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The Changer Complete Box Set

Page 33

by A C Wilds

  Filing into the hall, I take a look around. There are rows of sealed rooms with metal looking doors opening to each one. The floor is solid stone, but there are wet stains all over, and it reeks of waste. Rats, or the Fae equivalent, run across our feet, looking for their next meal. I peek into the first door we see and wish I hadn’t. There’s a Fae strung up from the ceiling with his arms outstretched in a “V” shape. He’s half-naked and filthy with blood dripping down his chest from huge open gashes. It looks like someone cut him open and left him to bleed out.

  I grip the handle of the door and try to pull it open. All I can think about is helping to save this man, but it won’t budge. Tears form in my eyes, and I growl in frustration.

  Red leans into me and whispers in my ear, “Azra, he’s already dead. See that his energy is no longer there.” I really look this time, and he is right — the Fae is gone.

  I close my eyes and let out a silent scream of agony. The cruelty will end. Michael will feel every second of his death. I project to the prisoner, that I will see justice for him. I continue walking without looking into any more cells. I know if I do, we’ll never find Noli. Coming to the junction I turn right and march down the hall. This one isn’t so quiet. Moans and screams echo off the walls, and I can’t help but hold my hands up to my ears. It’s torture hearing the pain and suffering that these Fae have to endure.

  There’s a scuffle ahead, and an arm grabs me by the waist and pushes me against the wall. Be quiet, we need to wait for them to leave, Red says. The minutes feel like hours, as finally two Fae guards in the colors of the Light walk down the hallway. They turn down where we are, and before either of them can engage, Shax and Cass have them dead on the floor. I didn’t even see them move. They hide in the shadows so completely, that the guards never had a chance.

  Red pushes me forward, and we continue on. I’m still in shock but find my strength in knowing we’ll be getting Noli out of here today. Shax and Cass take the lead, daggers in their hands, ready to fight should we have to. Gunn and Ash are behind us with their own weapons, protecting my back.

  Voices can be heard at the end of the hallway where there is a low glow of light. My anticipation picks up, and I feel my magic respond. It’s ready to protect and defend her mates, and soul-bonded. I want so badly to just blow up this whole damn mountain, but there could be innocent people here.

  Cass and Shax pick up their pace, and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion because this wasn’t part of the plan. What are they doing? Before I can say anything, they round the corner out of sight. Red pushes me along to the final door and tries to get it open. I’m torn worrying about the guys and opening the door. The magic symbols are on this door also, except Cass isn’t here to help.

  “You’re going to have to open it yourself,” Ash says, from behind me. Her voice sounds on edge. She’s itching for a fight as well.

  I place my hands on the handle and push just enough magic into it so that the door handle lights up with it. A click sounds and the door pushes open. Gunn pulls me to him, and Red and Ash pile into the room while I wait. I try to struggle out of his grip. I need to see her. Make sure she’s alive, let her know I’m here.

  Red comes rushing out of the room with Noli draped in his arms, my heart immediately sinks into my stomach. She isn’t conscious. I can’t see if she is breathing. Red is hurrying down the way we came and isn’t stopping so I can check her out. I’m running full out trying to catch up with them. Realizing Shax and Cass are still not with us, I look back to see where they are.

  “Keep going. They will catch up,” Gunn says, he takes my upper arm and pushes me forward. I’m so torn at this moment. Two parts of my life in different directions. My power tries to reach out. I can’t help it, I’m scared. I don’t know the answers to what’s happening, and it’s all so fast.

  Gunn pulls me closer and kisses my mouth with a consuming kiss. I’m so shocked by this out-of-nowhere-not-the-time-kiss, that my power ebbs back to manageable.

  “No bombs Azra,” he says, with lust in his eyes. He’s having a hard time keeping it together too. My assassin is nervous for his mates. Footsteps running down the hall break me out of the bubble. Cass and Shax come running down with soldiers on their heels. This spurs me on, and I make my way for the door that Red and Ash have escaped through. We all reach it together and quickly move down the stairs. I hear grunting and grinding behind me and know one of the guys is trying to get the door closed. Carefully turning on the steps, I put out a blast of my magic towards the door, and it shuts with a thud. Three sets of wide eyes look at me, while I shrug and continue down the death trap stairs.

  We make it outside in record time. Red is still carrying an unconscious Noli. “Please tell me she’s alive,” I yell, at his back. We aren’t stopping and I need to know.

  “She’s breathing, but let’s get back to Jezebel, so we can get the fuck out of here before the whole guard finds us,” he says. This urges me on further, and I pick up the pace, letting my magic feed into my legs to help me run faster. The outlet feels amazing, and I can’t believe how fast I am, quickly catching up to Ash, who looks over at me with pride in her face. My Arion chose well for a mate.

  Jezebel is exactly where we left her. Gunn takes Noli from Red as they shift back into Arion form. We each climb up on our mounts and take off into the trees like thunderclap clouds; so fast that you can hardly see us running. The world is a blur, and I’m starting to feel a bit nauseous. Grey is holding on with a death grip. To my left is Jezebel and Gunn holding Noli. Jezebel is glowing pure white as she is keeping up with us. I see her silhouette and I can see a long horn on her head. My shock is all over my face and leaks through the bond. Five voices laugh in my head while I put two and two together and realize that Jezebel is a fucking unicorn.

  Chapter 18

  The Ball

  The castle is alive with activity when we finally make it back. There are Fae running around all over, and a buzz in the air. Getting back was a harder journey. We had to take a different direction, to ensure that we weren’t followed. This tacked on an additional day of travel.

  Noli is still unconscious. My insides feel like they have been liquified every time I stare at her face. If she wasn’t breathing, I would have thought she was dead. I’m starting to worry, but Red says the healers at the palace will help. He and Ash have taken her to the medical ward. I was nervous leaving her, but I’m no use to anyone in this condition.

  “What’s going on?” I ask Shax as he jumps down off of Ash. He looks around and stops a server passing us with different types of fabrics draped over his arms.

  “Henry, what’s going on?” he asks. The Fae stops, and bows to us all before answering.

  “Your Highnesses, Changer, tomorrow is the Summer Ball. We’ve been preparing for it since you left,” he says. He’s looking around at us, and I can tell he needs to be somewhere.

  “Thank you, Henry. Please, carry on,” Shax says, dismissing the Fae. He looks over at me, and I see the regret in his face. He’s going to tell me something I do not like.

  “Why are you looking at me like that? You do realize we can’t go to a ball. We have a revolution to run,” I say, with a smirk.

  “Azra, we have to go. It’s not something my mother will be okay with us skipping,” Shax says, trying to comfort me. I really don’t want to get dressed up in front of another Fae court.

  “She’s going to announce my allegiance to the dark, isn’t she?” I ask. This is fucking terrifying, and I don’t know how I’m going to get out of it.

  “Probably, but we can work around it,” Cass says. They both look confident that this is going to work.

  “I don’t like it,” Grey says. He’s skeptical as usual. “There’s too much possibility for this to blow up in our faces. How is she going to get out of publicly declaring her allegiance? Does the Queen do the same ritual that Michael does to make pacts binding?”

  “Yes, but I have something that might work to counter it,” Sh
ax says.

  “Might work? Listen, Cat we need more than just might,” Grey responds. He’s right, not having a guarantee when it comes to the Queen could mean that we’re stuck here, working for her.

  “How about we table this for now. Let’s go in and get rested. I need to check on Noli in a bit, but first, eat and then sleep,” I say, walking toward the front doors. Entering the foyer, I can see the Queen has spared no expense on decorations. The black marble acts as the backdrop to the incredible silks that hang from the ceiling. The floor is so polished it looks like one slab of onyx. Looking down I can see my reflection, tired and dirty.

  There are accents of silver highlighting the darker corners. Chaise lounges and groups of comfortable chairs are in different sections giving it a lounge vibe. Beautiful flower arrangements are dispersed around the room to balance out the masculinity of the marble. It’s all very beautiful and luxurious.

  “Let’s get upstairs before someone stops us,” Shax says. “I have a feeling that this is going to be bigger than we originally thought.” My look says it all. I’d rather be running from the Light guard again.

  Making our way up to our suite, I find that not only is the foyer decorated, but so is the whole palace. The sexy vibe of the silks are running up the stairs, and the vases that are normally tucked into the corners, are now a mirror image of the ones downstairs.

  When we approach our door, I can hear a commotion coming from our rooms. Gunn reaches out his hand and holds me in place. He places his finger over his lips in a ‘be quiet’ signal. I nod my head and pull out the Changer sword from its scabbard. The guys get their own weapons ready, as Cass moves to the door, and stretches his hand to open it, but to not be in front of it. Shax takes the opposite side, and Grey and Gunn flank me to the left.

  Pushing the unlocked door open we pile in the room ready to defend ourselves only to find Miniel and Sophie standing arguing with a few of the servants about the quality of light in the room. Apparently, the huge drapes are a problem for seeing their vision.

  I stop in my tracks totally stunned. The last time I saw them was the night of the Light court dinner. I didn’t think I’d see them ever again.

  “What are you guys doing here?” I ask. My voice shows astonishment for how this could be real.

  “We escaped when Michael opened the portal to let the army in,” Sophie says. She’s still just as beautiful as the last time I saw her. Purple hair cascading down her back with pointed ears showing just a bit. She has on her usual black outfit. Leather pants, with a vest so tight that her boobs look squished. She’s otherworldly. She looks so much stronger and more vibrant. Faerie must be returning her true powers.

  “I can’t believe you guys got out! How did you convince the Queen to allow you to stay?” I wonder out loud. It must have not been easy since they were a part of the Light court.

  “That was easy. We were part of Her Majesty’s court before we got kidnapped to the Light. She welcomed us back— well as much as she can be welcoming,” Miniel says, matter-of-factly.

  “That seems a bit convenient to me,” Grey says. Ever the skeptic.

  “He’s right. How do we know we can trust you?” Gunn says. He must not know them from before.

  “Guys, they aren’t here to trade secrets. They’re near to help us get ready,” I say. Turning toward Miniel I ask, “Is there time for a quick nap before we start this process.” There might just be a touch of excitement in my voice.

  “Afraid not, Azra. You all are due down in the ballroom in three hours. I still have to fit everyone and make alterations. It’s going to be tight as it is,” Miniel replies.

  “We also need to do makeup. The guys can get fitted first, and I’ll do your face in the meantime,” Sophie says.

  Rolling my eyes so far in the back of my head, I stamp my feet like a toddler and walk into my bathroom. I hear a chorus of laughter behind me. This is going to be a long night.

  Three hours later we are dressed to kill, walking down the stairs to the party. Music is filtering through the halls. I can hear a violin and maybe a cello? It’s beautiful and depressing — just like this court.

  Approaching the doors, there’s a line of Fae waiting to be announced. The crowd parts and lets us through. There’s a hushed whisper as we walk toward the door, and I know that all eyes are trained on us.

  “Why is it important to have people announce you into the party? I never got that,” I ask, my princes. They are delicious in their three-piece suits, and matching ties. Miniel matched the guys to my dress. I’m wearing a hunter green silk gown. The bodice is low cut in the front, almost to my belly button, and is being held up by two thin straps. The skirt flares out into a wave of green silk trailing down to the floor. My back is exposed, and while I am a little cold, the dress is so simple and beautiful that I don’t mind.

  “It shows status. The Fae love for people to know where they are located in the hierarchy. The closer to the Queen, the more respected they are, or so they hope. It really is all just for show,” Cass explains. He looks down at me with a smile, and my heart stops for a second. He’s so beautiful.

  “Can I have the pleasure of walking you in?” Shax says, placing my arm in his. I give him a sexy grin and nod my head in agreement. His hair is nicely combed to the side, but a little rouge curl peaks out at the nape of his neck. I want nothing more than to run my hands through it while I feel him move beneath me.

  A throat clears behind us, and I turn around to see Gunn adjusting his pants. “You may want to turn down the mind projecting Az. We could feel and see what you want Shax to do later.”

  “Let’s get this shit show over with. I don’t want to be down here one more minute than necessary,” Grey says, from beside Gunn. He’s just as stunning in his jacket. He’s so on edge about this evening, that he insisted his wings be out. Miniel had to cut out places in his jacket for them to be on display.

  “His Royal Highnesses, Prince Shax of the Dark and Cassiel of the Light. The Changer Azrael, and her harem,” the guard announces. Trumpets blare, and the doors open before us. I slide my other arm into Cass’s to make sure I don’t trip in these four-inch heels Miniel insisted on.

  Walking down the stairs with both princes on my arms, the whole crowd turns toward me. I see the eyes of Fae that I have never seen before dissecting me. Wanting me to be something that I’m not, something I will never be. They want me to be the thing that I most fear. Someone who won’t stand up for what they believe in, but who will conform because it is easier.

  My legs wobble a bit under their scrutiny, but my guys are right there to hold me up. They’re always there when I need them the most. Even though Gunn is new to our band of misfits, I know he’s just as connected to us as the others. He’s ready to defend and protect us. I send a pulse of gratitude through the bond to my men and pick my up head up a little higher. I want to show these Fae that I’m not going to be their puppet. I’m a strong Fae, one that will take on the biggest of the bads and come out on top.

  The ballroom is set up as you would imagine the Dark Court to be. There are long tables surrounding the room, and the same black silks that are on the ceilings in the foyer, are draped throughout this room as well. The tables are covered in crystals cloths, and accents of the silver flowers are everywhere. A dais is at the back of the room. It’s raised above all, so the Queen can see all the activity. A page leads us over towards the dais, and we file into our chairs, Gunn holding out mine. Shax is seated on the right of the Queen’s chair, and to the left of it is Daniel who waves with a smirk. A man I have never seen before is seated next to him.

  “Zagan,” Shax says, with a growl as he takes his seat. The tension in the air picks up, and my eyes go wide. The hate is apparent between these two. The man nods his head at Shax, and turns his eyes back to the door, thoroughly ignoring us.

  “Who is that?” I whisper to Shax as soon as we are all seated.

  “My mother’s familiar. He’s a nasty creature. He can take on a
ny animal form he wishes, including human, and is quite sneaky about it. He was the other jaguar in the throne room when you first arrived. He wreaks havoc wherever he goes and is the essence of my mother’s power. He’s her spy and confidante. Stay away from him,” he warns. I glance very quickly over to this Zagan and notice that he’s staring at me. I have never felt the caress of such darkness before. He’s just as ugly and corrupt as the Queen.

  A loud bang sounds and everyone’s attention goes toward the doors. The guards announce the Queen, and she glides in with a flourish. If I thought my dress was stunning, it’s nothing compared to hers. She looks otherworldly.

  The dress is done in shades of black and gray. It matches the décor, as I thought it would, but it makes the whole thing come together. The top is off the shoulders and low cut. You can see the swell of her breasts, and her creamy skin contrasts with the darkness of the material. It’s form fitting to the waist and the skirts bellow out in waterfalls of fabric. It’s so thin and wispy it looks like she made out of spun sugar. The tips of the dress brush the hall floor and are a light gray, the color of clouds. The dress is a masterpiece. Sparkling diamonds accent it all over, so when she moves the light bounces off it, giving it the effect that she is twinkling.

  “You can close your mouth,” Grey says, tapping my shoulder. I don’t know how he convinced Cass to sit in the third chair. It fits him though being my second guy. His power is so much stronger than I originally thought. His white wings are on display for all to see. They are ruffled and you can tell he is irritated, but he’s gorgeous nonetheless.

  “Sorry, she’s just so stunning,” I say, closing my mouth and turning to the guys. Their masks are back on, showing no emotion. I can feel Gunn is uneasy as she walks toward the dais. He hates her.


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