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Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo

Page 120

by Obert Skye

  Mole and Mustache pushed Dennis down into his chair while Ezra continued to scream and run around the jar making unpleasant gestures.

  “Let him out,” Dennis demanded.

  “The issue is not up for debate,” Elton said. “I—”

  Dennis sprang forward again, ramming his head into Elton’s chest. Elton fell backwards as Mole threw a strong blow to the back of Dennis’s neck. Dennis dropped to the ground, his head hitting the concrete floor. The room flashed and then went dark.


  Dennis came to, moaning and tied to a metal chair. The rope was wrapped around his ankles and arms and chest. He tried to move, but the chair just chirped against the ground. He looked around slowly, his head feeling like a huge wad of wet clay bobbing from side to side as he tried to hold it up.

  He was in a different bunker. It was large, like the previous one, but this bunker was filled with barrels and boxes all around the edges. There was a small window above the closed front door. A thick, concentrated beam of light shot through the window and down to the floor twenty feet in front of Dennis. At the exact spot where the light touched the ground sat the glass jar holding Ezra. Ezra was pushed up against the side of the jar staring at Dennis. The back of Ezra was beginning to smoke from the intense sunlight being focused on him. Ezra gasped, his arms stretched wide and his mouth open as he started to smolder. He was exhausted from running around the jar, and the heat had stolen every last bit of his energy. The purple tassel on Ezra’s head began to smoke.

  “No!” Dennis shouted. “No!”

  Dennis rocked violently back and forth in his metal chair, trying to break loose. Ezra was mouthing something, but Dennis couldn’t hear him through the jar.

  “Hold on!” Dennis yelled.

  He pulled at the ropes around his wrists until blood began to drip. Dennis tried to jump up in his seat and hop towards the jar. The chair moved an inch closer. Dennis jumped again, the binding of the rope making it hard for him to breathe. He moved two inches closer.

  Ezra’s right arm sparked into flame. Ezra weakly patted it out.

  “Come on,” Dennis cursed himself. “Move.”

  Dennis hopped forward half an inch.

  Ezra’s left arm began to burn. Ezra dropped to the floor of the jar and tried to roll the flame out.

  “I’m coming,” Dennis yelled.

  Ezra looked up and mouthed something as his back burst into flame. Dennis jumped and jumped in his chair. He could see Ezra’s whole little body starting to burn. Dennis flipped his shoulders forward and yanked the chair onto its front legs. The chair pivoted and began to drop forward. Dennis twisted one final time and the chair flew sideways against the floor. One of the legs barely reached Ezra, clipping the jar and sending it up into the air. The chair settled on its back with Dennis staring up. He watched the jar bounce off a metal drum and then drop onto a red rusted barrel. The barrel lid popped open and the jar slid down into the barrel. There was a small splash followed by a hissing rush of air. The barrel lid settled on the side and then tipped and slid to the floor in a loud crash.

  Dennis lay there on his back, tied to the chair, trying to catch his breath. His body couldn’t make up its mind whether to start crying or throw up. Dennis turned his head and looked at the barrel. It was about five feet tall and two feet wide and obviously contained some sort of liquid.

  “Airholes,” Dennis moaned, knowing that Ezra’s jar would be filling up with whatever was in the barrel and sinking to the bottom.

  Dennis rocked back and forth like a tipped-over turtle, frantically trying to roll over or move. It was no good; he was useless. Dennis closed his eyes. The barrel gurgled and a final pop of air escaped the top.

  Dennis lay there in silence. It was so quiet that he could hear

  a couple of mice scurrying around behind him. He half hoped someone would remember he was there and he half hoped he would be left alone to die.

  Dennis heard a soft metallic scratching. He turned his head,

  listening for it. Again the noise sounded and Dennis could tell it was coming from the barrel Ezra had dropped into. Dennis held his breath and listened carefully.

  After a minute of silence the sound could be heard again. This time it was louder and had a slight echo.

  “Ezra?” Dennis said hopefully. “Is that you?”

  There was a short tap followed by a long scratch. Dennis fought his ropes to get free, but it was no use.

  “I’m trapped,” Dennis said.

  There was another tap and then, like a wicked purple sun rising over a rusted metal rim, Ezra emerged.

  Dennis smiled.

  Ezra flung his arms over the rim of the barrel and pulled himself up onto it. His purple tassel was wriggling menacingly and his green nail-polished body was glowing. His metallic leg shone as if it had been polished repeatedly for years.

  “Ezra,” Dennis said happily.

  The glowing toothpick looked down at Dennis and smiled. His single eye blinked and he looked almost proud. Ezra hopped from the top of the barrel and zipped up to Dennis. Dennis could feel warmth radiating from him.

  “I’m sorry,” Dennis said.

  “You saved me,” Ezra replied. “And look at me, I’m more powerful than ever. I have no further insult for you.”

  Dennis looked dumbfounded.

  “Of course, I might change my mind if you continue to make it so easy,” Ezra said.

  Dennis smiled. “If I could get untied, we could . . .”

  Ezra touched the rope around Dennis’s chest and it disintegrated. Ezra zipped around the chair and in less than two seconds Dennis was free and dusting bits of rope off of him.

  “That’s a new trick,” Dennis said.

  “I’m a new toothpick,” Ezra growled. “And I’ve a new nemesis.”


  “Nobody puts me in a jar. I will use him if I need to, but I will not rest until he and Geth are destroyed.” Ezra’s purple tassel

  smoldered. “You and I will rule both the realm of Foo and the sad Reality we are now fighting in.”

  “Let’s get out of here, then,” Dennis said.

  Ezra jumped up onto Dennis’s shoulder in a single bound. His body glowed and he clenched his fists. Dennis walked towards the doors. Before he could even comment on the fact that they were probably locked, Ezra reached out his right hand and the two metal doors blew outward and off of their hinges. They flew fifty feet and slammed into the black vehicle that was parked out in front.

  Dennis looked at Ezra on his shoulder. “I like that,” he said in awe.

  “Not as much as me,” Ezra cackled.

  Through the open door they could see Elton and Mole and Mustache climb out of the smashed vehicle. The three men were yelling and running towards the doorway. Ezra stretched out his other arm and the entire front of the bunker began to pull away from the mountain. Elton and his cronies stared at the tilting wall in horror.

  Ezra growled and the wall came tumbling down on top of Mole and Mustache. Elton had been in the path of the missing doors and now stood surrounded by piles of stone and board. Mole and Mustache moaned from under the wreckage.

  “What’s happening?” Elton asked, trying to remain calm.

  “Things have changed,” Dennis said.

  Ezra spoke into Dennis’s ear, quite comfortable with him doing his speaking.

  “We’ll need at least fifty tanks,” Dennis said. “Some helicopters and planes might help as well.”

  “I can’t . . .” Elton started to say, but Ezra flashed his tiny hands open and Elton fell to the ground.

  Dennis walked through the rubble and stood over Elton.

  “Do you want to occupy Foo?” Ezra seethed.

  Elton nodded.

  “Then we’ll need everyone you can get,” Ezra barked.

  “I’ll have to make some calls,” Elton said, standing back up. “I’ll need to contact my leaders.”

  “Do it,” Dennis commanded.


  Ten hours later a massive convoy of tanks and military vehicles was making its way out of Albuquerque and moving towards Blue Hole Lake. The sides of the vehicles had banners that read: Military Relief Effort.

  Dennis was in the backseat of the lead vehicle with Ezra on his knee. Elton was there as well, and a general with more medals than hair was questioning the toothpick in disbelief.

  “A whole realm?” the general asked. “Untapped land?”

  “A whole realm,” Ezra answered, bothered. “Can’t these things go faster?”

  “The convoy’s moving as fast as it can,” the general said.

  “What’s the deal with the Military Relief Effort signs?” Dennis asked.

  “We feel there’s no need to get people too concerned.”

  “Were you elected to your position?” Ezra asked cruelly.

  “No,” the general said, clearing his throat.

  “I didn’t think so,” Ezra sniffed.

  “You know, we’re putting a lot of trust in you two,” the general huffed.

  “Would you like me to turn your body inside out from your mouth?” Ezra asked seriously.

  The general laughed uncomfortably while Elton shook his head.

  “Trust what you want,” Ezra said. “But in a short while Foo will spill from the opening, and if we don’t strike first, then we will be destroyed.”

  The general shrugged. He looked down at Ezra and tapped his own nose with his right index finger. “I suppose we’ve gone to war over far less.”

  “See,” Ezra said. “That’s the spirit. This will all work so much better if you just listen to me.”

  “I’ve always been an out-of-the-box thinker,” the general bragged.

  Ezra and Dennis stared at the general.

  “Wow,” Ezra laughed. “This is going to be easier than I thought.” Ezra’s vicious cackle filled the large vehicle and added to the overall feeling of uneasiness about what was unfolding—none of them realizing that what they were driving into was the beginning of the very end.


  Who’s Who in Foo

  Leven Thumps

  Leven is fourteen years old and is the grandson of Hector Thumps, the builder of the gateway. Lev originally knew nothing of Foo or of his heritage. He eventually discovered his true identity: He is an offing who can see and manipulate the future. Lev’s brown eyes burn gold whenever his gift kicks in.

  Winter Frore

  Winter is thirteen, with white-blonde hair and deep evergreen eyes. Her pale skin and willowy clothes give her the appearance of a shy spirit. Like Sabine, she is a nit and has the ability to freeze whatever she wishes. She was born in Foo, but her thoughts and memories of her previous life are gone. Winter struggles just to figure out what her purpose is.


  Geth has existed for hundreds of years. In Foo he was one of the strongest and most respected beings, a powerful lithen. Geth is the head token of the Council of Wonder and the heir to the throne of Foo. Eternally optimistic, Geth is also the most outspoken against the wishes of Sabine. To silence Geth, Sabine trapped Geth’s soul in the seed of a fantrum tree and left him for the birds. Fate rescued Geth, and in the dying hands of his loyal friend Antsel he was taken through the gateway, out of Foo, and planted in Reality. He was brought back to Foo by Leven and Winter.

  Sabine (suh-bine)

  Sabine is the darkest and most selfish being in Foo. Snatched from reality at the age of nine, he is now a nit with the ability to freeze whatever he wishes. Sabine thirsts to rebuild the gateway because he believes if he can move freely between Foo and Reality he can rule them both. So evil and selfish are his desires that the very shadows he casts seek to flee him, giving him the ability to send his dark castoffs down through the dreams of men so he can view and mess with Reality.


  Antsel was a member of the Council of Wonder. He was aged and fiercely devoted to the philosophy of Foo and to preserving the dreams of men. He was Geth’s greatest supporter and a nit. Snatched from Reality many years ago, he was deeply loyal to the council and had the ability to see perfectly underground. He was a true Foo-fighter who perished for the cause.

  Clover Ernest

  Clover is a sycophant from Foo assigned to look after Leven. He is about twelve inches tall and furry all over except for his face, knees, and elbows. He wears a shimmering robe that renders him completely invisible if the hood is up. He is incredibly curious and mischievous to a fault. His previous burn was Antsel.

  Tim Tuttle

  Tim is a garbage man and a kindly neighbor of Winter. In Reality, Tim and his wife, Wendy, looked after Winter after being instructed to do so by Amelia. When Winter goes missing, Tim sets out to find her.

  Dennis O Wood

  Dennis is a janitor whom fate has picked to carry out a great task. He leads a lonely life and has never dreamed.

  Janet Frore

  Janet is a woman who believes she is Winter’s mother but has no concern that Winter is missing. She has spent her life caring only for herself.

  Terry and Addy Graph

  Terry and Addy were Leven’s horrible-care givers in Reality.


  Osck is the unofficial leader of a small band of echoes. He is deeply committed to the meshing of Foo with Reality. He has also taken a very strong liking to Janet Frore.


  Azure is a lithen and a contemporary of Geth. He sat on the Council of Wonder and was a great friend of Geth’s brother Zale. He turned to evil when he decided to stand still too long and let the influence of the Dearth overtake his mind and heart. A small bit of good still infects him, and it manifests itself by swelling and bleeding from his right ear. He is no longer his own man.

  The Order of Things


  The Baadyn are fickle creatures who live on the islands or shores of Foo. They seek mischief to a point, but when they begin to feel guilty or dirty, they can unhinge themselves at the waist and let their souls slide out and into the ocean to swim until clean. The clean souls of the Baadyn have been known to do numerous good deeds.

  Black Skeletons

  These great warriors rose from the Cinder Depression many years ago. They occupy the land nearest Fté, and are known for their ability to tame and ride avalands.


  Cogs are the ungifted offspring of nits. They possess no great single talent, yet they can manipulate and enhance dreams.

  The Dearth

  It is said that there is none more evil than the Dearth. His only desire is for the soil to have the last say as all mankind is annihilated. He has long been trapped beneath the soil of Foo, but has used his influence to poison Sabine and Azure and any who would stand still long enough to be fooled. In his present state, the Dearth works with the dark souls who have been buried to move the gloam and gain greater power on his quest to mesh Foo with Reality.


  Echoes are gloriously bright beings that are born as the suns reflect light through the mist in the Fissure Gorge. They love to stand and reflect the feelings and thoughts of others. They are useful in war because they can often reflect what the opponent is really thinking.


  The Eggmen live beneath the Devil’s Spiral and are master candy makers. They are egg-shaped and fragile, but dedicated believers in Foo.

  Fissure Gorge

  Fissure Gorge is a terrific gorge that runs from the top of Foo to the Veil Sea. At its base is a burning, iridescent glow that creates a great mist when it meets with the sea. The heat also shifts and changes the hard, mazelike air that fills the gorge.


  There are twelve gifts in Foo. Every nit can take on a single gift to help him or her enhance dreams. The gifts are:

  See through soil

  Run like the wind

  Freeze things

  Breathe fire

  Levitate objects


  See through stone


  Throw lightning

  Fade in and out

  Push and bind dreams



  The gloam is the long arm of dirt stretching from below the Sentinel Fields out into the Veil Sea. It is said that the Dearth uses the black souls of selfish beings buried in Foo to push the gloam closer to the Thirteen Stones in an effort to gain control of the gifts.


  The gunt are sticky creatures that seal up and guard any hole too deep, thus preserving the landscape of Foo and preventing disaffected beings from digging their way out. Once gunt hardens in the holes, it can be harvested to eat.


  Lith is the largest island of the Thirteen Stones. It has long been the home of the Want and a breeding ground for high concentrations of incoming dreams. Lith was originally attached to the main body of Foo but shifted to the Veil Sea along with the other stones many years ago.


  Lithens were the original dwellers of Foo. Placed in the realm by fate, they have always been there. They are committed to the sacred task of preserving the true Foo. Lithens live and travel by fate, and they fear almost nothing. They are honest and are believed to be incorruptible. Geth is a lithen.


  A near-extinct and beautiful breed, longings were placed in Foo to give the inhabitants a longing for good and a desire to fulfill dreams. They have the ability to make a person forget everything but them.

  Lore Coil

  Lore Coils are created when something of great passion or energy

  happens in Foo. The energy drifts out in a growing circle across Foo, giving information or showing static-like images to those it passes over. When the Lore Coil reaches the borders of Foo, it bounces back to where it came from. It can bounce back and forth for many years. Most do not hear it after the first pass.


  Niteons—or nits, as they are referred to—are humans who were once on earth and were brought to Foo by fate. Nits are the working class of Foo. They are the most stable and the best dream enhancers. Each is given a powerful gift soon after he or she arrives in Foo. A number of nits can control fire or water or ice. Some can see in the pitch dark or walk through walls and rock. Some can levitate and change shape. Nits are usually loyal and honest. Both Winter Frore and Sabine are nits.


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