Nomad Supreme
Page 22
We put a great deal on the shoulders of the Just In Time (JIT) readers. They get a ridiculously short deadline to find the last of the typos or other miscues, small things that would detract from the overall reader experience. We don’t want to see any of that, and the JIT team is our final gate that we must pass before declaring the draft to be final.
Thank you to the JIT for bringing a level of professionalism to our books that rivals any traditional publishing standard. We squeeze a year’s worth of work into less than a month because we have the best helpers in the world.
My thanks to Barbara Trawick Hasebe who answered my call for help (look at me, a man, stopping to ask for directions!) to name the boy who would fall under Terry and Char’s protection. I initially picked Ethan but it didn’t flow with the narrative. Barbara offered Kaeden, shortened to Kae and there we are. Thank you for your quick help – that made it possible for me to continue writing without missing a beat.
I always feel blessed that quality people like Diane, Dorene, and Kat are in my life. They are always upbeat and help me think about the way ahead, for me professionally, as well as for each of my stories.
Norman Meredith is ready at a moment’s notice to provide military technical details as well as tie-ins with the other stories within the TKG universe. He’s a walking, talking encyclopedia of knowledge!
Most of all, thank you to everyone who reads these stories – Michael and I write these, but they aren’t for us. They are for you. If they didn’t sell, the series wouldn’t continue. This is what we do for a living, so we appreciate you taking the time to read the books, whether on Kindle Unlimited or you buy the books outright so you can have them forever, we couldn’t do what we do without you.
If you liked this story, you might like some of my other books. You can join my mailing list by dropping by my website or if you have any comments, shoot me a note at I am always happy to hear from people who’ve read my work. I try to answer every email I receive.
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Thank you for reading the Terry Henry Walton Chronicles!
Author Notes - Michael Anderle
Written Mar 3rd, 2017
I appreciate you reading these notes at the back of the books. Not only is it an enjoyable opportunity for me to chat, or vent (I’ve done that a few times) or wax poetically about love (I’ve done that exactly zero times) it means that you care not only for the characters.
But about us authors, as well.
Mind you, I don’t mind readers who skip this section, I get it. “Give me the next story!” is the hue and cry… Just like it should be.
However, for those who are with me all the way to the end, to the credits, to the author notes? Wow, that is something special and I want to share something that I hope turns out ‘good’.
For those who listen to my interview on Len Edgerly’s podcast The Kindle Nation (, or any of the other times I’ve written about why I got started writing, you will remember that 1/2 of my reason for writing Death Becomes Her was to learn enough about this Indie publishing to encourage our oldest son to pursue it.
Then, he didn’t.
Now, it hurt a little because I think he is better than I am by a long shot, and has a huge opportunity.
He and I have not been talking too much over the last year, for different reasons. But, tomorrow morning my wife and I will travel to go see him for lunch and during the last few days, he has started re-connecting with me and perhaps, just perhaps, he will get his first book out in the near’ish future.
That would be pretty damned cool. It would be the ‘finis’ on that half of my effort in Indie Publishing.
I’ve got my own half to continue to run, so no worries I will be stopping anytime soon!
You will notice Craig’s Author Notes were written about three weeks ago compared to mine. Well, that’s because we have been working on the editing (2 days) and then JIT stuff (another 2 days) and finally, we decided to wait on the new cover(s)… Which require models…which also require makeup, and guns, and camo gear and… and…
All sorts of stuff.
I’m SUPER happy to say we now have over 1,000 (that’s right, no decimal point) pictures of the models for the covers from here until #HOLYCRAPTHECOWSCAMEHOME.
I’m not sure they have that saying in England, where our cover artist lives and works. Huh, I wonder if that is a ‘west’ thing? Like, those states in the West of the United States that mess with cattle?
So, just for the record, We have a LOT of pictures. Some of Terry Henry are with ‘shirt off’ because what the hell? We are completely willing to allow the ladies to guy-oogle. Hell, I’ve done so many tight leather pants and hot female pictures that it’s about time.
Right ladies?
Sasha (the male model for Terry Henry) was awesome and supportive from when we (and by ‘we’, I totally really mean Andrew Dobell, but what the hell) were finally able to contact him.
Our first female model wouldn’t work (too many tattoos) but our second selection for Char was all in as well. I look forward to the new covers these two helped us make.
So, I have a tiny confession to make.
(No, Sweetheart, I’m not ‘coming out of the closet’… Damn, that’s another story, but the short of it was my wife grew up in Hollywood / West Hollywood for a LOOONNG time. I swear when I first met her, she assumed since I wasn’t a jerk, I must be gay. I attribute it to her time when she was in her 20’s and went dancing with male friends at gay clubs in LA and her ability to tell a guys disposition was obviously screwed up.)
Anyway, now that I’m almost 50 (this year) I have a completely “I don’t care” attitude toward women oogling men. Actually, that’s not honest.
I find it hilarious.
When I was growing up (70’s / 80’s) we had Farrah Fawcett (70’s) and the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders (not that I watched much football). The only thing I remember for women was the guy on the front cover of all the bodice rippers and Chippendales.
I was SO ignorant.
Anyway, I find it really funny that women are sharing all of these guy pictures on Facebook now, when almost my whole life, it was completely frowned upon when men would pass around pictures of women.
Either way - you ladies make me laugh out loud now how these pictures are freely shared “Look Kittens!” (It’s three shirtless guys with fireman’s hats on and each holding REALLY tiny kittens.) Invariably, underneath the shared picture on Facebook, will be at least one reply, “There’s Kittens?”
I’m sure we could go into long discussions about this, but unfortunately, this isn’t a two way conversation. I get to write whatever comes to mind (Seriously? THIS is what is coming to mind at the moment? You would have to see the image of Terry Henry Walton I shared on Facebook to know…Eh, I’ll just add it here at the end, you know, so you won’t have to wonder.)
Anyway, I blame Awesome Craig because he was thinking “Let’s have enough shots to do a Char / TH calendar!” and I blame myself because I was going through 1,000 photo’s and ran across this TH image. I had already shared our Char model (Hollie) on Facebook so I though “why not be fair?”
Why not, indeed.
Now, I’ll finish this by saying “Good night, sleep tight, and I hope Char doesn’t bite ;-)”
The Terry Henry Walton Chronicles
A Kurtherian Gambit Series
Book 1 – Nomad Found
2 – Nomad Redeemed
Book 3 - Nomad Unleashed
Book 4 - Nomad Supreme
Book 5 – Nomad’s Fury
Book 6 – Nomad Justice
Book 7 – Nomad Avenged
Book 8 – Nomad Mortis
Book 9 – Nomad’s Force
Book 10 – Nomad’s Galaxy
Free Trader Series
Book 1 – The Free Trader of Warren Deep
Book 2 – The Free Trader of Planet Vii
Book 3 – Adventures on RV Traveler
Book 4 – Battle for the Amazon
Book 5 – Free the North!
Book 6 – Free Trader on the High Seas
Book 7 – Southern Discontent (January 2017)
Book 8 – The Great ‘Cat Rebellion (2017)
Book 9 – Return to the Traveler (2017)
Cygnus Space Opera – Set in the Free Trader Universe
Book 1 – Cygnus Rising
Book 2 – Cygnus Expanding
Book 3 – Cygnus Arrives (2017)
End Times Alaska Series, a Winlock Press publication
Book 1: Endure
Book 2: Run
Book 3: Return
Book 4: Fury
Rick Banik Thrillers
People Raged and the Sky Was on Fire
The Heart Raged (2017)
Paranoid in Paradise (Short Story – 2017)
Short Story Contributions to Anthologies
Wisdom’s Journey (stand alone novella)
Earth Prime Anthology, Volume 1 (Stephen Lee & James M. Ward)
Apocalyptic Space Short Story Collection (Stephen Lee & James M. Ward)
Lunar Resorts Anthology, Volume 2 (Stephen Lee & James M. Ward)
Just One More Fight (stand alone novella)
The Expanding Universe, Volume 1 (edited by Craig Martelle)
The Expanding Universe, Volume 2 (edited by Craig Martelle – June 2017)
The Misadventures of Jacob Wild McKilljoy (with Michael-Scott Earle)
The Tide, a multi-author, single story extravaganza
Metamorphosis Alpha, Chronicles from the Warden (with James M. Ward – Summer 2017)
Michael Anderle
Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:
First Arc
Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04)
Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) Kneel Or Die (07)
Second Arc
We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10)
Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13)
Don’t Cross This Line (14)
Third Arc (Due 2017)
Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17)
Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20)
Life Goes On (21)
**New Series**
The Second Dark Ages
The Dark Messiah (01)
(Michael’s Return)
The Boris Chronicles
* With Paul C. Middleton *
Restitution 2017
Reclaiming Honor
Justice Is Calling (01)
Claimed By Honor (02)
Judgement Has Fallen (03) Feb 2017
The Etheric Academy
* With TS PAUL *
ALPHA CLASS (01) Dec 2016
ALPHA CLASS (02) Mar 2017
ALPHA CLASS (03) May 2017
Terry Henry “TH” Walton Chronicles
Nomad Found (01)
Nomad Redeemed (02)
Nomad Unleashed Early Feb 2017
Nomad Supreme Late Feb 2017
Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 01 (7.5)
You Don’t Mess with John’s Cousin
Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 02 (9.5)
Bitch’s Night Out
Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 02 (13.25)
With Natalie Grey
Available at and iTunes
The Kurtherian Gambit
Death Becomes Her - Available Now
Queen Bitch – Available Now
Love Lost – Coming Soon
Reclaiming Honor Series
Justice Is Calling – Available Now
Claimed By Honor – Coming Soon
Honor in Death
(Michael’s First Few Days)
Beyond the Stars: At Galaxy's Edge
Tabitha’s Vacation
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