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Fighting Irish (Crime Kings Book 2)

Page 5

by May Gordon

  “I called Connor and asked him for it,” he supplies, answering my unasked question. “He also gave me his, said they belonged together.” He holds up his left hand, showing the worn gold band. “Like we do.”

  I should say something romantic in return, but me being me I punch him in the shoulder. “What the bloody hell took you so long?” I hiss out.

  “I’m sorry, Molly. I wanted you to get settled in, and after your first week and opening that gym, I knew you were making roots. Plus, it took time for Connor to mail them.” He grins.

  I can't help but smile as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down for a quick kiss. “I love you too,” I tell him.

  “I know,” he smirks. Again, I punch him, not that it does any good.

  “Well spit, don’t be an arse about it.”

  He laughs outright. “Careful, your Irish is showing.”

  I roll my eyes at him and say, “I have one request.”

  “Anything for you Molly, you know that.” He strokes my hair behind my ear.

  “I want a small ceremony in Ireland with my granddad there.” It’d mean a lot to him, me also.

  “Sounds like a plan.” He smiles and says, “You’re beautiful by the way,” then steps back to take a full look at me.

  “Thanks,” I blush, still amazed he can get me to do that. “I’ll get dinner ready.” I kiss him on the cheek and head downstairs.

  Lawson throughs his head back and laughs. Hard. Quinn grumbles taking a sip of his beer, and Cleo giggles, resting her hand on her pregnant belly. I just told them about the moment we met, which involved me punching Quinn in the face.

  “Would’ve paid big money to see that,” Lawson says, somewhat composed.

  “Talk about a match made in heaven,” Cleo chimes in. “So, it sounds like the gym is going well,” she says. We’ve just finished dessert and have been chatting like old friends.

  “Nothing better than beating the crap out of shithead boyo’s that need it.” They all chuckle. “In all seriousness, it’s wonderful. And I even think I found a few prospects for you,” I tell Quinn.

  “Well, if they survive you then they can handle me,” he says with a wink.

  “I think it’s great what you're doing. In Bulgaria, there were so many street kids with nothing to do but get into drugs and other types of trouble. What you’re doing is important work.” Cleo sends me a smile. I appreciate her comment, fully aware she knows firsthand because she grew up on the streets.

  “How about I show you the changes to the house you practically helped me choose.” She was my go-to for paint colour and curtains.

  “Sounds fun. This baby needs some exercise,” she grins as she starts to stand, and in an instant, Lawson is by her side helping her. “For god sakes Lawson, I'm only six months pregnant, I can still walk,” she playfully snaps.

  “You still need to be careful,” he argues.

  “If I can survive being kidnaped while pregnant, then I can easily handle a tour around the house,” she shoots back.

  “Don’t remind me,” he growls at her.

  I take that as our cue to leave and link my arm with hers, guiding her out of the dining room. “Let's go before he chains you to himself,” I say and hear Quinn and Cleo snort.

  We spend the next hour looking at the house and talking about babies. We share laughs and worries about the past and future. I realize then that I have a real friend in her, just like I do with everyone here. Before I came to Nevada, I had planned to stay here temporarily and lay low, but now I can't see myself ever leaving. This is my home now.

  Chapter 8


  Lawson and I move out to the back porch. He’s sipping his beer and I open another.

  “That’s your fifth and you barely drink. What’s wrong? You’ve been over the moon since she walked into your life,” Lawson says.

  I take a deep breath, finally letting it out. I should still be over the moon because today was one of the best of my life. My wife agreed to stay my wife, and she fucking loves me too. But I'm also worried about everything else that is happening and I’m hiding it from Molly on top of that.

  “Fuck,” I grunt out, getting frustrated just by thinking about it.

  “What is it?” Lawson pushes.

  “Shit is going down.”

  “You seem extra agitated. I'm guessing it has something to do with Kevin Murry and Molly?”

  “There is NO Kevin Murry and Molly,” I snap, ready to strangle him just by saying their name in the same sentence.

  He gives me a look. “Damn, I knew you loved her but it's still weird as hell seeing you gone over a woman.”

  “She’s not just any woman. She's my fucking wife.”

  “Geez man, you're too worked up to even have a conversation. Just tell me what’s up and how I can help. Novak and I are always here for you,” he pauses and adds, “Foster too.”

  “Where to begin?” I ask, then it all comes pouring out. “It all started a week after Molly got here. My man, Zed, who controls protection for the prostitutes was murdered, the haul from two of my loan sharks was stolen, Ian has all but disappeared, and if that wasn’t enough, I got a call from Murry himself declaring all-out war unless I give him Molly.”

  “And I'm guessing everything that has been going on is all Murry’s doing,” Lawson supplies.

  “Of course. Connor said he got the same threat. Apparently, he’s obsessed with ruling the underworld of Ireland, and wants Molly as his wife.” I feel the anger boiling inside me just thinking about it.

  “Why?” He asks. “Do they have a hist-“ I glare at him before he can finish his sentence.

  “The Dunne family has controlled it for a very long time and having one as his wife would allow him to hold onto the connection and they’ll most likely work with him when he takes over,” I explain.

  “So, he thinks he can screw with you and you’ll what? Give her up?” He chuckles. “He obviously hasn’t spent a damn minute with that woman.”

  “He hasn’t. And to make matter worse, we can't find him.”


  “Connor and me. He’s sure he's no longer in Ireland and Our only assumption is he’s headed here, or has probably already arrived.”

  “And Molly knows none of this?” He asks, judgment clear on his face.

  “Oh, fuck off. You did the same thing to Cleo to keep her safe,” I remind him. “I fucking hate how I can't even track the bastard.”

  “You know who can?” He asks and I shake my head. “Foster” he supplies.

  “No shit?”

  “He has a gift for it. Both Novak and I have used him to track guys that ran off in his territory.” Now that I think about it I recall them mentioning something about it.

  I whip out my phone and dial Foster, putting it on speaker.

  “Irish.” Foster’s grumpy voice answers and I smile instantly, just remembering that’s what he calls me, and it’s also my Molly’s nickname. “I hear congratulations are in order. And condolences to the woman who married you.”

  Lawson chuckles and I roll my eyes as he says, “Foster, you’ll love her. She reminds me of Cleo but think pure bred Irish and a professional fighter.”

  He whistles on the other end. “An Irish for the Irish. Knew it would take someone big to take the fucker down.” He laughs.

  “Well, this fucker needs your help,” I snap, annoyed by all the talk about my wife.

  “What do you need?” He‘s all business now. Since Cleo’s kidnapping our alliance with Foster has been going very well and he’s always helpful when we need him.

  I explain the situation and what I want him to do.

  “I’ll leave tonight, better to get this shit over with,” he explains.

  “Thanks, Foster. Talk to you soon.” And I hang up. “I suggest you stay out of this,” I tell Lawson.

  “Why? I want to help,” he demands.

  “You need to think of Cleo. She's pregnant, you need to keep her safe.”r />
  “The guys can while I come back and help,” he tries again.

  “No man. Leave it to me and Foster. If I need more, I’ll call you and Novak,” I assure him.

  “So, you're leaving Novak out too?” He seems surprised.

  “For now. You know he’s going through some things again.” I know I don’t have to go into any more detail than that.

  He nods in agreement. “Fine, but don’t hesitate to call us. Or I’ll kick your ass.” I can't help but chuckle at him since I probably have thirty pounds and two inches on him.

  The girls walk out just then, full of laughter. I can't help but smile at Molly’s happiness. She and Cleo seem like best friends already. We wrap up the evening and say bye to Cleo and Lawson.

  When we get to our bedroom, I slowly start peeling off her clothes. After talking to Lawson and Foster about Murry I’m wound up. My craving for her runs deep, and I need to know she’s safe with me, that she’s mine.

  After we’re both naked, we fall to the bed, tangled up in each other. “Quinn,” Molly moans, pulling back from our make out session. “Are you okay?” I guess I can't hide my feelings as well as I thought.

  “Yeah,” I smile down at her. “I just need my wife.” I assure her. “I love you.”

  With her red hair spread across our bed, naked for me to see and taste all of her, how can I not need her? But it's not just physical, it's emotional as well. She completes me.

  “I love you too.” And with those words she’s sealed her fate. She’s never leaving me. No matter what, she’s mine forever.

  Chapter 9


  I hear the alarm and turn away from Molly, still wrapped in my arms, with a low groan to turn it off.

  “Fuck,” I grunt out. It feels early, but that could be because Molly and I were up late making love as if we couldn’t get enough of each other.

  I hear Molly giggle and pull her in closer. “Our kids' first words will be fuck if you don’t get a handle on it boyo.”

  I grin and roll over, covering her with my body. “You’re thinking about us having children?” I'm so fucking giddy about it. Me, excited about children. I know I think about it every time we make love.

  “Maybe.” She pets my beard and strokes my face. “But I’m telling you now if it is, I’ll be bloody steamed.” I chuckle and take her lips with mine.

  Eventually, we make it downstairs, and of course, Jack and Ryan are already sitting at the kitchen table.

  “Good morning,” Molly greets them which they return as she starts making breakfast.

  “Fuck,” I mutter, and join them. “What the hell are you guys doing here again?” I grumble.

  “Quinn,” I hear Molly behind me with a scolding voice.

  They both snicker at me, and I roll my eyes. They never came over to eat before, but since Molly moved in, they’ve been coming by more and more, probably for her cooking. The only reason I put up with it is that I know Molly enjoys their company.

  “How did the rest of the boyo’s do last night?” She asks the guys.

  “Well, you were right about the few you mentioned. Great potential to work for us,” Ryan says.

  “Told you, and Tommy would be a great enforcer in a few years,” she adds, coming to the table with coffee and mugs.

  “I’d be more than happy to take him under my wing if that’s okay with you, boss,” Jack says.

  “If Molly says they’re good, then they are,” I tell them, taking a sip.

  We spend breakfast going over the business and talking about Molly’s gym. They both know something is going on, but I haven't told them about Murry yet. I’ll wait until Foster gets here before I do. Molly jokes and laughs with Jack and Ryan about various things, even cracking me up a few times. After we’re done, we talk about today's tasks, and Shane walks in.

  “Hey. You missed breakfast but I can make you a plate.” Molly smiles when he takes a seat.

  “Thanks, Irish but I'm good,” he tells her. “All ready for today O’Sullivan,” he says. We had a conversation last night. He wants more to do and I don’t blame him. His work with the sharks has been impeccable. He’s been in the business longer than I have and worked under Connor Dunne himself. I’d be a fool not to use his help on more delicate jobs.

  “You guys running that job together?” Molly asks.

  “Yeah. Shane is going to be the new middleman for Chen,” I tell her.

  “Good to hear.” She generally sounds happy about the news.

  “What are you plans today?” I ask her.

  “A training session most of the time, and there’s new equipment coming. Betty is making a big dinner for all the boys.” It sounds like a busy day, but I like how excited she sounds when talking about her gym.

  We all get up and head to our cars, though I stop Molly in the front entrance.

  “I’ll text you later. Maybe I can come by and have dinner.” I gather her in my arms and lean down and give her a passionate kiss which she easily returns. When we pull back, I smell her curly red mane. Just like her, it’s sweet and spicy, and I'm addicted to it. “Make sure you take Dave if you leave the gym,” I warn her.

  “What’s with the personal bodyguard all of a sudden? Something going on I should know about?” I know this should be the time I tell her everything, but again, I think I should wait until Foster gets here.

  “You know me, just a crazy, possessive bastard.” It's not a lie, but I feel like shit keeping stuff from her. Foster is due tonight, so I’ll come clean then.

  “All right,” she sighs, sounding like she doesn’t quite believe me but doesn’t push either. “I love you.” It takes my breath away. I still can't believe a beautiful woman like her can, but she does.

  “I love you too.” And because I can't help myself with her, I lean in and give her one more kiss.

  “Talk to you soon. Have a good day husband.” She gives me a cheeky grin as she walks to her car. “Stay out of trouble.”

  “Easy to do when you're taking all of it with you.” She sticks her tongue out as she gets starts pulling away, Dave in his SUV following her.

  I walk to mine where Shane is waiting. “Ready?” He asks, looking up from his phone.

  I grunt my yes and go to my side as Shane gets into the passenger seat. We drive to the meeting place I set up with Chen’s men.

  “You keep Chen’s business in a small circle,” Shane comments.

  “My business with him is intuitive, and he’s very paranoid. He only trusts me, but if I can get him to let you in, then you’ll be our middleman.”

  “What are the specifics of the deal?” He asks.

  “I trade high-class drugs for blank passports.”

  “But you’re not in the drug trade,” he states.

  “No, but Chen has enough money and he wants unique drugs. Something he can't get in Japan.”

  “What do you do with the passports?” He’s full of questions now, but I guess he’s trying to get the lay of the land.

  “I always keep a few in case one of my men need to get out of the country. The rest we sell for about fifty thousand each.”

  “Shit, that’s a lot, and how much drugs do you trade?” He sounds amazed.

  “Only thirty worth for twenty passports.”

  “Talk about a steal,” he muses.

  “I can’t guarantee he’ll talk, he might want nothing to do with you. But if he likes you it would be a great asset to have you handling it.”

  All he does is nod and looks out the window. We drive in silence, but there’s a charge in the air. Over the last month, I came to like Shane. He’s obviously protective of Molly and she’s told me so many stories about him it’s hard not to, but I feel like there’s something else about him. I can't read him thoroughly, and maybe it’s because he has such a deep relationship with Molly and I don’t like that. His work for me thus far has been impeccable, and he’d make a great middleman for Chen if he likes him. Perhaps over time, we can find a friendship between us

  Soon we pull up at the warehouse for the meeting. “Chen already here?” Shane asks.

  “No. He always sends his advance team first, then once I get here he comes. He’s always close by and takes every precaution necessary when it comes to his safety.”

  He doesn’t say anything but nods as we get out and head to the warehouse. I look around the building, finding nothing alarming. I open the door and walk in, Shane close behind me. As soon as I step through darkness awaits us and I know something is off in an instant. The light turns on, and I see the carnage in front of me.

  Chen’s men are all dead, slaughtered. Then he steps out from the crates, Kevin Murry in the flesh, along with a large group of his men, ten maybe twelve of them. I quickly reach for my Beretta in the back of my pants, but feel the butt of a gun suddenly pressed against my head.

  Shane. He grabs my gun before I can.

  “Shane, what the fuck?” I growl out, shocked.

  “Surprised, huh? He works for me, O’Sullivan,” Murry laughs. “I warned you there’d be hell to pay if you didn’t give me my woman.”

  “She’s my wife,” I snap at him. I don’t know what shocks me more. Murry getting the drop on Chen’s men or Shane betraying Molly. I think the latter for sure.

  “Not for long, once you’re dead she’ll see the light. Besides that old bat only shipped her over here to get her away from me,” he smirks.

  “Shane. What the fuck is this? How could you do this to Molly? You know she’s happy here. With me.”

  I turn my head to stare at him, his gun still pointed at my head. The look in his eyes is something I’ve never seen before in him, but there’s more. I see it. Regret, guilt, shame.

  “Don’t do this. It’ll break Molly’s heart, and you know it.” I try to play on his feeling for her.


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