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Prophecy Girl

Page 13

by Melanie Matthews

  Liam smirked at Corrine. “Whaddya say Corrine? Should we continue our introductions on our own time?”

  “Sí,” she responded, smiling.

  Liam smiled back, grabbed her hand, and they walked out of the classroom, not even acknowledging their friends or saying, “See ya next in Art.” They were occupied in each other.

  Meg smiled at the two new lovebirds. “They look so cute together.” She turned to Finn, who had been able to stay visible, while he and Meg sat right next to each other. “Don’t they look cute together?” she asked him.

  “Uh…yeah, I guess,” he said, shrugging.

  “You don’t mind him seeing your ex?” she asked.

  Eva could tell that Meg was up to something.

  He furrowed his brow. “No. I don’t think about her that way anymore.”

  Eva watched them, holding the straps of their satchels against their chests, nervous.

  “Oh…well, who do you think about?” Meg asked in quiet voice.

  Finn opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Lucas, who barreled in with the third and fourth years, scheduled for the second block of Spanish, which was the more advanced class.

  “Hey, baby!” He grabbed Eva, holding her in his arms.

  But Eva kept her focus on Finn and Meg. Finn left first, slowly walking out, eyeing Meg, who was following close behind him. Then they were out in the hallway, and she couldn’t see them anymore. She had to follow them to Art and spy in on their conversation. She just knew that a spark was ready to ignite—a spark of love, maybe just like Liam and Corrine.

  She was really happy for them, and it made her hopeful that Devin might come around, ditch Bree, and proclaim his love for her. But she knew that probably wouldn’t happen. Devin couldn’t even stand to be near her, instead twirling the tip of his tongue in circles against Bree’s neck, or so Eva imagined. She had Lucas, but she wanted more. She wanted Devin, even though he didn’t want her.

  Just then, Devin walked into the classroom. He looked at her as if he just saw a ghost, but he didn’t disappear. Instead he quickly walked to the other side of the room and to his desk. Bree followed behind like a lost puppy, sat on his lap, and folded her arms around his neck.

  Eva was on the verge of tears, but held back, and decided to play a little game.

  “Hey,” she said to Lucas, grinning.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, met his lips in a hard clash, and gave it her all, kissing him like never before. She heard a few whistles and an “Ahem” cough from Professor McManus.

  “What’s with everyone today?” asked the professor.

  But he didn’t wait for a response, as Professor Rosanna Darcy approached the door frame, and gave him a sweet smile and a wave. The Spanish professor waved back, in a trance, at the object of his affection, and then watched her walk away.

  Lucas kept his attention on Eva. “We should kiss like that more often,” he said, holding her tighter against his body.

  “Anytime.” She said it loud enough for the whole room to hear, aiming it straight at Devin.

  “Better get to class, Eva,” Professor McManus urged softly.

  Eva snuck a peek at Devin, who was ignoring Bree’s desperate attempts for his attention. When their eyes locked, green to green like glistening emeralds, Devin quickly turned away first, but she saw just how sad his eyes looked, with his brow furrowed, and his jaw clenched.

  She felt horrible for using Lucas just to get Devin’s reaction. She felt ashamed. She wanted to plead for Devin to forgive her.

  But if Devin truly liked her, he wouldn’t be able to turn away from her. He wouldn’t flee from her. Not like Lucas, who seemed to hold her like an ensnaring vine.

  “Got to go,” she told him sweetly.

  “Bye, baby.” He gave her another sweet, but quick kiss, and let her go.

  When she left the room, and went down the stairs to Art class, she was flushed with excitement and worry. Lucas made her feel like a million bucks, whereas Devin made her feel like a dirty penny on the street that no one cared about, walking on it, over and over, all day.

  Of course, she wouldn’t have minded if Devin did acknowledge her by walking in her path, even knocking against her shoulder, mindlessly going about his day. That would mean that she was worth colliding with, not fleeing from.

  Even though the kiss with Lucas wasn’t bad, great even, she worried that her actions would lead him to get the wrong idea—that Lucas would expect more and more was something she wasn’t ready for. And it didn’t give her any more insight into Devin. Yes, he looked angry and sad, but he often looked like that. If he really liked her, he would’ve thrown Bree off his lap, run over to Lucas, tore him off of Eva, and gave him a good punch in the face. And when Lucas fell and submitted, Devin would hold Eva in his arms, proclaiming, “You’re mine, Eva. You’re mine.” And she would say, “I’m yours.”

  She imagined the scene would look like the cover of a romance novel with Devin bare-chested, and Eva wearing a corset that pushed her breasts up to her neck. They would be standing on the bow of a ship with fluttering sails from gentle winds, and the hot orb of the sun descending below the horizon.

  But that was just fantasy. This was real life. And real life sucked.

  When she made it to Art class, everyone was already seated. Posters of paintings were plastered along the green walls. A classical one of a demure woman, wearing a bonnet, and sitting in a rocking chair, was next to a modern one, with a bunch of haphazard lines going every which way. Student works of past years were on exhibit: paintings, pencil drawings, clay figurines. They were actually quite good, but Eva was no artist. She could do a mean stick figure man, but that was about it. No work of hers would ever grace the walls of this room.

  Professor Gemma Clarke was married to the cook, James Clarke. Both were nice, young, and seemed to be a perfect fit. He liked to create new dishes, and she liked to create new works of art. James made a mess with condiments, and Gemma made a mess with acrylic paints.

  Eva sat down and observed the professor, who was using quick and chaotic brush strokes of different colors on a tall canvas that seemed to be without focus. Her long frizzy brown hair shook as she danced around the canvas in a sleeveless green dress. She had a lone braid at the side of her head that got lost in the thick of her hair, but Eva could spot a green feather tucked in the band at the end.

  Eva sat next to Liam and Corrine, kissing, while the professor’s back was turned to the class. At the table in front of her, sat Meg and Finn, whispering back and forth. Professor Clarke seemed to be in a trance with her masterpiece, so Eva took the opportunity to listen in on their conversation.

  “Do you like me or not?” Meg demanded in a low voice

  “Do we have to talk about this now?” Finn asked, uncomfortable.


  “All right. I like you, okay? I like you a lot.”

  Meg smiled. “I like you too,” she admitted.

  About time!

  Eva started clapping, excited. The whole class turned to look at her. Even Liam and Corrine pried their lips from one another, staring at her in confusion. She let her hands fall to her lap, embarrassed.

  “Thank you my dear, but I’m not finished,” Professor Clarke said.

  The professor smiled at her sweetly. Eva just smiled back, and then stared at her hands, hoping everyone would forget what she had done.

  Liam leaned in front of Corrine, and said to Eva, “Teacher’s pet.”

  Eva turned to him, smiling. “Shut up.”

  Corrine laughed, and then she and Liam smashed their lips against each other again. Eva glanced at Meg and Finn. Thankfully, they were ignoring her, too busy with each other, smiling, blushing.

  It was so sweet, Eva wanted to cry, but not for sorrow, for joy. Corrine and Liam were together. Meg and Finn were together. Her roommates had found love.

  But as she thought about Bree and Devin, she felt sorrow. She liked Lucas, but he wasn’t Devin. Now
Bree had him, and he had her, in more ways than one, if the rumors were true.

  She was glad when the professor finished her painting. She didn’t know how much longer she could hold back her tears, her sorrow for having someone, but wanting another, who didn’t want her.

  “Voilà,” Professor Clarke proclaimed.

  She stood away from the canvas for the students to see. It was actually quite extraordinary. It was a portrait of a woman with her face hung low, as she looked down at a child, her child perhaps, and held the baby in her arms. The joy was so vividly expressed on the woman’s face, and the child looked happy, for it was loved.

  A student started to clap, and then another, and soon the whole class, Eva included, applauded the professor’s fine work.

  She bowed. “Thank you! Thank you!” Then she quickly brushed a few tears away.

  When class ended, Eva felt more at ease with art. She saw it as an expression of one’s soul, rather than a subject to be learned, and forgotten after the year ended.

  After Art, it was time for P.E., but they had to go their rooms and change. Liam and Corrine didn’t want to say goodbye, but Eva reminded them that they’d see each other soon. And she had to tell the same thing to Finn and Meg.

  “Whoa! Everyone’s hooking up around here,” Lucas said, approaching Eva in the Commons Area, while she stood with the two sets of lovebirds.

  Immediately, Eva looked for Devin. He was the last to leave his class, but Bree was with him. They stopped near a closed classroom door, and to Eva’s shock, began to kiss, which seemed to drag on forever, as Bree kept running her hands through his black hair, and Devin kept sliding his hands up and down her back.

  Eva felt like she had just died inside and wished she had a vision, right then and there, to take her away from the hurtful scene in front of her. After Devin pulled away, Bree gave him a hug, and skipped up the west wing grand staircase. Devin ignored everyone, even his friends, but gave Eva a quick glance before he went to the east wing. Something was wrong with him. He looked…sad.

  When Lucas slid his arms around Eva’s waist, she said, “We’d better go change.”

  She said it as sweetly as she could, because she didn’t want to hurt him. She was still thinking of Devin.

  But Lucas didn’t seem aware of her desire to flee. He pressed his lips against her ear. “Can’t wait to see you in those tight shorts,” he said in a deep voice. Then he trailed kisses down her neck before pulling away.

  She was left breathless, by his touch, by his kiss. He seemed to bring her back when she wanted to run away from him. She desired his attention so much more now that Devin didn’t seem to have any interest in her, kissing Bree like a madman. No, he wasn’t mad, but he was sad. He looked depressed after kissing Bree, and Eva didn’t know why.

  She walked with an unusually silent Meg and Corrine up to their room, which she didn’t mind, because she was still thinking of Devin. And Lucas. She wanted to really commit herself to him, but she was consumed by Devin, desiring him, needing him, loving him. She wanted Devin’s attention, and it hurt her so much that he was ignoring her, thinking that Bree was a more suitable kissing partner.

  Inside the room, Bree was already dressed. She wore the required outfit of green shorts and a white tee. They fit her like a glove and she looked radiant with her shimmering blond hair down her back. She secured a pink band around it and fashioned a ponytail.

  She smiled at the girls. “Isn’t it great that we’ve all found someone?!”

  Eva had never heard Bree sound so…nice.

  Meg and Corrine giggled. Soon, all three of them were on Bree’s bed, gossiping and talking about Devin, Liam, and Finn. Eva walked to her side of the room, away from all the giddiness.

  “Finn is such a great kisser,” Meg said.

  Eva didn’t know they had even kissed. They must have sneaked it in, when no one was looking.

  “Well, Liam is a great kisser,” Corrine said, blushing.

  Bree jumped off the bed. “No, Devin is the best kisser.” She gave Eva a wide smile. “Even better than Lucas.”

  But Eva didn’t sense any meanness in her statement. She truly wanted to get the point across that Devin had the best pair of lips in the school.

  “Well, I’ve only kissed Lucas, so I can’t compare,” Eva said, opening her dresser door, and selecting her P.E. outfit.

  “Trust me.” Bree jogged over to Eva in her black sneakers and pink socks. That stupid grin wouldn’t leave her face. “Devin is way better.”

  Eva slammed the drawer, frustrated. “I thought you said he wasn’t passionate. What happened?”

  Bree shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe he was unsure if he wanted to get back together? But who cares?!” She giggled, jumping up and down. “He’s great now!”

  Eva forced a smile and went into the bathroom to change with a pair of white socks and her black Reeboks. She could hear the three girls, giggling and talking outside the door. She wanted to be happy for them, and for Corrine and Meg she was, but not Bree. Devin kissed her, not Eva. Devin touched her, not Eva. Devin actually remained solid around her, not Eva. She wanted to hate Devin, truly hate him, but she mysteriously loved him.

  Maybe she really was crazy.

  When she walked out with her black hair in a long ponytail, she noticed that Corrine and Meg were halfway dressed, while Bree was reapplying her pink nail polish.

  “I’m heading outside,” Eva said to the girls.

  “No, wait on us,” Meg urged, slipping into her green shorts.

  “Yeah, wait,” Corrine said, yanking on her white tee.

  Eva couldn’t run away from them, so she just smiled, and waited against the door. She watched perfect and lucky Bree blow the paint dry on her nails. After what seemed like forever, everyone was now ready.

  Bree ran ahead of them. “I’m off to see Devin.”

  Corrine and Meg laughed, and then began their own discussions of the virtues of their guys, Liam and Finn. Eva tuned them out. She liked Liam and Finn, but she didn’t want to hear how Finn liked to gently tug at Meg’s bottom lip as they kissed, or that Liam’s breath tasted like tobacco and Skittles, which Corrine didn’t have a problem with.

  Eva had always had a problem with Lucas’ tobacco kisses that she tried to accept, but didn’t like. She wondered what Devin’s lips tasted like, but then quickly pushed her fantasies aside.

  She was with Lucas and although possessive, he wanted her.

  “What are you daydreaming about?”

  Eva was outside when she looked up and saw Colin, smoking and leaning against a chimney. He wore blue jeans and a black Led Zeppelin T-shirt. Ahead, Meg and Corrine were still chatting away, and didn’t even realize they had left Eva behind.

  In the distance, she saw Coach Geoffrey Brennan, in his late fifties, muscular like a body builder with a green whistle on a black string around his neck. He wore a white T-shirt and black shorts, and stood near the basketball court, watching some guys shoot hoops.

  She hoped that wouldn’t be their first assignment. She was never good at sports and hoped that Coach Brennan would settle for a short walk. That was easy.

  “What makes you think I was daydreaming?” She leaned against the wall, next to Colin, looking around for Lucas and Devin, but they were nowhere to be seen.

  Colin exhaled. The smoke trailed in her direction and she waved it away. “You have that look.”

  “What look?” She reached her hand up to touch her face.

  Colin gently grabbed her wrist, and held it away from her face. He laughed at her silliness. “It’s not visible, but it’s there.”

  She let him hold onto her wrist. It felt nice and warm. “What’s there?”

  “The look of pain,” he said softly. “And not the type of pain from being a Banshee. It’s something else.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking—”

  “What the FUCK do you think you’re doing?!”

  She turned to see Lucas
, a few feet away, with Devin behind him, and then Liam and Finn, already in their P.E. clothes: white T-shirts with long black shorts and black sneakers. Lucas was staring at her hand, being held by Colin. Quickly, she jerked it out of his grasp. Devin kept his distance, looking worried, sad. Liam and Finn tried to stop Lucas, but it was no good. He was advancing to them, and he was furious.

  “I asked you a question, motherfucker! What do you think you’re doing touching my girl?!”

  Lucas and Colin were now eye to eye. Lucas’ face was red hot, and he looked like he was going to explode in anger, but Colin was cool.

  Colin shrugged. “If she didn’t want to be touched, she shouldn’t have let me.” Then he pointed his lit cigarette at Lucas’ face. “Maybe you’re not giving her what she needs,” he accused casually.

  “Now you’re asking for it.” Lucas spoke in an even voice, which made him sound even scarier.

  She knew what was going to happen next—a fight—and she didn’t want that.

  “It’s okay, Lucas.” She gently touched his arm, trying to soothe him, as he had soothed her. Lucas angrily pushed her hand away.

  “That’s no way to treat a lady,” Colin said, now sounding angry.

  Suddenly, Lucas grabbed Colin by his shirt, and slammed him against the rough bricks, rearing his fist back. Eva closed her eyes, knowing what was about to happen.

  “C’mon Lucas!” Liam shouted in his Texan accent. “He ain’t worth it.”

  “Let it go, man,” Finn said in a calmer voice.

  She didn’t hear Devin speak up, and she didn’t look, keeping her face pressed against the wall of the house. Then she heard a whistle blow and turned to see Coach Brennan, approaching them.

  “All right, break it up!” he bellowed. “Daly! Use some of that pent up anger in class today.”

  To Eva’s surprise, Lucas relaxed his fist, and let go of Colin. “Later, punk,” he warned him.

  Colin didn’t respond and just took another drag.

  Coach Brennan directed them to the field, where the rest of the students were waiting to start class. Liam and Finn walked away, and then Devin, who gave Eva a quick glance, one of repeated sadness, before he followed. Lucas finally moved from his determined spot and held out his hand for Eva.


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