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Deathly Magic

Page 7

by Kessler, A. L.

  "Be careful. I'll see you later tonight. Would you like me to just bring the Hummer down to you?"

  He wouldn't need a ride back since he was a vampire, he had the ability to just poof himself anywhere. Some days I was envious. "That would be wonderful. And of course I'll be careful, I'll text you when I get back."

  He disconnected and I put the phone on the bed before finding my pantyhose. They were evil things, but they'd be needed with the heels and dress. I sat on the bed and pulled them on, making sure that the fabric was smooth over my legs.

  I took a moment to call Oliver. It rang a couple times before he picked up.

  "You missing our meeting tonight is not acceptable, Abigail."

  I hated the way his voice sounded when he was saying my name. "I've had enough practice today. My car blew up and I was able to contain the blast so another agent didn't get hurt."

  "That is impressive, but you still need more practice."

  I went into the bathroom and pulled out my blow dryer and the hair product I'd need to do my hair. I needed to cut this phone call short so I could finish getting ready. "Duty calls tonight. I will be up there once this month, but we have murders and missing people." He didn't need to know that second one wasn't an actual PIB case. If he had bugged my phone, then he already knew.

  "As long as you do. I'll see you at the press conference tomorrow." He hung up and I wrinkled my nose. I wasn't looking forward to the press conference and I wasn't sure if I wanted him there. He'd been acting more like the proud uncle since he'd started working with me. I didn't know if he was trying to make up for the last twenty years or what, but some days it weirded me out.

  I unwrapped the towel from my hair and ran a comb through the waves. With my hair wet it looked almost straight thanks to the weight of the water, but as soon as it dried it'd be back to the crazy waves. I pushed Oliver and Levi out of my mind and went to work on my hair.

  By the time I was done, I had half my hair pulled up and the rest tumbling down. I walked into the bedroom and noticed that the cat had disappeared somewhere. I wasn't going to question; he seemed awfully modest for a cat. I pulled the blue dress out of the closet and took a deep breath. It had been a long time since I had worn it. I pulled the protective plastic off it and looked it over. Form fitting, with elegant draping. I took it off the hanger and slid it up over my hips and slid my arms through the short sleeves. They were too thick to call straps, but barely covered my shoulders.

  I contorted my arm and wiggled enough to get the zipper in the back pulled up. I looked in the mirror and studied myself. I was out of my element, but I sure did clean up nicely. I was already tall, so the heels Clarissa and I chose weren't horribly high. The straps wrapped around my ankles and with them, I'd be just about as tall as Simon. I suddenly found myself happy that he was taller than me.

  A knocked at the door sounded through the house and I knew that Simon had arrived. Grabbing my little black purse, I walked to the door and swung it open. Simon stood with his arm posed to knock again. His black suit was tailored to his body, his black tie and shoes matched perfectly.

  His eyes widened just a touch and I pressed my lips together. "Too fancy?" I asked, not sure how to read his reaction.

  "Oh no, you look beautiful. I think you are going to put me to shame." He offered me his arm. "Ready?"

  I took the offered arm and stepped out. I turned to lock up the house and wondered if it was a mistake leaving my bag. My badge was in my purse, but my gun wouldn't have fit. Simon gave my arm a gentle squeeze. "There's no need to be nervous."

  That was easy for him to say. "Let's try to enjoy our evening," I said with a smile.

  He led me to the car and opened the door for me. I got in and he came around and sat in the driver's side. "You really do look beautiful. I don't think I've seen your hair in anything other than a mess of a ponytail."

  That wasn't true, but I knew he was trying to compliment me. "Thank you. You look very handsome tonight. As long as I don't have to run, I think I'll be able to survive the night in heels."

  "They aren't even that tall." He teased.

  I snorted. "Doesn't mean I can run in them."

  He started the car and backed out of my driveway. "Okay, no running tonight, got it?"

  I settled into the seat and watched the lights go by as he drove us downtown.

  We pulled up to The Ritz and got out. Simon handed his keys to the valet and took my arm as we walked in. I had been worried that I'd be over dressed, but every woman there outshined me in an instant. Dresses of different colors spotted the crowd while the men wore mostly black suits. They were all dressed to the nines and I could feel the energy that werewolves put off pulsing against me. My mind flashed back to the first time I met this pack. Most of them had been dressed in old clothes, expecting to shift. Now they were around me looking like they were millionaires.

  I swallowed and Simon put a hand on the small of my back. I tried not to jump at that small touch. I glanced at him over my shoulder and he motioned for me to continue on. I started walking through the crowd until Greg stepped in front of me.

  "Simon, I wasn't aware you were bringing a date." Greg's voice was even. His gaze was all for Simon, not me. That irritated a little part of me, but I knew it was because he was surrounded by his people, and there was no way that he was going to acknowledge me as equal.

  Simon placed his hand on my hip. "Is that a problem?"

  "No, but I wish you would have told me it was Abigail." Greg finally met my gaze. "I hope you intend on staying out of trouble?"

  "As long as your people don't plan on eating me." I said in as sweet of a voice I could muster.

  Greg's nostrils flared slightly and he spun to walk away, but a woman and man stepped in front of him. The woman was taller than me, but one look at her stiletto heels and I knew that when the shoes came off I'd be the one left with the height. Her dress was blood red and matched her lipstick and her perfectly painted fake nails. Her black hair was piled on her head in a fancy up-do. I found myself wondering if the hair was fake as well, but I kept a polite smile on my face.

  Her counterpart was dressed just as well and his red tie matched her dress. He was skinny and lanky and if I hadn't known he was a werewolf, I wouldn't have thought of him as a threat. His brown hair was cut in no nonsense style that left his brown eyes clear.

  "Abigail, this is Mina and Paul, the alpha and queen of the pack from the next territory over."

  I smiled at them, unsure if I was supposed to offer my hand or my neck. I chose hand.

  "Neck, Abby." Greg growled under his breath.

  "Now, now, Gregory. She's human. If you want to make sure they feel welcome at events, they need to not follow such formal rules." Mina stepped up and took my hand.

  Magic shot through me and I almost fell to a knee. She wasn't a shifter; she was a witch and one that wanted to make sure I knew. I shook her hand and pulled away. I resisted the urge to wipe my palm in an attempt to get rid of any aura residue on me. "A pleasure to meet you and your mate."

  Paul offered me his hand and when I took it I felt nothing but the nature of his beast. "Likewise. I'm glad that Simon decided to bring you. No one else brought someone who was human."

  I was not completely human by some people's definition; there was a reason that people used to burn witches. "I'm glad as well. He told me a bit about why you two are here. I think it's a noble goal. As a PIB agent, I always appreciate when supernatural creatures want to work with us and not against."

  "Oh, you're that Abigail." Mina said and gave a little clap. "How wonderful to have you here tonight." Her smile made her look a little bit wild and I suddenly thought I was on the menu for tonight.

  My phone vibrated in my little purse. I checked it and saw Mason's angry profile picture show up on my screen. I gave an apologetic look. "Excuse me, I have to take this one." I rushed out the door as fast as I could and answered it. "Thank God, you just saved me from an awkward conversation."
/>   "Are you on a date?" Mason's voice sounded amused. "I can call back tomorrow if you'd like."

  "Are there dead bodies involved?" I asked. I would consider bailing on Simon for dead bodies. Especially if it meant not playing nice with Witchy McCreepy in there.

  "Yes, two of them, same MO as the ones found in the lake." His voice went back to being serious. "They were found on a hiking trail in God's Garden." God's Garden was a popular free-to-the-public park known for the rock climbing and hiking trails.

  "Bit late for hiking, isn't it?" I glanced up at the half full moon.

  He sighed. "It was a troop of girl scouts out for a night hike."

  Those poor kids. "I don't have a car, in case Nick didn't tell you."

  "Yeah, he told me. I want you to take the bodies on this one. I'll send Jason to pick you up on his way there. Where are you?"

  I grumbled. "Has Jason been cleared by anyone? Do we know for sure he's not going to try to drug or kill me?"

  "I gave him my personal seal of approval. He's my nephew." He chuckled. "But don't tell anyone. He wanted to make sure he got the job on his own merit."

  I hadn't known that, it did make things easier. "I'm at the Ritz. Have him pick me up, that'll give me a few minutes to explain to Simon where I'm going."

  "The Ritz is hosting a pack thing tonight. One of my security buddies is working it. What are you involved in, Abby?"

  "Nothing, just here on a date." I promised, and that was my intention. I disconnected my phone. I was glad that I had at least put my badge in my little purse.

  I walked back in to find Simon talking to Greg. It sounded heated, but I couldn't hear the words over the white noise of the crowd. "Hey, I'm sorry, that was Detective Mason, we have two more bodies. He doesn't trust Nick enough to look over this set."

  "So you have to go." Simon sighed and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry."

  "I think it's for the best. The pack doesn't really like you here and you have more than enough on your plate." Greg snapped.

  I nodded. "True. Do you wish to speak outside?" I asked quietly.

  He shook his head. "Not here, call me tomorrow with what news you have." He spun and wove his way through the crowd.

  I turned back to Simon. "I didn't get you in trouble, did I?"

  "No, he's just angry about me bringing an agent into our squabble." Simon shrugged and started to lead me through the crowd. "I'll take you down to the office."

  "Thanks, but the M.E. is picking me up on his way to take the bodies there."

  He blinked and opened his mouth to speak before closing it. Finally he said, "Are you sure?"

  "Yes. It's okay, Mason trusts him. I'll be fine. You go back in and appease your pack master." I smiled. "I'm going to stay out here, far away from Mina."

  "Why?" He touched my cheek so I'd meet his gaze.

  I shook my head. "I'll fill you in later. Just go."

  He nodded and walked back in. With all the interruptions, I wondered if this was the Goddess' way of telling us that we weren't supposed to be together.


  The valets all looked at each other as a big white van pulled up. A man in blue scrubs jumped out and waved at them. He grinned at their confusion and walked over to me. "You must be Abigail." He held his hand out.

  I shook his hand. He was young, like me, and that was a nice change from the older M.E.s who had been filling in for the last few months. "You must be Jason."

  "Yes, ma'am. Come on, let's get Bennie and Maggie back to the morgue so you can take a look."

  I blinked a few times. "You named the victims?" I couldn't keep the astonishment out of my voice. What kind of person named murder victims? I followed him back to the van. I hiked my dress up a little bit to climb in and found myself wishing someone had told Mason that I was supposed to have the day off.

  "No, we found IDs on them." He chuckled. "Naming dead bodies would be silly." Yet, somehow calling them by their given names still made me shake my head. I shut the door and rearranged my dress. The idea that there was identification on the victims this time gave me more confidence. Maybe now that all six bodies were identified we could find a connection.

  "Detective Mason said if anyone was going to be able to solve this, it'd be you. He's heard Nick's theory on it all and isn't impressed."

  I groaned. "Please don't tell me Nick pitched his zombie theory to Mason?" I put a hand over my eyes. My partner was going to ruin any progress he had made with Mason.

  "Sure did." He drove the van out of the parking lot. "Nick's a nice guy, but I've heard that you're the best. I was hoping you'd come to check the first bodies out."

  "Yeah, Nick wanted it, sorry. Heard it went quick though, Nick said you had a hot date."

  I saw him blush in the light of the street lamps. "How was it?" I asked. I was just making small talk. It wasn't normal for me, but if he was Mason's nephew I could at least make an effort.

  "It wasn't really a date. I had to get to the bank before she got off. I wanted to ask her out." His grip tightened on the steering wheel. "Turns out that I'm a giant chicken, so I wrote her a note and slipped it to her at the bank. Apparently that's something that's frowned upon."

  I pressed my lips together trying not to laugh. I thought it was cute, but it wasn't very well thought out. "I don't imagine so. Did you get arrested?"

  "No, I was escorted out and searched for weapons. It was embarrassing. I'm switching banks now." He muttered.

  "Maybe she thought it was cute?" I offered. We pulled up to the morgue and he started to back the van into the dock.

  "Agent Collins, the woman thought she was being robbed. There's nothing cute about that." He said and met my gaze. "Go get checked in at the desk. It'll take me a bit to get the bodies unloaded."

  I slid out of the van and made my way to the front of the building. This was not how I had pictured my night going. I got inside and fished out my badge and identification from my clutch. I saw the receptionist tapping away on the computer. She took a moment and then looked up at me.

  "Bit fancy to be at the morgue aren't you?" Had her voice not been light, I would have taken offense.

  I handed her my badge and ID. "Didn't you know? I have a hot date with a couple of stiffs."

  She wrote something down on a paper and then handed me my items back. "Well, Agent Collins, you're all signed in. Your date awaits." She gave a grand wave to the hall to the right.

  "Thanks." I put my stuff back in the purse and walked down the glaring white hallway. I came to a door that was open. Jason stood inside looking over the two bodies. They hadn't even been stripped yet. I walked in and put my purse on the steel counter against the wall.

  Mason had been right. These people had their throats torn out. I kicked my heels off and looked at Jason. "Do you have an extra apron or a pair of scrubs?"

  "Yeah, let me grab them." He slipped out of the room and I walked up to the table. I didn't have the medical training to do the autopsy but examining the wounds and the bodies could get messy and I really didn’t want to do it in my dress. I walked around the table while I waited. Bennie and Maggie were two middle-aged people with brown hair, no visible distinguishing marks on their skin and both average height and weight, not skinny, not obese. I noted a ring on her left hand and a band on his. A married couple, 'til death do us part.

  Jason walked in and handed me a pair of scrubs. "Notice anything? Detective Mason told me not to share too much, said it screws you up."

  "I don't like getting other people's perceptions of the crime. They were married, I would assume to each other since they were found together." I slipped the scrubs over my dress and did a little dance so I could unzip the dress and pull it down without revealing anything to Jason. I slipped the pants on under the skirt and wiggled the whole thing off. I folded it and put it with my heels.

  I went back to the bodies and examined the clothing. Both wore casual clothing, jeans and a t-shirt. The woman wore one of those shirts that came in right at the w
aistline. "They were found at God's Garden, my guess is they were up there for a walk. Judging by the shoes, I'd say it was on the basic paths, there's not a whole lot of red dirt." The place was almost all red rock and dirt.

  "We found them stashed between two climbing rocks." He grabbed a notebook off the counter.

  That didn't sound pleasant. I didn't know any creature that would kill something and hide it, not any that would be considered out of control. No, this killer knew what they were doing. "I'm assuming Nick is combing the crime scene?"

  Jason bobbed his head behind the notebook. "Yeah. He wasn't happy about not getting to look at the bodies here. Said something about today supposedly being a day off for you."

  "Apparently that only applies to the hours that the sun is up." I held my hand out. "Gloves? I want to take a closer look at the wounds."

  He put the notebook down and grabbed a pair of blue medical gloves for me. I slid them on and went to look at the first victim's neck. There was a strange thin tan line on her skin. "She wore a necklace of some sort, I wonder if she lost it during the attack. She wore it enough to get a tan line." I used my fingers to probe the wounds on her throat. "More teeth marks, I'm betting these ones come back human as well." I followed the tan line around the neck and saw bruising from where it had been pulled off and snapped.

  "Cannibals." Jason said, I looked up and met his gaze. I was glad to see he was smiling and trying to hold in laughter. "It was just a theory."

  "Yeah, zombies and cannibals, the city has gone crazy." I shook my head and my finger touched something hard. I prayed it wasn't bone. My finger curled around it and I pulled it out. The yellowish lump could be seen through the streaks of blood. Jason brought me a little metal dish and I dropped the mass in it.

  "I think that's a tooth."

  My stomach churned suddenly and I had to remind myself to breathe. I blew out a breath. "Did you take a cast of the teeth marks of the last victims?"

  "I did, we haven't run them through dental yet."

  I looked at the two bodies in front of me. "Run them, get a cast of these ones. I want to know if we're dealing with the same person." What I wanted to say was the same monster, but I resisted. I tried to view everyone as a person, at least until they were proven to be monsters.


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