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The Naughty Nine: Where Danger and Passion Collide

Page 39

by Nina Bruhns

  Jesse heard the need behind his command. Shocked at her own acquiescence, she swallowed hard then unclasped the front release on her bra and slid it over her shoulders, dropping it to the floor. Before her rational self could pull her back, she cupped her overflowing breasts as best she could in one hand. With the other, she snapped a picture. Her audacious act earned her a deep groan from her distant lover.

  Dameon was silent for a long moment. His voice was low, thick with wonder.

  “Damn, darlin’. Look at you. Your nipples are tight, beaded, poking up. They look like aroused berries aching for my touch.”

  Jesse startled. She glanced down at her breasts stunned to see that he was right. Her nipples were hard, tight nubs. And yes, they were aching for his touch.

  He crooned softly, sending sparkling waves of sensation from her breasts to her clit. “Jesse, I’m not there so you’ll have to stand in for me. I know you can’t suck on your nipples the way that I would if I was there, but you can pull on them, pinch them.” At her gasp, he upped the ante. “Pinch them, tiger, hard. Drive yourself crazy.”

  Jesse couldn’t hold back her moan any more than she could keep from pinching one tight nub and then the other. She put the phone on speaker and set it down, afraid she might drop it. Her hands were slick with sweat.

  “Jesse, listen to me. Take a picture of your face. Right now and send it to me.”

  Jesse echoed his harsh intake of breath when she saw the picture she’d sent. She’d thrown her head back, baring her throat, her eyes were closed, the tip of her tongue pressed between her full lips. She looked… enraptured.

  “Christ, tiger. If you look like that from hearing my voice, imagine what you’ll look like when I have my hands on you.”

  Jesse stared at the photo in shock. She didn’t recognize the woman in the picture. She was so beautiful, but also so vulnerable. The picture shook her back to her senses. Oh my god, what was she doing? How could she possibly have revealed herself like this? She was horrified.

  “Dameon, no. I can’t do this. Really. Stop.”

  “Uh uh, no, no, no. Sure you can. Remember? You’re good at this. You told me you were.” She could imagine his teasing smile. “As I recall you even put money on it.”

  He continued, “When we’re together I want you to show me what you do. Will you do that, tiger? Show me how you bring yourself to orgasm?”

  Jesse’s moan became a soft whimper. She slipped her hand between her legs as if she could stop the moisture collecting there. His next words demonstrated the futility of her gesture.

  “But, tonight, Jesse, I’m in charge. I’m the boss. I’ll tell you what I want you to do and just to be sure that you do, I want you to send me a picture each step of the way. I want to see what you look like when I’m bringing you to orgasm. I want to see how your face flushes. How you bite down on your bottom lip. How you lick your lips. Your mouth drives me crazy, tiger. I imagine it around my cock. Your tongue licking the head, your lips, your mouth sucking me deep into your throat.” He groaned a hard passionate sound.

  Her soft moans echoed his. Waves of passion stormed over her. His words were driving her higher and higher up a passionate peak that she was dying to climb.

  His guttural whisper urged her on. “Now, Jesse. I want you to slip off those damp panties of yours. When you do that, hold them to your nose and breathe in deep.”

  At the sound of her jagged breath, he crooned, “That’s the way, baby. Now send me a picture so that I can see if your musky fragrance does to you what it does to me.”

  Step by step he coached her through an erotic dance, insisting that she touch herself in ways she never had. Following each outrageous demand, he told her to send him a picture to document the passion that had her sobbing wildly with desire. Finally, unable to stifle the tsunami of sensations that were threatening to explode, she cried out, begging him to let her come.

  When she could no longer hold back, he said, “Now, Jesse, now. Come for me, baby.”

  And she did.

  * * *

  The next morning, she and Zoey joined the other parents and a surprising crowd of well- wishers at the airport. In addition to Shaunda and all the team mothers, a contingent of police officers showed up along with the Mayor and a host of dignitaries. The eager press captured the scene.

  Jesse stood arm in arm with Trey, hugging him close, watching Dameon respond to myriad questions with grace and humor. In the middle of the press conference, he insisted that each of the players come forward to be recognized. Their glowing faces confirmed that for most of them this would be a singular moment in their lives. Seeing them, Jesse allowed herself to appreciate fully what Dameon and the others had done. They’d literally saved troubled lives and put these young men on the path to success.

  After what seemed like hours, Dameon made his way through the crowd to her. The sensations swamping her flared the closer he got. She could hardly look at him, remembering what she’d done last night. His only nod to their outrageous escapade was a wicked wink.

  Shaunda hugged him as he went by.

  “How do you do it, Wolf? After all of that, you look positively relaxed.”

  Dameon grinned at Shaunda and put his arm around Jesse, who tried not to gasp when he slipped his hand along her side and surreptitiously pinched her bottom. Keeping his gaze on Shaunda, he could have been discussing a session with his lieutenant, not standing next to the woman he’d brought to a screaming climax scant hours before.

  “Well, Shaunda, after the game, I spent most of the night on the telephone. We were working on an important project. One of the most challenging I’ve dealt with. We accomplished a lot. I feel like we achieved a significant breakthrough.”

  * * *

  The next morning when the axe fell and Jesse’s life changed forever, Dameon’s teasing words were a cruel reminder of what might have been--but now likely never would be.

  Red Rock Rises: Chapter Twenty-Six

  Jesse was heading out the door for her morning run when she saw the man coming up the sidewalk. The insignia on his compact car declared a process server. She had the urge to dash back into the house and refuse to sign for the ominous package in his hands. A cloak of doom settling over her, she introduced herself and scribbled on the assigned line that she had indeed received the subpoena. Admittedly, she’d been expecting it. She put it on the table unopened. She knew what it would say, just not how bad it would be. She debated whether she would continue with her morning schedule. She’d planned to run and then go to Trey’s after school practice where she would meet up with Dameon. When she turned to leave, grabbing her water bottle and baseball cap she got as far as the front porch. Forcing herself back inside, she snatched the large envelope and ripped it open.

  She wasn’t sure how or when she sat down on the front steps with her head on her knees, gasping for air. The outline of the petition Garrett had filed with the court was breathtaking. And terrifying. Breaking though the legalese, it stated that in Garrett’s opinion Trey was in imminent physical danger and wanted him removed immediately and permanently from Jesse’s care. The reasons were stunning and included all of the items that she’d been afraid he would use. She skipped over the detailed petition and got to the bottom of the petition where the court had rendered its preliminary opinion.

  In so many words, the court accepted at face value Garrett’s claims that Trey was in danger. The court ruled that until the expedited hearing which was scheduled one week from today, Jesse was forbidden to have any contact with Trey. If she persisted in trying to see him, the court would place Trey in a safe house until a final ruling from the court.

  Jesse spent most of the day in shock. She ran, yes. But rather than running her usual ten miles she doubled the distance. By the end of the day, exhausted and numb, she had her plan in place. She would do what she had always done. She would handle the case by herself. In the process of her run she decided that she could not and would not bring Dameon into the case. She knew
he would want to help but there was no way she could make him understand. He would be horrified and would want to know all the ugly details from her past--and that wasn’t an option. She also would not call on her father. He was angry enough about why she’d left the Army. He’d wanted to press charges against her commanding officer but Jesse and General Peters had talked him down.

  By the next morning, she’d made her decision. She would involve Eric Grant because she had to have someone represent her in court. But she herself would manage the case. She would instruct Eric every step of the way, and fire him if he so much as breathed a word to either Dameon or her father. She knew at some level she was in shock mode. But she’d been there before and she’d survived. And she could do it again. She’d left the Army and come to Albuquerque to fight for her son, and that was what she intended to do.

  * * *

  Dameon had left several messages for Jesse. He knew that Trey would be at his father’s house this week and hoped that he and Jesse could find time to be alone. Zoey was with him and that complicated issues. His need to be with Jesse was so great, he arranged to have Marina spend the week at their house to give him the freedom to see Jesse. He’d thought of nothing else since their erotic phone call on Saturday night. If Dameon didn’t have the photographic record stored on his phone he would’ve thought he dreamed it. He’d known in his gut what a powerfully sexy woman Jesse was, but clicking from one picture to the next, he was stunned. He knew that she was beautiful but until he studied the pictures he’d not guessed the depth of her passions. And the fact that she’d consented, if reluctantly at first, to his outrageous demands drove his lust to a fever pitch. The question was how long he could hold off without spiriting her away for a long weekend… or a long month. Hell, one night would never suffice.

  Disappointed that Jesse wasn’t at practice, Dameon checked his phone several times but there were no messages. He was surprised that Trey wasn’t there either, but assumed he must have had a conflict with something at school. Dameon considered running by Jesse’s house after practice to make sure she was okay, but Zoey had left a message that she needed help on a class project. By the time he was able to call Jesse again it was late. When she didn’t answer, he begrudgingly accepted that she was sleeping, and contented himself with looking at her pictures on his phone. The next morning he left a message that he was managing a precinct-wide training session and would catch up with her tonight at the practice. Trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice, he told her that he was worried about her, concerned that she hadn’t returned his calls. He forced himself to end the message on a light hearted note, telling her how much he missed her and that he needed his “Jesse fix.”

  * * *

  “Jesse, are you insane? You waltz in here with one of the most damning subpoenas I’ve seen in twenty years of practicing law and act surprised that I’m angry?”

  Jesse had never seen Eric like this. He was always smiling, no matter how dire the circumstances. That he was as angry with her as he was, merely confirmed that her plan to manage her own case was the correct one.

  She shrugged. “I assumed Garrett’s lawyers sent you a copy.”

  “Yes, dammit. They did. But I was in Santa Fe yesterday and my clueless secretary didn’t bother to tell me that one of my clients had been served. While I will probably fire her for her ignorance, I’m guessing that she assumed my ‘client’ would call and tell me.”

  When Jesse tried to interrupt, Eric held up his hand stopping her.

  “Look Jesse, I just got off the telephone with Garrett’s lead attorney, Martin Lawson. In the event that it has escaped you, we are in a shitload of trouble. I’ve not seen a case this detailed or this inflammatory about one of my clients in all my years of practice.”

  He softened his expression and appealed to her.

  “Honey, we have six days--actually five now--to put together a response to a 12-person legal team’s assertion that your son is in imminent physical danger if he is allowed to be with you.”

  Jesse sat up straighter in her chair. “If you’re trying to frighten me, Eric, it won’t work. I’m past being afraid. I’ve been afraid for so long, not knowing what Garrett would do, that it’s almost a relief to see his petition. I’ve been expecting this. The only thing that I didn’t expect was how far Garrett would go. You know that we have to keep him from learning why I left the Army. If he finds out he will go public. If I break my non-disclosure agreement that was signed by General Peters, Elliott Caldwell will come after me. Elliott will do exactly what you told me we had to avoid at all costs and that is to create a public feeding frenzy regarding the case. When you advised me to sign the non-disclosure and not ‘out’ that sexual harassing freak, you told me I couldn’t win. If the matter became public record the Army would bring an Article 15 against me for attacking my superior officer. You said not only would I lose the case but I would lose my son.”

  Eric sunk back in his chair and closed his eyes. If Jesse weren’t so benumbed and so determined, she would’ve been concerned for her attorney. Eric wasn’t exaggerating. His anxiety was real. This was as serious as she believed it was. It made her decision all the clearer.

  “Eric, I came today to tell you how I am going to manage this case. I am not only your client, I am appointing myself the lead attorney. And yes I know I am not a lawyer, but I am Trey’s mother. First, the ground rules. If you discuss this case with anyone, and that includes Dameon and my father, I will immediately fire you.”

  Eric jumped up from his chair placing his hands on the desk and glared at her. “What the hell are you talking about Jesse? You are going to manage the case? Fuck! Do you have any idea what the firm of Lawson and Schemer is known for? Honey, they are one of the largest and most feared criminal litigation firms in D.C. They are scorched earth lawyers. They take no prisoners. They win at all costs. And goddammit, Jesse, they have a ton of stuff, piles of evidence that we are going to have respond to. Jesse, for Christ’s sake, they are making the claim that you are a prostitute, and that that’s what you did while you were in the Army.”

  Jesse knew she’d sounded shrill earlier, a little crazy even. But she had to make him understand. She forced herself to sound calm which wasn’t easy. She’d barely slept for the past two days and she didn’t remember when she ate last. She was shaky but her determination brought her through. She glared at Eric and spit out her ultimatum.

  “Stop, Eric. You have a choice. You are my attorney on my terms OR you resign. There’s no third way. Those are your options. I’ve spent my life dealing with difficult issues. I learned hard lessons along the way. There is one person I can depend on and it is me. I know how I work, Eric. I know how I succeed. And I know how I am going to manage this case.”

  She wavered when she stood, fighting an unexpected tide of dizziness. She grabbed for the edge of the desk to keep from falling. She cursed herself for her weakness and took out her fear on the man who was staring at her, his face tight with concern.

  “Choose, Eric. My terms or resign. I’ll expect an answer by 8 a.m. tomorrow morning.”

  She wasn’t sure how she made it out of his office or to her car. For a moment she considered calling a cab. She knew it was stress, but driving while dizzy wasn’t wise, but then what choice did she have?

  * * *

  Dameon was shocked that Jesse wasn’t at the basketball practice. He’d left three messages during the day, none of which had been returned. He’d stopped by her house on the way to practice but she wasn’t home. He’d left a note on the door: CALL ME! Seeing that Trey also was missing for the second time in a row, Dameon’s anxiety rose. Since he’d joined the team, Trey had never missed a practice. And now to miss two? He’d left a message for Trey, but like his mother, Trey didn’t return the call. No longer annoyed, Dameon was now deeply concerned. He turned the practice over to one of his assistant coaches, claiming a personal emergency. He made a quick stop along the way to say goodnight to Zoey and to make sure that Marina kn
ew he’d be late.

  As he headed over to Jesse’s he clicked on her number one more time, and was stunned when she answered.

  “God, Jesse. I can’t tell you how relieved I am to hear your voice. Damn, woman. I’ve been worried about you. I thought you might be sick. Are you okay? I’ve come by twice--”

  She broke in. Her voice was distant, flat, without emotion.

  “Dameon. You are not going to understand this. But I can’t see you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? I haven’t seen you for three days and I’m going out of my mind. It’s bad enough not to see you--but not even to talk to you? Hell, honey, I’m practically certifiable.”

  “Dameon. Please. Please, I can’t talk. You just have to understand that I can’t see you. If you care about me, you won’t ask any questions.”

  A knot in his chest reminded him that he’d heard that tone in her voice before. It was a combination of fear and determination. Dameon knew that it didn’t bode well for him. He tried to be calm but it was no use. He couldn’t hide his frustration or his rising anger.

  “Well, Major O’Donnell, you better listen up. I do care about you and I am going to ask you some questions. Questions that you sure as hell better answer. Now, Jesse. What is going on?”

  Her voice was eerily calm. “Dameon, I can’t see you. Please understand and leave me alone.”

  To his shock, she hung up.

  Dameon was in his truck and at her house in mere minutes. He was up the stairs and at her front door before his truck engine stopped. He tried the door, knowing that if it was locked he’d break it down. It opened easily. He called her name as he came into the house. She was in the kitchen, her back to him. When she turned, he stepped back, stunned at her appearance. Jesse was ghostly pale. There were dark purple circles under her eyes. She looked shaky, distraught.


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