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Saving Brielle: The Celestial Mating Series Book 1

Page 4

by Foshia, Jenny

  "Yeah mom, everything is fine. Just tired of relaxing here but the doctor says I get to go home tomorrow. Are you going to be able to pick me up in the morning?"

  "I was supposed to open the restaurant but your dad can handle that. What time do you need me?"

  "Well, the doc said he will be in to have a chat with me after breakfast so I guess around 9:00? Maybe a little later."

  "I will be there at 9:00 honey. By the way, how are those 2 gentlemen that have been hanging around? They seemed so worried about you and they seem like fine young men."

  'They are fine mom. I just talked to them both. They were here this morning for a visit. And yes, they are great guys. I plan on having them come over tomorrow for a visit at my place once I get settled in. You wouldn't mind if I had company, would you? I thought I could have them swing by for a while before the girls come over tomorrow night."

  "Sweetheart, I would not mind a bit. As long as you are comfortable having them there then that is all that matters."

  "Thanks mom. I guess I will get off here and get a little more sleep. I know it is early but that is all there is to do here. I swear, it seems like they add something to these I.V.'s to make patients sleepy." She let out a yawn followed by a giggle. "See what I mean?"

  "Then you go ahead and get some sleep sweetheart. They always say that rest helps the body heal. And with as hard as you always work I am sure your body is long overdue for this time. I will see you in the morning honey. Good night, I love you."

  "Good night, love you too mom. Tell dad I love him and I'll see you soon. Bye."

  "Bye sweetheart."

  After hanging up the phone and placing it back on the bedside stand Brielle fluffed her pillows and gave in to the drowsiness that was swiftly claiming her.


  Brielle awoke as the first rays of the sun began to peak through the curtains in her hospital room. She looked forward to this day with both excitement and anticipation. She was going home, but she would also see Cole and Max. Wow things sure have changed! Just a week ago she was a shy virgin who had only had one boyfriend in her life to being a woman with the prospect of dating two guys. How or why this happened she had no idea. All she knew was that she was going to take this chance. She wasn't going to let a once in a lifetime opportunity pass her up. If things didn't work out with her, Cole and Max then so be it but she didn't want to look back years from now and have only regrets for what she didn't do. Besides, for some unknown reason she was drawn to them. It was almost as if she was destined to be with them. No, she wasn't crazy, and no she wasn't going to say she was in love, but now that she had Cole and Max as part of her life she knew without a doubt that they were meant to be there for the rest of her life. Almost like as if their souls had lived with one another before. Hah! What would Dani and C.C. think of that? she wondered. They would have a blast teasing her about these sentimental thoughts. Of the three of them she had always been the more sensible one, maintaining a realistic view of life and love and now here she was with thoughts of destiny and soul mates.

  Brielle looked at the clock that was near the phone beside her bed. It was only 7:00am. Maybe she could finally get out of this bed and try to clean herself up. All she has had during her time here were sponge-baths and left her feeling grubby and dirty. She called for a nurse to help her and tried to stand up. Her legs were weak and wobbly from lack of use the past few days and she was only able to manage four steps before she was ready to collapse. She would have made contact with the floor when she was lifted into a set of strong arms. She glanced up and saw that Max was holding her.

  "What, may I ask, do you think you are doing out of bed?" He asked, almost sounding angry. "You could have hurt yourself. Couldn't you have waited for some assistance? I do not enjoy the thought of you having to endure an even longer stay here me dear." He finished his rant with a smile so she knew he wasn't mad but rather worried.

  "I just wanted to exercise my legs. I did call for a nurse to come help me. But that is beside the point, why are you here? I thought you were going to come to my place later. Have you changed your mind?" She asked.

  "No, I did not change my mind but Cole and I talked last night and thought that we would follow you there. He should be here any minute." As if he was waiting for an introduction, Cole walked into the room carrying two large bouquets of wild flowers.

  "Those are gorgeous!" She said breathlessly. She looked from Cole to Max and then to the flowers before asking if they were for her.

  "Of course they are you silly girl!" Cole laughed. "We didn't want you to go home empty handed. When we saw these they reminded us of you and we had to buy them. There are more on their way." He handed her a bunch as Max set her down on her bed.

  "You guys didn't have to do that! But I thank you, they are beautiful," she sniffed them, "and they smell wonderful."

  "So when do you get to leave this place?" Max asked.

  "Well, my doctor said that he would be by after breakfast so I have my mom coming up at 9:00 which is still about an hour and a half away." She looked over at the guys before asking "Since visiting hours do not start until 8:00 can I ask how you two managed to get in?"

  "Oh, that was easy. All it took was a quick phone call and voila!" Cole replied. "It doesn't hurt to anonymously donate money. It allows some extra conveniences."

  Before Brielle could reply to that a tall and darkly handsome man walked into the room holding a clip board. "Ok Miss Stevens, I am Ryan, your PA. Your doctor asked me to come in here to remove your I.V. and go through your discharge papers with you. Dr. Michaels will be in to see you before you leave to answer any questions." Ryan glanced up from the clip board and stared at Max and Cole before laughing and giving both guys a manly handshake/hug. "Max, Cole! What are you two losers doing here?"

  "You know each other?" Brielle asked.

  "Oh yeah, we know each other. These two guys grew up down the street from me." Ryan answered.

  "Well, this is Brielle." Max gestured toward her with his hand before adding "We are going to follow her and her mom home to make sure they get there safely."

  Ryan gave Max and Cole a knowing look before addressing Brielle again. "Well, Brielle, let's get that I.V. out of you and then have you sign these papers before I have one of the nurses come in here and help you clean up. How does that sound?"

  "That sounds wonderful. I can't wait to rejoin the land of the living and walking."

  "Brielle here decided she was going to start without any help. Found her attempting to meet the floor when we walked in." Max complained.

  "Well that will not do. I will go get a wheel chair so you can get to the bathroom without adding any more injuries as soon as we are finished here."

  Brielle held out her arm so Ryan could remove the I.V. She couldn't wait to get this thing out of her. He worked quickly, removing the needle and catheter and placing a band aid to cover the pin poke hole in her arm. He then help out the clip board to her and had her initial and sign a couple of papers explaining how she was to get plenty of rest, take time off work, complete her medication and further instructions that she was sure her mom would insist she follow to the 'T'. As soon as Ryan left the room an elderly nurse walked in with a walker and a huge smile on her face. She introduced herself as Betty and helped Brielle stand up with the assistance of the walker and walked her slowly to the bathroom. She set down a towel, soap, shampoo and conditioner, a washcloth and a brush. She also put a tooth brush and a tube of toothpaste on the sink.

  "Now deary, I will be in your room tidying up a bit. You just pull that string right there if you need any help in here and I will be right in."

  As soon as Betty left the bathroom Brielle turned to peek at the mirror. Oh my God! she thought. She looked terrible! Her eye was swelled and both of them were horribly bruised. She had a cut on her lower lip that was scabbed over and she had a knot on the side of her forehead. Her hair was greasy and dull looking from lack of brushing and washing. She looked, for
lack of a better word, like crap! Utter crap!

  She untied the back of her hospital dressing gown and let it fall to the floor. She took in the sight of her body. Her ribs were black and blue with the bruises and tender to the touch. Her legs had cuts and bruises on them as well. She sat on the toilet seat, face in her hands and began to sob. She hated feeling bad for herself but she couldn't help it. She looked a mess and felt worse. Her entire body ached with each movement she made. She must have been louder than she thought because she heard a soft tap on the bathroom and she heard Cole's voice asking if she was ok.

  "Yes, I'm fine, thanks. Sorry if I worried you guys. I don't know what came over me. I will be out shortly, I am just getting ready to get in the shower." She answered quickly.

  "Are you sure? Do you need any help? I can get the nurse or Max or I could come in there and help you."

  "I'm sure, thanks. Be out soon."

  "Ok, Max and I will be right back. We are going to grab a bite to eat in the cafeteria. Would you like us to get you anything or are the breakfasts they deliver good enough?"

  "I'll be fine with what they bring. You two go, take your time and I will see you when you get back up here. Thanks Cole."

  "You are welcome Brielle. See you shortly. And don't forget to ask for help if you need it, ok?" He said before she heard muffled sounds and then the hospital room door shut. She released a quick breath and then started the shower. She stepped into the heated water, which felt so good against her aching skin. She took her time washing her body and her hair before stepping out into the steamy bathroom and gently brushing her hair out. Putting on the pair of sweat pants and the sweat shirt Betty left for her she grabbed the walker and headed slowly to her bed. She sat down and leaned back against the pillows. The bedding had been changed and it felt good to relax against fresh sheets with her hair and clothes now clean. On her table she saw her breakfast tray. She rolled it closer to her bed and began eating.

  She was just placing the lid back on her tray when her door opened and her mom walked in with Max and Cole right behind her.

  "Good morning! Look who I found on their way to your room dear." Her motherly greeted her cheerfully before placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

  "Good morning mom. How are you?"

  "I am doing just fine honey. I am ready to get you home. I some soup from the restaurant for you to heat up at home when you are hungry and I picked up some snacks and juices. I dropped them off at your place on my way here. When we get there you can let me know if there is anything else you need."

  "Thank you mom. You are the best. What would I do without you?" Brielle smiled at her mom. Her mom really was the best. "I am ready to get out of here and get home. I just have to wait for the doctor to..." And her sentence was interrupted as Dr. Michaels walked in at that time.

  "Ah, Ms. Stevens. It is great to see you awake and alert. How are you feeling?" Dr. Michaels asked.

  "Well, I feel like I was hit by a semi and then put through a blender. But other than that I feel fine and ready to get out of here." Brielle answered jokingly.

  Dr. Michaels laughed at that before asking if she had any questions.

  "Yes, I do have some questions. Do I really have to stay in bed all day? And when can I go back to work?"

  "Well, not necessarily in bed, but resting and you have to take it easy for at least another week. No work until after you come in for your check up next week and we'll see how your body is healing. If you follow my discharge instructions and you're healing well enough I may be able to ok some light work, but only if you are following orders and giving your body time to heal. I have spoken with your mom so I know how stubborn you can be but if you want to be able to resume normal activity any time soon you will need to allow your body time, ok?"

  "I know, I know. But it is just hard. I hate having to rely on anyone when I am fully capable of taking care of myself."

  "That is the problem right now Ms. Stevens. You are not fully capable, your body has been through a traumatic experience and needs time to recoup. Once you give it time you will be back to yourself in no time, I promise."

  "Dr. Michaels, Mrs. Stevens, I can promise that through our team work Brielle will follow your orders. Max and I would like to see Brielle back to herself soon too so we will do everything we can to help get her there even if we have to handcuff her to her bed to make sure she listens." Cole added.

  Brielle cast Cole a pout before addressing her doctor. "Dr. Michaels, I promise to do my best to follow all your instructions so I can get back to my life."

  "Ok, well, I see you have already signed the discharge papers. If there is nothing else I can get Ryan back in here so he can walk you out. Will there be anyone with you today?"

  "Yes Dr. Michaels, I will be with her today and she will have a friend or her cousin with her tonight. Cole and Max have both offered to stay and keep her company as well so she will be well cared for a watched." Her mom answered the doctor.

  "Great, with that all settled I will take my leave and see you in a week at your follow up Ms. Stevens. If there should be any issues, concerns or problems before then my personal cell number is listed on your papers so you can get a hold of me any time. Bye for now." Dr. Michaels shook her hand and then left the room. Almost immediately Ryan walked in with a wheel chair. Max, Cole and her mom all grabbed some of her belongings and they all left. Brielle was never more glad to be out in fresh air in her entire life. Max helped her into her mom's car. Her mom got in behind the wheel and they were off.

  Chapter 11: Cole

  Cole followed Brielle's mom to Brielle's condo. She didn't live far from him or Max from what she explained to him. Visiting her every day wouldn't be hard at all, but if he and Max had their way they would all be living together real soon. He and Max had already begun the hunt for a new house, one where the three of them could live together and have room to add to their family. Just the thought of creating new life with Brielle caused excitement both in his heart and in his pants. He shifted in his seat and tried to think about the houses they would show Brielle, in due time of course. There was an unmistakable force pulling them together and he prayed that she felt it too. Every time he looked at her he had a feeling, a sixth sense as some would say, that this wasn't the first time they had met nor was it the only place they had met. There was just something telling him that they were destined to be together. He had talked to his mom last night, at length, about how he was feeling. She told him that when the powers twined souls together that they were destined to be together in each life. When he was told such stories as a child he didn't believe it but now that he was experiencing the sensations himself he was left with no doubts about that. Brielle was his destined mate and there was nothing anyone or anything could do to change that. Now he and Max just needed to give Brielle time to accept that. And if they had their way that would be soon.

  They pulled onto the street that housed the duplex that Brielle lived in and turned into her driveway. Max pulled in right behind him and they both jumped out and made their way to Brielle's car door to help her out. She placed her tiny hand into his and he placed his other hand under her arm to help her up and out of the car. Max closed the door behind him and Cole picked Brielle up and carried her to her front door which her mom had left open when she walked in. As soon as he stepped inside he was hit with a sense of home. Weird he thought. He had never had that feeling in his life. It must be because he was with Brielle, in her home, that he was feeling this way. Since he had first met her she had a calming effect on him and now the sense of belonging that her home gave him made him want to stay forever.

  He walked over to her couch and gently laid her down. As her mom helped to make her more comfortable he took the time to look around the room. The walls were a warm honey color and lined with shelves that housed books and picture frames as well as little knick-knacks. He walked closer to view the pictures and saw many of her with her parents. There were a few of her with a couple of girls, which he assumed
were her cousin and friend that she had mentioned yesterday when they had their short talk. There was one of her alone in front or a pine tree. He walked over and picked it up. As soon as it was in his hand he closed his eyes and images flashed in his mind. An image of her laughing and running, she was wearing a white sun dress and her hair was lighter and longer. She looked happy and carefree. Then another flashed before him of her wearing shorts and her long hair in a pony tail as she climbed a tree. He opened his eyes and put the picture back on the shelf. As soon as he took his hand away he felt a light touch on her shoulder. He turned his head and saw Brielle's mom.

  "That picture was taken a few years ago. We went on a camping vacation up north. Brielle has always loved nature and would always tell us that she had a connection with it. We try to go on a family vacation every year, but I think that one was her favorite since it was the only camping one we took." Her mom explained with a wistful glance at the picture.

  "She looks happy in the picture." He said.

  "Brielle was always a happy girl. Always doing what she could to make others feel the same way. She is a special girl and makes me proud every single day." Her mother smiled at him. He already knew she was special and he knew that happiness she could bring to others. Just being in the same room as her lifted his spirits.

  "I am glad that I have been given the chance to meet her and get to know her. From the little time Max and I have spent with her I can tell there is something special about her. I look forward to getting to know more about Brielle." He gave her mom a warm smile which she returned.

  "Brielle is lucky to have met you and Max. I can tell you make her happy and as long as she is happy then that is all I care about. I know there is something special about you both and obviously Brielle sees it too. I trust her judgment." Her mom gave his shoulder a light pat before turning back toward the kitchen. She knows! Somehow Brielle's mom knew what he and Max wanted with Brielle and she was ok with that. He wanted to ask her how she knew or what she thought but decided that was a conversation better left for another time. Right now he just wanted to spend time with Brielle and do his part to make sure she takes all the time that is necessary to heal.


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