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Other Places 3: Detours

Page 23

by P. S. Power

  The truth was, he could take or leave her. He just didn't want to insult her, after what she'd said.

  Hopefully that wasn't the same as agreeing to get married in her world. Actually, checking with the info he had, he knew it wasn't. She'd been offering herself, and he'd set the limits, for now. She could say yes, or no, but that was all.

  Good. He didn't want to go around saying the wrong thing all the time.

  There was however, nothing in his memories, either personal or planted, that told him what to do in a case like this. It was clear that he wasn't picking the things up and carrying them, and they weren't moving on their own, not physically. So, Tarsus had set him up to fail? That or just to get him out of the way for a while. Zack didn't love that one, but shrugged and thought about the problem for a while. It was all he could do.

  The problem, really, wasn't one... for him. Most Demons would have tried to fire energy at the things, lifting them up, and carrying them through the lines while spraying reality with so much energy it threatened to buckle. Or more to the point, they would have tried to do that and simply failed, collapsing in starvation when they got about a minute into the project.

  He, however, could just work out how to shift the spaces around, and make the space they were in one with where they needed to be. It would be a bit delicate, since getting things wrong would take extra work, but...

  "I can move them all at once. I need to see the location first however. Can you take me there?"

  "Not at all. I was told it wouldn't be needed and that you could find it from my thoughts?" She looked at him as if scared suddenly, which made no sense. He was still him after all, and hadn't changed in the few seconds he'd been with her. Nearly minutes now. Why, they were practically married already, given everything.

  He snorted and rolled his eyes.

  "Of course, I let myself get distracted. That's... Here, hold my hand?" She did it, and didn't even understand that he was using that to get into her head. She just thought he was being a bit fresh with her. Not that she didn't think that was fine enough, since he was, clearly, a giant. That might mean he was giant all over, which was diverting, to her way of thinking.

  It was hard not to laugh, really.

  Zack found the location, which the woman knew well, working there all the time, and even living not a half mile away from where the new statues were going. They weren't wonderful in subject matter, but were well done, being rather rounded men, hunching over. Naked. It was done tastefully, so nothing dangled or was exposed too much, but they were each different as to race.

  The idea was that they'd guard the four directions, their white stone forms a warning for anyone trying to sneak up. Basically, it said that Tarsus was watching.

  Not getting his own damned statues in place, however.

  Zack was careful, but didn't even use much of his own energy, just overlapping space and sliding the one part of reality out of the way, with everything where it was supposed to go. It worked, and now that he had it down, he realized that it would sort of work for any large thing moved in a similar fashion. It really was hard work, and he needed to get a snack or twelve inside him, but it was done.

  Grettle gaped at him, but he just kept hold of her hand and moved to show her that it was done.

  "I... The statue there? It should change with that one?"

  Zack did it, laughing for a while as he did.

  "There, now, Tarsus, if we aren't going to get busy, how about you share a bit as to what's going on?" He doubted that she was really the Demon himself, but there was a surprise then, as the small woman unfolded, almost instantly, into the rather sour and patrician form that he'd met once before. It was an impressive change, given the growth required. If it was real, and not an illusion.

  "Indeed. That took you less time than I figured. Rather, I meant it as a lesson, to teach you that some things are beyond your abilities, but I gather I need to do something else, next time? At this rate we'll need a new name for you soon. The Mover perhaps?"

  Zack suppressed anything inside of him that would even approach an emotion, then he looked at the other man, and smiled, not meaning it at all.

  "It's probably a bit early for things like that. So, I noticed that you seem to be making a move to take over all the Greater Demons? Not alone, clearly, since even you would have problems keeping us all in line. So, what is it, a move by the top five or six most powerful and ancient of you? Using the craziest and the stupid of us to line things up, so that you can knock us down like pins in a row?" He held up his hand, and made a fake face, wrinkling his nose. "Or, you know, the overly complex version of that. I get that I won't understand it or why, so, you know, keep it simple for the new kid?"

  The Greater Demon smiled, and then snapped his fingers.

  "I know, we can call you The Pain in the Rear. That fits too." It was actually teasing, rather than harsh or bitter. "Good guess. Not right, at all, but at least you figured out that something might be going on and tried to find out what it was. The Mistress of Souls has been sitting back and plotting against Xenses, of all things, as if she doesn't need to simply find him, and enslave him again? Her mistake before was simply not eating enough. Perhaps you could coach her on that? Clever girl, but not half so much as she wants to believe. You, on the other hand are the opposite, I think. Oh, no more or less intelligent, being about the same, over all. The truth is, we all are, our kind. You need to use your mind more, perhaps, but there is a distinct lack of ego, as far as that goes. It's refreshing, to be honest."

  That didn't tell Zack anything useful at all, which, naturally, was the point. He didn't even bother arguing about it, since that wasn't going to work. Tarsus stared at him, or rather past him, for a bit, looking at things above and behind his head.

  "You've been accessing the information? Integrating it too. You should look into the realms of thought, soon. Your mind is about to destroy itself, if you don't fix it. What that fool was thinking, pushing you like that..." He grinned, which was a bit wry, really. "Well, I won't lie to you this time, Line Walker, he was doing what I told him to. Still, since you aren't gibbering in a corner, and have worked out some of what it is that we're attempting to do, changing the balance of power in the world, then perhaps you might make the effort? Also, clearly, learn to shield your inner self better. I do like the idea of attempting something so new and original that I won't be able to just get around it. That's the spirit, as they say."

  He wanted to say something witty, but then just shrugged.

  "All right, you've confused me enough that I doubt I'll easily work out what it is you're really up to. I guess, what I need to know, right now, is if this is geared toward me, personally, or if we should just fight to the death right now? My death, obviously, but maybe I can make you feel sad about it for half a second or something. If I really work at it, I mean?"

  If he'd been feeling fear, the sense of his skin trying to crawl away from the man in front of him would have made a lot more sense. As it was, Zack wondered if it would be an attack, or even just his life being flayed bare, and laid open to the other Demon. Instead he got the man rubbing at his lips. Trying to hide a smile.

  "Nothing like that. I am going to seek the end of the Mistress of Souls however. Would you be a good man and let her know that? She has some months to prepare, but if she fails, in the tasks to come, I will kill her. I know that you and The Technician have been making some efforts to ready her, but she's still not going to make it, without doing more."

  Zack blinked, which was just to buy time, and tried to access the memories that floated around him, which had the man in front of him smiling, and even clapping his hands a few times, pleased.

  "That's it... Work it out..."

  "The Second Crucible?"

  "Exactly. The first to show that a Greater Demon can stand against all that would seek to end them, having them named adult. The Second, to show they have the power to rule, and will do so with ability. It isn't dangerous, in itself, but if she
fails, she still dies. Incentive, after a fashion." He waved a little and then looked at his statues again. "That was really impressive. I can't do that. I doubt even having seen it done that I'd manage even a quarter of that."

  Again he clapped, and then patted Zack on the arm.

  "So, you get the idea? Put the fear of... Well, me, into her. Do it the way you planned, please. Hide your mind well and take her someplace where even I might lose track of you both. Be certain to make her pay for the information dearly however. Don't just play around with sex either. It will have to be something that she'd never part with. Give that one a few years to get over being an American and she'll be doing things in combinations that will make the rest of us seem like prudes. Well, not really, but hyperbole, you understand."

  Zack didn't bother to nod or even agree.

  "Which... you nearly have to be lying to me, don't you? Except that leads to a thousand levels of me knowing that you know and so on? So, you told me the truth... But not all of it? Keeley is in danger, and you're really testing her, because... Well, she does have all that sanity going for her, right? Her power is pretty good, too. Maybe it's worth the risk, grooming her so young. That or killing her.... Which is pretty much what you just said. Sorry for being slow here. That makes sense, but you know, Greater Demons..."

  The Librarian let his chin drop, like he was indicating yes, without confirming it.

  "A bunch of liars, all." Then the Greater Demon started walking, heading between two of the statues, the one that looked like a chubby Asian man hunched down, and the African one. They were about thirty meters away from one another now. It left plenty of room. "So, dating several women, are you? No men? Not even Troy Lopez? It's pretty clear that you love him, so you should consider it. At least get The Rotted to look like him and try the idea out. You're too young not to experiment. He's going to be a Vampire, I think I recall?"

  Zack ignored the first part, but nodded, letting the ancient being think whatever he wanted, as if that was going to work? The man knew more about him than he did.

  "That seems to be the eventual plan. I can't say that I blame him, like he said, a liquid protein diet isn't a lot to ask for, in exchange for eternal life, youth and power. I'd probably do that, if I wasn't, you know, already set that way. That or become a healing Mage. They live nearly as long. Look at my Grandmother. She barely looks thirty."

  Tarsus nodded.

  "Of course, you know that she isn't truly related to you, by blood. Her son was not your father. You should visit her soon. Today. I will warn you of something first, so that you do not attack in the wrong place." There was an annoying pause then, as the man waited for him to do something more interesting than stand and wait himself.

  Zack didn't.

  Tarsus finally grunted, seeming almost amused.

  "I'm your Great Grandfather. Finias is my son, but I have a daughter as well. She goes by Lyn, now. She is of good heart, but her true nature is not known by those around her. When you go to her, you might now recognize what she truly is. You two have much to speak of, I believe."

  Zack snorted.

  "Um, excuse me, but that would mean we are related by blood? You just said we weren't. You also just told me that our kind is a bunch of liars."

  That got the man to agree, immediately.

  "Yes. All true. I promise you however, Zachary, I do not play that kind of game with you. I won't, with those left insane. The others are, of course, fair game. So, send my love? We don't talk, since she rather blames me for what happened to you as a child."

  Tarsus put his hand on Zack's shoulder, gently.

  "Which is correct. I should have prevented that misbegotten fool from ever having access to you. This plan, well, you'll figure it out, I'm certain. I don't want to take all the fun from your life. Anyway, visit your grandparents. All of them. Don't forget to warn Keeley however. Several months, but that's all. As an adult, Darla is not allowed to do more than make suggestions in this. Finias either."

  "But I can?" He wasn't an adult, by their standards.

  Tarsus made a sound that was a bit choked sounding.

  "Well, yes, you can... if she's going to listen to a crazy child that can't even be bothered to check out what he's making deals for first. I mean, that isn't who I'd pick for a helper, but I'm sure you could manage it, if you wanted. Really, you shouldn't have to. It's enough that you're learning and trying new things, isn't it? Why, hardly anyone is even trying to kill you. You practically have a charmed life, for one of us. So far."

  Then the man just stood there, waiting. Not moving or anything, and not suggesting that he leave, but also not looking at him with a horribly sour expression or anything.

  "Right, so, I'll be going? Unless you need a piano moved, too?"

  That got a clap. It was familiar.

  "Ah! I don't need help with that, but I bet that Bente would love a visit too soon. Lovely girl. Well, goodbye, Line Walker."


  Taking off as fast as he could wasn't meant to impress the man with his skill. Especially since Tarsus had already worked out how to not freak out when he was pretending to be Grettle when Zack moved him earlier. The rest of the Demons had, except for The Cleric, after he coached him. It was probably related to that, then. Not the man already knowing how to do it.

  Except that there was no way of knowing that.

  Taking a deep breath, Zack decided that what his day needed, was a lot more food, some honest and normal work, like cashiering, and just possibly some time to sit and sift through the thoughts in his head, trying to find a way not to mentally fall apart.

  What he was going to do though...

  Actually it was that. He could make some calls, and set up meetings, like a real person. It was still early in the day, back home, and he didn't have to sleep, so... Yeah, that worked, didn't it? For one thing he needed some time to process things. Tarsus was lying to him, right? Lyn, his Grandmother, the woman that had taught him Mage law and how to eat with chopsticks properly, wasn't a Demon. She was a healer. A member in good standing of the Mage Guild.

  Not that it would be impossible to hide things like that from people. Even a spouse, but... She couldn't be. Which meant...

  Zack had no clue. Even what he was supposed to tell Keeley might be a game of some kind. Even if the being really was his great grandfather, which was possible, since all Greater Demons sort of had to be related. There were five hundred and twenty of them at the moment, and only the men could have children, and that only with Human women, he thought. Possibly Mage women, or some of the other groups, since they were practically the same thing. It made their family trees a lot different than most peoples, but it meant that such a relationship was probably more common than not. Everyone would be someone's cousin or uncle, or whatever.

  He went to the cafe and sat out in the open, since there were people there, but not that many. If he looked like a pig, well, he'd tell everyone that he was training for eating competitions. Some of those people stayed skinny, mainly by training to stretch their stomachs with large amounts of water, but he was willing to bet that out of a thousand people, only about twenty would know that off the top of their heads.

  So, he sat there eating some really nice sandwiches and seasoned fries, when Kaitlyn came back and sat next to him, taking one of them and munching it without asking. Because, to her way of thinking, he was one of her people.

  "Hey." Her voice was less than bright and cheery, but not exhausted sounding either. "So, am I modeling with your new agency too? You didn't invite me."

  Zack shook his head.

  "Nope. It's off to college for you, and that would be too much exposure. No porn either, except for fun, naturally. Get a degree in something real, so that you can be ready to take over your people's governing body. You have the brain for it, so that isn't a problem. They're already scared of you, too, being the crazy wench that hangs with all the Greater Demons. We need to revamp that school system and stop them from slaughtering
children. Unless they need it, I mean." Eating then, taking a big bite of lettuce and bread, with just enough cheese and meat for it to work perfectly, he stared at her.

  Her nipples perked right on up, visibly, through her shirt. She was an Alede. It was what they did when they got happy. Or sad. Or even angry, he thought. Zack had never checked, but it made a certain kind of sense.

  Kait looked away though, her fake glasses drooping a bit.

  "You'll help me do that? I mean for real? I was thinking about it... I mean, it will take a lifetime, but maybe, if I have help? I could work here and make contacts, and, you know, friends. Then, after college, maybe I can get a job in the government, and work my way up? I don't have a great idea of how that's done yet. I mean, yes, sleep with the right people, but everyone knows that." She wasn't kidding, so didn't seem like it.

  He thought for a bit and ate, without looking at her directly.

  "It's a good enough starter plan. Yes, I'll help. They were going to kill you at that school, and did kill some of your friends. We won't let that stand. Not if we can help it." Zack waited a beat, then pretended to be shocked. "Oh, wait, we can do something about it! I nearly forgot, Greater Demon here... Gee, I'd hate to be them, wouldn't you? Then again, if they were smart, they'd be afraid of you, too. Anyone not seeing that is a fool."

  After a bit she looked around and made a face, her foot moving out under the table, finding his leg. She just made contact, and didn't rub it with her foot or anything. It was low key, really, since a handjob was basically the Alede way of patting a person on the arm. She knew that too, and that he did, so this was just her trying to be his friend, in a way that he'd be able to handle.

  "Hey, did you see that thing on television? Those evil funeral crashers were behind the bombings. I should have known it. They also told the world that they're all cannibals too, and set off a bomb, killing them all. Hopefully the government here won't insist on going to war with...Who would they attack for insane Christians attacking like that? Rome?"


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