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Wolf Protector_A Wild Security Book

Page 3

by Ruby Forrest

  It was ecstasy. Being with him was ecstasy. He was so strong and passionate and it showed. It showed in every movement of his body, every tensing of his muscles and pull of his body against hers.

  “Alister…” She found herself gasping his name, a breathless murmur that sounded like the very essence of sex.

  The pleasure inside of her was building and when Alister started to suck at her neck, Mary-Ann thought that she was going to lose it right then and there. She moaned in pleasure and moved, bucking her hips into the pleasure, into the feel of him that was overcoming her senses and her mind so completely.

  She could feel the speed increasing in his movements. His touch was becoming more urgent, his grip was becoming firmer and more needful against her skin. His kisses burnt like fire and Mary-Ann wouldn’t have it any other way. She moaned in pleasure, a sound torn from the recesses of her throat, laced with the aching need within her, the need that only Alister seemed to be able to satisfy.

  He pushed into her deeper and Mary-Ann felt the crescendo of pleasure overcoming her. Her breath was coming in quick, erratic gasps and she shuddered and shivered in his arms. When her climax hit her, it came hard and fast. Mary-Ann was left breathless, crying out in desperate pleasure, her mind filling with fireworks and desire, the deep ache inside of her turning into ecstasy. She cling to Alister, holding on tightly as the waves consumed her, burning her body and her mind until there was nothing left of the hesitation, the fear and the doubt that had once consumed her.

  There was nothing left but the bubbles and waves of pleasure that were curling around her body and her mind and consuming her.

  She felt Alister stiffen against her, his body going tense. A low moan left him and she heard him groan her name as he pushed into her with such strength and power. The shuddering pleasure filled them both and Mary-Ann couldn’t do anything more than hold onto him, getting her fill of his scent, the way his hands grabbed her and his body tightened against hers, leaving her breathless.

  They stayed like that for what seemed like forever, Mary-Ann pressed up against the wall, supported in Alister’s arms, who was bracing himself heavily against the wall as well. Mary-Ann’s head was against his shoulder and they were both damp with sweat and flushed with the pleasure that had climbed up both of their bodies and left blissful exhaustion in its wake.

  Eventually, Alister shifted. He didn’t say a word, simply grabbing his jacket where it had fallen. He threw it over Mary-Ann’s shoulders, covering her and keeping her modest, even here in her apartment. He held her in his arms and carried her the few steps to the living room, where he collapsed on the couch with her in his arms.

  Mary-Ann found herself blushing all over again at the way he was acting. He seemed too harsh, hard, even during their love making. And yet, and yet he was still thoughtful enough to do this. It made Mary-Ann’s heart shiver with delight, flutters in her stomach speaking of something else, something more.

  Mary-Ann couldn’t put her finger on it, but whatever it was, it was good, and the feeling was proving to be a very hard one to shake. Alister didn’t say a word, but something in his posture had changed as he relaxed into the couch. Mary-Ann felt at ease and she had a feeling that Alister did too. The thought was one that made her smile, and brought a warm and comfortable glow to her chest, leaving her heart feeling warm and content.

  She knew, in some distant part of herself, that she had let this man into her home, after a traumatic event, and he had insisted on leaving. Usually, that would set off alarm bells. He was dangerous. She could already tell that and she had not known him for very long.

  And yet…despite all of this, despite the logic that should have her pushing him away…in this moment, she felt safe. She felt like he had her back and that he was protecting her, not there to harm her.

  Mary-Ann just hoped that her instincts were right. She glanced at him and blushed, wondering if she should say something. Alister didn’t seem like he was in a hurry to move, or to talk and so Mary-Ann settled in a little more.

  His chest was warm and his arms around her were comfortable. Her day had been such an exhausting one that Mary-Ann wasn’t sure how she was still awake. The adrenaline had run out and she was left with nothing but the feeling of pleasure and exhaustion. Their love making had not done anything for helping her stay awake and Mary-Ann was more than ready to fall asleep.

  She didn’t know if it was appropriate, or the done thing. Maybe she was supposed to offer him coffee, or dinner. Was she meant to suggest that they move to the bedroom, maybe?

  She wasn’t sure, but Mary-Ann was loathe to break the spell that had fallen over them both. She didn’t want to break the pleasant spell that seemed to have wiped away all of her worries. She didn’t know what the done thing was, but right now, it felt right just to stay quiet, and enjoy the afterglow that was washing over her.

  Mary-Ann found her eyes falling shut and something in her shifted as the exhaustion of the day was finally allowed to wash over her. She felt safe, she felt at peace and she was not about to let those feelings slip away.

  As the lull of dreams took over her, Mary-Ann felt the rise and fall of Alister’s chest, the warmth of his skin and the smell of his musk. She was lulled into sleep with pleasure in her body and her mind and a type of bliss and pleasure that she had never known existed.

  For the first time in a long while, Mary-Ann felt completely content.

  Chapter 5

  Mary-Ann woke up slowly. She could feel warmth on her back, the feel of morning sun beams tickling her skin and warming her up. It was an amazing feeling and, Mary-Ann, still feeling content and sleepy, simply stretched and snuggled back down.

  It wasn’t until a few moments later, that she noticed the feeling beneath her skin wasn’t the feeling of sheets. It was rougher, the feel of a coarser fabric, like a couch, instead of a bed.

  A couch…the thought tugged at Mary-Ann’s mind and, suddenly, she found herself awake. Very much awake. Thoughts of last night flooded her mind, overwhelming her senses and leaving her feeling a bit breathless.

  Last night had been a whirlwind of emotion, of excitement and the feeling of the unknown. Mary-Ann pushed herself up, blinking and looking around. She was still on the couch, a blanket draped across her body. She covered herself with the blanket as she scanned her apartment. It was still her living room and nothing had changed and, yet, everything seemed to have changed inside of her.

  Mary-Ann felt a lump building in her throat. She didn’t see Alister anywhere. The thought sent a stabbing pain through her that she didn’t quite understand. She didn’t know Alister. She didn’t know him much at all, and yet she had allowed him to spend the night, allowed herself to rest, feeling safe and comfortable. She had hoped, even if she had not admitted it to herself, to wake up to him, wake up in his arms. It had been a hope, a longing that had tugged at her mind and her heart.

  And now…now, she didn’t know where he was. The dread was starting to set in. Had he just left? He had been so insistent on staying, but maybe that was just to get her to go to bed with him. Maybe he had never actually cared about her, at all. Maybe he had left the moment she fell asleep, leaving her alone in her apartment. Mary-Ann felt sick. She couldn’t believe that Alister would do something like that.

  Last night had felt too real, too intoxicating and beautiful. He had saved her and then made the most beautiful love to her. There was no way that, after her had held her like that, he could have just taken off like that. There had to be a good reason and Mary-Ann just wasn’t thinking straight.

  She got up from the couch, still wrapped in a blanket and made her way to the bathroom. She would have a shower, get dressed and maybe have a cup of coffee. She’d think a bit more clearly and sort everything out.

  Stepping into the shower, Mary-Ann let the water rush over her skin, feeling the warmth flood her body and her system. She felt so much better already. Soaping herself up, Mary-Ann made sure to leave herself feelin
g fresh and clean and comfortable. She ran a razor over her skin and even took the time to scrub her body. When she stepped out of the shower, she felt much better and ready to take on the world.

  The nagging doubt about Alister was still there and it refused to leave, but Mary-Ann was determined to be sane about this and sort it out. Last night had been perfect and she couldn’t let her fears take over her. She dried off and grabbed some sweet smelling lotion, rubbing it into her skin and leaving her body smooth and feeling amazing. She used some perfume and put on some basic makeup. Then she styled her hair and slide into a comfortable dress. It was the most relaxed that she could get away with for work, and showed off a little bit of leg. She slid into high heels, and immediately felt more put together, more like herself.

  She made her way to the kitchen and started brewing a cup of coffee. Opening up a few windows, she let the breeze in. Once the coffee was brewed, she poured herself a strong cup and headed to the back balcony. It was only tiny, but getting some fresh air always helped her get a better perspective and, she really, really needed that right now.

  The nagging worries were back and Mary-Ann didn’t know how to deal with the feelings rising up inside of her. She didn’t want to be irrational, but the hurt that Alister had just walked out was starting to really ache within her.

  Not really looking, Mary-Ann opened the door to go outside, and stopped dead. Sitting on her railing, his legs dangling over the edge of the balcony, was Alister.

  He was sitting on her railing as casually as one might sit on a chair. The height of her apartment was dizzying, and he didn’t even seem phased that there was nothing between him and hundreds of feet down to the pavement.

  He glanced back when Mary-Ann opened the door, “You’re up.”

  Mary-Ann almost dropped her cup. He was sitting there in a grey t-shirt and black pants, a cigarette in his hand. He was sitting there like it was the most natural thing in the world and Mary-Ann didn’t know if she should be relieved, or terrified.

  “Alister, what are you doing?!” Mary-Ann wanted to pull him back off the edge, but she was scared that the slightest movement might send him over the edge.

  “Having a smoke.” He quirked an eyebrow and swung his legs over the railing, facing her, “I guessed you wouldn’t want it inside.”

  Mary-Ann nodded dumbly, feeling only slightly relieved at the change in position, “But, you’re…”

  Alister seemed to sense her distress and he smirked a little, jumping off the railing and walking over to her, “Better?”

  Mary-Ann nodded again, trying to find her words and speak, when she was still feeling overwhelmed. He was here! He was here, and he hadn’t walked out on her. The thought finally caught up now that the panic was finally over. He was here, he was with her and he had stayed the night. The thought sent warmth flooding through Mary-Ann, a deep, comforting feeling in her chest that she relished.

  The doubt and hurt that had been clawing at her chest finally subsided and she breathed a deep sigh, “Coffee?” It seemed so silly, so mundane, but she needed to do something with her hands.

  Alister nodded, “Coffee would be great.” He looked at her again, for a long, lingering moment, “You’re dressed up.”

  Mary-Ann shrugged, although the compliment buzzed through her, sending sweet tingles through her body. He thought that she looked good this morning and the thought made her almost giddy, just like when she was at school and meeting a boy for the first time.

  The butterflies moved around her stomach, but she brushed it off, “I have to be at work soon.”

  Alister turned his gaze on her and Mary-Ann felt like he was seeing all the way through her, burning a hole in her body and mind, “Won’t you be late?” His question was casual and measured.

  Mary-Ann’s heart caught- she was in no mood to be late for work but Alister was probably right and she had no idea what time it was anyway. She would just have to apologize and do her best to make sure that it did not happen again.

  Then it occurred to her, “But you’ll be late too, Alister.”

  He shook his head, “No, I’ve called in sick.” He looked at Mary-Ann again, “You should do the same.”

  Confusion fluttered through her thoughts, “Call in sick? Why would I do that?”

  Alister shrugged, the movement languid and relaxed as he took her in slowly, “It would just be better, especially if you’re late already.”

  Mary-Ann shook her head, feeling indignant, “Look, my job is really important to me. I’ve only recently gotten it and I can’t start calling in sick already.” Mary-Ann met Alister’s gaze. It was like looking into the eyes of a dangerous predator, and defying him. It was scary and, at the same time, a thrill moved through Mary-Ann, tingling through her body and leaving her a little bit breathless.

  “You can’t go to work today.” Alister’s eyes were intense. For a second, Mary-Ann thought that he was joking, but there was something very serious in his eyes. Mary-Ann narrowed her eyes and stared at him, never wavering even though she knew it was smarter to just back down.

  She needed this job and she was determined to do well and be a great employee. She wasn’t about to miss a day of work just because Alister was telling her she had to. She might have found him incredibly attractive, but she was still her own woman and he had no right.

  Anger bubbled just beneath the surface and she remembered the argument that they had had last night. Mary-Ann frowned and shook her head, “Alister, I need to go. I’ll grab you that coffee before I do…”

  Mary-Ann turned to leave, but Alister’s hand on her shoulder stopped her, “Mary-Ann…” His voice was intense and Mary-Ann couldn’t help but stop at the way he said her name.

  “Mary-Ann, I just want to keep you safe.” His voice was soft now, low but full of dangerous intension and belief, “If you go to work today, you’ll be in danger, and I can’t be at your side constantly, not while you’re working.”

  Mary-Ann didn’t know if she was flattered or offended, “Alister, why do you need to protect me? I’m a grown woman.” She was honored that he wanted to keep her safe, loving the care that he seemed to have for her. Still, as she had said, she was a grown woman and she didn’t need anyone babysitting her and pushing her into anything. She felt a little uncomfortable with the idea and she needed to let Alister know that, in no uncertain terms.

  Alister slowly shook his head, “I know that…but I need to make sure you’re safe. After all, last night…” He trailed off and looked at her with something like confusion, “Didn’t that worry you at all?” He shifted and folded his arms in front of his chest, “You were attacked.” His words were short and blunt, “You almost got seriously hurt, and yet you’re refusing my request to protect you.” He frowned deeply, “And you’re insisting on going out and putting yourself in danger. Why?”

  Mary-Ann felt the fire kindle inside of her, “Because, this job is important to me. I’m also not going to let someone stop me! I mean, sure, I almost got attacked last night and that was scary, sure. But I’m not letting that stop me. I live in a city- I am sure things like this are going to happen. That doesn’t mean I should just roll over and die, does it?”

  “No, but it does mean that you should use some kind of common sense!” Alister was getting heated now, but Mary-Ann didn’t care. She folded her arms, matching the fire of his glare with one of her own. “I am using common sense! What is the chance of a random attack happening again?” Mary-Ann raised her voice a little.

  Alister opened his mouth, looking like he was about to come back with something pointed. At the last minute, he stopped himself, his eyes darkening, “There’s no reasoning with you.”

  “No, there isn’t.” Mary-Ann stepped back, and turned sharply, “How do you like your coffee?”

  “Black.” He didn’t elaborate and Mary-Ann didn’t wait. She stormed into the kitchen and started to make him his coffee. Her frustration levels were burning and going through the
roof. She didn’t know what it was about Alister, but he knew how to push her buttons. He was driving her insane!

  Chapter 6

  Mary-Ann was usually a calm person, and yet here she was arguing and yelling with a man who she barely knew, and knew all too well at the same time.

  He knew how to push her buttons and get her riled up, anger burning through her at the slightest provocation. It frustrated the hell out of her and she didn’t know what she was meant to do about it.

  He was a great guy, from what she had seen. He had an amazing body, he was a gentleman where it counted and he was protective too. He was great at what he did and he was even better in bed. Honestly, he was everything that she wanted and more.

  And yet, he was being so pushy and almost too protective. He knew how to make her feel safe and comforted, protected and blissful, and in the next breath, he made her want to scream with frustration and throw him out of the house.

  He roused emotion in her in a way that Mary-Ann had never experienced. Life had never been in such vivid color, had never been so in her face. In the last twenty four hours, Mary-Ann had experienced things she had never thought possible, had been terrified, breathless, in the throes of pleasure, comforted and angry to the point of screaming.

  He seemed to be able to do this to her without a second thought and it was already driving Mary-Ann mad. She grabbed him his coffee and headed outside.

  Alister was standing there, at the balcony, and he was still smoking. There was tension in his shoulders, and his jaw, but the rest of his pose couldn’t have looked more relaxed and at ease. Mary-Ann felt a breathless little jolt move through her. No matter how angry she was- she couldn’t deny that he was just gorgeous, in every way.

  In the morning light, smoking as he took in the view… it was different from how she had seen him last night and different from work. Mary-Ann realized, with a jolt, that she could get used to this, get used to seeing him here in the mornings, while she brought out coffee….


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