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Convict's Captive Book 1

Page 6

by Paul Blades

  When he was done, he noticed that the girl was awake. He didn’t feel like dealing with her and so he left her where she was. She looked at him forlornly. She probably had to pee, but she could wait.

  The coffee had been brewing for fifteen minutes or so. The smell was terrific. He took it off the burner and let it settle for a minute and then poured himself a cup in a mug that advertised the State Fair of 1987. He had been just earning his bones in 1987, a kid. He had come up hard, fought all comers. He had been smart, made money for his partners in crime, and lived as free a life as any man could ask for. He answered to no man, took what he wanted, did whatever he wanted. That was the way to live life, not as some wage slave. If it meant dying young or eventual prison, that’s just the way it went. It was part of the deal. But while you lived, you really lived.

  He took his coffee to the table and set it down. He went over to the bed and pulled the covers up off of the girl. Then he sat down and drank it, smoking his first cigarette of the day, enjoying the view of the naked, bound and gagged toy he had captured. Her helplessness made his cock twitch. Her hands were flopped behind her like a little tail jutting from the base of her back. He liked the fire engine red nails. It was if she had gotten all dolled up just for him. And the toenails, that was a nice touch. Only a girl who was going to take down her panties did her toenails in the wintertime. He wondered if she had been fucking earlier the night before. The condoms and lube in her purse said yes. That made him laugh. He doubted that her boyfriend made her scream and yell like he did.

  He recalled the picture of the boy in her wallet. He was just the kind of straight arrow mother fucker he despised. They talked a big game about law and order when they were around each other, but when alone, all you had to do was slap them around a little bit and they would be cowering like mice. To think that a guy like that got to regularly fuck a good looking piece of tail like her. What was her name? He had read it on her license, but he couldn’t remember it. It was Carol or something like that. Who cared? As long as she had a hot pussy, and she had a hot one all right, she didn’t need a name.

  Before he had been picked up on the racketeering warrant, he had had a few hundred pussies. There had been a few he had kept around for a while, ones that were especially pretty or saucy, or who gave particularly good head. But most of them were throw aways. And even the good ones he got rid of after a while, passing them down to lower echeloned members of the club or trading them off to another chapter. There was no way he was ever going to lose his head over a piece of tail. And the best way to keep from getting hooked was to treat them like shit. The worse, the better. It kept them in there place and made them retain their identity as impersonal objects. That and making sure that their status never rose above mere property.

  There was an iron clad rule. Once a bitch had been claimed by one of the members of the club, she was claimed for life. She had no say in it, whether she came voluntarily or not. And when you got tired of them, you passed them on or put them on the street to earn.

  The girl let out a little whimper. Her eyes were looking at him hopefully. Her hands twisted in their bonds and her legs were pressed together. He recalled with relish his bout with her last night. Twelve years was a long time to go without pussy. Fucking a guy just wasn’t the same thing, no matter how young and sweet looking they were. Not to say that it wasn’t a pleasure. Once a sweet young punk became his property in the jail, he could do anything he wanted with him. Usually, he put him out earning. And if the kid was coming up for parole, well, there were ways to take care of that too. Some contraband found in his possession, talking back to a guard, a staged fight in the cafeteria. And for the special ones, for a price, the guards would bring him up on new charges, like assaulting an officer. He would get resentenced to a whole new bid and he would be around for a couple more years.

  But fucking a cunt was different, so much better that it wasn’t even worth talking about it. If it all ended this very moment, he thought, it would have been worth it just to have lived in that little girl’s pussy for a while.

  He finished his coffee. His cigarette lay stamped out in the ashtray. He decided to give the girl some relief. He didn’t want to have to deal with a wet bed. And then he would have to fuck her up for doing something dirty. He preferred not to mark her all up if he didn’t have to. Not yet, at least.

  He rose from his chair and stepped to the bed. He untied her ankles and then pulled her up to her feet. He led her into the bathroom and put her on the toilet. She looked at him mournfully, her mouth still covered by the silver tape, her arms bound behind her. He just waited. She peed. He stood her up, made her spread her legs and wiped her. The last thing he wanted was a smelly pussy.

  He led her back into the room and brought her over to the table. He sat her down in a chair. She brought her legs together and hunched her shoulders like she was trying to hide herself from him.

  “Sit up straight,” he told her. “And spread your legs. Don’t ever try and hide your pussy from me again. Got it?”

  The girl’s eyes got watery, but she obeyed. She sat back in the chair as far as she could go with her arms behind her and spread her legs.

  “Wider,” he told her curtly. She spread them so that her knees were on the outsides of the chair. That was better.

  He decided he was hungry. He rummaged through one of the bags from the store and brought out a can of stew. It had a pop lid and he broke it open. He went to the cabinet and got a soup spoon and returned. When he was sitting again, he spooned out a bit and put it in his mouth. It might be lukewarm and have only come from a can, but it sure beat prison food.

  He ate from the can slowly, savoring every bite. He kept his eyes on the girl, admiring her tits and the rest of her. What a stroke of luck she had been. He would have settled for any old cunt. He had decided in advance that he would kidnap a woman if possible both because a woman would be easier to deal with and because he could fuck her. He would have taken Two Ton Tessie if she had been the only choice. To get prime beef on the hoof was way beyond his expectations. But here she was. And they had just started to have fun.

  He scraped up every last bit of the stew and licked the spoon. It had really hit the spot. He tossed the can in the garbage and put the spoon in the sink. Then he poured himself another cup of coffee. He took it black. He had bought the coffee last night on the odd chance he would get the opportunity to make some. He was glad he did. It was something he had been dreaming about for years.

  He went back to his chair. The girl was watching very move he made. He took a sip and put the cup down on the table. He looked at the girl. She had a fine set of tits. Tits were another thing your didn’t get in the joint. Hers were just about the perfect size. It would take years before they started to sag, if ever. Right now they were perfectly ripe. They hung nicely and curved just a little up at the ends. And she had nice fat nipples and wide, smooth areolas.

  He reached down and to take hold of her nipples. She reared back a little, as much as she could, when she saw his hands coming, but there was nowhere to go. He grabbed them between his thumbs and forefingers and pulled her tits just a little bit out from her body. He gave them a little shake. They rippled nicely. A tear was flowing down from the girl’s right eye. She had done a lot of crying. So did most of the other cunts. In the beginning, it had bugged him and he had tried to make them stop. But that just made things worse. You just had to accept it; girls cried a lot. He found that it was better that they let it out. After, they became more accepting.

  He wanted to fuck her again, but thought that he should get her to eat first. She needed her strength for tonight. His plan was to drive only at night. This made it harder to spot the car. And it was dark inside the car so people outside couldn’t see whether the girl was balling or not and she couldn’t make signals to people to help save her.

  He let go of her nipples, watching the breasts spring back into their normal position. Then he got up and got a can of baked beans from the bag
. The stew was for him. He needed the energy more than her. And it was better that she be kept just a little undernourished. It helped make them passive.

  The bean can wasn’t a pop top so he had to rummage around the drawer for a can opener. He found one and opened the can. The girl was watching him warily. He got out a bowl from the cabinet and poured in the can of beans. He brought it over to the table and set it down. Then he sat back down in his chair and leaned over. He took hold of the duct tape around her mouth and slowly pulled each strip off. She whined as it tore at her skin. When he had it all off, he put his fingers in her mouth and leveraged out the rubber ball. It had been a perfect fit. He put that down on the table too.

  She shook her head and exercised her jaw and mouth. Her eyes were watery. She looked like she wanted to say something, but she didn’t. That had been the whole point of the exercise and he was glad that she got it.

  “I’m not going to ask you if you’re hungry. Frankly, I don’t give a shit. But we’ve got a lot of driving to do tonight and I want you to keep up your strength. So I want you to eat everything in this bowl. And I don’t give a fuck whether you like beans or not. You’ll eat what I give you and like it.”

  He put the bowl down on the floor a couple of feet away from her chair. “Eat it,” he said.

  The girl looked at him quizzically. She started to say something then stopped. The tears came back. She squirmed in her seat. Her face grimaced. He could tell that she was dying to say something. He got tired of waiting.

  “If you’re not down on your knees in a split second with your face in that bowl I’m going to beat you silly.” He reached out and grabbed her nipples again, this time pinching them hard and twisting them. The girl’s shoulders hunched and she gave out an agonized whine. He pulled her to her feet and led her over to the bowl. “Get down and eat!” he said curtly.

  Tears were running down her face. She sank to her knees. She leaned over so that her face was over the bowl. She gave him one last look, one mixed with hatred and shame, and then she did what she was told.

  She started nibbling at first, licking up a few beans here and there and swallowing them quickly. “She’s going to take all day,” he said to himself. He squatted down, took hold of the hair in back of her head and pushed her face down in the mucky beans. He mushed it around so that it got all covered. She squealed and blubbered. Then he pulled it up. “When I say ‘eat!’, eat!”

  Her face was covered with brown sauce. Here and there a little baked bean had adhered to it. The sauce was dripping off her nose. He reared his hand back and gave her a powerful slap on her buttocks. She screamed, “Ohhhhhhhhwwwwwww!”

  “Get going or you’ll get another!” he yelled.

  Crying, she dipped her head down and took a mouthful of beans. She raised her head to chew it. The sauce was dripping from her chin. It was running down her throat and down over her chest. When she finished the first mouthful, she leaned over and took a second. Then he sat down and lit a butt.

  While he smoked, he watched her eat. Making them eat from the floor like dogs was the best way he knew to teach them what pieces of shit they really were. When you came right down to it, they were barely human, and only really necessary to fuck and make babies. And clean and cook too, though, when push came to shove, men could do that too.

  Carly was way beyond hysterical. The man frightened her so much it made her bones sick. She knew that he was doing it to humiliate her, but knowing that didn’t make the humiliation any better. They were going to drive all night. She would have to spend another day with him. She didn’t know if she could stand it. But she knew that she had to. She had to do whatever he said. Her rear end burned where he had slapped it, and that was only a miniscule example of what he was capable of. Besides, she knew that if she became too much trouble, he would just kill her.

  She ate and ate and ate. She could feel the sauce running down over her chest and breasts. She hated beans and was too upset at her plight to be hungry. She knew though that she had to eat it all, a whole can’s worth, or he would strike her again. When she was done, she licked the plate clean just for good measure.

  He had finished his coffee. When she had finished licking the bowl clean, she knelt up and looked at him expectantly. That was a nice touch. She learned fast, he thought.

  He got up from his chair and stepped over to her. He took hold of the hair at the back of her head with his left hand and then leaned over and picked up the bowl. He pulled her to her feet, putting the bowl on the table. He then frog marched her over around the bed to the bathroom. She was a fucking mess. He couldn’t fuck her like this. Once in the bathroom, he pulled back the blue, fish strewn shower curtain and made her step into the tub. He positioned her under the shower spigot and turned on the water. Leaning over, bringing the girl’s unhappy head with him, he flicked the lever that made the water go to the shower. He pulled her up. The shower spigot sputtered a few times and then the water came pouring out.

  It was cold and the girl screeched and struggled. He had a good hold on her hair though and he was able to hold her face under the flow until it was clean of sauce. Then he pulled her back so that the water could get at her neck, chest and tits. She squawked the whole time. Her voice echoed off the brand new, blue tile. But he had to give her credit, she didn’t speak.

  He used his hand, rubbing it over her tits and chest to make sure that all the sauce was gone. He saw that some had gotten into her hair and he twisted and turned her head so that was washed away too. By then the water had gotten a little warmer so her squawking came to an end.

  Still holding her by the hair, he pulled her out of the tub. He released her hair and used a towel to dry her off. She was shivering and crying again. They would take a proper shower later. He didn’t want her to get all stinky. This would do for now.

  When he had finished drying her off, he took hold of her hair again and led her back to the bedroom. He told her to get on the bed. He joined her.

  He made her turn around and untied her hands from behind her back. Then he tied them off in front and affixed them to the headboard like last night. She was forced to lie on her back in the middle of the bed. He drew off his boxers and lay down next to her.

  Giving a bitch a cold shower wasn’t the best way to warm her up for sex. So he knew that he was going to have to be a little patient if he wanted her nice and hot when he fucked her. He knew a good way to do that.

  She was looking up at him, frowning. Her lips were trembling. He was on his side, next to her. He grabbed her hair again, this time not so harshly. “Open your mouth,” he told her. When he leaned down to kiss her, her lips were obediently parted and his tongue slipped right in.

  He kissed her for a long time. He was on her left and his left hand slid over her chest and her breasts, warming them up. He squeezed one breast, and then the other, not too hard, but enough so that he demonstrated his ownership of them. Her body had been stiff and tense when he first started kissing her, but it was gradually growing softer and softer. He knew she was fighting it, but that wouldn’t matter in the end.

  When he felt that he had broken the ice, so to speak, he removed his lips from hers and began kissing and licking her neck. She didn’t resist him, but he could tell that she didn’t like it. His hand drifted down over her belly and across her thighs and then up again. Her legs were together, but he was able to caress her lower belly, just above her sex and then bring his hand up again. He loved the feel of her smooth, youthful body. His cock was hard and his lust was starting to build. You couldn’t rush these things though. He had to be patient.

  Lowering his head, he took possession of her nipples with his lips. He suckled them gently, running his tongue over them, kissing them. He could tell that she liked this a little better. Even so, she was still fighting him. He took hold of a breast and squeezed it, harder this time while he suckled, kissed and licked at her teat. She shifted underneath him like she was trying to fight something off. When he did the other one the sa
me way, her chest rose and fell and she issued an involuntary sigh. He kept kissing her teats while his hand flowed over her belly again, over her thighs and back. He lifted his head. “Spread your legs,” he told her.

  She couldn’t move her left leg since it was up against him, but she obediently opened her right. Just a little though. He took hold of a teat and twisted it. “Wider!” he ordered. She groaned and obeyed.

  “Don’t fuck with me, bitch!” he told her. “Just do what I say!”

  Her face winced.

  He released her teat. Now he would have to start all over again. He brought his head up to her face and kissed her again. He didn’t have to tell her to open her mouth, she did it obediently. His tongue mingled with hers, teasing it, playing with it. She began to melt again almost right away. When he was satisfied, he began working his way down her body again. This time, when he put his hand down there, her leg was open and he was able to run his hand over her pussy. He took a finger and dragged it upwards the length of her gash, happy to find some nascent moisture.

  The heat of her body was tantalizing to him. He was having a hard time resisting just slipping between her legs and forcing his way in. But that would just make her scream and would wound her insides, making it harder to get a good fuck later. They had a couple more days to spend together. It would be difficult to replace her, and dangerous. So he had to make her last.

  His mouth on her teat, he slipped his finger up and down her slit a few more times. When he touched her clit, she gave a little jump. That told him that his magic was working. Blood had started to fill it and it was becoming sensitive.

  Satisfied, he began to work his mouth down her torso. His body slipped down the bed while he kissed and licked at her belly. It shuddered when he ran his tongue across it. His hands were on her sides, and they slid down with him as his mouth found her lower belly. She shifted her hips and gave a moan. Her legs twitched as if she wanted to bring them together. He knew that she had probably realized what he was up to and was none too happy about it. That made it all the more delicious.


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