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A Broken Beautiful Beginning

Page 5

by Sophie Summers

  Suddenly hearing Avery’s voice does the trick though. I am no longer horny or hard. I don’t know what the fuck the girl is doing here but I really need her to stay away from Harley.


  I wave to Jesse when I see him standing next to Owen, the bouncer-cross-security guy Daddy hired to make sure no trouble happens at the club whenever he isn’t there to watch over it.

  We say our hello’s to Owen before he escorts us inside to one of the booth areas. Anna finally convinced my father to hire a couple of students from the nearby college to work at the bar temporarily whenever they were out of town. Jesse is now head barman and tonight is the first time we actually get to enjoy the bar without working behind it. Jesse still keeps a close eye on the staff though.

  Brent heads over to the bar to get all of us drinks and something non-alcoholic for himself.

  The crowd is young and noisy tonight and people have even started dancing near the little stage where a DJ is playing some track that has heavy base, I haven’t been keeping up with what’s new so I have no idea whose singing but it’s loud and the beat just makes you want to move your body.

  I dance with Jesse most of the evening because apparently Caleb doesn’t dance. This I find hard to believe because the old Caleb used to dance so I have no idea when the no dancing thing happened. I still feel his eyes on me wherever I go and this makes him not wanting to dance a little easier to digest.

  Caleb, Jesse and I do shots and already after the first two I can feel the alcohol working its magic. I’m giggly and hyperactive and feeling like my young self with no worries in the world.

  Haven’t laughed this much in a very long time!

  Jesse and I are making our way back up to the booth when I hear a high pitched squeal. I look up just in time to see a girl jump into Caleb’s arms, that’s not what confuses me though. The part where Caleb throws his arms around her and swings her around as he chuckles sure does fuck with my head.

  “What the hell?” Jesse says standing by my side.

  The girl pulls away from Caleb then tugs him into a hug again. When she pulls away this time I look her over.

  Fucking gorgeous!

  She has blond hair like me but the tips are dipped blue. She’s tall and even though she’s thin, she still has a lush body. She has a mini skirt on paired with a band shirt. She puts my “rock look” to shame and the girl even has sneakers on. I know just by looking at her that she doesn’t have to try hard to look good.

  She’s every girlfriend’s biggest fucking nightmare.

  “I’ve missed you so much!” She says happily holding onto his bicep and standing a little too close for my comfort. At this point jealousy runs wild within me. Caleb looks down at her fondly and doesn’t bother to remove her hand or even back away from her. My disappointment in him is a feeling I know all too well.

  “It’s probably not as bad as it looks Harlz.” Jesse leans down and whispers in my ear.

  “It’s good to see you, you’re looking good Avery.” Caleb says looking her over.

  I turn to Jesse and give him a defeated look, “Right….” I mumble and head around the two making my way to the table to collect my bag and get the hell outta here.

  “Harley!” I hear Caleb’s voice call out. I turn and give him a little smile afraid I may just burst into tears. I walk up to them and smile at the pretty woman. Caleb doesn’t even pull me close like he usually does either.

  “Harley, this is Avery. Avery this is …uh… this is Harley.” He says sounding nervous, what he doesn’t say is that I’m his girl and the mother of his child.

  She smiles as she looks down at me and I can tell it’s a genuine smile. Her eyes are glazed over though and I can tell she’s on some serious high. The way she looks at me is as if she knows me or has met me before is freaking me out a little, I’ve never seen this woman in my life. Her beauty is something to remember. Why can’t she be a bitch? Argh…why? I internally groan but make sure a smile is plastered on my face.

  “Why don’t you come over and join us for a drink?” I hear Brent call out from behind us.

  He’s eyeing her lustfully but Avery doesn’t look in the slightest bit interested, her eyes are fixated on Caleb and his movements.

  She walks over to our booth anyway and eases herself on the other side to where Caleb sits. I sit and down the fruity drink Jesse bought me earlier. Caleb fidgets in his seat as if he’s uncomfortable.

  Brent can’t help but butt into the conversation Caleb and Avery are having. The two seem to be catching up, laughing and joking as if they’re old buddies. Avery is so absorbed by Caleb she too doesn’t even notice me and I don’t think Caleb even realizes he’s ignoring me. I can hear myself whining and I know I’m probably overacting and should give him the benefit of the doubt but the way he’s ignoring me is really pissing on my battery.

  Jesse nudges me then interrupts their conversation, “So how do you guys know each other?”

  Avery giggles and Caleb scratches his head looking really uneasy, I notice the blush on her face and it only makes her more beautiful, “Uh… we dated for a while.” She smiles and looks back at Caleb, his eyes are fixated on the whiskey glass in his hands, most probably reminiscing about their time together.

  I clench my jaw and hold my tongue.

  “We stayed friends after though…” she looks at him again then looks back at Jesse. “Good friends.” And a pin pricks my little happy love bubble I had growing for the man beside me. All the trust that was building up for him, all the insecurities I feel have just doubled as I look at this striking woman on the other side of him.

  I wrap my arms around myself and my elbow accidently bumps into Caleb’s however he still doesn’t seem to notice me.

  Avery gets up to go to the bathroom and Brent jumps into conversation full force.

  “I’m totally going to get in there bro, she’s not seeing anyone is she?” Brent says as his eyes follow Avery’s body before she gets lost in the crowd.

  “No she’s not seeing anyone and you’re not getting in there either.” Caleb eyes find Brent as he speaks seriously. I physically flinch when I hear the possessiveness in his voice for her. My heart hurts and I close my eyes as I lean into Jesse and take a deep breath trying to control my breathing. He wraps his arm around me and mutters, “Bastard…”

  “I need a drink.” I mumble. Jesse grabs my hand and pulls me from my seat. Of course Caleb is still looking into the crowd where Avery disappeared so he doesn’t notice me leaving the booth. I notice a frown on his face, he looks confused and I don’t know what to make of it.

  Jesse lines up shots for us, he starts at one end and I the other. We both end up taking six each. I have to swallow hard when I’m done because the liquid feels like it might climb back up my throat. I cough a little and Jesse chuckles, patting my back gently. You know it’s bad when you can’t even taste the alcohol anymore.

  I’m feeling a little better and I giggle when I stand up straight and feel the alcohol doing what it does best. The music is really loud and the place is really crowded with students.

  Jesse shouts in my ear over the music, “Babe if Caleb continues to ignore you I’m going to speak up. I don’t understand how you can just sit there and take it. If he was mine and he was treating me like that? I would have thrown my toys out of the cot a few hours ago.”

  This makes me laugh hard and stumble a little as he leads me back to the booth. Truth is I don’t know why I haven’t confronted Caleb. I hate confrontation but that’s never stopped me before when it came to having my say. Maybe I don’t want him to say the words I’m thinking or maybe I’m just weak and don’t have the balls to confront him in a club full of people? A club my dad owns.

  God… I don’t know.

  What I do know… Jesse wouldn’t stand a chance next to Caleb. Jesse may be big but he’s got a runners body, lean and tall and not as built up and rough looking as Caleb is. I won’t tell him that though, wouldn’t want to rui
n the guy’s ego.

  We find Brent sitting in our booth with his arm around a beautiful Latina woman. He whispers something in her ear and she gives out a husky giggle.

  “Where’s Caleb?” Jesse asks.

  He points to the dance floor. “He went with Avery to the dance floor.” He says not looking our way.

  “They’re dancing?” I ask and Brent whips his head up to look at me and his face softens.

  “It’s not like that Harlz, they’re just friends.” He says in a caring tone.

  “He told me he doesn’t dance and he totally warned you off going after her, you still think they are just friends? He didn’t even notice me sitting there next to him the entire time she was there. It was as if I was the third wheel on their date night?” I shake my head as my anger flares up.

  “Shit…” Brent runs his hands through his hair.

  “I’m outta here.” I pick up my handbag.

  “No wait Harlz, let’s just ask him when he comes back. I’m sure this is all just a misunderstanding.” Brent sounds panicked as he looks back and forth between Jesse and me.

  “If… he even comes back Brent. Maybe he’s already screwing her in the bathroom or one of the back rooms, never know with Caleb.” I say sarcastically as I move to go past them.

  “Harley….” Brent says full of pity as he blocks my exit holding my elbow firmly, it only makes me angrier.

  “No Brent, you were with me the last time remember? I’m not going through this shit again. I need some space. Let go of me.” I pull my arm from his grip. I don’t wait for a response, instead I head through the crowd toward the front door to ask Owen for a lift home…or should I say to Caleb’s home.

  Owen is a tall hulky ball of muscle but don’t let that fool you, dear Owen is a complete gentlemen. He has blond hair combed over neatly, always perfectly done, with a pair of big puppy dog brown eyes. He isn’t part of Daddy’s club but he does do security work for them. Don’t ask me what that involves though.

  We’re driving in his car in complete silence until we get to Caleb’s house. “You want me to have a word with Caleb? Maybe a few words?” He says in a deep voice cracking his knuckles as he winks at me, making me chuckle.

  “No that’s okay but thanks for the offer.” I make a move to get out the car then stop myself and turn around to look at him. “You won’t tell Daddy about this, will you?”

  He smiles, “Not if you don’t want me too.”

  “I don’t want you to.” I say softly. “Thanks for the ride Owen.”

  He waits until I’m inside the house before he drives away.

  My phone won’t stop ringing, it’s been going off since I drove away with Owen but I haven’t bothered to look at it. I go straight to the bathroom and strip the clothes off as I go. Not giving a shit that I’m leaving a messy trail behind me. After taking a shower and washing all the makeup off and hairspray out my hair I find a big tee shirt and put it on with a pair of knickers, it’s a hot night.

  I take a bottle of wine, open it and head down to the beach. I wonder how long it’s going to take Caleb to realize I’m missing. I take another gulp of wine and decide to drown my sorrows as I down the bottle.

  I look out at the beautiful ocean and the moon that reflects off it. I close my eyes and listen to the waves. I feel the tears falling down my cheeks but I don’t move to wipe them, the little breeze will do that for me. Taking another sip, I realize that the bottle is finished.

  I laugh to myself and shake my head.

  Everything’s a little fuzzy and wobbly. I stumble and it takes me a few attempts before I can actually stand. I can’t tell you how many times I fall over my own two feet and end up having a little giggle fest on the ground before finally making it up to the house.

  It’s already been two hours and he hasn’t arrived home yet. I blink as I try to get my vision under control twisting my head trying to read who left the missed calls on my phone, just in case my parents called about Willow.

  Nope, just a ton of missed calls and messages from Brent and Jesse.

  Caleb hasn’t tried once.

  I pass the kitchen counter and find the reason for Caleb’s not calling sitting on the table. He left his damn phone at home. Now my mind starts wondering if he would’ve called me had he not forgotten his phone.

  I wobble my way up the stairs and find myself in Willow’s bedroom. I miss her so damn much already and it’s only been a few hours. She’s staying with my parents until Monday, how am I supposed to survive another day without her?

  I cuddle up to her pink pillow on her little purple bed. She calls it a big girl bed but to me it’s not really big at all. It’s close enough to the ground and just small enough so that she’s comfortable in it.

  Me? Not so much.

  I’m too drunk to care about comfort though. I hold her pillow tight, curl up and cry. I know feeling sorry for yourself never does anyone any good but it feels really good to let it all out. I cry myself to sleep wishing it was my little girl I was holding and not her damn pillow.


  “Why the hell would she think something was happening between Avery and me?” I ask Brent pushing him against the wall outside the bar. Jesse tries to pull me away but he’s not strong enough. These two idiots think they can jump me and get one up on me? Not gonna happen!

  “Caleb! You were so fixated on that chick. You didn’t even pay any attention to Harley!” Jesse yells to my back. I let go of my hold on Brent and turn to Jesse. He takes a step back.

  “What?” I say flatly.

  “Dude, don’t think you said one word to Harley after Avery showed up. You even warned me off the chick as if she was your girl. I didn’t think of it before, but when Harley pointed it out it all fell in place. What the fuck man?” Brent shouts shoving me away from him, I don’t retaliate. I’ve got too much shit going on in my head. I’m trying to replay the events of tonight.

  “Fuck…” I rub my face with my hands and squeeze my eyes shut. “Fuck!”

  “Fuck… is right man.” Jesse mumbles.

  “It’s not like that at all man, I don’t want Avery. I love Harley and she’s the only woman I want. Jesus, why am I so fucking stupid?” I run my hands through my hair again pacing the sidewalk.

  “We need to find her.” I search my pockets for my phone and come up empty.

  “Shit, I must have left my phone at home.” I curse.

  Brent hands me his and I start calling Harley but she doesn’t pick up. I tell Jesse to try but she doesn’t answer his calls either.

  I start to panic, “Come on. I’ve got to find her.”


  I wake up when I feel warmth covering my face as I’m being lifted up. I open my eyes to the smell of Caleb. Before tonight I would’ve welcomed it but now I need space to breath. I push at his chest and before he gets a chance to fully lift me off the bed, I push him away and stand up.

  “I’ve been so worried about you.” He says sounding exhausted. I have the bitter taste of wine in my mouth. I need to brush my teeth.

  “I’m pretty sure you weren’t that worried… considering you’re only getting home now.” I say nonchalantly as I make my way to the en-suite bathroom in our room.

  He frowns and follows me. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Exactly what it sounds like Caleb.” I say between brushing my teeth and washing it out with water. I throw my toothbrush in its cradle and head back to sleep in one of the spare rooms. I don’t make it far before he slams the bedroom door shut and locks it.

  He turns to me.

  “Why would you just leave like that Harley? I was so scared!” his voice sounds so concerned that I almost feel guilty for making him worry about me. “The boys and I got into a fight. They told me why you left; I was in such a fucking panic. We started looking for you, you weren’t in the club so we went to the park by the campus library and you weren’t there either. I started to get scared, thought someone might have taken you.
God Harley, don’t ever scare me like that again.” He pulls me into his chest but I shove him away. I need some distance so I can think.

  “Are the boys okay?” I ask sounding worried, I can see this doesn’t please him because he lets out a quick breath and his chest puffs up like a fucking rooster.

  “They’re the ones that jumped me and you’re asking if they’re okay? Seriously Harley” His eyes widen with rage.

  “That’s exactly what I’m asking and you didn’t answer me.” I raise my eyebrows as I wait for an answer and sit on the end of the bed.

  “Of course they’re fine! They told me some shit about you leaving because of Avery? What’s with that? You know I love you Harley and I would never do that again to you, but fuck Harley… I need you to trust me. ” his hands move around frantically in the air as he speaks.

  “Are you serious right now Caleb?” I ask bewildered.

  “We’re just friends.” He states with a shrug.

  “As soon as she arrived it was as if I didn’t exist. You ignored me the entire fucking time; I mean…you didn’t even notice me leaving the table because you were so focused on her. God! You even warned Brent away from her like a possessive fucking boyfriend.” I shake my head and look away from him as the tears fall and my sadness simmers to sadness.

  “You didn’t even bother to introduce me as your girlfriend. Wait…” I wipe away my tears and let out a forced laugh. “Am I even your girlfriend?” I laugh harder even as the tears fall faster. “Fuck… I don’t even know.” I bend my head and wipe away the tears then fold my hands on my lap and look down at them. My damp hair falls to hide my face and creates a barrier to hide the falling tears. Even though I can hide the tears, I can’t hide the way my body trembles as I sob. “You can’t even bare to touch me anymore…” I whisper.

  He obviously hears this because he moves so quickly and kneels on the floor in front of me, pushing my legs open and standing on his knees between them. I sob harder. His hand comes up and breaks the shield as he places my hair gently behind my ear and away from my face. He cups my jaw, forcing me to face him but I close my eyes and move my face away from his hands. I feel the remaining tears fall but before they can reach my jawline Caleb wipes them away.


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