A Broken Beautiful Beginning

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A Broken Beautiful Beginning Page 7

by Sophie Summers

  Hunter nods his head acknowledging me then climbs over the booth and heads in my direction.

  “What’s up?” he says nodding his head once again.

  “I need to have a word with Grimm, where is he?” I ask looking around the smokey room.

  “He’s probably still at the shop, he’s been working on old man Toby’s car all afternoon.” He says.

  “Fuck it! I don’t have time to look for him. You know where Jace is hiding?” I ask turning my attention back to him.

  “Why? Is Harley okay? Willow?” Hunter’s tone turns serious.

  “They’re all good man. Grimm allowed Jace to see Willow when she was up at the Lake house with them. Need to have a word or two with Jace about it though.” I grind out trying to control my temper.

  “Took you long enough man” He places his half-finished drink on the table nearby then heads toward the exit, “Let’s go.” He calls out.

  We arrive at a huge farm style house. The house looks as though it doesn’t belong in this residential area. I would never in a million years have guessed Jace lived in a place like this.

  Okay... in my head I pictured some grungy apartment building where broken bottles and used syringes fill the floor of the stairwells, but this beautiful house? Never!

  I watch Hunter climb off his bike as I get out of my car. The front door is wide open as if he is expecting our visit. I head for the front door but Hunter blocks me. The dude is really fucking gigantic, taking up the entire door way. I swear he’s even bending his head to look down at me but I stand my ground and look up to this intimidating man.

  “I’ve brought you here because I know you need to do what you gotta do. I would do the same if Harley was mine. Hell...” he wipes his hands through his hair. “I probably would’ve hunted him down and killed him the minute I found out he raised his hand to her. I’m going to let you do this because you need to, however… I’ll be standing right there while you do whatever you’re here to do. Don’t get me wrong though, I know he deserves what’s about to happen but the man is my brother and I ain’t gonna let you kill him. You feel me?” He says grimly with a raised eyebrow.

  “I feel you.” I move past him and head into the house. I don’t have to look far though because I find him sitting in his kitchen with a bottle of jack in his hands. On the table lie a bunch of pills and even a few rows of neatly lined coke.

  I’ve waited about five years for this moment to happen. Fuck… I’ve been preparing for this since the minute I saw him carry my girl from that car wreck. I’ve spent endless hours in the gym, countless hours fighting strangers to earn my keep and learn my way so that one day when I came up against this malicious motherfucker I would be just as ruthless...maybe more so.

  Underground fighting is no joke.

  All they saw was a pretty boy when I walked in and stood up against my first opponent that first night ….and they were right.

  I had everything handed to me, even when I didn’t want it. Of course I didn’t win that first fight… nor the second or probably even the tenth but after getting smacked around a couple times, hitting the gym, gaining some muscle and learning my way around a boxing ring, I eventually won my first fight.

  Never lost another fight after that, I had tasted victory and it left me wanting more.

  I haven’t entered a ring since Harley came back into my life, but as I drove here my body was pumped and ready to go, I was eager with anticipation, but as soon as I lay my eyes on Jace’s scrawny drunk ass, the excitement quickly faded.

  He turns to look at me from where he stares out his kitchen window, his eyes are hollow and I don’t think the man even sees me. I grab him by the front of his shirt and push him against the cabinets. The glass of jack he was nursing, smashing to the floor.

  He’s a little taller than me, but I’m a lot more muscle than he is at the moment. I back away and look him over. His face is pale and his eyes show lack of sleep.

  He hunches over and wraps one arm around his ribs, obviously protecting the ones that are still healing. The last few months haven’t been good to him either. He’s lost so much weight, his hair is long and he hasn’t shaved in a while. The bastard smells as if he hasn’t bathed in days too.

  I slap him on his face, he doesn’t lift a hand to defend himself or punch back so I slap him again.

  A real bitch slap… give him a taste of what he gave Harley.

  “When are you going to realize that those girls are mine?” I wrap my hands around his neck waiting for some kind of retaliation...but nothing comes. It only makes me angrier. I knee him in his stomach and he lets out a painful cry as he falls to the ground holding himself. I’m just about to kick him again…

  “I know that! Don’t you think I know that!” he wheezes out of breath.

  “Clearly you don’t! Willow is my daughter! You don’t get to go behind our backs to see her. It’s not going to happen again. You think I trust you with my daughter? I don’t.” I continue to kick him as he lies on the floor and he continues to take each blow without fighting back.

  He doesn’t even curl up to hide the kicks to his ribs.

  “I would never hurt that little girl.” He finally grits spitting out blood. I watch his nose bleeding as I kneel down to his level and shout in his face. “For fuck sakes, fight back! Do something man!”

  “I fucked up and this is my punishment... If I were you, I would kill me... so go ahead and do what you gotta do. I got nothing left... you can do your worst and no one will give a shit about me.” He mumbles and looks away almost spaced out.

  My resolve is lost, how the hell am I supposed to fight a man who doesn’t want to fight back. I just can’t do it. I let out a deep breath, run my hands down my face then head out toward the patio.

  “Don’t have time for your pity party man.” I mumble as I fling open the security gate and slam it closed behind me.

  I flop my ass down on the stairs and rest my hands in my hair. Don’t get me wrong I still don’t know what the fuck Harley ever saw in him, I do however try to come up with reasons why she stuck around for so long.

  Jace has a way of making you feel guilty even when you’re not in the wrong. Even I feel sorry for the bastard, I should whip his ass regardless but I can’t fight a man who won’t fight back. Just can’t do it. He wants an out and I’m not going to be the one who gives it to him.

  Maybe she was drawn to the whole bad boy thing he has going on...fuck knows.

  I hear the metal gate swing open behind me followed by the sound of limping footsteps. He lets out a pained breath as he falls down on the stairs next to me. He nudges my arm and I feel something cold so I look over to him, the blood from his nose has been wiped but stains and smudges cover his blue shirt and neck.

  I frown when I see the ice cold beer in his hand. He nudges me again and I snatch it from him and gulp down most of it. Hunter’s bike is parked outside but he’s nowhere to be seen. We continue to sit out on his patio in silence.

  “The way she looks at you… She never looked at me that way.” I turn to face him but he’s looking out into the dark night. He has a frown on his face and he’s deep in thought. “That day I took her, I saw you all at the beach together… you had a perfect little family.” He shakes his head and looks down at his hands that hold his beer in its grasp.

  “She loves you… I think she thought of me as your replacement while I was with her. Harley never really truly saw me, she always wanted you Caleb.” He says looking into the distance grunting in pain as he moves to get comfortable on the step.

  I sigh. “Not a replacement… never a replacement man... maybe a substitute yeah.” I take in a deep breath trying to calm myself before I speak again.

  “She’s it for me man. I’m hers and she’s mine. That’s how it’s been since the moment I met her and that’s how it’s always gonna be. No one will ever come between us again. I fucked that up once and lost four years of her and my daughter’s life. I’m not going to mess this up again
and I’m not going to miss any more time with them. You were lucky enough to have her in your life for the time you did, you know how special she is Jace, so you know how serious I am when I say I won’t ever let her go. I’m going to marry her just like I should have all those years ago and I’m not going to let anyone stop me. You feel me?” he doesn’t say anything.

  “Meaning, I’m not going to let you stop me. You touch either of my girls again and I swear I will kill you and next time I won’t show you any pity, no matter how pathetic you look. Harley may have a soft spot for you putting up with all your bullshit but I won’t. You got me?” He finally looks at me sadly and gives me a small forced smile but all I see is sadness in his eyes as he nods slowly.

  “I get you man. I’m done for real this time.” He lifts up both his hands in surrender. “I know she doesn’t love me but I love her enough to let her go. I know I’m not good enough for her, fucked up too many times to count.” His voice is raspy as if he’s holding back tears, “I fucking slapped her! I’m a monster who should be alone. She deserves to be happy...that’s all I ever wanted for the two of them.” He looks down at his beer then closes his eyes and chugs the rest.

  Fucking dude knows how to pull on your hearts strings and make you feel sorry for him. I know I’m going to regret what I’m about to say next but I’ve got a feeling that he needs to hear it.

  “She still loves you man, it may not be in the way you want her to but she does love you. So does Willow, they care deeply for you. Harley hasn’t said much about you taking her but I know she’s worried about you. I’m telling you this because I’ve got a feeling that you’re hanging by a thread and judging by the way you look, things aren’t good for you. It doesn’t seem like you’ve bathed or slept in days and you smell like a bottle of Jack. You’re killing yourself Jace and if you die... it’s going to hurt Harley. I’m sure you know her well enough to know she’ll blame herself. You say you love her? Then sort your shit out man! Get help, stop drinking, doing coke and deal with what’s happening. This pity party you’re throwing yourself isn’t helping anyone.”

  I let out a deep breath, “God, can’t believe I’m even going to suggest this…. But if you do clean yourself up and get your act together, I’ll maybe....maybe think about letting you see Willow and Harley if she wants you to, only then though. I should probably forbid you to see either of them but I’ve got a feeling it’ll only do worse.” I turn to look at him. His eyes are wide and his mouth hangs in shock. Then a frown appears and he blinks and shakes his head.

  “You’ve grown up a lot man, can even pack a punch. You’ll be able to protect her, she deserves someone like you and you’re good for her. I’ll sort my shit out and I’ll get cleaned up too. I promise you! I just want them happy and I want to be able to see Willow grow up. Hardest thing of my life was saying goodbye to that little girl.” He looks back up to me before he continues.

  “Sorry for that by the way, I’ll never step on anyone’s toes again or cross the line with Harley. I get she’s your woman and I’m stepping back. You’re so lucky you have her and I know that you won’t fuck it up, you lost her once... God knows you won’t do it again.” His eyes are all teary. He lets out a nervous chuckle and wipes away the tears with the back of his hand. “I remember you from the night of the car wreck you know. You were so fucking tall and scrawny, looked like a jock but you’re bigger now, tougher. Not the cocky kid I saw that night.” He says leaning forward on his elbows resting on his knees.

  “You were so full of yourself. I was pissed as fuck, wanted to hurt you so bad, even though you were badass and double my size I still wanted to rip her out of your fucking arms.” I say truthfully letting out a chuckle remembering how scared I was of him back then. So much has changed over the years.

  “Well isn’t this fucking cute. Sorry to break up this little make out...err” he coughs, “make up session, but Caleb I just got word from one of the boys at the club, says your woman just left and was in one hell of a mood. Think you better get back and calm her down.” My heart swells whenever one of the boys from the club says my woman. I start chuckling and so does Jace before stopping to hiss in pain, holding his hands over his ribs.

  “Knowing Harley, she’s probably already stomping around your house slamming every damn door she can find.” Jace smiles shaking his head, maybe he truly wants Harley to be happy after all. I hope he follows through on all he promised but from what Brent told me, promises don’t mean shit to Jace.

  “Better get going then. You gave me your word Jace; follow through on it if you ever want to see Willow again.” I don’t wait for a response as I turn and head in the direction of my car. Jace clumsily stands up and stumbles into the house. Hunter follows me.

  “If Harley was mine? I would have killed him...” Hunter says through the silence, he lets out a deep breath and continues, “...but then again, we’re not the same type of man. What you did there with Jace? You gave him hope, gave him something to work for. That was big of you; no other man I know would have dealt with the problem like you just did. They would’ve used the fact that he’s a wreck to their advantage and taken him down… but you didn’t do that. From where I was standing it would’ve been easier to kick his ass solid just like you intended when you walked in there but instead you threw pity on him and gave him something to work on and hope for in the future. That must have been fucking hard for you, considering what he did to your girl. You’re a good guy Caleb and good for her. Jace never deserved her. He wasn’t good enough for her... I told her that from the start but she’s too fucking stubborn and wouldn’t listen. You look after her man.” He moves his hand toward me for a handshake and when I place my hand in his, he pulls me to him hard and pats my back in some sort of man hug. I slap his back a few times too. I almost want to tell him that Harley isn’t his and explain to him how close I was to ending Jace but after the little speech he just gave I don’t want to ruin his moment.

  “I love Harley and Willow more than my own life. That little girl adores Jace, sees him as an uncle and she keeps asking about him. If I had to kill the fucker, my heart would break every time my little girl asked me about him and I can’t lie to her man. With that being said, I don’t trust him with Harley at-fucking-all, let that be known, but I think the two of them have a lot of unresolved issues that need to be sorted out on their own terms before Harley can really open her heart to me. I love her enough to spare his life and be the better person. He needs to sort his shit out though, deal with his own issues and stop the drugs and drinking before I will even consider letting him near my girls.” I climb into the car; Hunter doesn’t say anything just nods his head like he usually does.

  I start the car and drive away.

  There’s somewhere I need to stop before I go home though, I still have all that pent up anger built up inside me. Since I didn’t get to release it when I planned on beating the shit out of Jace I need to get it out before I go home and Harley sees how tense I am. She’ll know something’s wrong and I don’t want to take my agitation out on her.

  I park in the dark parking lot in front of the gym that I recently opened.

  It’s open 24/7 but I don’t go through the front door. I unlock the metal door at the back in the alley and with some force I manage to open the heavy thing. The door makes a noise as it opens and I’m overwhelmed by the darkness from inside. I feel along the wall for the light switch and with one flip the entire basement lights up. The basement still has some work to be done but in a month or two I know it will be perfect, just the way I planned it.

  Grimm, Hunter and Brent are the only ones that know about the underground fighting ring I’m building. I haven’t found the nerve to tell Harley about it yet, I’m not sure how she will feel about the entire situation. I will tell her eventually and I’ll also have to tell her about Grimm being my business partner when it comes to running the illegal side of things. There’s actually a lot I need to speak to Harley about, I know it’s bothering her and I know
I’ve been avoiding giving her direct answers or finding ways to put it off. I’m just not ready to tell her yet, I’m afraid of what she’ll think of me… I’m afraid she’ll take Willow and run.

  This fighting ring will be nothing like those fucking grungy places I fought in. It’s going to be professional and swanky with security, and even though it won’t be on the map we’ll make sure to fill the space with a wealthy audience. It’ll be my responsibility to make sure all the fighters are looked after. Not like those fucking bastards who are only in it for the money, and don’t care what weight class you are in. Putting up an eighteen year old stick thin boy against a thirty four year old meat-head won’t happen in my place.

  I take off my shirt and head to one of the back rooms where a boxing bag is set up. I don’t bother with gloves or any wrapping.

  The first punch already gives my body a sense of relief, second punch releases the tension and by the third punch I can’t stop. I feel the skin breaking on my knuckles but I continue on with only short pauses every now and then.

  Fighting and boxing was the only way to ease the sexual tension inside me all those years that I abstained from having sex. I came close to it a couple times don’t get me wrong but every single time I was with another girl I would see Harley’s distraught face when I opened that door after she caught me fucking Ashley.

  I had a couple crazy drunken nights during my first year of college, a few girls were able to get me off with their mouths or hands but I never let it go further. I always felt disgusted with myself after, even sometimes during and I was never able to return the favour or follow through. Avery was the only girl I was able to get intimate with more than once but it never lasted long. Harley was always the one for me and her body was the only body I yearned for...

  Beating the shit out of a boxing bag got old and soon enough it was another person I was punching on in the ring. It helped a shit load and I dedicated my life to beating shit up and winning. It was never really about the money even though it brought in more than what I earned working for my mother. I saved everything with the goal of opening up my own gym one day and now I have finally done it.


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