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The Changer Complete Box Set

Page 20

by A C Wilds

  “Logan, you can go to Grey if you want. Don’t feel like you need to sit with us. I know you’re having a hard time with everything,” I say to him in a gentle tone.

  “It’s ok. If I go in there he’s just going to yell at me anyway. When he gets like this it’s better to leave him alone. He’s always had an anger problem,” he says, looking a bit sad.

  “Shax, can introduce Wolvie to any other children?” I ask. Maybe if Logan finds a friend his mood will improve.

  “There are quite a few of them. We even have something like a rec center here. When the kids aren’t in school, most Fae parents can’t be bothered with their offspring, so they send them there to get rid of them for the day,” he says, with a sorrowful expression. It seems like he might have first-hand knowledge of that.

  “How about we go and take a walk over there once we finish up here?” I ask Logan.

  “I guess, but I think we need to ask Greyson if I can go. He gets pissed when I don’t tell him where I am,” he says to me. He doesn’t look thrilled by the idea, but I think part of him misses having friends.

  “Want me to go ask him?” I offer, giving him a sympathetic look.

  “Would you? He’s just gonna yell at me,” he says, sheepishly picking at something imaginary on the table.

  I get up and walk toward the bedroom Grey disappeared through. I knock on the door, but there is no answer. I try the handle, and find it unlocked. Opening up the room, I walk in. The decor is similar to my own. There are light blue walls to accent the cream-colored furniture. Scones are lit giving a romantic glow, and the carpet is plush under my feet. I hear the groan of a door and look up to see Grey coming out of what I can only assume is the bathroom. He’s dressed in nothing but a towel. My mouth pops open as I stare at all his handsomeness. His muscles are lean and defined. His blond hair is plastered to his head, and when he sees me his nostrils flare in anger.

  “What the fuck Azra!” he yells but doesn’t make a move to cover up or change.

  This brings me out of my trace because I blink a bunch of times before I reply. “Sorry, I just umm...I needed to ask you something, and you weren’t answering.”

  “Obviously, I was in the shower. What do you want?”

  “I want to take Logan to the rec center, but wanted to check with you if it was cool?”

  “No, I’ll go with you.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You nearly just flipped the fuck out in there. The kid knows your mad all the time, and it shows. He’s sad, Grey. Can’t you see that?”

  “I... I know that. I’m trying my best here. I have no fucking idea what I’m doing. It’s just this place, all this is fucking infuriating,” he says, exhaustion apparent in his eyes.

  “Why don’t you cool off and rest, and I’ll bring Logan. I’ll make sure he’s taken care of. Please, he needs this,” I beg, I’m not above it. Logan needs a break from all this adult drama.

  “Fine, but you better bring him back in one piece or I’m going to hold you responsible,” he says, giving me a pointed look.

  “Gotcha. We’ll be back sometime later on,” I reply, leaving the room and returning back to the guys.

  We eat the rest of our meal talking about different topics. Shax wants to know about everything on Earth, as he has never been, and Cass wants to know about the rest of Faerie. I listen to both sides and chime in when necessary, but my mind is on the Queen’s motives. We need to figure a way out of this fucking mess, and I need to do it quickly. My other thoughts stray to Shax. I need to know where his loyalties lie. Cass was quick to get rid of his father, I don’t blame him, but will Shax do the same. I don’t intend to fight for Light or Dark. I wonder how the boys will take that bit of knowledge.

  Chapter 3

  Finding Logan, a Friend

  The rec center turned out to be a stadium full of kid activities. There are different courts that look just like basketball, tennis, and handball, but a bit different. A full-sized football type field behind the building and an Olympic sized heated swimming pool on the ground floor. Logan’s eyes light up as we enter the building. There are quite a few children here, of all different ages.

  Shax and I escorted Logan. I left Cass behind to babysit Grey and make sure he didn’t get into any trouble. There’s only so much I can take of his attitude. I don’t need him to go and start making trouble.

  “I’ll introduce you to one of the counselors, Logan. She’ll be able to introduce you to some children that will be in your class, and you can get a feeling of how things work,” Shax says, in a gentle tone. He really is trying to include Logan, which is melting my heart a bit.

  “Alright, but I need to know where you guys are going to be, just in case these kids are assholes,” Logan says, with an exasperated sigh.

  “Language!” I say, because fuck the kid is eleven.

  “Sorry, but it’s true. What if I hate everyone and then I am stuck here?” he whines.

  “You’re right,” I say. Turning to Shax I ask, “Do you have anything like cell phones here? Maybe a few carrier pigeons or owls?”

  “We have burn pages,” he says like I am supposed to know what that means. He must see the confusion on my face because he explains, “They are pieces of paper that are spelled to be carried to the receiver and once they are opened, they combust. It’s a very effective way to get a quick message to someone.”

  “So cool! How do I do it? Will you show me?” he asks, while jumping up and down a bit. The kid looks like he’s vibrating from so much excitement.

  “Let’s talk to your counselor, Anna, first and see if she can show you around a bit, then we can talk about the burn pages,” Shax says to him. He’s a natural at this, I wonder if he’s taken care of children before.

  We walk up a few flights of stairs and come to a wing that looks like it holds a bunch of offices. Shax leads us to one of the doors and knocks. “Come in!” yells a female voice.

  Shax opens the door and a beautiful woman around my age looks up and smiles at us. Her gaze immediately turns toward Shax, and I feel a pang of jealousy as she takes him in. My body angles in front of him on instinct and I can hear the soft chuckles behind me. Apparently, I’m funny.

  “Relax mate, Anna is taken,” Shax says, as he places a gentle hand on my shoulder and squeezes. He gives me a smile and a look that says I-can’t-wait-for-later.

  “Mate? What did I miss?” Anna says.

  “It was sudden, but yes, we are mates. This is Azrael the Changer,” Shax tells her. She’s shocked. Whether about the mating or me being the Changer, I have no idea.

  “That’s amazing,” she says. I can tell she wants to say more, but Logan is starting to get antsy. She notices him then and offers a brilliant smile.

  “This is Logan. He’s my friend and under my protection. We’re wondering if you would be able to show him around a bit, maybe introduce him to a few friends? He’s going to be starting school here, and I’d like for him to feel as welcome as possible,” I tell her, with a stern look. She needs to know Logan’s important.

  “Of course! I’d love to serve as your guide, Logan. I have a few kids in mind who would be perfect. They’re all very well behaved, and work with the younger kids when I need some help.

  “Ok, but I want to know how to use burn pages in case I need to see Azra. I don’t want to be stuck here if this suck,” he tells Anna.

  “I see his Highness let you in on our little secret. He only does that for people he likes, so you must be a very important guy,” she says. I like her a little more now. Logan should be made to feel special. I’m glad we are on the same page.

  “Anna, can you take it from here? I need to show Azra some other areas of the palace grounds before we start training tomorrow,” Shax asks.

  “Of course. Come on Logan let’s go see if we can find the students I was talking about,” she says, as she gently places an arm around his shoulders. She leads him out the door, but before he’s gone, he turns around and looks at me.
I know he’s scared, but he’s putting on a brave face.

  “See you in a bit. Have fun,” I tell him, as I wave.

  Shax turns to me then and does the unexpected. He pulls me into his arms and places his mouth on mine in a hungry display of passion. I return his kiss with vigor. His lips are soft as they explore every inch of my mouth. He runs his tongue across my lips, and I part them more for him. He feels divine, sending shockwaves of anticipation all over me. I step in closer and plaster my body onto his. He’s so much taller than me, that my neck is bent up to reach him.

  I break the kiss long enough to stare up into his eyes and say, “Where is it that you wanted to take me?”

  “My bed,” he says, with a purr in my ear. He kisses along my jawline up to the shell of my ear. He whispers, “My only intention is to see you naked for the rest of the afternoon. That’s the only tour I will be taking you on.”

  My knees give out a little and my whole-body quivers in anticipation. Shax is beautiful, but his commanding voice and his kindness to Logan has me spun up tighter than a yo-yo. I want this man with every fiber of my being, and I will have him now.

  “Take me. I want to spend time exploring you. I need to feel you inside of me,” I say to him. His eyes widen and his cock hardens on my stomach. If this was his private office, I don’t think we could have waited.

  “Let’s go then my firefly,” he says, with a wink and a quick kiss. I don’t know if I like being called a bug, but there’s just something about Shax that would make me do just about anything.

  He places his arm across my back and squeezes me further in. Before I can even question him, we are sucked into a vortex and dumped out on the other side. My body feels like it has been torn apart and put back together the wrong way. What the hell just happened? I’m so dizzy, that I can’t even identify my surroundings. I collapse onto the floor and wait for it to subside.

  “Shit, Azra are you ok? I thought you knew how to teleport,” Shax says, getting down to my level on the floor. I’m lying on something soft. It feels extra cushiony on my throbbing head.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I ask him. “I didn’t even know anyone could teleport until a minute ago.”

  He looks at me a bit sheepishly, " I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” I feel bad for snapping at him, but holy hell my head hurts. Giving it a few minutes, I wait patiently until my brain stops throbbing. I begin to look around the room and notice we’re in his bedroom, or so I gather. It’s cozy in here. A four poster bed lines one wall, while there’s a roaring fire on the opposite side. His furniture is classic like you’d see in an older home. The rug which I’m currently laying on is plush and white. I can feel the softness of it on my cheek.

  After a few minutes, I tentatively get up and look around. Behind me, there’s a chest of drawers and a desk. Papers are scattered everywhere. “Nice room,” I say.

  “Thanks. Are you feeling alright? Do you want a water?” he asks. I nod my head and he rushes off to the side of the room, where there’s a wet bar with various pitchers and bottles of liquids. He returns with the water and hands it to me. I enjoy the taste of it going down. They must put some sort of mint in it - it’s refreshing.

  Walking on shaky legs, Shax supports me over to the bed. I lay down and stare up at the canopy that’s draped above. It’s a beautiful room. It reminds me of something from a romance movie, but it doesn’t really fit Shax at all.

  “Why all the frilly decor? I didn’t take you for a traditional kind of guy,” I say to him. I’m starting to feel better. My head is clearer, and I’m not in as much pain.

  “This was my sister’s room before she died. I couldn’t bring myself to change anything. She was the true heir until she met her demise,” he tells me, with a devastated look on his face. She must have meant a lot to him.

  “What happened?” I ask. I know I’m being forward, but I need to know my mate. If he’s going to be my alpha, we should be comfortable enough to share with one another.

  “She was killed in battle. We had a feud with rebel outcasts, fae who wanted to overthrow my mother. She’s not always a good Queen,” he says looking down at his quilt and picking an imaginary lint ball off of it. “My mother does some fucked up things, and my sister paid the price. Sola was a strong and fair Fae. She didn’t agree with my mother and lead the rebels against her. She was killed for her efforts. She would’ve made an amazing ruler.”

  “I’m sorry you lost her. I would’ve loved to meet her,” I say because what else is there to say. Condolences sometimes hurt more than they comfort.

  “It was a long time ago, but I try to keep her in my memory, that’s why I can’t bring myself to change anything.”

  “I understand. It’s hard when you lose someone close,” I say, with a forlorn look on my face. “I remember what it was like to lose my dad; the only person that ever cared for me when I was little, and now Noli.” Gods, I wish she were here with me.

  “Who’s Noli?” he asks, turning to face me a bit.

  “She’s my best friend, and Michael has her. I dragged her into this mess, and she’s paying the price. I’d do anything to have her will me,” I reply, closing my eyes for a second. I don’t want to cry.

  “I brought you here to explore your body, and we get stuck talking about depressing shit.”

  “Who says we can’t forget the past for a little while and get lost in each other. I know I could use a distraction from all of this, and you look like you’d be the perfect person to give it to me,” I purr, in a seductive tone. I grab his shirt and pull him in for a kiss. It’s gentle and sweet, something I would’ve never expected from him. He pushes me further back onto the bed without breaking contact. We kiss and rub one another, exploring the curves and planes of our bodies. He leans into me more, crushing me into the mattress. Parting my legs with his knee, he settles in. Moving his body up and down, the friction from my clothes is making me so wet for him. Moaning into his mouth, I run my fingers up his back and into his hair. I tug on it and make him look at me.

  “I want to see you naked again,” I tell him. He smirks at me but does what I ask. Taking his time peeling off his clothes, he gives me a thorough show before standing naked at the end of the bed. He is fucking perfect. Every delicious muscle is outlined to perfection. He has a splatter of hair going from his belly button to his massive cock, and the best part - his arm tattoos. I noticed it before because it was hard not to, but now I get to look at it in detail. Beautiful scroll work, mandala's, animals, and flowers grace both his arms in a picturesque design. The tattoo artist who did all of it is extremely talented.

  “Now you,” he says, with a smoldering look in his eyes. He senses my arousal and can probably tell through the bond how much I desire him.

  Kneeling on the bed, I take off all of my clothes, one piece at a time, giving him the same show, he gave me. The chill in the air causes my nipples to harden and my skin to get goosebumps all over. He wastes no time joining me back on the bed — ready to fulfill my every need. Tongue and teeth clash as the need we have for one another increases. Shax is all consuming. We’re breathing the same breath and the air around us is charged and ready to explode.

  He enters me in one swift motion, and I buck on the bed, leaning back into the pillows. His hands run down my chest and stomach, squeezing and caressing as he goes. Finding my nipple, he takes it into his mouth and sucks while he rides me into oblivion. It doesn’t take long for me to climax, and I let out a guttural moan to make sure he knows how much he pleases me.

  He flips me around before I stop clenching and enters me from behind. His cock stretches my dripping pussy as he pumps into me in a frenzied state. I can’t help but turn my head and look at this magnificent man. His hands are palming my ass as he glides in and out of me.

  “Do you like to watch?” he asks, in a seductive tone. His head is cocked to the side in curiosity. I’m so turned on. Without saying a word, I reach down and start to play with my clit. His eyes go bright, and he
licks his lips. “I’m going to taste you after I come inside you.”

  A thrill of desire pumps through my system, and I shatter around him again. My body is singing with power and I feel the explosion of our mating rush over me. We’re coated in flames — a wonderful mixture of blues and reds. Shax finds his own release in my orgasm and pushes deep within me as he finds his pleasure.

  As promised, I’m turned around and laid on my back. Our fire is still alight, yet it isn’t burning anything. I can feel the crackle of power running between us. “You’re a magnificent creature, Azrael the Changer. I am beholden to your side for the rest of eternity. I bow down to you now in private but will pledge my loyalty to you in public. Allow me the gift of tasting your sweet pussy,” he exclaims, to me in such reverence that I have nothing to say and only nod in agreement. My eyes are tearing up, and I turn away, so he won’t see.

  He begins to lick and suck my clit, causing the already sensitive area to ignite in sensation again. He nips at my lips and thoroughly runs his tongue up and down the length of me. Tasting himself on me, a moan sounds from his lips which spurs me on even more. I grasp his hair and push his face more into my body. Taking this as a sign, he thrusts his tongue deep inside of me, fucking me with his mouth. His hand reaches up and he starts to rub my clit in a steady motion. I bask in the passion he’s giving me. I feel alive and godly. I don’t last long, with one swift flick to my clit, I’m pulsing hard. Crying out his name, I collapse my legs on the bed. Gods that was amazing.

  As soon as we part, the fire goes out leaving us in the warm glow of the fireplace. Turning to face one another, we stare into each other’s eyes with silence between us. I trace the shape of his face with my hands and project what is in my heart. I’m lucky he’s mine.


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