “Ian Mallon.”

  Jack and Ryan groan at the same time.

  “So, you do know him?” Novak inquires.

  “Go pick up him or any of his men. Take them to the warehouse,” I order Jack and Ryan.

  “Thanks for breakfast, Molly,” Ryan smiles

  “You’re the best,” Jack says, making me growl. They bug out quickly.

  “So, who is he?” Novak asks again.

  “He does the same thing to a few of mine. He also tries to circulate his own loan sharks, and filled my club with fake bills,” I tell him as I finish eating.

  “Sounds like a bloody prick,” Molly comments, making me and Novak chuckle.

  “I need him gone. You do too from the sounds of it, so why keep him alive?” Novak asks.

  “He probably runs it from afar,” Molly supplies. Damn she’s smart. But I'm not surprised, she's been in the mob family her whole life.

  “She’s right, I’ve never gotten my hands on Mallon himself, and every time I take out one of his men, they’re just replaced.”

  “Well, your cancer is now spreading to my neck of the woods,” Novak huffs out.

  “I’ll find a way to get rid of him quickly. In the meantime, the inventory from Dunne is at the warehouse,” I tell him

  “I heard great things about your Grandfather,” he tells Molly.

  “He’s an impressive man and taught me a lot.” She smiles fondly.

  “I heard your uncle is also here?” I realize that I haven't seen Shane this morning.

  “Where is Shane?” I ask her.

  “He had some things to take care of,” she says like it’s no big deal, but I wonder about him. I haven't been able to get a read on him. “I have some suggestions about your thrower,” she says, turning the topic back to Ian.

  “What did you have in mind?” Novak sounds interested.

  Novak and I spend the next few minutes listening to Molly as she easily outlines a few plans to get Ian out of hiding. Fuck, she impresses the hell out of me. She’s a perfect Queen in every way. Novak looks at me once she’s done.

  “Well, damn. I don’t think I could be more impressed,” he comments, making me grin. “So, what are you doing slumming it with this unruly beast?” He jabs his thumb towards me, and now I’m glaring at him.

  “He doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to make his life a living hell,” she tells Novak with a smirk before winking at me.

  Novak and I burst out laughing, something I’ve only done a lot of in the short time Molly has come into my life.

  Chapter 5


  “Well, bloody hell. Granddad wasn’t kidding when he said he was cleaning house.” I walk around the massive warehouse full of guns, jewelry, and alcohol. It's everything he had.

  “Dunne was very generous.” Novak goes in deeper. “How much is it all worth?” He asks.

  “Twelve million,” Quinn supplies. I knew this, but Novak seems surprised.

  “That’s what I'm worth to make me an O’Sullivan bride.” I meant it as a joke, but when I turn to Quinn, I see his eyebrows pinch and a deep frown sets in. I guess he didn’t find it funny.

  “That’s a shitload of money. Your grandfather must’ve been eager to retire,” Novak says as he picks up a gun to inspect it.

  “Let's just say he wanted more from his legacy than being a mob family,” I explain.

  “And you had no interest in taking over?” Novak inquires. I notice Quinn’s interested in my answer as well.

  I shrug then tell them, “If granddad wanted me too, I would. But it’s not a role I’d like full-time.”

  “You’d be good at it.”

  “I know.” I smile at Novak, making him chuckle. Suddenly I feel my phone buzz, and see it’s my Granddad when I check the screen. “I’ll take this outside,” I announce then head for the door before they can comment.

  “Granddad,” I say with a smile once I'm outside.

  “Irish, I've heard your first f
ew days were adventurous.” Shane must’ve called him.

  “I was just exploring, and it's amazing here. Quinn’s fight clubs are impressive.”

  “He’s an impressive young man. I had a feeling you’d get along.”

  “Granddad, he’s hardly a young man. He’s thirty-four for bloody Christ.”

  “He is to this old man” he chuckles. “Riley and Seg were annoyed you missed the poker night.”

  “I left my pit winnings for them to have some fun on me.”

  “Giving them money isn't the same as you being there. They want a night with you when you come and visit.” I don’t comment on the fact he didn’t say when I come home.

  “Tell them to enjoy finally winning for now, but I'm cleaning them out when I get there.” He laughs again.

  “Love you, lass.”

  “Love you too.” I hang up and take a deep breath. I see an SUV pull up with Shane driving. I have no idea how he found me or this place, but he always does.

  “Good morning,” I smile at him.

  “Irish,” he says with a nod. “Inventory checks out?” He asks, seeming a wee bit tired, stressed. That’s not like him.

  “Yeah, the boyos are going over it now.” I pause and take a closer look at him. He seems off, not his usual self. “You okay?”

  He lets out a breath. “I’m fine, Irish, just trying to get my sate legs.”

  I haven’t stopped to think just how Shane is feeling about this significant change in our lives. He’s worked with the family since he was a teenager, climbing up the ranks over the years. Now he’s here, with no place and nothing to go home to.

  “Have you thought about what you wanted to do here? I’m sure if you asked Quinn he’d give you a position. He’d benefit from a man with your experience,” I suggest.

  He doesn’t look too impressed by it though.

  “Or go back to Ireland, retire like Granddad, enjoy your life.” It would pain me to see him leave, but he’s done so much for me, he deserves to enjoy himself now.

  He stares at me, like he has something to say but nods slowly instead. “Hopefully Quinn doesn’t give me a position that’s too degrading.”

  I should be happy he’s deciding to stay, but I feel like this isn’t what he really wants. He seems conflicted in some way. The warehouse door opens, and Quinn and Novak step out.

  “Novak, this is my Uncle Shane. Shane this is Novak, he controls California.” The men exchange handshakes and chat for a bit. I walk over to Quinn and gently pull him to the side. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything,” he says instantly, taking a step closer to me, completely invading my space. It’s a welcome invasion.

  “Where would Shane fit in with all this?”

  He pauses for a moment before asking, “What position does he want?”

  “I’m not sure, something like his station before though. All I’m asking is for you to have a conversation with him.”

  “Of course,” he instantly agrees. I smile and lean up to kiss him on the cheek. He smells incredible, and I want to curl up with him in bed. I remember where we are though, and take a step back.

  “Thank you, Quinn,” I say with a smile.

  Shane and Novak join us. “I’ll send my guys next week for part of the inventory and Lawson should be here in the next two weeks.”

  “Why not just send some men? He doesn’t need to come in person.” Quinn says.

  “He wants to meet your lovely wife,” Novak replies with a grin and Quinn rolls his eyes. “You and Cleo are cut from the same cloth,” he tells me.

  “Then she must be a remarkable woman,” I say.

  “Oh, she is, and I have a feeling you two will be fast friends.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “I’ll talk to you later. It was nice meeting you Shane,” Novak says then leaves.

  “Shane, I’m going to send you to Jack and Ryan at the Plaza Club. They’ll give you a rundown, maybe you can help with some security problems we’ve been having,” Quinn suggests.

  “Sounds right up my alley, O’Sullivan.” He nods then heads to his SUV and drives away.

  I turn to Quinn and ask, “What now?”

  He’s staring at me again like he’s deep in thought and whatever it is bothers him.

  “Well, spit it out already,” I push, knowing he wants to say something.

  He steps forward, running his hands up my arms to my neck and through my wild hair. He grabs a handful and tugs me even closer, pushing my head up towards him. My breasts are pressed against his hard chest, and I use my hands to brace myself on his massive arms.

  “I’d give everything I own and more to have you as my wife. You’re fucking priceless, more valuable than anything on this earth.” His voice is loud, earnest, and sincere. My heart is beating wildly in my chest, and his words fill me with love and passion for him.

  I grab his face and bring it down for a punishing kiss. He doesn’t hesitate and eagerly returns it. His soft lips and beard feel fantastic. I could kiss him all day. Wrapping my arms around him, his hands roam my back and squeeze my ass. The hardness of his cock sends a thrill through me, knowing I affect him this way. Eventually, we pull apart, both fighting for air. I can’t help but reach up and pet his beard.

  “That was fucking hot,” I breathe out. “We need to do that often.” Quinn chuckles and leans in close, our lips barely touching.

  “You won’t hear me disagreeing,” he growls and gives me a quick hard kiss. “Let’s get going. We have some business to attend to.”

  “We?” I question.

  “You and me. Husband and wife,” he clarifies.

  “All right then.” Quinn takes my hand as we walk to the SUV, ready to go to work.

  Chapter 6


  I watch Molly talk to Allen as she’s lays out a plan she told me and Novak this morning to get Ian out of hiding. She’s a natural leader, smart, tough as nails, and charming as fuck. I know she said being the boss wasn’t her thing, but she’d be damn good at it.

  “Do you have a specific man of Ian’s to target?” Allen asks Molly.

  “The one you’ve seen the most in the clubs. Give the shark the money to loan and when word gets around that Ian himself is dealing fakes, he’ll be burned. That’s the first step; the rest should fall into place quickly,” she explains.

  “Well damn, Mrs. O’Sullivan. You’re sure you want to be married to the big bad boss? I saw your moves the other night; you could clean house every weekend.” I give Allen a glare but all he does is grin at me.

  “How are things otherwise?” I ask him.

  “Same old same old. I’ll be over next week with the numbers.” He turns to Molly and says, “I’m sure you’ve seen a few spreadsheets like that.”

  “Oh, god yeah. I’d help with Dublin’s pit fighting numbers all the time.”

  “I look forward to seeing you again soon,” Allen says as he shakes her hand.

  “We’ll talk later,” I nod and grab Molly’s hand.

  “Bye, Allen,” she tells him with a wave.

  We walk up to the street together and back to my SUV.

  “What now?”

  “I thought we’d go shopping, buy some household stuff to make you feel at home.” I want her to be comfortable. “You also didn’t bring a lot of clothes, so I’m buying you more.” I practically demand of her.

  She lets out a giggle. “Be careful, Quinn. I could seriously test your bank account.”

  I smile and tell her, “Whatever you want to get, don’t worry about the rest.”

  “Dead on”

  And so, we spend the next few hours shopping. I was happy to find out she hated pink but true to her Irish heritage loves green. She has a casual clothing style, but I managed to talk her into some fancy clothes as well. We talked a lot again, something I find myself doing more than I have my whole before her. She whistles a lot, though I’ve become accustomed to it. She shared stories of Ireland, including o
ld tales her Granddad told her of the wise saviour who lived in the forest behind his cabin.

  We also spent a good forty-five minutes in the Victoria Secret’s dressing room making out while she tried lacey things on for me. It was hard not to just fuck her against the wall, but I didn’t want her first time, our first time, there.

  By the time we’re back at home, I have major blue balls, and a hard-on that hasn’t gone away since this afternoon. We unload our bags in the living room, and I dismiss my guards that are usually at the front and back doors, asking them to give us some extra space. The only thing on my mind at this point is getting Molly naked underneath me.

  “You hungry? I can make us something to eat,” Molly asks, taking her jacket off and draping it over the kitchen chair.

  “Starving,” I growl, and I’m not talking about food.

  Molly turns to me, a sexy grin playing on her face. “I don’t know how this works.” She then clarifies and says, “Sex.” She doesn’t seem scared, just honest, something I love about her.

  “I don’t know how it does either,” I tell her, wanting to be just as honest.

  “You’re not a virgin,” she states.

  “I’m not, I’ve had sex once. I was eighteen and it was a drunken mess to get it over with. I don’t remember a damn thing, and I’m so fucking glad for it because I want this to be my first experience. With you, my wife.” I hope she understands what I’m trying to say. If I knew she’d be mine, I would have waited, given her the gift she’ll give me.

  “So,” she lets out a breath, taking a step closer to me before continuing, “we’ll muddle through it together.”

  “We won’t muddle through shit. It’ll be fucking amazing between us.”

  She smiles sweetly at me and says “Let’s go upstairs.” Then she grabs my hand and leads me to our bedroom, shutting the door behind us. “You’ll let me know if I’m doing something wrong?” Again, not scared, but eager to do this right.

  “You could never do anything wrong,” I purr as I close the distance between us.


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