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The Changer Complete Box Set

Page 17

by A C Wilds

  “It feels like magic, but it’s different than mine. Almost like there is a piece that has changed,” he tells me.

  “That’s because it is Dark magic. You are feeling your absence of Light. The difference isn’t bad versus good; it is simply different,” Red explains to us.

  I reach out and hold my hand on the rock again. It responds to my touch, and a door slides open. I stand back for a second looking toward the others for some direction. I have no idea if it’s a good idea to enter a dark shiny mountain in a foreign realm, while not knowing what we could meet on the other side. Who am I kidding, of course, it’s not a good idea.

  “I don’t think we have a choice,” Cass says.

  “Fuck that! We have a choice. It’s called, ‘Let’s not go into the creepy-ass cave hole,’” Grey says, standing with his hands on his hips like a toddler.

  “Are you going to throw a tantrum, human?” Cass sneers. Grey is getting to him, and I need to defuse this tension before it explodes.

  “Guys focus here. Let’s take a vote. It’s scary as shit, but I don’t want to be caught out in the open if Michael decides to track us. I’m sure that asshole has someone to do a tracking spell or other magicky thing to get to us.”

  “Magicky? Did you make up a word?” Grey says with a smile. It’s only the second time I have seen him do that, and it lights up something inside me. Then I remember the first time was when he kidnapped me, and I turn away.

  “Ok, all in favor of creepy mountain raise your hand,” I say. Cass and Logan raise their hands, while Red raises his hoof.

  “All in favor of staying in the woods and probably dying because there is an army coming after us, raise your hand.” Grey looks at me and gives me the finger. “That’s not a raised hand, but you lose anyway, so suck it up buttercup.”

  We head into the cave. It’s big enough to fit the horses, but we need to walk in a single file. Cass goes first with Storm, and I follow him alongside Red. Logan and Grey take the rear with Hurri. It is super dark in here. There is not a single ounce of light. I’m going to fall flat on my face.

  Suddenly, a warm globe raises in the air and places an eerie glow on everything. The walls are the same smooth rock, but the ceiling looks like stalactites are hanging down. Each one is super sharp. I hope there isn’t an earthquake, or we all are going to be impaled.

  “I figured the human wouldn’t be able to see as clearly in the dark, so I called up a light orb. We need to move fast to find somewhere safe, and him tripping over everything is going to slow us down.” Cass whispers to me.

  “Thank you for creating the light Cass, but you need to stop with the human bullshit. You’re saying it offensively. I thought I was human for 24 years, so I take it personally,” I whisper back to him. They both need to stop with their prejudices. We are not in the Light anymore. We need to work together to change things. If I have to be the glue to hold us together, so be it. I am the Changer after all… aren’t I?

  “You’re right, my mate. I will try to hold my tongue around…Greyson.” He says the last part through gritted teeth. They don’t like each other. This is going to be difficult, especially if my body keeps responding to Grey the way it has been. I always thought I was a one guy type of woman, but looking at these two, yeah, I can imagine them both naked in my bed at the same time.

  My face flushes with heat at the thought. Thank the gods it’s dim in here because I’m sure I look like a tomato.

  After walking for what seems like hours down a narrow path, the cave widens out, and we come to a large cavern. It is a round shape with additional paths leading out of it. Anything could be down those creepy tunnels, and I have no idea which to choose. I’m so tired and drained from all the adrenaline that has pumped throughout my body, that I want to lay down right here.

  “We should camp for the night here. I don’t smell any danger, so we should be safe until morning,” Red says to me. I know he can feel my exhaustion. I look over at him with a small smile and thank him in my mind.

  “Let’s set up camp then. Did anyone bring food or blankets so we can lay down?” I ask.

  “I brought some bread, hard cheese, and dried fruit from the kitchens before Logan and I left. It’s not a lot for each of us, but it will get us through the night,” Grey says, as he reaches for his saddle bag. He produces another bag and sits down next to me. He begins pulling out the provisions and dividing it into fours.

  “I have blankets and some food for the morning,” Cass says.

  “I got us some water before, so at least we have something to drink,” Logan says to me with a smile. This kid really can find happiness in any situation. He probably thinks this is one big adventure.

  “You guys are awesome. I wish we had a bit of warmth. I’m not exactly dressed for sleeping outside.” I say.

  “Your wish is my command, Changer,” Red says with a head shake. He blows hot air out of his nose toward the ground. It condenses and turns into a fire.

  “Holy shit, my Arion is a fucking dragon!” I say, jumping back out of the way of the flames.

  “I am certainly not a dragon. Dragons are not a superior species. They think they are, but they smell and go around crushing and exploding things. Not at all superior,” Red says as he trots away from us. The other horses follow, and I take a look at what they are after. In the corner of one of the caves is a moss-like plant. They begin to eat it and seem happy about it. It looks gross, but who am I to judge?

  I plop down in front of the blazing fire Red created. I take one of Cass’s blankets and wrap myself in it right in front of the fire. The heat feels terrific on my body. Grey hands me some food and a flask. I begin to eat and look around at the guys in front of me. A prince without a kingdom, a boy who is impossibly happy, and a man who has had everything ripped from him. I don’t know how I am supposed to help everyone. How can it just be up to me to make everything better? I don’t see how I can change anything. The only thing I am good at is riding. I was never a great waitress; something Noli reminded me of daily. I miss her so much. My heart is in my throat with worry about what Michael might be doing to her.

  I suddenly feel so exhausted that I must lay down. Someone sits behind me and scoots close so that I can lay my head in his lap. I smell fresh spring rain and ozone. I know it’s Cass without even having to turn around. Even though we are in a different realm and a mysterious mountain, I feel safe here with him. I close my eyes and try to relax my body enough to sleep. The darkness claims me soon after, and I drift into a dream of war and death.

  Chapter 20

  It’s Not the End Yet


  I wake to muffled talking. It seems that Cass and Grey are trying to argue quietly, but they are failing terribly. I get up and stretch my back and legs out. My body hurts from the position I was forced to sleep in. Dusting myself off, I move over to them.

  “I told you, I’m not going to act like her sex slave. It’s bad enough I had to endure all the demeaning shit that the Light put me through. I won’t be anyone’s slave ever again!” Grey whisper-yells at Cass.

  Cass’s eyes are steel gray and set in a piercing gaze. He’s frustrated and angry, but also a little sad too. He’s projecting his emotions out like a wave of energy, and it keeps crashing into me. I can feel it inside me, all these feelings.

  “I’m not saying you have to do anything; you simply have to go along with it. This is how we stay alive. This is how we keep Azra protected. You invited yourself on this little journey, and you will follow the rules, or you can fuck off!” Cass rages right back at him.

  Before Grey can say anything, I step into the space between them. I place my hands on each of their chests because they are standing that close to one another. The mix of energy coming off of them is intoxicating. Cass’s energy is submissive, stormy, and strong; Grey’s is angry, excited, and humanly fragile. It’s almost second nature to be able to feel these things around me, even though it’s only been less than a week since I was taken and
found out that I am Fae. This mix of male energy is doing so many things to my body right now. I want to strip them both naked and fuck them till the sun goes down.

  I shake my head to get my bearings. Stepping back, and looking at both of them, I say, “You guys have to stop. All of this animosity toward one another is just going to get us into more trouble than we already are. Cass, you need to be more sensitive in the way you deliver news. Even though Grey has been among you longer than I have, being taken from your home and having everything stripped away from you is going to tear at your insides. He needs to understand why you are saying these things and not just listen to your commands. You may still be a prince, but here you are equal to the rest of us.”

  Grey smirks at Cass with a smug look. I get up into Grey’s face and say, “I’d wipe that look off your face. You’re a real douche you know. We let you come with us, put up with your attitude and anger issues, and you still treat us like we are the scum of the Earth. It needs to stop, Grey. Without all of us making a change, it will never be something new.” I turn and walk away then. I need to tend to the horses before we leave.

  “Good Morning all! It’s a brand-new day, and we are going to conquer it!” I say to my Arion and the other horses. I need to try to be positive for Logan and myself. I feel like dying inside, but I can’t let them see me fall apart. I need to be strong.

  Logan is brushing Hurri down, and she loves it. She is leaning into his firm strokes and nuzzling him when he steps around her.

  “I’m so glad you’re up. You sleep a lot, huh? It took you forever. Grey made me come over here and brush Hurricane because I was going to be too loud and wake you up. I want to get a move on and start this day. I think the horses are ready too,” Logan says, with a bounce in his step. His energy is all yellow — happy sunshine and rainbows. My heart breaks, because if this kid could be so happy in such a shitty situation, then what was he like in the real world?

  “Sorry, it took so long to get up. I guess my body needed the rest,” I tell him with a shrug. “Want to help me get these horses tacked?” I ask him.

  His expression changes from happy to elated. This kid is amazing. “Hell yes, I want to help you!” he yells out.

  “Language!” Grey responds in his best parent voice, from over on the other side of the cavern. He’s sitting and talking to Cass. They don’t look like they are arguing, which is a good sign.

  Turning back to Logan, I start giving him instructions, “Ok Wolvie, your job is going to be making sure these horses are brushed well. I’ll teach you how to put the saddle and bridle on, so you can do it alone next time. These are excellent horses, so you shouldn’t have any problems with them. I can take care of Red. Sound good?”

  “You’re awesome, you know that? I’m glad you came and saved us. I want Greyson to be happy again, and I think maybe you could help him do it,” he tells me, before walking back around Hurri to start on Storm’s grooming.

  We do our work in comfortable silence. Logan is good with the horses. They are tacked up and ready to go in no time. Cass and Grey finish cleaning up the camp and walk over. We load everything up and are prepared to leave.

  “How are we choosing which way to go?” I ask them. There are five possible choices besides the one we came through. All look the same, and you can’t see more than 5 feet in because of the darkness. If we stand still the cavern is so silent, so we can’t even tell if something lays in wait down one of the tunnels.

  “How about you spin in a circle and then stop, and we can choose that way?” Logan tells me.

  I smile at him and say, “Sounds as good an idea as any.” This kid is so clever. I start to spin and count the rotations in my head. At five I stop and point. I choose the tunnel closest to us.

  “I think we should walk the horses through again. If these tunnels are anything like the one we came through, the ceilings might not be tall enough,” Cass says. He looks like he didn’t sleep all night. I reach out and grab his hand and kiss his palm. I wish I could have a moment alone with him. I see Grey’s scowl as I let go of Cass’s hand. His energy goes from excited to angry in the two seconds it takes to look at him.

  Red takes point this time while I walk with Cass, and Grey takes the rear with Logan. Cass throws up his glowing orb, and we are gifted with a fantastic sight. Unlike the last tunnel, this one is covered in a glittery rock. I have never seen anything like it. I don’t think it even exists on Earth. It has a black background with silver ribbons running through it. Some of those ribbons are so shiny they look like a cut diamond. It is beautiful.

  “Wow! Logan exclaims, “This is amazing.”

  “It’s called genonite. It’s indigenous to Faerie and can’t be found on Earth. The Fae make a paste out of it to aid the healing of minor cuts and burns. We should scrape some off and keep it just in case,” Cass tells us. Pulling out a pouch from one of the saddlebags, he scrapes some into it with a knife he removes from his hip. I hadn’t noticed it before. I wonder if he has any other concealed weapons.

  Moving on, we walk for what seems to be days; there is no end to this tunnel. I am starting to get nervous, when all of a sudden the ground starts to shake. The walls are beginning to crumble at the seams. I brace myself between Cass and Red. The horses get spooked, but I hear Red calming them down. When it stops, there is a door on one of the walls. Out walk two men. Both are armed with guns and point them right at us.

  “Holy Shit,” I say, because what else is appropriate when two giant men are holding big ass guns at your face? The weapons are a weird amber color, but I do not doubt that they are just as deadly as regular ones. My hands come up, and before I know what is happening, I freeze time again.

  Everyone is frozen solid around me except for Red. “Azra, you need to release the time,” he says to me in a soft tone, like he is speaking to a deer.

  “These guys look like they are ready to kill us! I don’t think that would be a smart thing to do,” I tell him, with a nervous quake to my voice.

  “These are lower level guards. They don’t have the authority to take out a Light Prince, and I think that Cassiel has a plan,” he tells me in a comforting tone. It’s still weird to hear Red speak, but that voice is smooth. It’s like being in a warm blanket sitting near a fire.

  “Are you sure?” I ask him, as I begin to raise my hands. He nods his horsey head, and I release the time freeze. Everything speeds up around us like it’s on fast forward, and the scene plays again.

  “What do we have here? A couple of stragglers. How did you get in?” the huge burly one asks me. He has a face like a rhino and has a body to match. His skin is grey, and his eyes are yellow. I can smell him from here. It’s a sulfur scent masked with a campfire. His partner is just as ugly but has the face of a baboon. He seems just as nasty. He has hair all over his body so thick that it’s coming out of his shirt cuffs. Because of course, they both have suits on. They remind me of the guards at the Light, just more beastly.

  “We are here to seek sanctuary in the Dark,” Cass yells to them. His posture is princely and his tone all command.

  They both start laughing. With shoulders shaking, baboon says, “Sanctuary? That’s an odd request from a Light. Why are you even here?” This time his face is much more severe. He knows we are not supposed to be here, and he is starting to get suspicious. He eyes Red and begins to approach him. I step in front and block his view.

  “Get away from my horse,” I say. I know it’s not a good idea to let him know Red is an Arion. He looks a little too interested.

  “Don’t get feisty, little one. I just thought I recognized him, that’s all. He looks a lot like the Prince’s steed,” Baboon tells me.

  I wrinkle my eyebrows at him because he looks nothing like Storm. Also, how do they know Cass is a prince? I turn my head in confusion toward Cass and project to him. What is he saying? He looks nothing like Storm.

  He’s not talking about Storm. He is talking about the Dark Prince, Cass says in my mind.

bsp; There is a Dark Prince? I project back.

  Yes, now if you don’t want to get caught, I need to say something to them, Cassiel says.

  He then gives the guards his full attention. “Listen, we don’t want any trouble. Yes, we are from the Light, but we are seeking sanctuary with the Dark. This is the Changer. I think the Queen will want to meet her,” Cass tells them. I give him a thanks-for-that look. I don’t know what the hell I am doing, but fuck, even I know that wasn’t a good move.

  “The Changer? How do we know it’s you?” the rhino asks with raise eyebrows, or should I say eye sockets, because he has no hair at all. Both of them appear shocked. They share a look that means they are going to take us anyway. They are just hardasses for the sake of it.

  “You don’t know, and there isn’t any way for you to find out standing in this cavern talking. Now take us to the Queen, or I am going to have to show you a bit of my light,” Cass says in a threatening tone, with sparks crackling in his hands. I only saw him act this way once; when we were in the hallway, and he called me out on my bullshit.

  “Yeah, yeah little sunshine. We’ll take you, but just so you know, it’s because we want to, not because you demand it,” Baboon says. He leads us through the rock door, and we come out into a closet. This is the last thing I expected.

  “What the fuck are we doing in a closet?” Grey asks. This is the first time he has spoken since the cavern. I can tell the conversation he had with Cass is getting to him.

  “Tell your human to keep his mouth shut. While we don’t do slavery here in the Dark, we don’t take too kindly to humans with big mouths,” Rhino says to me, with a snarl and a raised rhino lip. If it weren’t for the massive horn for a nose, it would look cute.

  “Don’t talk to him like that. He’s mine and can speak freely if he wants,” I say through gritted teeth. There is no way that I am going through all this crap again. I look over at Grey and see his fists clenching. I don’t think he liked being called mine, but it feels right somehow.


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