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Bound by the Ice Dragon

Page 18

by Alyx X

  As Dyan left, Gabby dropped to a crouch at the side of my bed, and she took my hand. My hair was stuck to the side of my sweaty cheek, and I’d been lying in a small patch of drool. I didn’t need to look in a mirror to know I looked like a wreck.

  “I’d like to stay, though,” she murmured. “I’d like to help.”

  I nodded. I didn’t have many friends here—certainly not anymore—and I needed to make the most of the one I did have before I got sent away.

  Dyan came in again, two boxes balanced haphazardly in his arms. “I brought both,” he said gruffly and set them down. Then he nodded at me, but I couldn’t read his expression. His mouth was set in a straight line, and he looked vaguely disapproving, but Dyan often looked like that.

  Gabby gripped my hand tighter. “Come on. Let’s get this done so you can get some sleep. Things will look better in the morning.”

  I nodded, but I knew they wouldn’t. Mom used to say the same thing, and this was definitely one situation that wouldn’t look better in the morning. I cast a glance over the boxes taking up most of the floor space in my room. Izon’s message was clear—he didn’t want me anymore.

  When I woke up the next morning, I went downstairs with trepidation. Gabby greeted me with a broad smile and a wide-awake Luka. I took him into my arms, the familiarity of his body snuggled against my chest offering me more comfort than I’d expected.

  “Where’s Izon?” I looked around, expecting to find him lurking in one of the doorways.

  “He’s off the island,” Gabby said. “He’ll be away for several days on business.”

  I nodded. It made sense, but part of me had longed to see him. Part of me wanted to see if he was in as much pain as I was, or if he was still angry. Maybe glad even for what had happened. At least this way he’d be able to grant his father’s wishes. No more fighting among the Hydronian royalty.

  I sighed. I didn’t know what I wanted. Maybe the distance would be good.

  The next few days passed in an easy, timetabled structure. It was second nature to me now, the ebb and flow of the house and the children, and I could no longer imagine my life without them. Leaving them to go to another Terran Program position would break me completely, I was sure.

  What was the alternative? I could hardly stay while Izon moved on with his life in front of me. I gave myself a mental shake and slipped my ident up my arm, revealing the adapter beneath it. The little face smiled up at me benignly. Of course I could stay. I had a position and a job, and Mom still needed me to be here, paying off my debt.

  On the afternoon of the fourth day of Izon’s meetings, Gabby rushed into the library where the children, Dyan, and I were all in our usual positions. Jari had her head bent over a book, and I was holding Luka while looking out of the window at the endless blue ocean as Vike completed some sort of puzzle on the floor. I probably should have been studying, too, but I no longer had any need to study Hydronian culture in the same type of detail as before.

  Her hand fluttered nervously at her throat and she breathed heavily as she spoke, as if she’d run the length of the house. I sat up straighter.

  “We’ve had a communication from The King,” she said. “He’s nearly home. Tessa, you should probably go up—”

  She was cut off as Vike jumped to his feet. “Daddy!” he squealed and ran from the library.

  Whatever Gabby had been about to say, it was too late. It seemed like Vike’s hearing had picked up Izon arriving home even as Gabby tried to warn me away.

  I leaned in the direction of the open door and listened, eventually picking up Izon’s familiar tones…and something else. A throaty giggle followed something he’d said, and I flinched.

  I knew that laugh. It belonged to the shapely blonde Andren Hurric had given his blessing to as Hydronia’s future queen. Before I could even think my actions through, I’d handed Luke to Gabby and run from the room, seeking escape.

  Later, after I’d settled all of the children into their rooms for the evening, Izon sent for me, and I walked to his office on the most reluctant of feet.

  I knocked.

  “Come in,” he called.

  I pushed the door open and peered through. He beckoned me farther in, and every fiber in me fought the allure of him. Just the sight of him made me skin tingle and pussy pulse. I closed my eyes. How the hell had I ever expected I could stay and work for this man, even before he brought his new girlfriend home?

  “How has the last four days been?” He looked at me expectantly, like he was just getting a normal progress report.

  Seriously? To hell with that. I thought briefly of Mom and her advice about burned bridges, but decided to strike the match anyway.

  “I need you to end my contract.” I said before he had a chance to discuss anything further. I fought hard to remain calm, but my volume increased anyway. “I can’t stay here.”

  He just watched me, not even blinking. I wanted to fall into those familiar red eyes, kiss that mouth that made my body feel so good, but I couldn’t. He was no longer mine, and I wouldn’t lower myself to accepting crumbs of affection from him, even if he offered them.

  He still hadn’t responded. Rage flared up inside of me. How dare this asshole think he could just bring some new woman home as soon as we were over? How dare he rub her in my face as if I’d meant nothing to him. The magnitude of that action alone propelled me forward.

  “I’ll break every single fucking rule in your fucking contract,” I continued, volume rising. “I’ll break them all until you have to send me away, because I can’t stay here!”

  I thought of Alendra and shuddered. I didn’t belong in this house anymore.

  But Izon just watched me, his gaze unwavering. I was breathing heavy, nearly shaking from the intensity of my desire to get away from this man who had broken me so thoroughly. Finally, he shook his head, the movement slow, almost considering. “No,” he said, the word soft and final. “I have no intention of ever letting you go.”



  She was losing her hold on her temper, and hope sparked in my chest. My dragon shifted, watchful. I wanted her angry. I needed her fury—anything other than the defeat she’d displayed when we returned from my parents’ island. Anything other than the weakness that didn’t belong to her.

  I needed her to prove to me that she was strong, needed her to fight. I needed her to fight, to show that our feelings for each other were equal. Watching her rage in front of me, it seemed like she was nearly ready.

  My dragon didn’t know what to do. Anger poured from Tessa, but I wasn’t attempting to defend myself. Flight or fight didn’t kick in. I was simply a spectator.

  “That’s it? You’re just going to sit there?” Apparently, my lack of reaction was confusing for Tessa too, and she gestured at me with quick, jerky hand movements as she stalked in front of my desk. “You have nothing further to say? You can’t possibly keep me here, you know.”

  I only tilted my head in response, fascinated by her. As she waited, her face reddened with anger and heat surged to my dick. I wanted this woman. I’d swipe everything off my desk and claim her right here, right now, but I needed her to come to me first.

  She paused in her pacing to look at me from under lowered brows, her fierce gaze searing my skin. She looked like a viper about to strike, like she held a dragon of her own. She was a proud woman, and my respect for her increased. She’d make a magnificent queen.

  Alendra was here at my request, but I’d been prepared to make it a royal command if she’d disagreed. And for a while, I’d thought she just might.

  Father had facilitated contact, but only because he believed I’d finally come to my senses. His smile as he led Alendra into his office had angered me on every level, and keeping my dragon contained had required supreme effort. I maintained focus on my singular goal: getting Tessa back. Dealing with my father was no hardship when compared to that goal.

  “Here she is, as requested,” he’d said, as he untucked Alendr
a’s hand from the crook of his elbow and offered it to me like a sacrifice.

  I smiled as I took it. “I’ll explain in the boat,” I murmured as I patted her hand. “Father.” I bowed to him, a measure of respect he didn’t deserve, and I didn’t feel even a flicker of guilt for deceiving him. After what he’d pulled the other night, he deserved it. Now, Tessa was more important than anything else.

  Alendra had looked expectantly at me as we sat in my boat. “I didn’t expect to hear from you quite so soon,” she said measuredly.

  I almost chuckled, I hadn’t expected to contact her at all. I wouldn’t have even done it, but the situation in my home was dire. Tessa was no longer in my room or in my bed, and I couldn’t live like that. She’d removed herself completely.

  By the time I’d finished explaining Alendra’s role in my plan, her warm smile had gradually become a creased brow and a flat mouth.

  “I see,” she said. “So, your father is to be disappointed once more?”

  I laughed, amused at the thought he could ever be anything but. “Yes, but I suspect he’s used to that now. I am his only son and heir, after all. He’s lived his whole life in the shadow of disappointment over my decisions.”

  She shook her head. “And if I say no?”

  “You won’t.” Just two words, but I said them with confidence and apparent disinterest as I watched the island I called home grow closer and closer.

  “But I should. I’m not some royal plaything,” Alendra looked defiant, but she wasn’t arguing, not really. “What if you’re wrong about Tessa?”

  I stifled the quiver poised to run through me and tensed my jaw. “I’m not wrong,” I said.

  “Well, if you are, just remember what I’m doing for you…what I’m prepared to do for you.” Alendra trailed her fingers over my thigh but I pushed her touch away.

  “Think of it as a service to your king if it helps,” I said.

  “Making the object of your affection jealous? Finding out if the frail human woman is fit to be Queen?” She laughed but quickly fell silent under my glare. Then she turned away and shrugged, “Well, I suppose we’ll see.”

  I blinked out of my memories and returned my attention to Tessa in front of me in my office. I’d achieved this much, anyway. I’d brought Tessa to me, and here she was in all of her furious glory. I fought not to show my amusement on my face.

  She squared her shoulders, drawing herself up to the full height that was still eclipsed by many Hydronians. I almost wanted to put her into my pocket to keep her safe, but she’d proven to me time and time again that such protection wasn’t necessary.

  “I won’t be treated like an object, Izon. I’m not just some thing you purchased to throw around as you please.” She spat the hard words out, and they would have wounded me if I hadn’t been so pleased to witness her fighting for herself.

  I almost rubbed my hands together. “I know,” I said quietly. Just enough encouragement to keep her talking. I needed to know how she really felt, beyond the words she was saying.

  She threw herself in the chair in front of me as if she’d exhausted herself. Maybe she thought she could play a different angle, get me to see some sense if she was reasonable. I lifted a curious eyebrow.

  “I’ve been through enough shit in my life,” she began, and my heart contracted.

  She was right. Her life on Earth hadn’t been an easy one. Then her mother had fallen ill, and she’d come here to a strange planet and life she couldn’t possibly relate to. She’d made the ultimate sacrifice, and now she thought it was all for nothing. She thought I didn’t want her. I clenched my jaw and curled my hands into fists under my desk, locking all of my muscles still so I didn’t blurt out the truth. I wanted to tell her, I wanted to protect and love her, but she was right when she had said I needed to consider what was best for my kingdom. I was still confident in my choice that she was what was best, but I was doing my due diligence by acquiring proof. I knew the strong, fierce, defiant woman I’d grown to love was still in there. I knew that if she could rebound from something as bad as my father, and my own stupidity, then she’d be a capable Queen.

  “I’m not going to let you treat me any way you want to just because you’re upset about something,” she continued, and those words did sting because I couldn’t deny the truth in them.

  I was an idiot. I’d tried to impose my will on her rather than treat her as an equal. I’d taken my anger at my father and shoved it in her face. I hadn’t shown her the respect she deserved, but I could show her that respect now by listening to what she had to say.

  “You’re a king, Izon.”

  I frowned a little at the obviousness of her statement, but she spoke again before I could say anything.

  “You’re a king, and you should know when adult conversations and discussions need to take place.”

  I nodded, she was right. Even though I was King, I needed to realize that I wasn’t always correct, or even rational. I waited for Tessa to continue, but she seemed to be surprised by my obvious agreement.

  Before I could say anything, I glanced over Tessa’s shoulder to see Alendra slide into the office quietly and lean against the wall to watch my discussion with Tessa like it was some sort of spectator sport. I couldn’t order Alendra to leave as that would stop Tessa in her tracks. Until she realized she wanted to be with me, Tessa wouldn’t stay.

  She turned anyway and gasped a little when Alendra smiled at her. Tessa stood from her seat, the fire suddenly back in her eyes as she levelled her gaze at me. “Let me be very clear, Izon. I’m nobody’s emotional punching bag. What I said the other day I still believe, and you aren’t thinking of what’s best for the kingdom if you’re willing to change your mind about a mate this easily. Thank you for proving my point.” She paused and heaved in a breath like venting her anger at me took effort. “If you think I’m going to stay in this house and watch you start a new life with another woman then you are sadly mistaken.”

  Her anger was palpable, vibrating through the room, and my dragon stretched in satisfaction. We’d done it.

  “Well, well.” Alendra straightened, pushing herself away from the wall and turned to lock gazes with me. “I was wrong, and it seems you were right, Izon.” She shrugged, a casual lift of her elegant shoulders, and made her way from the room.

  Tessa rested her hands on the back of the chair she’d been sitting on, and bowed her back, her posture almost defeated but her spirit barely even bent. I watched her face as she worked through what had just happened, and came to a slow realization. Suddenly, she glared at me and for the first time, I flinched away.

  “Was that… a test? Were you testing me?” She used her calm voice—the deadly one—and I could only nod. She figured out the truth that easily? I had wanted to have Tessa show us, show herself, how resilient and brave she could be. How excellent of a Queen. I’d never had any intention of ending things with Tessa. No intention of letting her leave without first rectifying things. In our argument I had acted emotionally, had said things that were untrue. Now, I wondered if I had taken things too far to make a point. Did she understand why I’d done it? Shit, I needed to explain myself.

  She took a deep breath and rolled her eyes to the ceiling before glancing at the portrait of Lyra, still hanging on the wall above my head. “Izon.”

  Well, she’d started reasonably enough, so maybe things weren’t quite as bad as I expected.

  Then a flurry of words poured forth from her. “This is exactly what I was just talking about. Only an asshole would treat me like a pawn in a game. Only an asshole would think to test me by bringing another woman into the house. Only an asshole would want to treat me with this much disrespect and make me this fucking angry on purpose.” She paused and drew a deep breath, and I fought the urge to shield myself. This was going to be loud. “And it turns out that you, Izon, are that asshole!”

  She turned around and strode from my room, taking her hot cloud of fury with her. The door slammed behind her, and I c
ouldn’t stop a grin from spreading across my face.

  Anger was an emotion I could deal with, an emotion I understood. Tessa’s sadness after the encounter with my father had been out of my realm. I had been managing situations far more complicated than the one with Tessa, including my father, for years. Just like I’d manage him into accepting Tessa, but that was a project for another day.

  First, I had to get Tessa to accept me again.

  I was halfway there, though. She’d been angry, sure, but rage had also crackled from her because she knew not even a King could control, hurt, or disrespect her. Now that I knew that, I simply had to gain her forgiveness for the means to the end.

  I groaned and slumped over my desk as the adrenaline created in the face of Tessa’s anger left me. Fuck. She was right. I’d been an asshole. But I couldn’t afford to get bogged down in my assholishness when I just needed to fix the situation I’d created.

  I’d wanted to ensure she felt for me as much as I did for her. Her display just now proved she did. She’d also proven that she could stand up to the literal most powerful person on this planet, which made her strong enough to hold the position of Queen of Hydronia. I needed to explain it all.

  Well that, and I needed something big to show her how I felt. My mouth pulled tight at the words grand gesture, but that was what I needed. I couldn’t get away with any half-assed attempts at proving myself. No. Only an actual asshole wouldn’t put the effort in.

  I stood and walked to the other side of my desk, looking at my office the way Tessa saw it. The first thing I saw, the first thing I always saw, was Lyra.


  I’d made Tessa stand in my office and fight for me in front of Lyra. She was right. I really was an asshole. Sighing, I walked back around my desk and lifted the huge portrait from the wall. It could hang on one of the walls outside the children’s bedrooms. I’d replace it with a smaller and more discreet image in my office so they knew I wasn’t removing their mother from my life completely.


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