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Inoculation Zero: Welcome to the Stone Age

Page 24

by Ison, S. A.

  “That is crazy. That’s stealing,” Kelly said, her voice heavy with indignation.

  “It is stealing, under the guise of government. Kenny said they are resisting, and several skirmishes have broken out. But now that the snow is here, they will have to wait until spring to do their dirty work.”

  “Bastards,” was all Kelly could say.

  “Kenny said he wanted to trade for Hope, and also trade for Chance’s stud services in the spring,” Tim said, changing the subject.

  “I’m not sure I want Hope to go,” Kelly said, looking over at the sleeping puppy.

  “You don’t have to make a decision now, but you might want to think about it. When they get grown, it is going to get awfully crowded in here. You also don’t want Chance to breed with her.”

  “Ewww.” Kelly wrinkled her nose. “I know you are right. I guess keeping mother and son will have to do.”

  Kelly laid her head on Tim’s shoulder, and sighed.

  “What?” Tim asked.

  “Oh, just that even though the world has gone to hell in a hand basket, I’m happy. I don’t mean happy that the world has crumbled to hell, but just happy, here, with you and the dogs.”

  Tim laughed, “Yeah, I know what you mean. I’d have called you a liar if you’d told me a year ago we would be sitting here literally alone in the world, and happy.”

  “It’s strange, but I can’t help but wonder how many people have died, either by the virus or by loss of everything? And after a few years, only a few will have survived while the rest of the world has died. The earth will reclaim most of the land because there won’t be enough people to rebuild it like it was.”

  “True, but the way we were heading, we were bound to destroy it one way or the other.” Tim said, bringing up their clasped hands and kissing her knuckles.

  Kelly squeezed his hand. “I hope those who have survived are able to find happiness. There won’t be a lot out there for a while. And maybe the human race will rebuild itself in a few hundred years. But if it does, I hope it isn’t as stupid as it is now.”

  “Amen sister, Amen!” Tim laughed, and hugged Kelly to him.


  Winter is a bitch. The wind can cut through stone and brick, steel and glass in the cities and towns. Now most places sit quietly, waiting for spring. Around the world, people picked up and survived, some by violence, some by hard work. Vast landscapes are now devoid of human presence. The Ebola strain still moves, striking down those foolish enough to dig up old bones.

  Some survive and some thrive. Between pestilence, starvation and the deadly cold of a long winter, much of humanity will die. They died by the millions in the United States alone. Around the world it is the same; there is no recovery any time soon. Technology is dead. Humankind has to begin again. Welcome to the Stone Age.




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