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The Omega's Secret Baby (Oceanport Omegas Book 1)

Page 8

by Ann-Katrin Byrde

  And then finally, finally, he withdrew his fingers, rolled on a condom and entered me.

  Shivers chased down my spine at the feeling of my hole stretching for him. The burn was minimal, but it was there, and I embraced it, spreading my legs even wider. Oh God, it was so good. To feel him again after all this time. I had to press a pillow to my face and bite on it to keep from moaning as Matt went in as deeply as he could.

  After a moment, I felt the pillow being ripped away from me, and then Matt was there, kissing me. I welcomed him, letting his tongue into my mouth the same way I let his cock into my ass, feeling utterly claimed, owned and perfectly happy.

  It was a confusing feeling when I wasn't being high on it. And Matt was the only one who could push me into this state. He was my drug.

  No wonder I'd fallen to pieces when he left.

  Unconsciously, I dug my fingers into his back. He made a low noise in the back of his throat, and then he started moving, putting a stop to all my thoughts.

  He went as fast and hard as he could in our position, keeping his lips pressed to my mouth. I bucked my hips, wanting more, always more. My body shook a little every time he hit my prostate, sparks of need tearing through my self-control. I moaned into Matt's mouth, utterly unable to keep quiet.

  After another minute, he gave me the pillow back, leaned up a bit to grab my hips and started really pounding into me.

  I was glad for the pillow. Without it, I would have woken not only my kid but everyone in the neighborhood.

  Matt hadn't lied when he'd said he wanted to go to town on me. Every thrust came hard and deep. He was wrecking me. And I loved it.

  If it hadn't been for the pillow, I would have begged him for more. I nearly sobbed when I felt his large hand wrap around my cock. It was almost too much. I didn't want to come yet, I wanted to ride this feeling forever, but there was no way that I could hold back. Once Matt started stroking me in time with his thrusts, I was done for. I struggled to hold back the flood, but the waves came crashing over me anyway. I bit the pillow hard as my orgasm tore through me like a force of nature until I was absolutely spent.

  Above me, Matt groaned in a way that let me know he was done too. I laid the pillow aside and closed my eyes as he embraced me a moment later. After the intense climax I'd just had, his arms around me felt like the only thing holding me together. And I was strangely okay with that--even as part of me wondered whether I was setting myself up for more heartbreak.



  The next morning, my brother was already in the kitchen making coffee when I got up. That was a rare occasion. Usually, he liked to sleep late. But that was not the only thing different about him that morning. He seemed... awfully jumpy when I entered the kitchen.

  “Something wrong?” I asked, when he almost dropped the mug he was getting out of the cupboard upon hearing me step inside.

  “No!” He whirled around to me. “Nothing. How was your night?”

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “How was your night?” Come to think of it, I hadn't heard him come home. “You were out pretty late, weren't you?” I gave him a grin. I liked the thought that he might have been out with someone. These days, that rarely happened. My brother was only two years younger than me, but as far as I knew, he was still a virgin.

  And right now, he was blushing like one too.

  “It wasn't that late.”

  I stepped up to him and patted him on the back. “Nothing to be ashamed of,” I told him. “You really should get out more.” Honestly, I felt a little guilty sometimes that my brother didn't have more of a social life. There was a myth floating around that some people believed and which said that omegas should be virgins until their matings because apparently we imprint on the first guy we sleep with and never get over him.

  That was crap, of course, but since I'd never really moved on from Matt, I feared Griff might be wondering if there was something to it. And that sort of pressure could ruin any budding romance.

  “I'm not ashamed,” Griff said, pouring some coffee into his mug. “Nothing happened.”

  “Fine.” I grabbed a mug for myself. “But you know it'd be cool even if something had happened.”

  “I know,” he insisted and then he pressed his lips together.

  “Okay, I won't talk about it anymore.” I turned away from him to sit at the table. “But even if your night was uneventful, mine wasn’t.”

  “What do you mean?” His eyes grew wide. “Wait, did you and Matt…?”

  I laughed a little, because I wasn't sure how else to react. “Yeah, it kind of just happened.”

  Griff sat at the table with me. “So... what does this mean now? Are you getting back together?”

  “Honestly? I don't know. It sort of... sounded like that. I asked him if he was going to stick around. I meant for Jake, but... you know. I didn't just mean for Jake. I think he got that.” Or did he? I hadn't been super clear the night before. It was difficult to be super clear when your brain was doused in hormones.

  “You should really talk about that some more.”

  I sighed. “You're probably right.”

  “Have you thought about when you're going to tell Jake?”

  “About the relationship or...?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  I grimaced. Of course I knew. We had to tell Jake the truth about his parentage, and we couldn't wait much longer. The longer we waited, the weirder it would probably get. “It's just such a difficult topic. I'm not sure how to approach it.”

  “Yeah, I get that.” Griff gave me a sympathetic look. “But I think you should tell him soon.”

  “Yeah, well.” I ran a hand through my hair and stood from the table. “For now, I have to wake him up and get him to school.”

  I went into work that day with my head held high. Something about talking to Matt the night before had bolstered my spirits, and I could still feel it as Harold sneered at me when I walked into the shelter.

  “Something wrong?” I asked him. “I'm not late this morning.”

  “You should be worried you even have to mention that,” he waved me off. “Did you come up with anything for the event? The boss wants to talk to both of us again.”

  “I... have an idea.” Harold probably wasn't going to like it, but that wasn't my problem, was it? I was just doing my job. A job that I was actually really good at.

  My brother's words came to me again. That I needed to get out of here, do what I'd really planned to do with my life.

  Maybe it wasn't too late after all.

  Maybe I could still go back to school and be more than just an omega.

  Matt thought I was more.

  “What are you thinking about?” Harold asked. “Staring into space like that. Get to work.”

  I was tempted to stick my tongue out to him, but I didn't. Not even Harold could ruin the nice day I was having. I wasn't going to let him.

  In reality, I even kind of enjoyed the expression on his face when the boss called us into his office later and I told him what I'd thought about for the charity event.

  “An animal fashion show?” Harold spat. “No way I'm going to be doing that. That's for sissies and omegas.”

  “Well,” I said. “I'm an omega.” And not ashamed of that fact. Not today.

  “Fine. Then you can do it!”

  I looked to my boss, who turned to Harold. “Did you have any good alternative ideas? Because I believe if we did this well it could draw people in. I'm thinking of maybe having an auction afterward.” He leaned back in his chair and scratched his chin. “Yes, yes, that could work, I believe.”

  Harold's eyes widened. “You can't be serious.”

  But he didn't offer a better idea.

  “Look,” I said, turning to him. “I don't need your help making the outfits or anything.” I doubted that he could knit anyway.

  “Well, you won't get it!”


  “Are you sure you can do this by yours
elf?” my boss asked, one eyebrow raised. “Because to be honest, I couldn't help you with the knitting either. But I guess it pays to have an omega on staff for things like this.”

  It was difficult not to grimace, hearing those words. This was all I was to my colleagues, wasn't I? The omega on staff.

  Again, I had to think of filling out a college application. People might finally take me seriously when I had a Dr. in front of my name. And if Matt helped raise Jake...

  This might actually be feasible.

  “I'm sure I can do this,” I told my boss. Because, really, it was time to man up. About this charity event, and everything else.

  “Good, good.”

  I left my boss's office in high spirits.

  And I should have known that the day couldn't possible continue to go that well. I was hardly out of my boss's office for ten minutes before my cell phone began to ring. And that usually only meant one thing.

  Jake's school.

  Of course.

  I sighed, and answered the phone, although I really didn't want to. What had my little bundle of energy done this time?

  “Mr. Stevens?”


  “We'd like for you to come down to the school, please. It's about your son Jake. Honestly, it's much the same thing I called you for last time.”

  The same thing? Oh, c'mon. I'd really hoped Jake had learned his lesson. “Did he get into another fight?”

  “Well, if it's any consolation to you,” the secretary said, “this time they were both throwing punches.”

  No, that wasn't really much of a consolation. “I'll be down there as fast as I can.”

  I went down to the school, I listened to what the principal had to tell me, I apologized profusely, ignored the way Mrs. Foster glared at me, and then I took my son, put him in my car, and drove all the way home in complete silence.

  I couldn't talk to him. Not yet. I knew the moment I opened my mouth, I would explode. How could he do this again? Like I didn't have enough on my plate.

  Like he didn't have enough on his plate.

  I parked the car in front of our house and together, we walked inside.

  “Oh, it's you guys!” my brother greeted us from the living room. He poked his head in the hallway. “Anything wrong?”

  “Why don't you ask your nephew what happened,” I said, taking my coat off. Thankfully, I didn't have to go back to work that day, so that was one less thing to worry about.

  Jake looked at Griff, lips pressed in a thin line and shoulders hunched, as if he was being unfairly accused or something. “I got into a fight,” he said eventually. “With a mean boy.”

  Griff sighed. “Again?”

  “He started it.” Jake pouted.

  “Oh yes,” I chimed in. “The other boy was the first to punch. After you took his sandwich and tossed it in the trash.”

  “He said--“

  “I don't care what he said,” I cut Jake off. “I don't care at all, okay? We had an agreement, and you broke it.”

  Jake stared at the floor and said nothing, and I got the feeling that I wasn't getting through to him.

  “You got yourself suspended!” I went on. I was sure he was aware of this, but I had to vent, anyway. “Do you want them to throw you out of the school? You like the school, don't you?”

  “I don't like the school!” Jake burst out. “I hate the school! And I hate you!” With that, he stormed up the stairs, still in his street shoes.

  “Jake!” I called after him, but he was already throwing the door to his room shut.

  I took a deep breath, which didn't calm me at all. Some days it was just a joy to be a parent.



  The day after I went to the movies with Eli and Jake, I had tea with Frederica again. She said she had something to tell me. Something that she could only tell me if I made time for her, though. Since I liked Frederica, I didn't exactly mind being blackmailed like this, but I did wonder what kind of news she had for me.

  Frederica however, liked to keep the suspense alive.

  And so we sat at a table in the one of the smaller living rooms in my parents’ mansion while she calmly sipped her tea and talked about the weather.

  “There's going to be more snow, you know.”

  “Really?” I gave her a forced smile. “Frederica, you know I love our conversations, but could you please tell me what you really wanted to talk about?”

  The corner of her lips tugged up. “Oh, sure I could. I'll tell you what I know as soon you tell me what you know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I'm talking about your omega and his boy, of course.” She made a disapproving face. “You never told me if you found out whether he's yours or not.”

  Oh, that. I'd thought a lot of Eli and Jake lately, but I hadn't thought about Frederica in any of this. I'd simply had too much on my mind lately. “I did find out,” I told her. “But I can't share this with you unless you promise me again that you won't tell a soul about this.” I couldn't stress that enough. If rumors spread about this... That would hurt both Eli and Jake.

  Frederica sighed. “I know. I know. You won't let me have any fun.”

  I gave her a hard look.

  She shook her head at me. “You know I'm just joking. I won't tell anyone.” She set her cup down. “I won't deny that I love rumors, but I care about you too.”

  That was touching. I'd often thought that Frederica was like a mother to me, but we didn't normally speak of it. But I knew that I could trust her. Even with this.

  I took a deep breath and leaned forward. “The boy is my son.” And it still felt surreal to say that.

  Frederica raised a hand to her mouth. “Is he really?”

  I nodded.

  “Oh my God. I can't believe you're a father.” She looked so ecstatic I half expected her to jump from her chair and hug me, but she didn't. Instead she took a large gulp of her tea. “You're really a dad. I can still picture you when you were two, and now you're all grown up.”

  “I was all grown up before I told you this.”

  “This is different.” She waved me off. “Now you're a parent.”

  I exhaled. “I know. But just because I know that I have a son now doesn't...” I struggled to find the words.

  “Doesn't what?”

  “It doesn't mean that I know how to be a parent.”

  Frederica nodded. “No, I guess not. This must be a lot to take in.” She leaned back in her chair. “But any way, I'm sure you'll do a much better job of it than your sister. Did you hear she's coming over today with that little brat of hers? What's your son like? Please tell me he's not as bad.”

  I actually had to laugh a little. Leave it up to Frederica and her odd way of leading a conversation to cheer me up. “He's nothing like my nephew, I assure you. He is a little alpha, though.”

  “Is he? Isn't he only seven?” Frederica shot me a curious look.

  “Yes, I know it's early to tell, but he's definitely an alpha.”

  “Taking after his dad.” Frederica gave me another smile. “You were trouble too.”

  “I was not.”

  “Oh yes.” She took a sip of her tea. “Remember that time you insisted all the children coming to your birthday party had to be dressed as clowns? I was finding thrown away red noses all over the house for weeks.”

  Oh God. I had forgotten all about my childhood obsession with circuses.

  “You were a stubborn child,” Frederica said. “And you've grown into a stubborn man.”

  Had I? In some regards, perhaps. But being stubborn wasn’t always a bad quality.

  “You should bring the boy around some time,” Frederica went on. “I'd like to meet him.”

  I grimaced. “Bring him here and introduce him to my parents?”

  “Oh no, maybe not such a great idea. You're right.” Frederica shot me a sympathetic look. “But you're not going to keep him a secret forever, or will you?
You know I love a good secret.”

  “No, I won't.” That wouldn't be fair to Jake. It wasn't that I was ashamed of him or anything. I just didn't want to expose the child to my parents quite yet. “I'm not sure what I'm going to do. This has all been... difficult.”

  Frederica nodded. “But you're going to raise him?”

  “I do want that. But like I said, I don't know how to be a parent yet.”

  “I'm sure you'll be fine. Nobody knows at first. You grow into it.”

  I could only hope she was right.

  But there wasn't only the issue of whether or not I knew how to be a parent. There was also the issue of whether or not Jake was going to accept me as such. After all, we still hadn't told him about any of this.

  And I couldn't stay in town forever either. At some point, I would have to go back to work. For now, I was managing things via the Internet, but that was only a temporary solution. The reality was that I had built my life in a different state.

  I took a deep breath, and a sip of my tea.

  No use worrying about all of that now.

  “What were you going to tell me?” I asked Frederica.

  She shot me a questioning look, as if she'd already forgotten why she'd summoned me in the first place.

  “Your news,” I reminded her.

  “Oh, yes!” She reached out to refill her tea before going on. Then she licked her lips. Never a good sign. Whatever she had to tell me, it wasn't good news.

  Just great.

  Because I really needed more problems now.

  “Well,” Frederica started. “You know how people like to talk.” She waved her hand dismissively as if she wasn't one of those people, even though we both knew she was.

  “I know. Go on.”

  She gave me a tight smile. “There's a rumor going around about you and a certain omega.”

  “Me and a certain omega?” My eyebrows shot up. Eli and I had tried so hard to be discreet.

  Her expression turned to one of sympathy. “You were seen going into his house last night. And not coming out for a while.”


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