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The Second Chance Tea Shop

Page 13

by Fay Keenan

  ‘Earth to Anna, come in Anna!’ Charlotte’s voice snapped her out of her reverie and very much into the present. ‘Are you going to stand there all day ogling Mr Carter, or are you actually going to go over there and save him from the village gargoyles?’

  Anna jumped back into the present. ‘Um, yeah, right. Come on Ellie.’ Taking her daughter’s hand again, she strolled in Matthew’s direction. When she was about fifteen yards away, Ellie spotted Matthew and broke free of Anna, sprinting the short distance towards him.

  ‘Hey titch!’ Matthew picked Ellie up and gave her a kiss on the forehead. ‘How are you doing?’

  ‘Good,’ Ellie squeaked.

  ‘And did you bring your mother with you today or are you here alone?’

  Ellie giggled and pointed. ‘Mummy’s over there.’

  With Ellie still in his arms, Matthew turned to where the little girl was pointing and Anna’s heart skipped yet another beat. They were standing in sunlight, both smiling, and for a moment Anna was torn between love and heartbreak. It wasn’t that she hadn’t seen Matthew pick Ellie up before, indeed, he’d carried the little girl to bed a few times, but watching them together, the past and the present collided. Ellie’s evident pleasure in Matthew’s company reminded her unbearably of what the little girl had lost when James had been taken from them, and despite her desire to greet Matthew, she stood frozen, unable to reconcile her feelings of hope and loss.

  ‘Are you OK?’ Charlotte said gently.

  Anna swallowed. ‘Fine.’

  ‘Hello stranger,’ Matthew’s smile softened as he grew nearer. ‘Glad you could make it.’

  ‘Hi,’ Anna said, raising onto her tiptoes for the proffered kiss. She hoped her face didn’t betray how unsettled she was.

  ‘Looks like a good crowd here,’ Matthew said. ‘I’d better give Andy a ring and get him to bring down a few more kegs.’

  Anna looked around again. Trade was picking up at the Carter’s stand, due to the already warm temperatures. ‘Half the village’ll be horizontal in the exhibition tent at this rate!’

  ‘As will I, potentially,’ Matthew grimaced good-naturedly. ‘I’ve been asked to judge the best homemade wine entries.’

  ‘Christ!’ Charlotte said. ‘The vicar had that dubious honour last year and he ended up wearing Miss Pinkham’s prize begonias as a toupee!’

  ‘And hello to you too, Charlotte,’ Matthew grinned back at her. ‘I hope you’ll be on hand to help Anna carry me home in the event of too much homemade hooch.’

  ‘Don’t count on it,’ Charlotte replied. ‘I’ve got Simon to keep on the straight and narrow, and that’s no easy task, especially if he gets near your concession.’

  She searched the crowd for her husband and son, who’d come along earlier to try to beat the inevitable crowds near the rides. ‘I think I can see Evan on the death slide,’ she said. ‘I’d better go and show some motherly support.’ And with that, she headed off into the crowd.

  ‘She’s on good form,’ Matthew remarked, putting a fidgeting Ellie back on her feet.

  ‘When is she not?’ Anna said. ‘She ought to go on the comedy circuit.’

  ‘Want to see the ponies,’ Ellie said, taking Anna’s hand and trying to drag her towards the pony rides. With a jolt, Anna realised Matthew had taken Ellie’s other hand.

  ‘Everything OK?’ Matthew asked, seeing Anna’s brief hesitation.

  Anna gave herself a mental shake and smiled. ‘Fine. Shall we go and see these ponies?’

  Matthew smiled back. ‘Meredith’s been roped into helping with the pony rides, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to check in. But hang on a minute.’ He let go of Ellie’s hand and walked back up to the Carter’s concession. Rummaging in his pocket for a five pound note, he grabbed two bottles of Carter’s Vintage Cider and popped the tops on the bottle opener by the stall.

  ‘Aren’t you entitled to a freebie?’ Anna asked as he came back to her.

  ‘Not in public!’ Matthew replied. ‘Excuse the presumption, but I really wanted you to try this current vintage blend, and, as you say, it’s getting warm.’

  Keeping hold of the other bottle, he drew closer to Anna and gently placed the neck of it to her lips. Automatically, she closed a hand around his as he tilted it so that the sweet, earthy liquid fizzed over her tongue. It tasted of summer, warmth and promises, and as Anna swallowed, her eyes never wavering from Matthew’s, the hair rose on the back of her neck.

  ‘What do you think?’ Matthew said softly, eyes suddenly burning with intensity.

  Anna licked her lips as she drew away from the bottle. ‘Wonderful.’

  ‘Want to see the ponies, Mummy!’ Ellie repeated, taking matters very much into her own hands.

  Anna tore her gaze from Matthew’s and smiled down at her little daughter. ‘Come on then,’ she said. But the taste of Matthew’s cider still lingered on her lips.

  The three of them headed over the village green to where three plump Shetlands and a Welsh Cob were tethered.

  ‘Hey, Dad, Anna, Munchkin!’ Meredith greeted the three as they approached. ‘I wouldn’t go for a ride on Spotty, she’s being a real bit— um, naughty pony today.’ She shook the angry looking Shetland pony’s halter in admonishment as it attempted to bite her jodhpur-clad thigh.

  ‘Which would you suggest?’ Anna asked. She eyed the dozy-looking bay cob that was tied up next to the fence.

  ‘I’d put her on Bilbo if I were you,’ Meredith replied. ‘Quick, bring her over and I’ll sneak her on before Katy collars you for the three quid!’

  Anna grinned. ‘It is all for charity, Merry, I don’t mind paying.’

  Meredith rolled her eyes. ‘True, but Katy has a habit of pocketing the change when no one’s looking.’ She took the coins from Anna and popped them into the leather pouch across her hip.

  Ellie was hopping with excitement as Meredith popped a hard hat on the little girl’s head, and by the time she was on the dozy pony’s back, she was virtually squealing.

  As Meredith led the pony off for a gentle walk, Anna smiled. ‘I think it’s love at first sight.’

  Matthew smiled down at her. ‘Meredith was the same the day I put her up on Custard, her first pony. She was about the same age as Ellie. I don’t think she’s been as smitten with anything since, except perhaps this Flynn character.’ His face clouded briefly. ‘But so far he’s been behaving himself.’

  ‘He’ll take care of her,’ Anna said.

  ‘He’ll have me to answer to if he doesn’t.’

  With Ellie momentarily occupied, Anna felt Matthew’s warm right hand slipping into hers. The jolt of electricity as they touched made her breath quicken. Yet again she thought about the next few hours, and a shiver went down her spine. It wasn’t just the contact that made her jump; Matthew had been cautious about showing any kind of affection in public, even when they both knew word of their relationship was starting to spread, so his hand holding hers was a huge step.

  As if aware of her thoughts, Matthew ducked his head and whispered in her ear. ‘I think it’s about time we gave those old trouts a thrill, don’t you?’

  ‘Why, Mr Carter, I don’t know what you mean,’ Anna teased, although the sensation of his lips brushing her ear and the side of her neck was distracting.

  ‘Oh, I think you do,’ Matthew’s tone was light, but the words were loaded with promise.

  ‘Dad, put her down, will you? You’ll put me off my lunch!’ Meredith’s voice broke into their separate world.

  Matthew laughed. ‘Watch it, Meredith – you’re not too old to be grounded.’

  ‘Where is Merry going to be tonight?’ Anna asked, suddenly aware that, in her preoccupation with Matthew spending the night at her cottage, she hadn’t asked.

  ‘She’s spending the night with a mate of hers – Roseanna,’ Matthew replied. ‘And before you question the veracity of that assertion, I did phone Rosie’s mother and father to make sure that was where she was really going to be.’

; ‘Sneaky Dad!’ Anna laughed, a little shocked by his forward thinking. ‘Does Meredith know you did that?’

  Matthew looked affronted. ‘Are you suggesting I’d check out my daughter’s whereabouts without telling her?’


  ‘Well, you’d be right. But I can’t be too careful. She’s at that age.’ Matthew grinned. ‘Although, if she had been lying to me, it might have put a spanner in the works for us, of course.’

  Anna’s mouth went dry.

  At that moment, Meredith returned with Ellie. ‘Again, again!’ Ellie squealed as Meredith helped her down from the saddle.

  ‘Sorry, sweetheart, but Katy’s looking over and she’ll have my guts for garters if I take you round again,’ Meredith said. ‘But don’t worry, you can come and have a ride on my pony when you next come round.’

  Anna smiled. ‘You’re very kind, Merry. Say thank you, Ellie.’ But before Ellie responded, Anna’s parents emerged from the crowd, and Ellie shot off to give her granddad a cuddle.

  ‘I’ll see you later,’ Anna said to the teenager. ‘Thanks for being so good with her.’

  ‘’Twern’t nothing, Ma’am,’ Meredith doffed an imaginary cap. ‘Have a good afternoon.’

  As Anna turned, she saw her father chatting with Matthew.

  ‘Very well thanks, Richard,’ Matthew was saying. ‘Are you all set for the weekend?’

  ‘Absolutely,’ Anna’s father replied. ‘It’ll be good to get away for a couple of days. We’d better push on, though, beat the traffic.’

  ‘Oh bugger!’ Anna said, clapping a hand to her mouth. ‘I forgot to bring Ellie’s overnight bag with me. It’s still in the hallway.’

  ‘Must have had something else on your mind,’ Charlotte, who’d just arrived back with Evan, muttered.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ Anna’s mother smiled. ‘I’ve got my copy of your house key. We’ll pop in on the way through and get it.’

  ‘Thanks, Mum,’ Anna sighed. ‘It must have been all the worry about the cupcakes for the stall.’ She didn’t dare look in Charlotte’s direction. Charlotte, thankfully, seemed preoccupied with keeping Evan away from Spotty’s restless hooves.

  ‘See you soon,’ Matthew said, smiling.

  And with that, Matthew and Anna were alone, albeit in a crowd of villagers, well-wishers and May Fair revellers.


  ‘I still can’t believe you made it through the homemade wine competition!’ Anna said. ‘Your fellow judge was looking decidedly unsteady on her feet by the end of it.’

  ‘Ah yes, the Lady Mayor,’ Matthew grinned. ‘She, unlike myself, made the mistake of actually swallowing the stuff.’

  ‘What?’ Anna nearly spat out the contents of her own glass. ‘You mean you were faking trying all that parsnip and elderflower home brew?’

  Matthew raised an eyebrow and poured them both another glass of red. ‘If I’d actually drunk any of it, I certainly wouldn’t be sitting here now. You’d have been digging me out of one of the barrows.’

  ‘Isn’t that a little dishonest?’ Anna said, taking a sip of her newly replenished wine. ‘After all, how do you know Sid Porter’s bottle was the best?’

  Matthew leaned forward. ‘I had the dubious honour of tasting it at the village Christmas party last year. Believe me, he has the monopoly on home brewing – tries everything out on his Old Spots before bottling it. It’s what gives the pork its unique flavour.’ His eyes twinkled in the candlelight.

  ‘You’re awful,’ Anna scolded gently.

  ‘I know, but that dinner was fantastic,’ Matthew said. He leaned back in his chair again and gave a satisfied sigh.

  ‘Merry’s always telling me how you keep forgetting to eat.’

  ‘Well, I’m glad, for once, that she did, if it gets me some more meals like that!’ Matthew chuckled. He pushed back the chair. ‘Can I help you with the washing up?’

  ‘It’s fine,’ Anna replied. ‘There’s not much to do.’ Standing up, she leaned over Matthew to grab his plate. Before she could take it, his hand closed around her wrist. As his fingers traced a pattern on her palm, Anna shivered.

  ‘Then leave it,’ he said huskily.

  Anna laughed nervously. ‘I can’t bear to face it in the morning.’

  Matthew sighed and released her wrist. ‘Oh, all right then, but you can at least allow me to make you some coffee.’

  ‘It’s a deal,’ Anna replied, pointing him in the direction of the right cupboard.

  A weighty, suggestive silence descended, interrupted only by the clink of plates in the sink, and the rattle of coffee cups. As the seconds passed, Anna’s stomach fluttered nervously. She could feel Matthew’s eyes boring into her back as she glanced up from washing the dishes. Her hands started to tremble.


  ‘Are you OK?’ he asked, seeing her odd expression.

  ‘I… I think so. It’s just…’

  In a heartbeat, Matthew was next to her. ‘It’s all right. We go at your pace, as always. I promise you, if you want me to leave now, or to stay just for a little while… whatever you want is fine by me.’

  Anna smiled. ‘What right have I to have been blessed with someone so patient?’ She took a step towards him. ‘It’s been a long time…’ Gently she ran a fingertip down Matthew’s cheek, over his lips and down his neck.

  Softly, Matthew took hold of her hand and brought it to his cheek. He took a step towards her, so close she could smell the intoxicating scent of his English Fern cologne. Her heart began to beat faster, breath shortening, eyes widening.

  ‘I’m not used to this,’ Anna whispered. ‘You’re the first since…’

  ‘I know,’ Matthew replied softly. ‘And believe me when I say I will be very, very gentle with you. If you want me to be.’

  Matthew’s proximity, the quiver in his voice, the warmth radiating from his skin was making Anna yearn for him to be anything but gentle. She stared at his large, long-fingered hands, tanned from all of the time he’d spent outside and trembled. The words spoken by the pagans at the May Fair that afternoon suddenly came back to her:

  Let all things live with loving intent

  And to fulfil their truest destiny

  Was this her destiny? she wondered. Was he her destiny? If looking at Matthew’s hands was enough to make her pulse beat, she could only imagine what it would be like to have him touch her. She was reminded of warm things, dark things, anything but gentle things.

  They were within a breath of each other. He’d backed her up against the kitchen units so there was nowhere else she could go, not that she wanted to. He filled her vision and intoxicated her senses. As his mouth hovered over hers, for a split second she savoured the anticipation of his kiss, until their lips met.

  In one fluid gesture, Matthew pulled her to him. She felt eggshell fragile as he crushed her to his hard, rugged body. As he slid a thigh between hers, she felt herself melting, her senses awakening and responding. He kissed her like a man dying of thirst, as if he would never get enough of her. She realised then he was as parched as she was.

  They made it to her bedroom in a tangle of limbs and discarded clothing, stumbling through the door and onto Anna’s generous king-sized bed. In very little time they were naked. Waves of building pleasure washed over Anna as, in the half-light, she felt the solid weight of Matthew’s body. Between fevered kisses, he murmured sweet nonsense in her ears, none of which made much sense but sounded core-achingly erotic in the heat of the moment.

  Anna’s hands traced feathery lines down Matthew’s back, her fingertips delighting in the warmth and heat of his skin. Matthew moaned, and when her fingers ventured across his thighs and between his legs, his sharp intake of breath made her dizzy with her own desire. Exploring, stroking and teasing, he shuddered under her touch, hips rising to give her further freedom to discover him. For a time she could see him luxuriating in her intimate touches.

  But Matthew was not a man to surrender so soon. With a gentle firmnes
s, he pushed Anna back against the deep white pillows of her bed, and began to explore her. His tanned hands against her pale skin danced and caressed, stroking her breasts and moving slowly downwards. While his mouth was still upon hers, the attentions of his hands made her gasp into the kiss. The gentle, circling pleasure of his fingertips made her ache, and move her body even closer to allow him to feel her warmth and heat. The pleasure of sensation, so long dormant, created by months of tension and moments of touch, was nearly overwhelming, and as the tingling throb of desire became more insistent, her thighs parted further.

  ‘Come here… now,’ she whispered, her voice dark with passion.

  Matthew needed no further encouragement. He slid a warm hand under her and wrapped one of her thighs around his waist. Slowly, despite the heat of their desire, mindful of the occasion, Matthew looked into Anna’s eyes, waiting for her final assent.

  Breathing a gentle ‘Yes…’ that whispered across the hollow of Matthew’s throat, Anna felt him shift slightly, until he was directly above her. Gently at first, but with growing ardour, he slid inside her. The pleasure as he moved was almost unbearable. She had been on the brink, hovering on the threshold and as his movements became harder, more driven, she felt herself rising and pulsing, until the steady, rhythmic beat of her climax encapsulated all of her senses. Within moments, Matthew had reached his own peak, and as his release made him shudder, so he cried out, burying his face into Anna’s shoulder as his powerful thrusts subsided.

  Afterwards they lay joined, covered in sweat and enjoying the afterglow. Anna ran a hand through Matthew’s dishevelled hair, caressing the back of his neck.


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