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The Changer Complete Box Set

Page 31

by A C Wilds

  “That’s enough, Grey,” I yell, pulling on his arm. It doesn’t faze him, as his gaze is locked on the prince. He’s hyper-focused. I try again, and he’s still ignoring me. I reach inside me and pull the magic I know is Grey’s toward me. He stumbles back into me, and the bubble bursts around Daniel’s head. He starts coughing and spitting water out of his mouth and nose. His face turns a brilliant shade of red, and he eyes train on Grey.

  “You are fucking dead,” he spits out. He tries to dismount his horse, but the guard points their amber guns at him. Grey keeps a steady eye on him, and I can feel his anger pulsing from him. He wants Daniel dead, and I can only imagine the reasons why.

  “I wouldn’t get down off that horse if I were you. I also wouldn’t threaten one of the Changer’s mates,” Shax says, nonchalantly. He’s cool on the outside, but raging below the surface is a ball of energy waiting to strike Daniel if he moves the wrong way.

  “Mates? Azra what is this Dark mongrel talking about? You mated with a human? With this hunter? No matter, I’m here for you; here only for you. I want to speak with you privately. Can you please tell these goons to back off?” Daniel says while wiping water out of his hair. He looks pissed. I wonder why he’s really here.

  “Our dear Azra maybe the Changer, but I am the Queen,” she says, walking down the palace steps into the courtyard. A collective breath is held as she descends. All Fae in the court bow down to her, and Shax tugs on my sleeves as he kneels.

  Azra, it’s not the time. Please. He says through the bond. I look into his eyes and realize he’s right. There will be a time and place for it. I kneel beside my mates but don’t bow my head. I will never turn my back on the Queen. She sees me standing out from the rest, as she walks past. A savage smile is placed upon her lips, and it echoes the challenge that is there.

  Daniel dismounts his horse and kneels before the Queen. The rest of the small army he brought with him does the same. “Why are you here, Prince? Michael should know I do not negotiate. He should know that he signed your death warrant the moment you rode through my gates,” she says.

  “Your Majesty. It is a great honor to meet you. I am not here by the bequest of the King. I am here for the Changer. I want to help. My father has gone mad and has killed my mother. He can no longer be trusted. I want to see him burn for his sins. The Dark should get their chance to rule Earth, and I know how it can be done,” he confesses. His head is still bowed, so I can’t see his face, but his posture says it all, he’s grieving. I feel Cass through the bond, and his heartbreak is apparent. He hasn’t dared move from his position, but I can feel him starting to lose control. I reach through the bond and try to console him while I can’t get to him, but it’s not enough.

  “You’re here for your revenge? To avenge your mother?” she asks. Her smile is broadening. She loves his suffering, and to watch him squirm.

  “Yes, your Majesty. I am here to seek revenge, and to help the Dark win,” he replies. No one has moved from the moment she came out of the palace. There are no sounds except the wind, and a few birds chirping in the trees. The sun is high in the sky, and the balmy temperature is making me sweat. It feels like forever when she opens her mouth to speak.

  “You won’t mind then if I kill all your men?” she asks, having to prolong his suffering by taking something else. He shifts from one knee to the other clearly uncomfortable with making this decision. Before he has too, Shax speaks up.

  “Perhaps we can keep them as collateral or even have them work for us? I don’t see the sense in killing good soldiers when we have a war to fight, Mother,” Shax says. His mask is back on, and he looks forever the prince.

  “Too true son,” she thinks out loud. “There might be use for the extra bodies we may need to die for us. Bring the soldiers into the barracks, and get them sorted with new uniforms, and into the right battalions. If there is a question of your loyalty speak it now, and you will get a quick death because if I find out that you have betrayed me later on, you will pray for your suffering to end.”

  “Your Majesty, may I be permitted to stand?” Daniel asks.

  “Rise, all of you!” She shouts. She’s done here.

  As he stands before her for the first time, he looks scared shitless. She’s not a tall woman, or even a scary looking one, but her power is crushing. It makes you feel like you are so powerless.

  “You say you are here to defy your father. Fine. Give me something that could crush him, and then I may let you live,” she demands.

  “His army is about a week’s ride from here, in the Snowcap Mountains. He plans to lead them down here in one month’s time. The dragon assassin was only for distraction. He wanted you out of the Dark Court because the Summer Palace is easier to overthrow, or so he says.”

  The Queen’s jaw ticks with rage. The violet in her eyes flares and I know someone is about to die. A tree in the courtyard is engulfed in flames, and a guard standing next to it is swallowed along with it. The fire is so intense, they are instantly turned to ash. Another life lost because she can’t keep her temper in check. This needs to stop.

  “You may stay…for now. But know this, Prince, if you dare to defy me, I will cook you from the inside, starting slowly with your organs, and leaving your brain for last, so that you can feel and see all that is happening to you before you die.”

  Daniel’s face goes pale, as he bows his head once again. A cold chill washes over my body, and I feel the wrongness in the air. She’s a sick woman. I move over to Cass and take his hand. He just found out his mother died, and he can’t even grieve how I know he wants to. Turning around to us, she gets right in my face.

  “Find out what the boy’s real motivation is, and then get rid of him,” she threatens, in a whisper too low for anyone else. Our eyes are locked in a staring game, and the nudge through the bond from Shax makes me lower them first. I can’t wait to destroy this bitch.

  Satisfied with my submission, she walks away in a flourish of skirts and evil. I turn to Cass and wrap my arms around him. He nuzzles my neck and seeks comfort hidden there. He’s going to be a mess when we get to our rooms. “You got this, just until we are inside. Then you can let go,” I whisper in his ear. He nods his head in agreeance and removes himself from our embrace.

  “Sorry to have you hear how mother died like that. I wanted to tell you in private,” Daniel says, with a flash of true pain in his eyes. I don’t doubt that he did love his mother.

  “Let’s take this inside, there’s a meeting room we can use to hash out the details of this agreement. Cass and Azra can go up to our rooms while we negotiate a deal,” Shax suggests, looking at the rest of my mates and Daniel. All men silently agree as we begin walking toward the palace. I glance over at Daniel and can’t shake the feeling like something is seriously wrong here out of my system. I don’t trust he’s here for revenge. I think he has motives we don’t know about yet, but that I intend to find out.

  Cass goes straight for the room we are sharing. He removes his boots and gets on the bed. His sorrow is so powerful through our bond it’s almost crippling. I take off my shoes as well and climb into bed with him.

  “I’m so sorry about your mother. I didn’t know her well, but I can’t imagine the pain you’re in right now,” I whisper into his neck as I hold him from behind. He doesn’t speak, but the tears begin. He breaks down for the mother he lost, and the father we’ll have to kill. After over 500 years, Cass needs to face that he will be an orphan.

  Hours later, the day has passed, and the moon is shining through the open balcony window. I can hear the sound of the ocean, and smell the fresh breeze coming through. Shax walks into the room with Grey and Gunn on his heels. They seem tense and anxious. This must have been some meeting.

  “I take it didn’t go well?” I ask, sitting up on the bed. Cass stirs beside me and mirrors my actions.

  “He’s a fucking dick. No offense Cassiel, but his pompous attitude is going to get him killed quickly. It’s almost like this is a joke to
him. Just another day in the life of Prince Daniel,” Gunn says. He takes a seat in one of the armchairs. They all look exhausted.

  “No offense taken. He’s been a dick for centuries. He’s an entitled brat, that my mother doted over for years. It won’t change anytime soon. Did he mention why he wants to see Azra?” Cass responds. He gets up from the bed and stretches his body out. He’s still sorrowful, but it seems like our little cuddle helped with getting the worst of it out. Princely manners have him moving on.

  “He wants to help free Noli. He said it’s his ultimate sacrifice to us so that we believe him going forward. I don’t see how this asshole is going to help, because he has never paid attention before, but it’s up to you Az,” Grey says.

  My heart does a flip flop in my chest. Noli! How could I not seize the opportunity to save her? Daniel knows exactly what he’s doing. I need her back. I didn’t think Michael would bring her to Faerie. I thought she was still trapped at the Light on Earth.

  “That fucking fucker,” I say. “This is really the only way we’ll definitely work with him. He’s exploiting my feelings for her.”

  “That’s what we said to him, but Azra it’s your decision to make. You know I’ll follow you anywhere, but is it worth it to possibly get caught because of your friend?” Shax asks. I see red at that moment. The air in the room starts to whirl in a tornado-like fashion. My hair lifts from my shoulders. My eyes glow an intense grey, the storm has come. How dare he imply Noli isn’t important. He has no idea!

  “I will never leave my friends behind. She has been my life for these last two years. She’s the reason I survived. I would never let Michael keep her if I had the chance to save her. Just as I would never let him keep any of you,” I scream. The wind is getting violent, and I don’t care. My emotions are fueling my powers, and I want to rip Michael limb from limb. I’m not the girl who left the Light court. I’m the Changer.

  “Calm down! Azra look at me! We’ll find Noli. No one said we wouldn’t help. You’re going to harm someone, and I know you don’t want to do that,” Cass yells, into my ear. He has his hands on my shoulders, staring into my face, and holding on to me at the same time. The other guys are braced on chairs or various pieces of furniture to help keep them from flying around the room. Cass’s plea comes through the bond, and his urgency pulls me from my anger. I can’t hurt my mates. I pull the magic back into me and look around the room. Everything is a mess.

  “Take me to Daniel,” I demand walking out of the room. The rest follow as I walk out the door, and down the hallway.

  Chapter 17

  Freeing Noli

  He’s sitting in one of the parlor rooms sipping a drink and reading a book. I march right up to him and stand before him. He notices me and places his cup down. I have my hands on my hips, and the anger that is coming off of me is making the room heat. I know I must look like a wild banshee with my swirling grey eyes and lightning fingertips.

  “I see a lot has happened since you left us. Mated to a human, and my brother. How’s that working out for you?” he teases, with a smile spread wide on his face. Back is the cocky prince.

  “Shut the fuck up. You’re not a prince here, you’re actually a cushy prisoner. One false move and I’ll burn you alive,” I snarl, lightning crackling on my fingertips. “Now, you have a single chance to tell me, where is Noli?”

  “She’s at my father’s camp in the mountains. She’s a witch you know. A really powerful one too. I think that’s the only reason why she’s still alive. That and she seems to interest him.”

  A growl passes my lips as I lunge at him. I knock both him and the chair he is perched on to the floor. My electric hands make contact with his face, as I punch him. His mouth splits open, and blood spatters on my face. Shax is on me in an instant, pulling me off of him. I’m screaming and kicking to get back to Daniel, but Shax’s grip is firm.

  “You need to calm down Azra, don’t let the magic overtake you. I know he’s an asshole, but we need him,” Shax whispers. “We need him to free Noli.”

  I take a deep breath in and try to focus my mind. He’s right, my alpha, but I just can’t bring myself to not want to rip Daniel’s throat out. My anger is still pulsing. I look toward my mates, and I can see varying degrees of emotion from sorrow to Grey’s anger.

  “Tell me how to get her out. I want you to be as specific as possible. If you fail at this, I will kill you,” I threaten. My hands hurt, and my head is going to explode. I need to get this aggression out somehow.

  “We sneak in through the tunnels. There’s an underground system, that will lead us up into the mansion where he’s made his home. It’s not as dreary as you are thinking. Nothing my father does is half-assed. It seemed that the last time he was here, he had this home built for emergencies,” Daniel says, wiping the blood from his nose. He’s going to have bruises all over tomorrow.

  “How long will we have until they move out? And how many days will it take to get there?” I ask. My powers want out. I need to get the fuck out of here soon.

  “Like I told the Queen, his plan is a month from now when you have the party. He’s going to use it as a distraction to get to all of you. It takes six days on horseback to get there.”

  “Did you ride in on a Fae horse?” I ask as he looks at me like I’m stupid.

  “Yes. There are no other types of horses here.”

  “We’ll take Red and Ash,” I say, turning around and looking at my guys, ignoring Daniel’s comment. “Grey can fly if it’s too much. I don’t care how we get there, but I need to get Noli out,” I state, walking out of the room. There’s nothing left to say.

  “I’m coming with you!” Daniel yells, at my back. I’m just at the doorway. I spin on my heels and stare at him from across the room.

  “You’re not going anywhere. You’re going to stay and prove to the Queen that you aren’t here for some nefarious reason. I’m sure she will be more than happy to play the gracious host,” I say, exiting the room, and not looking back. I need to go find my Arion.

  Searching for him through the bond, I can feel Ash and Red are in the training building. I make my way over shaking with tension. My energy is going nuts, feeding off my emotions. I need to calm down.

  “Azra, wait up!” Gunn yells, from behind me. His footsteps are soft against the grass. The sun is shining, and the briny scent of the ocean is drifting on the wind. The grounds are bustling with life, and I look around noticing we aren’t the only people here. It’s hard to open up, and actually see what’s going on around you when you have so much going on inside. I miss my best friend. I miss everything about her; her laugh and the way she used to make us pancakes and eggs when we were too hungover to go to Manny’s.

  “What do you want? You should be going to get ready like the rest of the guys. I know you felt my urgency just as much as they did,” I say, not breaking my stride. If he’s coming with me, he needs to catch up.

  “Your magic is all over the place. We can’t go on this journey without you trying to control it. You’re five seconds away from another Azra bomb,” he says. This makes me pause. I turn around and get right in his face.

  “You mean to tell me for the last four fucking days, we have been sitting on our asses doing nothing, when you could have explained this to me. You knew all along how to handle this, and what would happen, and you kept it from me? Your mate?” I spit out. My arms catch on fire, and the beautiful red engulfs my body. I look like a walking fireball. My eyes sparkle with my lightning, and I can hear the fountains behind us overflowing. Blazing wings sprout out of my back, and I lift up off the ground using my air magic. I look like the elements personified.

  “Azra, you need to calm down. There are Fae all over. You can very well kill everyone. Is that what you want? Come down and fight me. Get the anger out, let’s get you back to normal so we can free your friend.”

  This gets my attention. I know he’s speaking logical, but I can’t calm down. Everything in me is screaming to let go. To
release all of it out into the world, and deal with it later.

  “I can’t. I don’t know how,” I say, through gritted teeth. All of this power shouldn’t be contained in one person. It’s too much.

  “Start with one piece. Let go of the air and come back down to me. I’ll help with the rest.”

  I close my eyes and feel for Cass’s magic. It’s all grey and shiny like a newly minted quarter. I tug on it a bit, and it goes from a taunt ribbon into a floppy one. I feel myself begin to lower. I open my eyes, and I’m face to face with Gunn. His green eyes are glowing, and I can feel his arousal through the bond. The magic is making us drawn to one another.

  “That was great, now let me help you through the rest. I’m going to touch you now. Is that ok?” he says, with his hand outstretched toward my wings. I nod in agreeance and wait for him to complete his move.

  The oil slick feathers that crown the tops of my wings are alight with my fire magic. Gunn pushes through the flame, and lightly brushes a hand down the left wing. He slowly drags his hand up and down sending shivers through my body. This feels more than just an act to get me to relax. This feels like...desire. He brings his other hand up to my face, and I look up at him with the lightning breaking just behind my eyes. I want to devour the world, and I want to take him with me. The urge is too great. I crush into him. Our magic collides and a pulse is driven from us out into the world. I don’t pay attention to where it goes. I don’t think in this moment, what this will mean or if there will be consequences. All I want is to feel Gunn on every part of me. His hands fist into my hair, and his lips devour me. My tongue invades his mouth, and we fight for dominance. A dark shadow overtakes us, and I break the kiss to look up and find out what it is. We are encased in a canopy of vines woven so tightly it’s like we’re in our own little world. It distracts me from the anger, and I can think a bit more clearly.


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