Barebacked by Bikers (Motorcycle Club Menage Erotica)
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BAREBACKED BY BIKERS (Motorcycle Club Erotica)
Written and Published by T.K. Lilley
Copyright © 2014 T.K. Lilley. All Rights Reserved.
Click here to view T.K. Lilley’s full erotic catalogue
This naughty story contains erotic scenes and explicit language and is for mature readers of 18 years of age or older. All characters mentioned are over the age of 18, of no blood relations and consenting adults. This is a work of fiction and any characters that bare the relation to real persons, dead or otherwise, is purely coincidental.
I awoke on the sofa, naked with my limbs intertwined with some male stranger. The room stank of stale cigarettes, sweet girlie body spray and sweaty bodies. I attributed the stench to the twenty or so other sleeping corpses spread about the clubhouse who were trying to sleep off their inevitable hangovers. My hands grasped at my head as my own alcohol-induced migraine throbbed inside my temple.
While I sat in agony, a beam of light through the curtains illuminated Heath, the club’s president, who stood naked in the doorway from the bathroom, drying his hair off with the towel exposing his muscular physique.
Why did he always have to tease me like this?
He had a way of doing that to me— Of sending my stomach into knots of arousal. He’d flirted with me every night for months but always ended up in bed with the two blonde twins or whichever other random girl piqued his interest. I knew the twins were a boring lay, judging off last night’s performance and the lacks of screaming coming from Heath’s room. They came out to kiss him on the cheek.
“You girls hungry?”
Heath pulled his long hair back into a small ponytail and stared at the three of us. I shook my head. If I couldn’t be all his, I wasn’t going to be his at all.
I climbed off of the sofa, sauntering past him in my own partially naked glory to make him remember what he was missing.
“Babe, where are you going?” He said as his hand brushed against mine.
“Out,” I replied, pulling my black slip dress over my body and slipping into my boots.
“Oh, come on. Stay for a coffee at least.”
He walked up to me, tucking his towel around his waist much to my dismay, and pulled me in by the hips. His eyes were deep green and oh-so-gorgeous. Why did I have to like the most arrogant member of the club the most? An unspoken rule of biker life was to never go for the hot president because they’ll always break your heart. They were the perfect mix of arrogance, toughness, confidence, and sex appeal but were also completely broken and drunk with their power. Us girls knew to avoid that combo like the plague and yet, there I was, swooning in his arms.
“Heath,” I said as I resisted every urge in my body to cheekily slip his semi-erect cock into me. “I really have to go.”
“Fine, then I’m coming with you.”
His persistence this morning left me confused. Whenever I usually slept the night at the clubhouse, I’d be out of there without him even noticing.
He dressed himself into his jeans closest to him, tugged his cut from beneath Wills, the club’s defender, and climbed into some black riding boots. He could make even a potato sack look somehow sexy.
“No, Heath, where are you going?” Some whiny voices called over to him from the bar. The twins giggle and he ran over to them, throwing his arms around them both and planting kisses on their necks forcing me to twinge with jealously.
Fuck this, I thought.
I stomped off, grabbing my bag on the way out and slammed the door hard behind me.
Stamping down the road to my car, I heard his door open back behind me.
“Babe,” he called but I kept on walking and fuming. “Babe, wait up.”
His footsteps pitter pattered closer until his big hand tugged on my elbow. I went to tell him to back off but before I could, my body falls against the side of the building by the weight of him pressing me against me.
Damn him.
“What’s your problem?” he said.
“There’s no problem, Heath. I’m just not going to wait for you while you finish off with your incestuous little Barbies in there.”
“It’s not incestuous when I’m the meat in the sandwich and they don’t touch each other, sweetheart.”
“That’s disgusting. Let go of me.”
He interlocked his fingers with mine and pressed my arms against the wall. I chose not to resist this time.
“It’s not gross. You could join in sometime, you know.”
“And be sloppy thirds. Yeah, no thanks.” I feigned annoyance but I couldn’t lie that I loved our little fights.
He’s lying, he just loves knowing the very mention of it gets a rise from me. I stare into his eyes a moment and he can’t hide that wicked crooked smile of his.
“So, you’re just gonna stick with being sloppy seconds for the rest of the club, huh?”
I rolled my eyes at his jeer at my having slept with most of the club except him. He stared at me for a moment then stood up off of me, allowing my breath to return to normal.
We carried on down the road where we saw a group of the guys huddling by their bikes. I headed straight for my car expecting Heath to follow. I should have known he’d choose mingling others instead. How fucking dumb can I be? I huffed audibly, hoping he’d hear as he walked away but it went ignored.
The brightness of the summer day stung my eyes, causing my hangover to pierce at my head even harder. I threw my hands to shelter my eyes and sat down on the curb , rifling through my purse to find my sunglasses while I waited for Our Almighty President. I felt utterly unattractive and barely human so decided to ring my best friend, Rachel, for some moral support.
“Katie, I say it every time I talk to you but come home already. He sounds like a fucking dick and you sound more tired than ever. What’s wrong with your voice by the way?”
“It’s just a little raw, I don’t know what from.”
I dare not say it aloud but, truth be told, it could have been the screaming last night at the party, the two dicks I deep throated on separate occasions earlier this morning, or the umpteenth whiskey I’d drank. This new rasp was just another part of biker life that now seemed normal to me.
Rachel hated my new life. Coming from her, a self-respecting young mother of two toddlers, she found what I was doing vile and would always tell me how bad it was for me. Heck, I knew it was bad a bad crowd to hang out with and yet there I was three months later with them and still hanging out with these people. I’d already slept with five of the ten members of the club, done more drugs than any twenty-two year old ever should have, been arrested twice, had a permanent hangover since it all began, and have never felt any sort of fulfillment in myself at any point during the whole thing.
“Well, shit. I just don’t want to see you dead this young sweetie. Seriously. I think you need to go see a shrink or something. I talked to your dad the other day and he’s worried about you. I mean, it’s been a year now since…Well, you know…And I feel this destructive path is you not wanting to face those demons.”
She was referring to the passing of my mother last year which really took a toll on me. A part of me knew this need to destroy my life was derivative of that. And yet, for some reason, I’d lie to myself and say it wasn’t that I didn’t want to face the pain again but rather that I was over the pain and ready for a new beginning.
“I’m fine, Rachel. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“Like hell I don’t. Well, since I knew that you’d still not be ready to come home I’ve bought flights to come out and see you.” I gasped. “If you won’t come home with me then--“
“—Wait, what?” I interjected.
“I’m dragging you home by your fucking ponytail otherwise you’re never going to get out of this rut that you’re in.”
“Fuck you, Rachel. Back off. I’m fine, just let me be young while I still am.”
“I have. For three fucking months. Now it’s time you cheered up, cleaned up, and lived up to your worth. Go back to school, Kiki…” Without thinking, I hung up the phone on her. My brain couldn’t take accusations and stress well so preferred to just defer it for another time.
I sunk my head into my knees with a melodramatic sigh when a loving touch squeezed onto my shoulder.
“Everything alright, babe?” It was Heath, stirring up the butterflies in my stomach again.
“Yeah, fine.”
He joined me to sit on the curb, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“You’re enjoying walking away from me today, aren’t you?” he said and I shrugged, wanting to rebut him but feeling too tired to bother. “I’m kidding. What’s wrong? You can tell me.” Suddenly, his nose is pressed into the side of my cheek and I felt him start kissing and suckling on my ear.
“What are you doing?”
“You seem frustrated,” he said and he continued licking and biting on my earlobe. “So I just wanted to help ease the tension.”
I tilted my head to nuzzle into him so he knew I approved.
“You want to kiss me?” he whispered into my ear.
With his fingers to my chin, he turned my face to his and what choice did I have but to nod? He started tongue kissing me hard and passionately. Some of the other guys started wolf whistling and that only made me move into him more. My hand grabbed at his long hair tightly and I had full control of him as our tongues engorged one another wetly. I got his tongue and began sucking on it like I wish I could do to another appendage of his. He let out a moan that sent me to the rooftop and I kissed him even deeper.
Through our kiss he said, “Let’s go somewhere.”
He backed off, holding my gaze for a second then stood up to help me to my feet. He threw a piece sign up at his boys and we crossed to the other side of the street.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“I don’t know.”
He raised a hand into the street, hailing a cab and guided me inside.
“I want you so fucking bad,” he whispered.
As soon as he entered in the other door, he combed his fingers through my long hair and made out with me again. Our kisses were familiar territory to me. We’d kissed a few times before but that’s as far as anything ever went. I didn’t complain too much though. His kiss was that of the devil and I couldn’t pull away until he did.
“Sir, where am I taking you?” The cab driver glared at us in his rear view mirror and I think I saw him adjust himself in his seat. Heath’s lips moved off mine and I accidentally whimpered.
“Um, Chinatown.”
Thank god he returned to his previous activity. I held him in close and threw one of my legs over his lap while his hand moulded at my left breast.
“Your tits are amazing,” he whispered.
With a curled finger, he pulled my dress strap down over my shoulder and revealed my hardened nipple. Before I had time to think, his lips were clamped down in it, sucking it sensually. Alright, familiar territory was now out the window. I threw my head back in pleasure and stroked the hair at the back of his neck.
I caught the driver’s eye looking back at us so moaned ‘oh, yeah’ so that he could hear. My fucked up mind suddenly hoping I had the ability to turn him on too.
Heath’s fingers pinched at my nipple and he moved his mouth back to kissing me.
“Why haven’t we fucked yet?” he asked me through his intense stare.
“Because you’re a heartbreaker, Heath, and I can’t have you do that to me.”
“A heartbreaker, huh?” He smirked at the label. “Well, then why do you tempt me like you do?”
He pulled my strap back up over my shoulder and sat back to his side of the car.
“Me tempt you?” I squinted at him with an obvious raised eyebrow.
“Walking by me naked this morning with that tight little body of yours, last night when I’d catch you looking at me while Wills ate you out while I fucked the twins, your sexy dancing on the bar. Admit it, you’ve done that kind of thing to me for months.” I folded my arms and legs and stared out of the window. “You’re a fucking tease, Katie.”
“Actually driver, I’ve changed my mind. Can you take us back? I’m suddenly really tired,” I said. Heath began laughing, albeit forced.
“Yes, ma’am.” The driver U-turned at the next lights.
“What’d I do?”
“Don’t play mind games with me you dick. You’re the biggest tease I’ve ever met and you have no right to call me the same!
Back in my little apartment, I sat tucked under the covers unable to sleep. I sipped at a vodka bottle beside me while reality shows blared on TV. They were my best chance at distracting my mind from Heath.
I tempt him? No way, he was the tease here. For months I’d pursued him and for months he’d make a small move like that then back off, leaving me feeling like a fucking joke to him.
I huffed and stood up to look out at the view of the city. The night was fading and there was supposed to be another bonfire with a few of the local chapters tonight. I was on the fence to if I really wanted to go back there. Maybe Rachel was right. I was playing with fire being here and maybe that wasn’t safe.
An unexpected knock came on my door. “Room service,” called the voice.
I threw on an old t-shirt, quickly cleaned myself up in the mirror, and went to open it. I sighed at the sight at the door.
“What do you want Ryan?” It was one of the nomads who’d always had a thing for me, standing there with an offering up a bottle of whiskey to me.
“I need a service. This is your favorite right?”
“That’s a real way to win a girls heart. I’m not a whore you know. My vagina’s not on tap.”
“But it sure gushes when I get near it.”
He advanced towards me and went in for a kiss but I pushed at his chest. Been there, done that too many times with this kid and today was the last day I wanted him to trying anything with me.
“You really have to work on your pick up lines,” I said.
“Come on. Heath says you’re frustrated right now. I took that to mean you miss me.”
He began opening the whiskey in my kitchen, treating the place like it was his own.
“Fuck off, Ryan.” I folded my hands over my chest and headed back for the bed hoping he’d leave.
“Started without me, that sucks,” he said, picking up another empty vodka bottle on the counter. I climbed beneath the covers again and pulled them up comfortingly over my shoulders.
The bed tilted to the side as he climbed beside me and began stroking my hair away from my face. I shook him off but he persisted. After taking a sip, he lay beneath the sheets beside me, gyrating his hard on against my ass. He was an aggressive fuck and I loved every second of the during but hated every part of myself once it was all over. That’s why I couldn’t let this happen again.
“No, Ryan. Please fuck off,” I said as his fingers tried massaging my crotch.
My hips gyrated only once at his seduction attempts but I regained enough composure to stand up out of the bed though he continued his pursuits. He licked his lips and took of his shirt to reveal his six pack. I turned my eyes away to the television. Ryan was never good at taking a hint. He yanked at the bottom of my shirt, made me stand up, and pulled me towards him.
“You’re gonna rape me then? It comes down to this?” I said, exasperated.
“What the fuck? I’m just getting you in the mood baby. I know how you like to resist.”
His lips met mine and his tongue pushed in between my closed mouth. I tried to push him off again but he wouldn’t give up. He yanked my hair back t
o reveal my neck that kissed lightly. My clit twitched at the gesture. These bad boys did bad things to me.
“Not this time, Ryan, for fuck’s sake. I’m gonna fucking scream if you don’t stop.”
“Yeah, scream my name when I’m pummeling that tight little pussy of yours.”
His strength was overpowering mine as I tried to writhe my way out of his grip. He planted a firm grip on my right ass cheek and maneuvered a finger to my hole. For a moment, I collapsed into him in pleasure but found it in me to fight it. Today was really a test of my self-control.
“Help! Help me!” I screamed dramatically when I noticed my door was still open. “Somebody help!” His hand cupped strongly over my mouth and I began to moan with discomfort.
“What the fuck, bitch? Jesus.”
“Alright, alright kids, chill out.”
To my surprise, Heath stood in my doorway and Ryan backed off immediately. I hugged at my body, coughing back some tears that were about to fall and marched over to the bathroom.
“Hey, babe.” Heath’s hand grabbed my forearm and I looked at him for a brief moment through watering eyes. “Ryan, give us a second.”
Relief washed over me as I watched that brat storm out, slamming the door behind him.
“What are you doing here?” I said, walking into my bathroom.
“When Ryan says he other business to attend to, that usually means you. And judging by your state this morning, I thought you might not be in the mood to see him.”
I needed to wash today off of me so turned on the shower to the hottest setting praying to be boiled back to normal.
“Can you leave, please? I have to get ready for tonight.”.
With my back turned, he picked me up and sat me on the cold marble counter beside the sink. He smelled fresh, lightly spritzed with my favorite aftershave of his moulding with his usual pheromones that turned me into a hungry animal.
“Are you okay? You’re not gonna tell me why you were screaming bloody murder just now?”
“He wouldn’t take no for an answer,” I said.