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On the Road: (Vagabonds Book 2) (New Adult Rock Star Romance)

Page 20

by Jamison, Jade C.

But looking in CJ’s eyes helped me feel calm—and drawn in, just like he’d always done to me. He was more gorgeous than ever, and he was almost all mine. But I had to play it cool.

  When I joined my family, mom was asking, “Would you like to sit down for a moment, CJ?”

  He smiled, all charm. “You look lovely tonight, Kyle.” Then he turned to my mom. “We’d better not, and I’m sorry, because that’s my fault. I should have gotten here sooner. Our dinner reservation is for six-thirty, and I don’t know if we’ll lose our table if we’re late.”

  Mom laughed. “Then you have plenty of time.”

  CJ half winced. “In Colorado Springs.”

  Dad nodded, looking impressed. “Where are you going?”

  “A French restaurant on the north side.” Wow. He really was making a big deal out of this and making me feel special. “What time should I have her home?”

  Dad looked at mom as though to assess her thoughts, and I was hoping they’d be cool. After all, I’d practically been on my own for the past year. To be fair, they didn’t know how little I’d been supervised. My parents smiled and dad said, “A better question might be to ask when you plan to have her home.”

  CJ tilted his head. “Well, I was thinking we could go to the movies after…and then maybe dessert. Then, after the drive back here…”

  Mom asked, “Will you feel awake enough to drive back here and home after all that?”

  “That’s why we’ll have dessert—coffee too.”

  Jesus. CJ was saying all the right words. I didn’t know how he’d managed, but at this point, I was pretty sure mom and dad were going to ask to adopt him. “How about this? If you think you’ll be here after two, why don’t you call and let us know?”

  “Two AM?” I wanted to be sure…because it sounded like, if I’d begged, they would let me stay out all night long.

  “That should be enough time, right?”

  CJ shrugged. “Probably.”

  My parents told us to have a good time and that they’d see us later. As we walked away from the house toward that gorgeous black Ferrari of his, I realized that I’d forgotten to make sure he could come to my birthday celebration tomorrow—but then I felt his hand rest on the small of my back before stepping forward a bit and opening the door for me.

  Once inside, CJ started the car and we looked back at the house, waving at my parents before he drove off. The car felt amazing—I could feel the power underneath me, almost like how you can feel a horse’s strength when you’re on its back. “You look beautiful tonight, Kyle.”

  I couldn’t help the smile that spread on my face. “Thanks. You…look good enough to eat. I don’t think I want dinner.”

  He laughed. “I really do have dinner reservations.”

  How had I guessed? Yeah…that was all I needed to know that he wasn’t going to have sex with me tonight. But I was turning eighteen tomorrow and then he wasn’t going to be able to turn me down anymore. “Good. ‘Cause I’m hungry as fuck.”

  * * *

  Dinner was nice and subdued—and I’d loved the food—but I was really glad I’d worn the dress, because I otherwise would have felt completely out of place in that restaurant. CJ was charming as hell, and we regaled each other with stories about our tour, but I noticed that we stayed away from any stories revolving around sex. Probably better that way. We each knew the other hadn’t been celibate on the road, but there was no need to flaunt that fact.

  The movie was surprisingly good enough to hold my attention. It was a raunchy comedy, and both CJ and I probably looked out of place in our more formal attire, but no one could see us once the lights were off and the movie was rolling. In spite of my dashed hopes for the evening, I was enjoying myself.

  When we left the theater, I expected him to ask if I wanted dessert somewhere, because that had been the plan. But he instead asked, “Want to come to my apartment for a while?”

  It was as if time stopped, but once the clock and my heart started ticking again, I did my best to make sure my voice was calm when I said, “I’d love to.” I hoped I didn’t sound too eager.

  I have no idea why I cared what I sounded like, because I’d made no secret about how badly I wanted him. I think at that point, though, I was afraid of getting hurt. Reminding him that I cared—and that I wanted him to care back—made me vulnerable. It was then that I remembered how much my first boyfriend Decker had hurt me, even when I’d thought he meant nothing to me.

  Once we were on the freeway and he’d shifted into high gear, he touched my knee. “I like this dress.”

  I pursed my lips together, trying to hide my grin. “You don’t look half bad yourself.” Ha. He looked good enough to fucking eat. I wasn’t big into suits and ties, but CJ could make anything look good. So when we got to his place—an apartment building on a bluff overlooking the city, so beautiful it took my breath away—I pulled out my phone and asked him to stand still for a moment under the streetlight next to his car. “I don’t know that I’ll ever see you in a tie again. I need a picture to remember this by.”

  He started laughing. “Then I want a picture of you too.”

  “Okay.” I stood still, not much of a pose, but I smiled.

  “No, not here.” I tilted my head in question. “Let’s go inside.” It was less than five minutes before we had walked inside his modest apartment. Everything in there looked new—the furniture and appliances, the artwork on the wall. I figured, knowing what I knew about him, that it was. “Now…I know you’re a naughty girl, Kyle, and you would have a drink, but I decided not to offer you one.” I grinned and playfully stuck my tongue out at him. He held up his hands, palms facing me, inviting me to press mine against his. Once our palms were touching, we intertwined fingers and then he gently pushed me against the door, holding my hands above my head. He brought his lips close to mine and I let out a breath, moving my face forward, trying to kiss him. He smiled then, and it reminded me of the first time we kissed, how he liked to tease. He finally put me out of my misery, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth before licking it with his tongue, and then his mouth fully consumed mine. When he was done, I could barely breathe. “Know what time it is?”

  I forced my eyes open and looked at him, shaking my head. “No.”

  “It’s about ten till midnight.” I blinked twice, waiting for him to continue. “Almost your birthday.”

  “Yeah. And I suppose you’re still gonna make me wait, huh?” I refrained from adding motherfucker to the end of that sentence.

  He half-shrugged, pretending to give it some thought. “Eh…by the time we’re done, I guess you’ll be of age.”

  Holy fucking shit. Insta-wet panties. He—he said… My mind went blank as my body prepared itself for takeoff. I didn’t trust myself with words anymore, just in case I was assuming or had misunderstood. I bit my lip and turned my head slightly, not trusting my ears either, but the look in his eyes was unmistakable, so I turned my head back to him and swallowed, then tilted so I could kiss him again. He still had me pinned up against the door, and for some reason, that was making me really hot. No foreplay required.

  But I tentatively leaned my head, aiming my lips for his, and he teased again, a slight grin on his face, not letting me kiss him yet, so when we finally did again, it was like fireworks exploding in my head. It was a slow, methodical kiss, and I was pretty sure he was trying to drive me crazy at that point. Maybe he wanted to see if he could make me come just by kissing me—and I wouldn’t have been surprised if I had.

  I felt my heart thumping in my chest and I tried to push back against him with my own body, to let him know how desperate I was feeling, but I had no leverage. Not only was I weak and helpless with desire, but the way he held me against the door, with my arms overhead and my fingers laced through his, his body pressed up against me, prevented me from moving much at all.

  He sucked on my lower lip and then kissed down my neck, and that was when I could hear how my breathing had changed. I almost found it fu
nny how I’d been waiting close to a year for this moment and yet I felt like I couldn’t wait. Well, I didn’t think I could wait much longer. I let out a moan as his lips drifted to my collarbone, exposed by the little black dress I’d worn that evening.

  At last, he loosened his grip on my hands, and so I figured it was time for me to get to work. As his lips ravished mine, my fingers fumbled with his tie. It took me a bit to figure it out, because I’d never tied one and I didn’t have the advantage of sight, but I got it loose and then he grabbed it and pulled it the rest of the way off while my fingers were beginning to make short work of his shirt buttons. Then he held me at the waist, pressing me against the door again, and in seconds, I was pulling the shirt out of his pants before running my hands up his bare flesh.

  That was a moment to pause and enjoy. I hadn’t as yet had the pleasure of touching the musculature on the front of his body, and it was solid. I wondered if he worked out some, because I could feel some definition—nothing like a mammoth bodybuilder, but he was tight and lean.

  Back to business, thought. I finally glided my hands up to his shoulders so I could slide the shirt off his body, and then I broke off our kiss so I could run my mouth along as much of his naked flesh as I could handle. I heard a slight chuckle in his throat. “What’s the big hurry?”

  I almost giggled, but I said, “I was ready to ask you what the hell you’re waiting for. Do you need a written invitation?” I looked up at him then, challenging him with my eyes to kiss me again.

  He lifted a hand to my face and stroked two fingers along my jawbone. “I’ve been waiting this whole time too, Kyle, and I’m not gonna just fuck you up against the wall like one of my groupies.” I felt my eyes grow wide, because I’d never thought of that before. I knew he’d said his feelings for me were mutual, but I guess I didn’t really believe him because he hadn’t felt the urgency to get together like I had. I had no words then, just searched his eyes for a signal.

  He brought his lips close to mine again and softly touched them before saying, “I have a bed and a bedroom—and those are reserved for someone special.” He grinned then. “They’ve been waiting for you.”

  I felt my jaw slacken but my body, on autopilot, let him lead me to his room. I knew at that moment that CJ was most definitely the flame and I was the moth, helpless, drawn to him, no matter the cost.

  Lita Ford ~ “Hungry”

  Chapter Thirty-two

  I HADN’T SEEN much of CJ’s apartment in the dim light of the evening and the smoldering passion that had kept me from giving a shit, but he was back in his leisurely mode, and he was going to make me suffer. He’d told my dad he’d have me home by two and it was closing in on midnight, though, so he couldn’t dillydally all night.

  I got a chance to look around his bedroom, though. He decided to sit down and pull his shoes and socks off—a pair of shoes that I wondered if he’d ever wear again. They were black and slightly shiny, almost business-like. I could see a twinkle in his eye when he looked up at me. He was enjoying this.

  Ah…but I also had some tricks up my sleeve. He could fuck around all he wanted, but I was going to move the proceedings forward. Like him, I pulled my shoes off, but they were heels. I was wishing I’d worn garters like Barbie sometimes did, because I could have driven him nuts pulling them down slowly. That was okay—I still had some ammunition. I turned around so I could play shy and then took the hem of my skirt in my hands and slowly bunched it up so I could pull it over my head.

  I could tease him too, and it was my fucking turn.

  I was facing his closet doors, but when I had the dress up past my panties to my waist, I turned my head just enough that my chin rested on my shoulder and I was able to make eye contact. And that was when I could tell I had him. He just sat there, nothing but his pants on, and I was surprised he was able to keep his mouth closed. Ha. I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face and I decided to slow my progress even further.

  He’d brought it on himself.

  But as I continued to pull my dress up, I stopped just below my bra. I couldn’t help it because I had a flash of genius. Pulling the dress back down quickly and keeping my face turned away from him for fear of giving myself away, I said, “You know, maybe we shouldn’t do this.”

  His pause was heavy, reluctant, and that was when I knew my acting skills were up to par. It took everything I had to not start laughing my ass off. “Whatever you want, Kyle.”

  And then I did start laughing—hard—and I whipped my dress over my head fast, spinning around and moving to the bed so I could stand right in front of him. I wanted to jump on him but couldn’t figure out a non-awkward way to do it. I straddled him on the bed, my knees bent as though I were squatting, and said, “I thought I’d give you a taste of your own medicine.”

  His pupils were wide and I could read him like a book then. No matter what he’d said, I knew then that he wanted me and I knew I would finally have my wish tonight. I could feel his cock pressing up against me. How easy it would be for me to just unzip his pants, slide the panel of my panties to the side, and hump the shit out of him? But he wasn’t going to let me even try. He wrapped his arms around my back and somehow, in a swift motion, rolled us over and completely onto the bed…with him on top.

  Ah. Maybe he liked being in control. I liked being the one calling the shots too—it was a part of my personality and maybe it also had something to do with being an only child. Not having a sibling I had to learn to get along with, I was used to having my way and getting it more often than not. For this guy, though? I’d give up a lot of control just to have him inside me. I couldn’t help the twinkle in my eye that I knew was there as I relished the moment. He searched my eyes and in his I saw a mixture of satisfaction, desire, and a remnant of the playfulness from moments earlier. “I promised to have you home by two and I don’t mind driving like a bat out of hell to get you there, but I have a promise I made to you that I have to fulfill first…and I don’t plan on rushing. I want to savor you like a fine meal, Kyle, not gulp you down like a fast food burger.”

  Holy shit. If I hadn’t loved the guy before, he just fucking solidified it. I felt my body surge with desire again and he brought his mouth back down to mine, claiming with his tongue something that was already his. I was his. What had started as a crush on him had grown into a solid mutual friendship, but everything—every damn thing—he did that night branded me as his. Yeah, somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I would still feel able to date other guys, find other men attractive (hot, even), and even fuck other guys…but I would never be the same. I would never love another man, not as long as I lived.

  I’d feared addiction to cigarettes, alcohol, all manner of illicit substances, and I’d fought some of them, protected myself from others. I hadn’t expected to become addicted to a person. No, though, CJ was more than that. I needed him like I needed water—so if I couldn’t have him, it wasn’t that I’d have to withdraw and learn to live without him. I wouldn’t die without him, either, but life would be pretty damn worthless.

  All of these crazy thoughts were swimming in the back of my mind as my body relished the moment it had been waiting for for far too long. His tongue in my mouth was like divinity—sweet, decadent, smooth, and oh, so right, like nothing else I’d ever tasted. His hands on my body were like fire—my body burned at the touch but couldn’t stand the coolness left behind when he removed them. I wrapped the fingers of one hand in his longish hair while my other hand cupped his stubbly cheek. I wanted to dig my nails into his back, but I knew I was so out of control, I wouldn’t be able to contain myself, and I’d likely cause a lot of bleeding. For now, I was simply maintaining as best I could.

  When his mouth moved to my neck, though, all bets were off. Just the motion of his cock through his pants brushing against my panties caused me to gasp, and it felt like every pore on my skin was standing at attention, begging for him to touch, to lick, to nip, to tease. I felt his fingers on my shoulder tuggi
ng on the thin bra strap, pulling it down, and then those digits moved to the top of my bra cup and pulled it down with aching slowness until my nipple was exposed to the air, rigid and perky and needing attention. He touched his tongue to my breast, causing me to gasp again and tighten my fist around his hair. He traced his tongue in a line until he reached my nipple and then I moaned, unable to stop myself from arching my back as he first flicked against the rigid flesh and then took as much of my breast into his mouth as he could to suckle on it. I let all the air pour out of my lungs as my fingers tightened their grip on his hair. The other hand that had been holding his face also tightened into a fist, and I stuck my knuckles in my mouth to keep myself from screaming in impatience.

  But then something in my head reminded me that talking dirty wasn’t necessarily a bad thing; the problem was I wanted to tell him to what to do. That wouldn’t go over very well, but I could tell him exactly what he was doing right…or other things. I couldn’t catch my breath, though, and it was pretty hard to speak when I couldn’t take in the air to do it.

  I managed to suck in an uneven breath and, as CJ was tracing a line down the valley of both my breasts (and that area was no less sensitive than my areolas, mind you), aiming for the other one, I tried to whisper but it came out as a throaty sentence. “God, CJ, I want you inside me already.”

  He paused, his mouth hovering over my other nipple. “I know.” He touched the very tip with his tongue and I felt my muscles tense up again. I was surprised the man didn’t have a bald spot from where I’d grabbed his hair like a rein. As he drew my breast into his mouth just as he had the other one, a groan rushed from my mouth and my body arched again. I stretched my arms out and splayed them over his shoulders, trying not to grab or scratch, but it didn’t work. It was as if I had to hold onto something until he was in me, because I was desperate.

  He looked up and I saw then on his face a look of determination but it was clouded with desire. I searched his eyes and swallowed and, as his face moved closer to mine, I once more wove my fingers into that sexy hair and crashed my lips into his. My throbbing nipples brushed against his chest and I sucked on his tongue, deciding I could once more take control of the proceedings. I let go of his hair and slid my hands down his neck from the back to the front, and then I slid my hands down his chest a bit. I moved them down his sides and I heard him suck in a tiny breath, so I took his lower lip into my mouth and sucked on it while my fingers closed in on the button on his waistband. I couldn’t handle feeling his cock grinding up against me anymore without removing all the fabric between us.


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