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The Changer Complete Box Set

Page 26

by A C Wilds

  I push him back into the tub and climb on top of him. I grab his cock and stroke it up and down. His head falls back, and I watch as he relishes in my touch. “I am going to fuck all this hate out of you. When we are done, we start new and forget all of the rest of it,” I say, with a heated glare. This is the last time I will be having this conversation with him.

  Licking his lips, I ask for entrance, and he opens for me. He groans and I quicken my movements. I trail kisses down his jaw to his neck, kissing the length of it until I get to his shoulder. I bite down in a claiming move, letting him know he’s mine, ours.

  Hovering over his cock, I slowly lower myself over it. Gliding all the way down him, stretching to accommodate his size. I throw my head back and pause a moment before I start moving. I rock my hips up and down in slow movements first gathering up enough juices to make it more comfortable in the water. My thrusts become hard and faster. The water is preventing me from smacking into him with the force I need.

  “Get out of the tub and sit on the chair,” I demand, frustration in my voice. He complies without an argument, and we drip water all over the floor. The sudden change in temperature charges my arousal, and my nipples pucker in response. He takes a seat and I waste no time jumping on him with the force I need. I roll my hips and find the friction my clit desires. Our wet skin makes a glorious slapping sound, and I start to build up to my orgasm.

  “Fuck Azra, this feels so good,” Grey moans out. He grabs my breasts, massaging them with his rough hands. The friction is adding to my already increasing need for a release.

  He leans me back and holds around my back to support me. Leaning forward he puts my breast in his mouth and sucks…. hard. His hot breath feels glorious against my skin. I quicken my movements creating a pounding rhythm. All of these sensations are making me come undone. I arch my back more and cry out his name. My skin alights with flame, but this time it only dances along our skin. It doesn’t take long for him to soak up the heat and pulse inside of me, coming with a roar.

  I place my head on his shoulder and catch my breath. I can feel his heart beating in time with mine. His breathing evens out and the fire that’s still running across our skin dulls into a warm glow. “I don’t think I have ever felt anything like that before. Sex with Cass and Shax is transcendent, but this, it feels otherworldly. I don’t know what is happening, but we need to find someone with answers. I don’t think igniting on fire every time we fuck is supposed to happen,” I say, into the crook of his neck. I’m still unable to move.

  “Huh…I’m better than the yin yang twins?” he responds. My heart jumps a beat hearing his playfulness. Grey is always so angry all the time, that this makes my heart soar.

  “From all that, you take away that you’re better than Cass and Shax?” I ask, chuckling into his shoulder. He smells like sweat and soap.

  “Yes, that is exactly what I’m taking away. In fact, I am going to remind those fuckers tomorrow who the best is.” I lift my head to look into his eyes. I see the brightness of his blue, and a bit of emotion rimmed around it. Our bond is pulsing with happiness, and I think at this moment we just may have a shot of winning this thing together.

  “You’re incorrigible. It’s not going to win you any points if you keep taunting them. The whole reason for this fuck fest is to prove to you that we need you with us. I need you, Grey. You’re the only one besides me that knows what it’s like to be trapped by them. I need you by my side.” I know my voice sounds urgent and needy, but it’s the truth. We need Grey. He’s my mate, and I need all the help I can get.

  “Azra, I’m on your side. We’re going to make the Fae understand that the shit they do is not ok. We’re going to liberate the humans and trap the rest of the Fae here where they belong, even if we get stuck doing it. I’ll come to terms with the guys. They aren’t so bad, and we have you to bond us together. Just be patient with me. I was trapped by them for so long, it’s hard for me to let go,” he says, with a tinge of sadness mixed in. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him in for another kiss. His body responds to mine right away.

  “Let’s go into the bedroom, and you can prove to me all the ways that you are better than the ying-yang twins,” I say while biting his bottom lip. He growls his response into my mouth. It’s going to be a fun few hours.

  Chapter 12


  Tonight’s dinner is in the formal dining room. The staff has decorated it to match the mood of the Queen. She sits at the head of the table with all the grace and control of a true monarch. Her dress tonight is a deep plum. A tight bodice, with a full skirt and her signature slits. Bare creamy legs peek out from where she has crossed them. A crown of diamonds sits atop her head, and the remaining jaguar from our first meeting is at her side.

  There are giant black and purple silks hanging from the ceilings creating an intimate dark feeling. Floral decorations are placed throughout the hall and on the main table. There must be over one hundred Fae in attendance, all in various style of dress. This party has the same feel as the one I attended in the Light, it’s just a bit more sinister. There’s an angry vibe in the air, one that keeps me on edge.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Shax whispers, in my ear with a sultry tone. I have on a long black fitted dress with an exposed back. The sweetheart neckline is hidden under a sheer mesh that has rhinestones all over it. They cover my throat making it unnecessary to wear any kind of jewelry. My hair is pulled up in an elegant twist so that my back is on display. Shax’s hand is resting on the small of it, while Cass has my arm tucked in the crook of his. Grey is behind me with Logan at his side. I feel the ever-regal Changer I was born to be.

  “You look just as delectable. It’s taking a lot of control for me not to grab you, and run into a closet somewhere,” I counter. They are all dressed in matching fitted suits. They look like well-dressed bodyguards. Cass’s pale hair shines in the candlelight, giving him a halo, while Shax’s jet black hair fades into the night to make him look even more mysterious. The tailor had to cut slits in the jacket of Grey’s suit to accommodate his wings. While mine are tucked away, his no longer fade into his back. Either he’s in constant fight mode, or his wings are here to stay. Little Logan has on a mini-suit, just like the guys, making him look just as adorable as ever.

  “I need a drink,” Grey says, from behind me. He brushes past us and goes to the bar. Logan comes up behind me and grabs my hand, making Shax move to accommodate him. I can feel his nervousness in his energy.

  “Don’t worry Wolvie. I’m with you the whole night. Nothing bad can happen here. We got this,” I say.

  “I know Az. It’s just all these Fae. They look a little weird. I feel like they are all looking at me,” he confesses. His hand is gripped tightly in mine. I pull him in closer to give him a side hug, and to reassure him all will be fine. I wish he wasn’t even in this mess, to begin with. I’d love to send him somewhere safe.

  “Let’s go have a seat. I think Logan will feel better with us all gathered around him,” Cass says. He’s ever the thoughtful gentleman. I look up at him with admiration and love. He can be so sensitive when he wants to be.

  Making our way through the tables we find that we have been assigned to sit near the Queen. Grey joins us and we all take our seats. A bell is rung and the rest of the guests come to their seats. The servants waste no time in placing courses in front of everyone. So far the food here has been excellent. I don’t know what half of the food is, but it’s probably best not to ask.

  Conversation ensues around us, and I’m soon lost in the sounds of people laughing and having a good time. The energy picks up as each course is laid out. The weird vibe I was getting before heightens, and I look over at the Queen. She’s looking at me with renewed interest. I just know that she has something planned.

  Around the main course, the door to the dining hall opens up, and in walks Gunner. He’s dressed similar to the guys, except his tie is in a green color matching his go
rgeous eyes. I get this excited feeling in my stomach, and waves of heat rush through my body. He takes the empty seat in front of me, and my energy starts going nuts. It automatically reaches for him. Immediately, I have to clamp it down before a magical show happens in the middle of dinner. Gunner’s eyes widen, and I know this time he felt it. Shit!

  “So glad you could join us, Gunner,” the Queen says in her best conniving voice. She definitely has something planned. Her eyes look back and forth between Gunner and me. I wonder if she could feel the energy surge.

  Beside me, Shax has gone stiff. His magic has come to the surface, and it’s pulsing for a release. My own matches his, and I get an overwhelming sense of anger bleeding through. Looking over at him, I see his jaw is tight and hands are clenched. He looks like he is going to flip this table.

  “Son, I hope you are just as happy as I am with Gunner’s return. I brought him here for your mate,” says the Queen sweetly. Her smile spreads wide across her face, and this is why I have been feeling on edge. Gunner isn’t wanted.

  “What do you mean he’s here for Azra?” growls Shax. His eyes are a blazing fire, and I know we are going to have to leave soon before something happens.

  “He’s to be her teacher. We need the Changer ready for battle, and if the dragon fight was anything to go by, she is not up to par. She has no idea how to wield her sword, nor use her defensive magic,” the Queen explains. She looks rather smug in that chair of hers. I want to punch her in the throat. For the first time, my anger outweighs my fear for her. It may have to do with Shax feeding that anger through the bond. I glance over at Cass and Grey, and they seem to be just as pissed.

  “She doesn’t need him. She has Cassiel and I. We will teach her to wield her sword and her magic. The Changer sword cannot hurt her mates, Gunner will perish if he touches it, and we all know how much you wouldn’t want that to happen,” Shax snaps at her. I see her own anger come to the surface, her patience is going to run out soon. We really should be leaving.

  I place my hand on Shax’s arm and stop him from saying something stupid. “It’s ok Shax, whatever the Queen’s wishes are, I will comply,” I say, giving her a tight smile. My eyes give away my words though, she can taste my lie hanging in the air.

  This seems to calm Shax down a little because he relaxes his grip on the knife that he was holding. He’s still glaring daggers at Gunner, but at least he isn’t going to jump across the table like before. Gunner has been quiet, watching this whole interaction until now. I think we wanted to see the reactions of everyone.

  “Azra, have you ever had sword training?” Gunner asks while taking a bite of his food. His energy is relaxed even though he keeps sending it out to mingle with mine. Thank gods I have so much control over hiding mine. I guess from so many years of keeping it a secret subconsciously, I have even more control over it now.

  “No,” I say, with a curt tone. “They don’t have sword training 101 on Earth, we mostly do math and science.”

  “I see,” he says, in a condescending tone. “We will start from the beginning then. I’ll be in the training room at dawn, try not to be late.”

  A growl can be heard from my other side. We need to get out of here. Make an excuse. I don’t care what you say, but if I have to look at this smug bastard for one more moment I’m going to reach over the table, and punch him in the mouth. No one talks to my mate like that. Grey says in my head. It seems like the others heard it too, because before I can react Shax is standing up.

  “We’re going to retire to our rooms mother. Thank you for dinner,” Shax announces, while getting up from his chair. We all follow suit before she can say anything.

  “Understandable. You want to make sure Azra has a good night sleep so she can be fit enough in the morning for all that physical activity she’ll be doing,” she says, nonchalantly like she’s talking about the weather and not taunting her son.

  It’s Cass’s turn to pull Shax away. The boys make for the door, and as I glance behind me I see Gunner looking on with such longing that it breaks my heart. Shax has a lot of explaining to do.

  We get back to the rooms, and all go our separate ways to get changed. I take a quick shower to rinse off the bad feelings that dinner left me with. Throwing on a pair of loose short shorts and a tank top, I wander back into the lounge and take a seat on the couches by the fire. The guys must still be getting undressed, so I’m alone for a moment. The flames are dancing in the slight breeze that’s coming from the terrace. The smell of the ocean mixed with the smoke is intoxicating. I close my eyes for a moment to take in all that happened at dinner. There are so many questions that need answers. Every day here just gets worse and worse. It’s like I am always being tested, and I can never pass.

  “Hey, you ok?” Shax asks, from behind me. His strong hands brace on my shoulders as he lowers his body down, and kisses the top of my head. His scent matches the smoke in the air, and I just want to pull him down on top of me and cuddle into his neck.

  “As good as to be expected. We have a lot to discuss. Where are the guys?” I ask, looking behind him to see if they had emerged from their rooms.

  “While you were showering, Greyson took Logan to go stay with Anna for the night. He’s worried that something might happen, and the children’s wing is the safest in the palace. All Fae know children are precious, and to not go anywhere near there unless they want to face the wrath of my mother,” he says, with a very serious tone. It brings me a bit of joy knowing that the children are taken care of here.

  “And Cass?” I ask, with a worried tone. I don’t like any of the guys being away from me.

  “He went to get us some food and drink. I know you didn’t eat much, and I figured you’d be hungry after your shower.”

  “You guys think of everything, thank you. Come sit with me while we wait for them to come back, I want to snuggle,” I tell him, looking over my shoulder. He gives me a squeeze and walks around the couch. He plops down next to me, and I snuggle up to his chest. His warmth instantly comforts me, and I feel his hard body through his light shirt. I climb onto his lap, and put my head in the crook of his neck. I don’t think I could ever get used to the feeling of being safe and cared for by these men. I didn’t know what I was missing until now.

  “You keep making those little sighing noises, and I’m not going to be able to control myself much longer. It’s bad enough that you keep rubbing against me when you wiggle around, add in the noises and you’re going to have a problem on your hands,” Shax says, in a husky tone. I look up into his face and see the passion there. He wants me badly.

  “How much time do you think we have?” I ask, trailing kisses down his neck. His head falls back, and his hands tighten on my waist.

  “Maybe ten minutes,” he says, with a moan. I can feel his excitement underneath me. My clit pulses with the thought of riding him right on this couch.

  “Well then, let’s make the most of it,” I say, as I crawl up his lap and straddle him. I slam my lips on his and invade his mouth with my tongue in urgency. I slide my hands around his neck and start to grind on him. He lets out a low moan in pleasure as I increase my speed. The friction of material between my legs is causing me to get so wet.

  His hands cup my ass, and I speed up my movements. He breaks the kiss and says, “Take your pants off. I need to fuck you.” Excitement rushes through me, and I quickly comply. Hopping up I wiggle out of the barrier we had between us as he does the same. Enthusiastically, I jump back on him and resume pressing into him. Rolling my hips in a circular motion, I watch his face as he throws his head back in ecstasy. I’m so wet, that I am causing a delicious slipping motion between us. I inch myself back a bit and pull his cock free from between us. I give him a few powerful pumps and revel in his arousal for me. Leaning forward I place him at my entrance. I brush a soft kiss on his lips as I slam down onto him. A moan escapes my lips, and I hold for minute relishing the feel of him inside of me. Then I begin to move.

  “Gods Azra, you
feel amazing. I could fuck you forever,” he whispers, into my lips. He pushes my shoulders back and pulls my tank top down to expose my breasts. He wastes no time leaning down and taking one into his mouth while twirling and pinching the other. A rush of sensations roll off of me, and my fire lights us up. His fire rushes to meet mine and a beautiful purple glow fills the room. My movements quicken as my instincts take over, and I start to pant in my efforts. My grip on his shoulders tighten - I’m close to coming.

  A cool breeze comes over the room, and I look up toward the door. In the doorframe, Grey is staring at us. I hold his gaze and continue to fuck Shax with a renewed intensity. His eyes light up with heat, and the blue staring back at me is so intense that I swear I see the energy rolling off of him. He likes what he sees. Through the bond I can feel his excitement as well as his hesitancy. I don’t think he is ready for a threesome. Continuing to watch Grey, I proceed to pump up and down on Shax and make him hiss out my name. Grey’s hand goes to his pants, and he releases his cock for me to see. He gives it a good squeeze and begins to jerk himself up and down. My arousal increases tenfold, and I almost lose it then.

  “Shax, reach down and rub my clit, I want to come all over your cock and make you call out my name,” I say, to the room. This gets Grey even more excited. I can see his energy start to pulse around him. He must be getting so close. Shax reaches between us, and beings to massage me. A guttural moan leaves my lips, and I cry out. I’m so close to orgasming, that I can’t help but push harder and faster.

  I clench around Shax, biting my lip hard enough to draw blood. My pussy pulses with the pleasure of my orgasm as Shax takes over. He lifts me up off of the couch and spins me around to face the door. Standing behind me, he wastes no time slamming into me…hard. His erratic movements have me grasping the back of the couch and my breasts swinging to the rhythm. I hear his intake of breath as he notices Grey in the doorway. He doesn’t stop fucking me but asks if I am ok. I nod my head and bring my gaze back to Grey. His hand is pumping so hard, that it almost looks painful. He’s leaning on the open door frame, and his eyes are locked onto me.


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