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The Gods of Men

Page 40

by Barbara Kloss

  Jeric took a step closer. The wind tossed his hair. “You have mine, Sur Ricón.” He gripped Ricón’s hand firmly.

  The two men shook, and the tension released. They let go, and Jeric turned to Imari.

  Her heart drummed louder, and suddenly, she didn’t want to leave. It was all happening so fast, and she’d barely gotten to talk to him. How could she say goodbye to him now? In front of everyone?

  He stepped close. In her periphery, Ricón looked on.

  “Imari.” Jeric’s voice was a brush through her hair, a stroke against her cheek despite the respectful distance he kept.

  Without thinking, Imari moved closer and touched his face, her palm to his cheek. His eyes locked on hers. For Imari, they were the only two people in the world.

  “You are a good man, Jeric Oberyn Sal Angevin,” she said quietly, and his jaw flexed a little. “And you will be an even better king. Despite how fate brought us together, I will always be grateful for you.”

  “For which part?” he said. “The broken ribs? Or almost dying on multiple occasions?”

  She grinned. “Definitely for when I was the most wanted woman in all The Wilds.”

  Jeric smiled.

  She lowered her hand and slipped something into his. He glanced down at the tiny pouch she’d placed there.

  “Seeds from an Istraan star,” Imari said. “A real Istraan star. If you plant them, I’m sorry to say they won’t bloom in weapons. And please don’t mention this to your herbalist. He still doesn’t know they’re missing.”

  Jeric looked back at her.

  Maker’s Mercy, she wanted to kiss him again, but she wouldn’t. Couldn’t. He was no longer Jos, and she was no longer Sable. And princesses couldn’t go around casually kissing kings in front of the world. That sort of behavior started wars.

  Instead, she tucked his fingers around the pouch. “In Istraa, the blooms represent rebirth and renewal, just as the sun rises each new day. I…” It seemed silly now, her reason, but she pressed on anyway. “I thought it might be something to encourage you in the uncertain days ahead. I believe in you, Jeric.”

  His gaze intensified, then dropped to their entwined hands.

  “And… maybe it’s selfish of me, but I thought it might also be something to remember me by.”

  He looked up again and cocked a brow. “Selfish? You’re not the sort of person one forgets, and now you’re trying to haunt me in flowers. I call that greedy.”

  She laughed, then leaned forward and kissed his cheek. He stilled at her lips; his breath hitched. She lingered there, her lips against his skin, breathing in the scent of his musk and the forest, and then, reluctantly, she pulled away.

  But he didn’t let go of her hand.

  “I don’t want to say goodbye to you,” he said, his levity gone.

  “You know where to find me.” She winked playfully, though her heart pattered an erratic beat.

  “I do.” His gaze deepened, and violet warmed the blue. “I will see you again.” He brought her hand to his lips, eyes never leaving hers as he kissed the backs of her fingertips.

  She felt his kiss all the way to her toes.

  He brushed his thumb across her knuckles once, strumming every string inside of her. His gaze flickered past, to where Ricón waited, watching them, and with a final squeeze, he let go of her hand.

  She wanted to grab it back.

  “Ready, mi a’fiamé?” Ricón called.

  She inhaled deeply to calm herself, feeling flush and also… torn.


  It was time.

  She turned away and approached Ricón, who’d saddled up and extended a hand. Imari looked to the dawn, letting the sun warm her face.

  “Yes,” she said, grabbing his hand and leaping in the saddle with him. “Let’s go home.”


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  Also by Barbara Kloss

  Gaia’s Secret

  The Keeper’s Flame

  Breath of Dragons

  Heir of Pendel


  This story had a particularly long and winding path before it reached its final destination, and that path would’ve been impassible had it not been for the help of some readers who are much smarter than I am.

  To “my” Jenny, for brainstorming with me in those early phases, for always demanding more, for reading a million drafts and not once complaining (like ever), and also for never hesitating to let me know when I’ve written myself into a stinking bog. Thanks for helping me through solutions (and also for your nurse-wisdom!), for your constant support, and for believing in this story even when I tried to ruin it!

  Briana (aka Alpha B) for your unwavering enthusiasm through every stage, your sage advice, and also for being Braddok’s biggest advocate. He’s all yours, don’t worry. See! I’ve formally declared it, therefore it’s true.

  Carly, my #1.2 and romantic guru. Thanks for having strong opinions about relationships, and for demanding more out of mine! (And also for rereading the same scene so many times that you know it better than I do. I’m sorry. Is that abuse?)

  My brilliant betas, Tiana, Anthony, Julie Tuovi, Kelly St. Clare, Sylvi, Christine Arnold, and my mom. You see all the things I don’t, and I’m so glad you care enough to be honest! I can’t thank you enough for all your help and insight, for helping me throw the clutter away, and for making sense of the rest.

  To my friend, and editor, Laura, for having the mental capacity of a computer processor. I’ll never know how you hold all the details in your head at once. But even more, I’m so thankful you ask me those hard questions that have legacy answers.

  My gorgeous husband, and best friend, Ben. From day one, you’ve been my biggest fan and support, and I can’t tell you enough how much that means to me. You find the gem, even when I hand you a turd. I love you.

  To all of my readers, who have been paramount in giving me the courage to keep going on those very hard days. Your love for my stories and imaginary friends is the greatest gift an author could ask for.

  And also, to my Maker. Thank you for always finding me where I am and never giving up on me.

  About the Author

  Barbara Kloss studied biochemistry at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, CA, and then worked for years as a Clinical Laboratory Scientist. Author of the award-winning Gaia's Secret Series. She currently lives in northern California, with her gorgeous husband, two boys, and pup (also male). When she’s not writing, you can usually find her adventuring with her guys, gaming, lifting, or drinking coffee somewhere.




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