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Saving Brielle: The Celestial Mating Series Book 1

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by Foshia, Jenny

  "She sounded confident and was speaking with me and making jokes about her circumstances. I am sure she will hang in there until we make it to her. I just hate knowing she is going through that shit again and we cannot be there right now to stop it. I hate to think of what else they may have planned for her. My God! She has already suffered so much, I am not sure how much more her fragile body can take. She isn't even fully recovered from the last attack."

  "Brielle is a strong girl. She has to be in order for the Guardians to mate her with us. We need to stay calm and focus right now. Why don't you call Ryan and see if they have anything to tell us and let them know what she told you."

  "Good idea." He took out his phone and called Janice first and then called Ryan.

  "Hey Ryan. Got anything for us?"

  "We were able to pick up her trail which is headed northeast from the restaurant. We are walking it right now."

  "Great! Keep on it. Brielle tells us that she is in some warehouse in the woods. Do you have any idea of any places around?"

  "Yeah, there is one just over that wooden bridge about 20 minutes north of town. It was a lumber yard a ways back but had been abandoned. We will head there now and meet you there. I am almost positive that is where she is. Her scent trail is even heading that direction."

  "Good. Meet you there." He hung up with Ryan and told Max what he say said.

  "I am on it. We are only 10 minutes or so away. I can't wait to find those animals and make them pay." Max growled.

  "I'm with you on that one." he agreed.


  Ten minutes later they were slowly approaching an old concrete building. Cole looked around and saw a couple of cars. So this place isn't empty. We have company to greet us.

  He heard a car behind him and looked out the back window to see Ryan's car pulling in the long drive. We are all here. Hope Ryan and Adrian are prepared for a good fight.

  Max put the car in park and turned off the ignition. They stepped out and walked back to Ryan's car as he, Dani and Adrian stepped out.

  "So this is where they have my sister?" Dani asked.

  "From the descriptions she was able to give us, combined with Ryan and Adrian's detection of her scent, this is the most logical place. And when we pulled in I noticed a dark van by the doors which looks exactly like the one I saw in my vision. I think it is worth a shot to check it out."

  "That sounds like a great plan. Dani, you can go with myself and Adrian and we will let Cole and Max team up. The three of us will go around back and you two guys can start up front here. If she is here we will find her." Ryan said.

  "Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Just be careful ok? I want to make sure we all get to go home today, safely."

  "Oh, we will, even if I have to kill someone myself." Dani added. Cole could tell she was barely keeping herself in check. Boy oh boy! Ryan and Adrian were going to have their hands full with that one. He couldn't wait until they had their chance and he had a feeling that it was going to happen sooner rather than later and he was going to enjoy watching that.

  Cole and Max hid behind the car and waited for Dani, Ryan and Adrian to make their way to the back of the building. Once the trio was out of site he and Max quietly made their way to the front doors of the building. He pulled on the handle and the door creaked open. They made their way into the dark entryway and closed the door, careful to make as little sound as possible. Cole pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and turned on the flashlight app so they had light. When they glanced down the hallway they could see a light peeking out from under a door. They walked down the hall and paused in their tracks when they heard the door opening. Cole closed his phone and he and Max rushed into one of the open doors along the corridor and listened for the person who left the room to pass them.

  "That girl in their is a fighter, that she is. She has some fire in her blood. I would not want to be Tom that is for sure." they heard one guy laugh.

  "Oh ho! He is gonna have himself some fun no doubt about it. Just wish he'd let us join in. It is always fun when we can team up on 'em." A second voice agreed.

  Cole's blood was boiling and he was seething with anger. They were talking about their Brielle in the most horrible way. He was not going to just stand there and take it. He stepped out of the room, follow by Max, and right into their path.

  "So, you bastards thought you would get away with taking her from us and wouldn't have to pay?" He asked angrily.

  "So! What do you think you can do about it?" The first guy asked him with a sarcastic tinged voice.

  "Max, you feel like helping me teach these animals a lesson?"

  "It would be my pleasure." And within seconds the men were dead on the floor, blood pouring from their heads after he and Max forced them to meet. Stepping over the bodies they continued the path to the door that was lit from behind. Max pushed on the door and once it was opened they both made their way in. What he saw once they were inside brought red to his eyes and forced his inner wolf to its surface.

  Chapter 30: Max

  Son of a bitch! He was going to be sick. When they walked in he saw the leader crawling on top of Brielle who looked to be unconscious. The freak was not wearing any clothing and his dick was as hard as a rock. Max growled and rushed forward with enough force to cause the guy to go flying across the room and knock against the wall.

  "You stupid mother! How in the hell do you think you are going to get away with doing that to her? Did you really think you were going to get away with that? You are one lucky son of a bitch that you didn't get any further than you did...but sorry that you got that far." Without taking his eyes off the creep on the floor he commanded Cole to call Ryan and let them know they found her. Then stepping forward he landed a hard kick to the stomach and then smashed the guy's face with the heel of his shoe. He picked him up and slammed his head into the wall so many times he lost count, only stopping when Cole pulled on his arm. He looked at Cole and then back at the body in his arms and let go, dropping the body to the floor in a heap and then closed his eyes trying to calm down.

  "Sorry Cole. When I saw him on top of her I just saw red and went into murder mode. I had to make him pay. No one is going to hurt Brielle and live so help me God. I will kill anyone who dares lay a finger on her with such evil intentions as these animals did."

  "No need to apologize to me Max. If you hadn't gotten to him first I would be the one having my arms pulled away. But right now we need to get Brielle and get her out of here. Ryan, Dani and Adrian are on their way," before he could finish the three came crashing through the door. Dani took one look at Brielle and crumbled. Ryan caught her before she had a chance to hit the floor.

  "You go ahead and take Dani back to my place you two. Cole and I will get Brielle and meet everyone there. Call Janice and let her know we have Brielle and we are bringing her home. Ryan, you can take a look at her as soon as we have her safely in my home." Max doled out orders as he walked to the bed where Brielle lay.

  "Brielle, sweetheart, it's Max. Can you hear me?"

  She fluttered her eye lids and answered in a soft, scratchy voice, "You guys made it. I knew you would. You are my heroes." and then she passed out again. He worked furiously to untie her wrists as Cole worked on her ankles. Once all her limbs were freed he scooped her up into his arms and they rushed out to his car. Cole got into the backseat and Max laid Brielle across his legs so he could hold her while Max drove the trip back home. Once they pulled up to his front door they were greeted by Mark, Joe and Janice. Mark picked Brielle up out of the car and carried her into the house. Max led the way to his room where they laid her down and Ryan immediately began his inspection.

  After a thorough examination Ryan told them the news, "She is pretty beat up. From what I can tell it seems they may have damaged her ribs again as well as giving her a concussion. Her face is going to take some time for the swelling and bruising to go down but I think she will be ok for right now. Once she has woken up she will need
to be seen by an actual physician but she should be fine for now. I do not pick up on an alien scent around her so I am almost certain they were not able to fulfill their goals of impregnating her. She will sleep for a while so let her rest and check on her throughout the night."

  "Thanks man. I really appreciate you guys all coming out to help us find her. I will make sure she sees her doc in the morning as soon as she is able to move around. Otherwise I will be having him make a house call." Max shook Ryan's hand and then pulled up a chair next to the bed so he could watch over Brielle. "I would be so lost right now if anything worse had happened to her. It all happened so fast, us finding her and mating. I knew instantly that she was meant for me, my soul cried out to be one with her and it would die without her." He reached out and held on to her hand, rubbing circles on her knuckles.

  Ryan and Adrian both nodded and looked toward the living room where Dani was sitting with her mom, dad and Brielle's dad. Adrian said, "I know the feeling, Max. I know I have found mine, if only I can get her to accept me."

  Max looked up at him, "You mean Dani?" he questioned.

  "Absolutely. She is mine, she will be mine. Even if I have to wait for eternity, she is my mate. I feel it in my bones as if she has always been a part of me but I didn't realize it until I saw her."

  Ryan sent him a startled look, "You too?" he asked.

  "Wait, are you guys telling us that you are both sensing that you have found your destined mate and she happens to be the same woman?" Max laughed at them.

  They exchanged amused looks before Ryan answered, "I guess so. Looks like we will be joining your family. Just as soon as we can get her to see the sense in our mating."

  "If she is anything like Brielle then she will. You would be amazed at how understanding and encouraging their parents will be. Besides, I have a feeling their mom already knows."

  Max turned back to Brielle as Ryan and Adrian made their way to Dani. Cole pulled up a chair on the other side of the bed holding Brielle's other hand. They sent up prayers of thankfulness and for healing.

  They spent that night and most of the morning keeping vigil over Brielle. Max could not explain his excitement when she finally awoke and smiled at them. Their Brielle was going to be alright.

  "So, I know that I have to see a doc, but how soon can we have our Celestial Bonding ceremony and seal our union? It would make me so happy to finally truly belong to you two."

  "Brielle sweetheart, as soon as you can we will have that ceremony and begin our lives together as one. You just need to recoup from what happened yesterday." Cole answered her and Max nodded his agreement.

  "Fine then, I know you two well enough to know that I will not win this argument if I asked for it to happen tomorrow." she chuckled.

  "Oh Brielle, I would make it happen tomorrow in a heartbeat if yesterday hadn't happened." Max smoothed the hair away from her forehead and laid a kiss on her temple. "It will happen soon enough, I promise. But you should know that I think your sister has found her mates. Whether she knows yet or not remains to be seen."

  "Who are you talking about? Ryan?"

  "Yes, and Adrian." Cole added.

  "My sister, Dani, is going to be mated with Ryan and Adrian? That is amazing!" she exclaimed in astonishment.

  "Just wait until you see them sweetheart." Max told her.

  "Thank you for saving me, again. I love you guys so much."

  "We love you." Max said and Cole added, "More than you will know. You complete us...we are one now. You are our heart Brielle."

  "And you, Cole and Max, are mine."

  Epilogue (3 months later)

  Brielle sat in the rocking chair in her room gazing contentedly out the picture window. She absolutely loved the home that they bought and had remodeled for more comfort, allowing each one of them their own space within the home to work. As she sat in her favorite spot, feeling nothing but peace and content, she reminisced over her bonding ceremony and the mating ritual that took place afterward. Three months had passed since the whole abduction ordeal but that was history and not something she thought of. Instead she found herself reflecting on the lovemaking that took place after her, Cole and Max exchanged their sacred vows. That night was incredible as they made love over and over again, finding rapture each time. The last time both men had joined her at once in her inner core and filled her with their seed. That seed had taken root and she was expecting twins and according to the Haven doctor her each twin was fathered individually making Max and Cole both a father to one of them. They were told that it was rare for this to happen but they knew they were blessed. They would be sharing the responsibilities of being Alpha until their eldest son was ready. There were no three people in this world that loved each other more, deeper or more loyally than the three of them. At least, according to her, but she was certain that Dani felt differently considering her sister was preparing for her own Celestial Bonding ceremony in a few weeks.

  Her guys walked in and she looked up at them and reached for their hands.

  Max knelt beside her and Cole sat on the arm of her chair.

  "Are you well, sweetheart?" Max asked as he kissed her hand.

  "Anything bothering you?" Cole asked as he kissed the top of her head.

  "I am fine. I was just thinking about our vows and mating and, of course, about these little ones in my stomach. I just had a feeling of overwhelming peace and love. I am glad to have found you guys, I love you so much." She smiled at them and her heart sped up as they each smiled at her in return. She knew exactly what those smiles meant. They were what led to her becoming pregnant. She allowed them to lead her to their room and relished their hands and mouths all over her body as they started the course of another round of love making. She looked forward to these moments for the rest of her life.

  "Cover Design by Melody Simmons of eBookindiecovers"




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