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Double Or Nothing: A Bedlam Butchers MC Romance (The Motorcycle Clubs Book 15)

Page 6

by Dixon, Ruby

  I look over at the other guys. “Once he w-wakes up from his r-r-roofie, I g-g-guess we s-see if he wants to g-g-get married.”

  “If he doesn’t try and kill us both first,” Muscle adds with a chuckle.



  Two weeks later

  “You’re not supposed to see the bride before she gets married,” I tell Muscle as he laces me into my dress in the back room of the court house.

  “Yes, but you’re marrying Cal, not me,” he says with a grin. “You get to be his ball and chain. You’ll just be my old lady.”

  I smack his hand as he reaches in the front of my dress and squeezes my breast. “Very funny.”

  “Just wait until the best man fucks the bride,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  I giggle and adjust my dress.

  It’s definitely not going to be a conventional wedding. Oh, it’s conventional in that there’s a bride (me) and a groom (Cal, aka Beast). There’s a best man in Muscle, and Lucky’s acting as my maid of honor. We’re having a short ceremony at the courthouse and then we’re all heading over to Chrome, a local biker bar, to get drunk and carouse with the rest of the Butchers.

  But there are three rings, and Muscle’s already wearing his. Beast and I will exchange ours during the ceremony. He was pretty pissed about the roofie thing, but about the wedding part? Didn’t bat an eye. Told me he already considered us married once they’d claimed me as their property. Now I’m officially moving up to ‘old lady’ status but nothing’s changing between us. I’m not even changing names. It’s still going to be the three of us, together, no matter the pieces of paper.

  And that makes me incredibly happy.

  The last two weeks have been quiet. There’s been some spitting back and forth between the Hard Nine and the Butchers, but no one’s moving on things. The Hard Nine’s making an aggressive play for ABQ territory, and the Butchers are pushing back. It does seem that Scorpion was acting on his own instead of on behalf of his club, though, and word is that he got smacked down pretty hard by his prez. Things are iffy between the two clubs, but at least it’s not about Beast or Muscle or me any longer.

  We’re more or less free to have our happy ever after.

  I study my dress in the mirror. It’s something Lucky and I picked out at a dress shop yesterday, right off the rack. I expected anything we looked at would hang off of me, but this dress is like a dream. It’s a dress with cap sleeves that flares out at the hips into ripples of fabric. It’s made of an eggshell-colored watered silk and tiny embroidered designs of flowers. The waist is cinched in by a corset that ends under the breasts and just below my belly button, and the skirt ends mid-calf on me. I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be a bridesmaid dress, but I don’t care. I adore it.

  Muscle likes that it gives me cleavage, judging by how many times he’s reached over my front to caress my tits. I slap his hand away again with a smile. “You’re going to delay the wedding if you keep that up.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because,” I say, turning around and smoothing a hand down the front of his dress shirt. “I’m going to want to fuck the best man before I go marry his buddy.”

  “Can I watch?” chimes in a third, deeper voice.

  I look over at Beast in utter exasperation. “You’re not supposed to see the bride either,” I tell him. “Both of you are screwing up all these wedding traditions!”

  “Not true,” says Muscle. He holds up a condom packet. “I got something blue. It’s a Trojan.”

  I giggle. “Something old?”

  He tilts his head at the groom. “Beast?”

  “Fuck you,” Beast says to him, coming over and giving me a kiss on the forehead. “You look gorgeous, Shy-girl.”

  I smile and wrap my arms around his waist. I’m so damn happy.

  “I even got something new,” Muscle says, and holds up a small tube. “Warming oil.”

  “Who brings lube to a wedding?” Beast asks.

  “Your best man,” Muscle says with a cocky grin. “That’s who.”

  “Now we just need something borrowed,” I say.

  Muscle points down at his junk. “Problem solved! You’re borrowing dick from the best man.”

  I groan and shake my head. “Funny how all these traditions seem to revolve around your penis.”

  “Can I help it? I’m excited for our wedding day.” He leans in and gives me a fierce kiss on the mouth, his hand tangling in my hair.

  I’m a little sad that I can’t marry them both. I kiss Muscle, not caring that he’s probably messing up my hair. As long as he doesn’t care that Beast is the one on paper with me, I don’t either. And judging by his enthusiastic kiss and the way he’s groping my ass? He definitely doesn’t care.

  Beast’s big arm slides around my front and starts to hitch up my skirt, even as his front presses up against me and wedges me between him and Muscle. “I think we give our bride a little taste of her honeymoon before we go down the aisle. What do you say?”

  “I think that sounds like a fine idea to me. “

  I suck in a breath. Because I should tell them that they’re going to wrinkle my pretty dress. I should tell them we’re going to be late for the ceremony. Instead, I pull my skirts up so Beast can stick his hand down the front of my white, lacy panties. And I moan as his thick, blunt fingers find my clit and begin to rub.

  Muscle takes my leg and hitches it up over his arm, spreading me wide. With his other hand, he tugs down the front of my dress, exposing one of my breasts. It’s looking plump thanks to the corset pushing it up, and he frees my nipple and leans in to suck on it.

  I gasp as he rolls my nipple against his tongue, even as Beast continues to stroke my clit.

  Beast’s fingers slide lower, grazing the entrance to my core. “She’s getting nice and slick for us,” Beast murmurs. “Can you hear her getting juicy?”

  He rubs me, gliding a finger in, and sure enough, it makes a wet sound. Heat flushes my cheeks, but Muscle groans with excitement, nuzzling at my nipple. “Can’t wait to get inside that sweet pussy,” he says. “Always wanted to fuck a bride on her wedding day.”

  “She’s wet already,” Beast says, and slicks his two fingers into me again, causing me to whimper. It feels amazing, but I want more. Fingers never fill me up quite as well as the thick glide of a cock. “You should fuck her.”

  “Yeah, but this is her wedding day,” Muscle says. “You don’t get to just watch. You get to participate, seeing as you’re the groom and all.” I suck in a breath as Muscle lifts his head and rolls my nipple between his fingers, back and forth, like he’s thinking and needs to touch me to concentrate. “Think we can do this standing up?”

  “We can give it a shot,” Beast says, and pumps into me with his fingers again.

  I moan and try to ride his fingers, but he pulls them out of me in the next moment, leaving me bereft. “Someone had better get into me soon,” I demand. “Enough of this teasing.”

  “So bossy,” Beast says, chuckling. “Now, where’s that lube?”

  They put me down and Muscle tears open the condom as Beast gets out the lube. I fling my panties off and kick them aside, then work on unbuttoning Muscle’s slacks. Both of my men dressed up for me, even though this isn’t an official church wedding, and I feel a little guilty for getting them all messy before we even get to the ceremony.

  But then Muscle’s cock springs free of his pants and he rolls the condom on, and my mouth waters, and I no longer care about if our clothing gets wrinkled. Hell, they can come all over my skirt for all I care. I just want to be fucked by my men.

  “Thought we were done with condoms?” I ask.

  “Something blue, baby. Something blue.” Muscle grins. “It’s for luck.”

  “Pick her up so you can fuck her,” Beast commands, and Muscle nods. He hitches my knee over his arm again, and pulls me against him. His cock prods against my pussy, but doesn’t go in. He pulls me against him for a kiss
, and I throw my arms around his neck and tongue him with all the pent up passion I’ve got. I’m so full of need.

  He rubs me against him, and I’m surprised when Beast reaches between us and guides Muscle’s cock into me. Muscle stiffens, but his arms are full of me. Then, he’s sinking deep and he groans, and I whimper with sheer pleasure.

  “Oh God, that’s good,” I breathe.

  “Pick up her other leg,” Beast tells Muscle. “Make her straddle your cock.”

  Beast grabs me by the waist, holding me steady, and Muscle hitches my other leg up. Then, he bounces me on him, and I gasp as his cock sinks deep. My hands link behind his neck to hold myself steady. I feel Beast tuck my skirt in around Muscle’s arms, and my ass is spread and bare.

  I hear the squirt of lube from the bottle, and then feel one of Beast’s big fingers push against my ass. He’s readying me for his cock, and so I bear down against it even as Muscle continues to thrust into me. Beast pushes one finger into me, strokes me for a few moments, and then adds a second finger, stretching me so I can take him.

  By the time he adds a third finger, I’m panting and so close to having an orgasm I could scream. “Please,” I pant, clinging to Muscle’s neck. “I need you.”

  “I’m coming, Shy-girl,” he murmurs. “Patience.”

  But I’m tired of being patient. I want both my men. I want us to come together, in one big crazy explosion of legs and limbs and lust. When his hand goes to my waist and I feel the head of his cock press against my ass, I can’t help myself. I start panting, and the words, “Yes” and “Please” and “Oh God” start spilling from my lips.

  Beast growls low, and I know he’s about to push into me. I bite my lip, and sure enough, he begins to press forward. His arm wraps around my shoulder, pinning me in place, and Muscle stops pumping into me to allow Beast to work his way in. I close my eyes, losing myself to the sensation as Beast continues to push, stretching me to my limits. Once, I might have been terrified at the thought of anal sex, especially with a man as big as Beast. But both men are always so infinitely tender with me that there’s nothing but lust coursing through me. Lust, and need, and pleasure. So much pleasure.

  “Fuck her,” he growls at Muscle. “I’ll match your pace.”

  Muscle begins to thrust again, and I gasp because the sensation of being filled is incredible. Sensation explodes through me, and I lean back against Beast’s big chest. I’m still pinned between the men, and I didn’t think it was possible to fuck like this standing up, but it changes…everything. I feel so good. Vulnerable but held. Filled and completed, but still full of need.

  And as Beast begins a slow, deep counter-rhythm to Muscle, I lose control. With a soft cry, my entire body shudders. I never can last long with these men. I always come, and come, and come again. And as they work me over, I come once more, and then a third time as Beast and Muscle continue to stroke deep inside me. We’re joined at every level, my men and I.

  That’s how it should be.

  And a short time later, we arrive for our wedding ceremony, my skirt wrinkled, hair mussed, and both men are equally disheveled and sweaty. We’re all grinning like idiots, and I’m still wet between my legs from my men claiming me. The ceremony is completed, and the judge announces that the groom can kiss the bride.

  Beast kisses me, a chaste, closed-mouth kiss that I turn into a deep, needy one that makes Lucky chuckle. Then, I turn around and kiss Muscle exactly the same way.

  I’m pretty sure the judge is a little shocked at the sight. I don’t care.

  This is my life, and I’m not going to bow to anyone else’s expectations. For me, happiness comes with both my men. We sign the papers, link arms — the three of us — and head out for our wedding celebration with the Bedlam Butchers.

  I even toss my property patch vest over my wedding gown, just for the hell of it. It’s who I am now. I belong to them, and they belong to me.

  • • •

  Want more Bedlam Butchers? On May 1st, Lucky and Solo return for a SLOW RIDE. Or keep turning the pages for a list of available and upcoming titles from Ruby Dixon, Ella Goode, and Kati Wilde, along with a sneak peak of Ruby’s fun and sexy new romance serial...ICE PLANET BARBARIANS.


  Want more Motorcycle Club books?

  Every month Ella Goode, Kati Wilde, and Ruby Dixon are delivering two short, sexy novellas for when you want all of the heat and emotion but don't have all of the time. Each book is 99¢ for the first month and free with your Kindle Unlimited subscription.

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  Ice Planet Barbarians

  A Six-Part Kindle Unlimited Serial

  You’d think being abducted by aliens would be the worst thing that could happen to me. And you’d be wrong. Because now, the aliens are having ship trouble, and they’ve left their cargo of human women – including me – on an ice planet.

  And the only native inhabitant I’ve met? He’s big, horned, blue, and really, really has a thing for me…

  ICE PLANET BARBARIANS is a six-part serial (like a TV show) with a new installment out every Friday. The entire storyline will be available for FREE with Kindle Unlimited, or you can wait to download the full story as a bundle for $3.99. Don’t have Kindle Unlimited? No problem! You can try the program free for a month and read each installment during that period.

  • • •

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Part 1: Stolen. Available now!

  • • •

  Pretty sure I’m dreaming.

  Maybe that’s all this is. One big, bad dream. I’ve just been stuck in the bad part of my head for a while, and now I’m getting to the wet part of the dream. Because I’m pretty sure I’m naked, and there’s a mouth between my legs, licking me like there’s no tomorrow.

  I moan softly, because this? This is a much better dream than that spaceship crap.

  Something slick with hard, nubbed bumps runs up and down my pussy. A mouth, a tongue. It glides through my folds, and I press a hand to my forehead because it feels so good. A flash of pain shoots up my wrist, but it’s quickly buried under another round of pleasure. Soft rumbling sounds come from nearby, almost like language, except I can’t understand a word of it. This guy is eating my pussy like a champ.

  His head lifts, and he nuzzles at my bush, mumbling something again. My hands go to push his head back down to where I want it.

  Except I encounter horns.

  I jerk awake, realizing it’s not a dream. None of this is. I look down at my body in shock. I’m naked. I’m naked, and there’s some guy with a pair of massive curled horns rising from his head between my legs. As I watch, his tongue drags over my pussy again.

  “Oh my god,” I whisper. I push at his head, trying to shove him away. This is not normal. This is not normal.

  He looks up at me, and as he does, I gasp.

  He’s not human. I mean, I knew that with the horns and all, but looking at his face, I can tell he’s really not human. Horns rise from his hairline and curl around his scalp like a spiky, lethal helmet. He’s blue, for one thing. Well, bluish-gray with a black mane of hair that reminds me of a lion’s mane. His brows are heavy, heavier than any human brow I’ve seen, his face rugged like it’s carved from stone. Going straight down his forehead to the tip of his nose is a striated pattern of ridges of some kind, his bluish-gray skin slightly darker there.

  And his eyes are a glowing shade of blue that
I’ve never seen. Blue like Caribbean waters but completely without pupils of any kind. And they’re glowing as if from within.

  A small whimper escapes my throat as he rises up over me. I see the shaggy white furs covering his shoulders, and I realize I saw them from hanging upside down. It wasn’t a monster come to eat me. It was this monster.

  Who’s come to eat me out.

  It strikes me as incredibly ludicrous, and I want to laugh, but I’m too terrified. “What are you going to do with me?” I ask softly, my eyes wide. The refrain of please don’t kill me please don’t kill me echoes through my head.

  He says something and runs a hand down my stomach. Then those weird glowing eyes break my gaze and his head dips.

  And he begins to lick me again. Long, slow, delicious licks right down the slick folds of my pussy.

  I can’t help it. I start to giggle. It’s ticklish and it makes me squirm and I should be screaming no, help, rape and instead, I have the giggles. Because he doesn’t want to eat me. He just . . . wants to lick my pussy. I’ve dated guys that I haven’t been able to convince to go down on me, and this one’s doing it as a greeting.

  Laughter sweeps through me, relieved and absurd all at the same time. I might be a bit hysterical. It somehow doesn’t matter. I’m not going to die yet, and a strange guy with horns is determined to give me oral pleasure. It’s just that . . . out of all the worst-case scenarios I’ve come up with since being abducted by aliens, being licked until I come isn’t anywhere on the list.

  And he’s really, really good at licking.

  Something ridged and slightly knobbed slicks against the entrance of my core, and I realize he’s got a texture on his tongue. And it feels incredible. And even though my every instinct is telling me to find my clothes and get the hell outta Dodge, I don’t move. I’m barely even breathing.

  When one big hand pushes on my thigh, urging me to spread my legs wider, I do so. I’ll get up and protest in just a minute.


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