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Playing Games: A Dominant Alpha Romance

Page 3

by Lucy Wild

  “Thank you, Mr Ward,” she said. “Anything else I can get you, one of the girls to keep you company perhaps?”

  “Not tonight, V.”

  “Very good, Mr Ward. Enjoy your evening.”

  “I will,” I replied to her retreating form. There was a movement to my left and I turned in time to see her appear. There she was, in the dress I’d insisted she wear. She looked incredible. It was black, strapless, and clinging to her curves in all the right places. She kept tugging at the hem as if she was trying to cover more of her legs. It might have worked but the more she tugged, the lower it slid down her chest, leaving her to yank it back up in a most unladylike manner. I smiled. She hadn’t a clue how to act. I’d soon teach her.

  She was barely inside before Denzel swooped on her. Even with the music playing, I could hear the conversation they were having. I didn’t need to be any closer. It was going exactly how I had predicted. She was unsure whether to go through with this, about to back out, apologising for coming. Denzel had her by the arm, shaking his head, pointing at his watch, leading her to the dressing rooms. She’d be back out in a minute. I couldn’t wait.

  I sat up straight and waited, my drink forgotten. The lights dimmed, the music hushed, conversation died away. Out of nowhere, a bright light shone onto the stage, hitting it in time for the curtains to rise. There she was, lined up with the other girls. Half a dozen of them but they faded away next to her. I only had eyes for her, picturing her in my room, that dress sliding down her body, those innocent eyes of hers blinking up at me as I told her to…

  The auction began. Denzel took the microphone and stood at the front of the stage. “Gentlemen,” he began before adding, “And ladies. We have this evening’s selection ready for you. We’ll start the bidding at ten thousand, shall we?”

  A voice piped up from my left. “Ten.”

  I waited. The low riders fell away over time. The bidding reached seventy-five thousand and Denzel glanced around the room. “Anyone else?”

  I wondered what she was thinking? Did she know why she was being auctioned off? Did she know what was going to happen to her? She looked like she was about to run so I stood up, nodding towards Denzel. “Two hundred,” I said, my voice loud enough for the room to turn and look at me.

  “Two hundred thousand from Mr Ward there,” Denzel replied. “Any advance? No? Then come on down, Sir, and take your pick.”

  I walked slowly, weaving between the tables, listening to the muttered voices around me.

  “He never picks anyone.”

  “Too much money for his own good if you ask-”

  “Have you ever seen him bid before?”

  I ignored them. They didn’t know this was part of the game. The best actors are those who don’t know they’re playing. Even Denzel looked surprised when I walked up on the stage, striding down the line as the women turned their faces towards me, their expressions all too obvious. Every one of them was screaming ‘pick me’ without even saying a word. Not her. She was looking at the exit, as if she was deciding whether or not to make a dash for it.

  I stepped in front of her and held out my hand. “Care to join me for a drink?”

  There was a brief smattering of applause as she looked at me and then at my hand. She gulped, blinked twice, then pushed her trembling fingers towards mine.

  “Moving on to the second round,” Denzel said as I led her off the stage. I tuned him out, my focus on her. I could hear her breathing behind me. It was laboured. She was anxious. I resisted grinning.

  I reached my table and pointed to the empty seat opposite mine. Veronica appeared from nowhere, tray in hand. “A drink for the lady?” she asked.

  “Orange juice,” she replied. “Please.”

  Veronica spun on her heels, leaving us alone. I looked across at her. “What’s your name?” I asked.

  This was the big tell. I knew from the form that she was Karina Browning. I knew her age, her weight, her star sign. I even knew which questions she’d refused to answer. But I also knew what her character had been named. Would she play or not? Karina or…?

  For a long time she said nothing then she muttered “Melissa,” and this time I couldn’t resist smiling.

  “Why are you here, Melissa?”

  “I don’t know,” she said with a sigh.

  “You want to know what I think?”

  She nodded eagerly.

  “I think you need to relax a little. You look terrified.”

  Her orange juice appeared and as she sipped at it, I took out my chequebook, signing the slip and handing it to Veronica. “With my compliments,” I said.

  I looked at Karina, she was staring at me. “Something the matter?” I asked.

  “Did you really just write a cheque for two hundred thousand?”

  I nodded.

  “Is that real money?” she asked, her voice conspiratorial.

  “It’s all real in here,” I replied. “Now listen, the music’s starting. The auction must be over. Care to dance?”

  She shook her head. “I’ve never danced before.”

  “It’s easy. Just copy me.”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “I paid a lot for your company this evening, Melissa. Now on your feet.”

  I stood up, waiting to see if she’d protest. She didn’t. She was so submissive, it was hardly any work at all to dominate her. I led her to the dance floor and slipped my hands into hers, beginning to move amongst the other couples. She stared up at me in bewilderment, as if she thought this was a dream. I smiled down at her. “Enjoying yourself?”

  She nodded, treading on my foot at the same time. “Oh, God. I’m so sorry,” she said, her cheeks flushing as she froze in place.

  “Just relax,” I replied, taking her hands again. “Look, move a little closer. It’ll make it easier.” I slid my hand round her back, pulling her towards me until her body was pressing against mine. I could feel the heat of her, the curves of her skin, that wonderful sweet smell. It was intoxicating. “That’s more like it,” I said as we swayed together. “See, you’re a natural.”

  “You’re a good lead,” she replied, smiling up at me.

  The music continued but I wasn’t concentrating. I was too busy trying not to think about tearing her clothes off her body.


  IT WAS LIKE A DREAM come true. I was in the arms of a gorgeous guy, waltzing around a dance floor, having the time of my life. It wasn’t real, of course. I knew that really. It was only a game. But it was still possible to pretend it was real. There he was in his perfectly tailored suit, his neat beard, his dark eyes boring into me, as if I was the only woman in the world.

  I knew he hadn’t really paid two hundred thousand to buy me. The auction wasn’t even real. They’d said at the office that everyone involved was an actor. It must have cost a fortune to pay them all. I felt like I’d walked onto the set of the Truman Show, only I knew the truth already.

  With my body pressed into his, I completely forgot my anxiety. The nerves that had threatened to swallow me up just a few minutes ago had vanished as if they’d never existed. There was just glamorous Melissa and her billionaire lover. It was exquisite. I’d even forgotten how exposed I felt in that dress.

  When I’d tried it on, Holly had gasped out loud. “You don’t think it’s too much?” I asked, looking down at it, tugging nervously at the hem.

  “I’ve been trying to get you to wear something like that for years,” she replied. “You look incredible.”

  “It’s a bit revealing, isn’t it?”

  “That’s the entire point.”

  “You really think it’s okay?”

  “Karina would never wear something like that but for tonight, you’re not Karina, are you? You’re Melissa and you’re a sexy bitch!”

  I grinned, her enthusiasm rubbing off on me. My nerves returned when I got out of the taxi at the club. The breeze made my legs cold, me silently cursing Holly for not letting me wear tights. I felt as if my en
tire body was on show, the dress was so tight. The cab driver leered at me as I paid him, his eyes fixed on my chest. “Have a good night,” he called after me as I headed for the door.

  “Hopefully,” I muttered, reaching the doorman who didn’t say a word. He just pushed the door open and nodded for me to go inside. They were expecting me then.

  I had no idea what was going to happen during the game but I soon found out when the club manager grabbed hold of me. “Melissa,” he said. “Mr Ward told me you were joining us this evening. I’m Denzel, owner of this little place. Ready for an adventure?”

  “I’m not sure,” I replied, shaking my head. “I don’t really know if I should be here. I should probably go. I’m sorry.”

  “Nonsense,” he said, leading me by the arm towards a door in the far wall. “You’re just nervous. Every new girl is scared on her first night, but don’t worry, you’ll be absolutely fine.” He pushed the door open and took me through.

  The noise of the club faded as the door closed. The lights above my head hummed loudly as he walked ahead of me, beckoning for me to follow. Turning a corner, I found him heading through another door. I followed, certain I was making a huge mistake.

  I stepped into a room filled with five other women, all of them far sexier than me. They all glanced at me before continuing their conversation. Denzel clapped his hands together and the noise stopped, all the girls turning to face him.

  “Right, ladies,” he said. “This is a reminder for you all and not just for the new girl’s benefit. You are here to dance and keep them company, nothing else. Understood?”


  “I said, is that understood?”

  A grumble of grudging approval went round the room.

  “Good. Now let’s get up on stage and show them all the two T’s. Which are?”

  He looked at me, nodding eagerly.

  “I’ve no idea,” I replied. “Sorry.”

  “Tits and teeth, my girl,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Don’t worry, you’ll soon learn.”

  There was a door in the back of the dressing room and it led up a set of steps and then straight out onto a stage. I was blinded by the brightness of the light for the first few seconds but gradually the club came into focus. I was terrified, only able to stay where I was by reminding myself it was only a game. I could leave at any time. I just had to say “End game,” and it would all be over.

  I was tempted to say it but I didn’t, even when I realised what was happening. We were being auctioned. Figures were called out and I tried to identify the voices. When someone shouted two hundred thousand, my heart skipped a beat. I recognised that voice. Then a figure moved into the light, coming towards the stage. It was him.

  When we started dancing, I was in a happy daze. I’ve no idea how long we were spinning slowly round but it ended all too soon. I could smell him as he held me in those enormous hands of his, lifting me off the floor as if I weighed nothing at all. My head found its way to his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he spun me round. I thought about what Holly had said to me. Karina would never be so bold but Melissa might.

  That was who I was. For a short time anyway. I wasn’t the meek little girl I had been. I was Melissa Montague, femme fatale. I was hungry for men and I’d chew them up and spit them out and never look back. Maybe I was a little bit crazy too, no harm in that. I could be confident, I could be bold, I could do whatever I wanted.

  When he told me he had to go, I felt crushed. He bid me goodnight, walking away and leaving me standing alone on the dance floor. Was that it? Was the game over already?

  Karina would have gone home then. I watched him go, greedy for more, not wanting our time together to be over so soon. With a deep breath, I marched after him, following him out of the door into the cold of the night.

  He was already by the pavement, about to step into a limousine. I was about to shout when another woman barged past me, shoving me out of the way and storming over to him. “How could you?” she shrieked, making him turn to face her, his face falling as he did so.

  “Zoe,” he said, not sounding happy. “What are you doing here?”

  “I can’t believe you, Cole. We’re barely broken up and you’re already shacking up with some hooker. Who is she? Tell me, I deserve to know.”

  “Zoe,” Cole said, pulling himself up to his full height. “You’re right, we have just broken up and as such I don’t have to tell you anything ever again.”

  “Who is she?” Zoe asked, her voice louder. “I have a right to know! She’s a whore, isn’t she.”

  “No she’s not. She was just my dancing partner for the evening.”

  The argument continued as I watched in silence. Was this part of the game? Of course it was. This was how it was going to go. He was going to get back together with her. That was his out. When things only lasted twenty-four hours, we couldn’t get a happy ever after. This was the set up for that. I should leave them to it.

  “I don’t want to talk about it!” Zoe shouted, bringing my attention back to what they were saying. “You’re clearly over me. I hope you’ll be very happy together.” She stormed past the limo, sticking her arm out as a taxi swerved over to the pavement.

  “Zoe,” Cole called after her but she had already slammed the door shut, leaving him to sigh and then finish climbing into the limo. I stood perfectly still, watching the scene, waiting for the door to close and for him to drive away out of my life.

  The door stayed open and he stuck his head out a second later, looking over at me as he shouted, “Are you getting in or not?”


  IT TOOK TWENTY MINUTES TO drive on to The Birdhouse. Karina sat next to me with her legs crossed at the ankles, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. “She was beautiful,” she said after we’d set off. When she’d first climbed in she hadn’t said anything at all. She hadn’t even looked at me. But as she said that, she turned to face me, a smile on her face, a smile that looked forced.

  “Who? Zoe? Yes, I suppose she is.”

  “Who was she?”

  “My ex. She was selfish, she was neurotic, she was unfaithful, and she was the past and I don’t want to talk about her anymore.”

  “Why did you break up with her?”

  I leaned towards her, narrowing my eyes. “I said I don’t want to talk about her anymore.”

  “Okay,” she said, shrinking backwards. “I’m sorry. It’s just, I can’t get over how beautiful she was, like a film star or something.”

  “You’re beautiful too,” I said, watching her reaction. It was clear she didn’t believe me. She wanted to but she didn’t. I wasn’t lying either. She looked damned good. She was also frightened of me, not frightened enough to refuse to join me in the limo but just enough to make things exciting. I thought about how frightened she might be if she saw my play room. The thought brought a smile to my face, picturing her chained up, that dress on the floor next to her, that body on display for me. I had to shift in my seat as I felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, changing the subject as I continued to look at her.

  “You’ll see,” I replied. “Tell me something, what made you climb in just now?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “You’re braver than you think you are,” I said, leaning back on my seat and rubbing my eyes with my hand. “A lot braver. You’ll need to be too for what I have in mind for you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?” I said.

  We lapsed into a silence that lasted until the car pulled up at the side of the road. “We’re here,” I said as my door was opened. “Coming in?”

  I stepped out, knowing she’d follow me. She wouldn’t stop now. I’d hooked her in. She was mine. One last test, just to be sure, then I’d bring her to mine and show her the play room.

  I walked into The Birdhouse, listening to the door close behind me. The doorman would stop he
r from coming in. She wasn’t a member. If she wanted to join me, she’d have to be bold. Could she do it? I counted to five. No sign of her. Maybe I was wrong. No, I was never wrong. Another few seconds and she’d…

  “Are we going in then?” her voice said from nowhere as she appeared next to me.

  “What did you say to the doorman?” I asked as I began to walk again.

  “Nothing much,” she replied. “Just told him I was your daughter and you’d be furious if he didn’t let me in.”

  I looked at her in time to see the grin forming on her lips. “You’re kidding,” I said, smiling back at her. “I didn’t know you had it in you. Come on, let’s get a decent seat.”

  We headed along a brightly lit corridor and then through a set of double doors into an auditorium. It was similar to the club we’d left but distinctly different. The place was much older, the people far stranger. I loved it here. I watched her reaction as she looked about her at the topless women talking to men in sunglasses and swimming trunks, the togas, the dancers in cages, the bizarre mixture that made the place so unique. “Why’s it called The Birdhouse?” she asked as we reached a table marked Reserved. I sat down but she didn’t. “We can’t sit here, it’s reserved,” she hissed at me.

  “Sit down,” I said in a firm voice. She went pale but did as I said, her hands shaking as she pulled out her chair. “It’s called the Birdhouse because you don’t walk out of here, you fly. And they only serve worms for food.”

  She stared wide eyed at me as I kept a straight face for as long as I could. “You’re not the only one who can joke,” I said as a waitress came over and took our drinks order.

  “I’m just going to the bathroom,” Karina said, getting to her feet. “Where is it?”

  “Over through that door,” I said, pointing past her. “Don’t be long. The show will be starting soon.”

  I watched her go, staring at her ass, the dress hiding nothing. She looked so good, it was getting increasingly difficult to keep my hands off her.

  I was getting dangerously close to breaking my own rules. The whole point of the game was to have fun but it wasn’t to manipulate some innocent girl into my bedroom. I tried to take stock of what I was doing. I was on the verge of taking her back to my place, to show her my playroom. But what then? Could I tell her I wasn’t playing anymore? That I was interested in Karina, not Melissa. I wasn’t even acting anymore. I was just being me. No doubt, she thought I was just being nice to her as part of the game. I wondered how she’d feel if she knew the truth about what I wanted to do.


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