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One and Done (Island of Love Book 1)

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by Melynda Price

  Maybe Autumn had underestimated herself and she was more ready for this than she realized. She didn’t normally react to men, and there was no doubt about it, when she’d run into Doucher at the airport, her body had given her a heeey girl! Crushed up against him, she’d felt every one of his rock-hard muscles. And his scent… Lord, have mercy. That spicy masculine scent was simply divine. She couldn’t remember the last time a guy made her that hot. Too bad it had to be the asshat on the plane who’d done it. But she’d take it as a good sign. If she could feel chemistry with him, then there was hope she’d find someone at the bar who could spark her fire. She just hoped she wasn’t working with wet wood. Before the self-doubt could begin to creep back in, Autumn pushed the thoughts of having meaningless, no strings attached sex out of mind.

  She still had a few hours before she needed to get ready for her unsuspecting date, and Operation: One and Done would commence. Slipping into her adorably cliché teeny-weenie-yellow-polka-dot-bikini, Autumn decided to catch some rays. She was a true redhead, and for most people of the ginger variety, that would be a serious issue, but not her. She was a total day-walker, meaning she could tan her little ass off without burning to a complete crisp and peeling like a leper.

  Without further ado, she slathered on the 70 SPF and hit the beach. On the way out the door, Autumn grabbed her towel, sunglasses, and a smutty romance novel, because living vicariously through fictional characters was all the action she’d been getting. And she’d liked it that way too. It was safe, and Autumn got to fall in love over and over again without worrying about getting her heart broken.

  Not bothering with shoes, Autumn slid the patio door closed and buried her toes in the warm sand. Halfway to the water, she realized she’d left her cell inside, but decided not to turn back. As of right now, she was officially on vacation. Picking a smooth, undisturbed spot of sand, she spread out her beach towel and sprawled onto it, exhaling a big sigh. The sun felt amazing. It was like getting a big hug from God, enveloping her in a warm, comforting embrace.

  Shutting down her mind of all extraneous thoughts, she refused to let herself dwell on anything but the sound of lapping waves and the rustle of palm leaves cackling in the breeze. Occasionally the wind would gust, sending the briny sea air across her sweat-beaded skin, the coolness buffering the intensity of the rays.

  Wow, I needed this. As she lay there basking in the sun, the crazy thought briefly crossed her mind, what if I never go back?

  It was quite possible the Island of Love had captured her under its spell, because Autumn was totally smitten.

  The afternoon passed too quickly, and before she knew it, it was time to get ready for her “date”. On her way to the shower, she glanced at her cell and saw she had a missed call from an unknown number. The area code was from the island, which was strange. Who could possibly be calling her and why didn’t they leave a message? Before she could ponder the question any longer, another text message came through.

  Hey, this is Balen. The guy you ran into at the airport. I think I have something you want.

  What the hell? First of all, how in the frick did he get her number? And second of all, this jackass probably thought every woman wanted what he had. Pissed off and a little creeped out, Autumn fired back a response.

  Trust me, you don’t. That wasn’t entirely true, but she’d be damned if she admitted it. Autumn hit send and was about to toss her cell onto the bed when her phone chimed again.

  Trust me, I do.

  What an arrogant, cocksure…doucher! Someone needed to put this guy in his place. And she was just the girl to do it. Listen jackass, just because you’re hot, that does not give you the right to go around sexting women you don’t know.

  I’m not sexting you.

  Pleeease…Mr. I’ve Got Something You Want. Barf! It feels like sexting to me. She shot back and hit send.

  Then you’ve never been properly sexted.

  Oh, smack! Seriously? Autumn’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. She didn’t even know how to respond to that, and she wasn’t sure that she should. Before a decision could be made, her phone went off again with another message.

  Would you like me to show you the difference?

  Autumn couldn’t begin to explain why, but the offer sent the heat in her cheeks rushing between her legs. This was ridiculous. She didn’t even like the guy. But in her defense, creeper or not, Balen might possibly be the most gorgeous man she’d ever met, and the idea of him texting dirty things made her hotter than it should. Not that she’d ever take him up on his offer, but why, God why, did all the beautiful men have to be such asshats?

  How did you get my number?

  Your customs form. You dropped it at the airport. Like I said, you’re going to want what I’ve got.

  Oh… Well, shit. She did need that back. Maybe he wasn’t such a creeper after all. Autumn’s phone chimed again.

  FYI, you should probably keep better track of your stuff.

  Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep that in mind the next time I run into a human wall. Damn. How was she going to get that form back?

  Have dinner with me.

  Really? I don’t think so.

  Why not? You already said you think I’m hot.

  I did not.

  Yes, you did. You said, listen jackass, just because you’re hot, that does not give you the right to go around sexting women you don’t know. You definitely called me hot.

  Despite herself, a bubble of laughter escaped. I called you a jackass.

  You don’t know me well enough yet to make that call.

  Are you saying I’m wrong? She challenged, enjoying their banter more than she probably should.

  I’m saying have dinner with me and find out.

  Autumn was about to decline his “gracious” offer for the second time, but then a thought crossed her mind. Doucher was ridiculously gorgeous, and she already knew she had chemistry with the guy. Just accidentally running into him had lit her up like the fourth of July. Besides, she didn’t get that serial killer vibe from him, so she was pretty sure he wasn’t going to turn her into a skin suit. He may be an arrogant, cocksure ass, but no one said she had to like him to fuck him.

  In fact, that would be preferable. Less chance her heart would get involved. The more she thought about it, Balen would be a perfect One and Done. If she was going to do this, she wanted it to be with someone who made her hot, because the sad truth was, not many men did. Plus, it would take some of the stress out of the night if she already knew who she was going to end up with. And this way, she could start drinking that much sooner.

  All right. I’ll have dinner with you. Meet me at Ambrosia in an hour.

  Chapter Four

  Balen couldn’t believe it. She said yes, and now he was worried because that was way too easy. Truthfully, he was a little disappointed she didn’t make him work harder for it. Autumn didn’t seem like the type of woman to cave so quickly. It amused him that she thought he was sexting her. How sheltered was she? There were so many dirty words rolling through his head, things he’d love to say to that woman if he were sexting her.

  Since that suitcase had come crashing down on his head and he’d looked up to find Autumn standing behind that frazzled blonde, Balen hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. Something about that woman made him feel like he was racing head-on into a tidal wave, and if he wasn’t careful, he’d get caught in her riptide and she would pull him under.

  “Bay, you made it home?” Connor called from the living room then stopped in Balen’s doorway. “Oh hey, man. About time you got back. How about you, me, and the Doublemint twins tonight? What’d ya say?”

  Balen’s brother strolled into his bedroom, dripping sea water all over the place. He didn’t care that the guy had his twenty-thousand-dollar Makaha under his arm, but he did mind that he was wearing Balen’s board shorts. Bro or not, there was just some shit you shouldn’t have to share. “Stay out of my fucking drawers, man.” Balen grabbed a towel
off his bed and chucked it at Connor. “You’re getting water all over the place.” He’d been gone a week and the guy acted like he owned the place.

  “Fine. Jeez.” Connor propped Balen’s surfboard against the closet door and started toweling off. “You don’t have to be such a little bitch about it,” he grumbled, giving Balen shit because that’s what Connor did. He dished it out and Balen gave it right back. That was the way they rolled.

  “I told you before I don’t want your junk in my trunks. Mi casa es su casa, but buy your own fucking board shorts, man.”

  Connor dropped-drawers right where he stood, letting all his shit hang out. Dude had no shame whatsoever. He hooked the shorts with his toe and lobbed them toward Balen. They hit the tile floor with a splat, about four feet from their intended target. Balen swore to God if that little shit wasn’t buck-ass naked and his best friend, he’d have beaten the ever-loving hell out of him.

  “So…you, me, and the twins?”

  “Can’t.” Balen slipped into a shirt and started on the buttons, going with the slightly dressy but still casual look. Normally, he’d be in a wife-beater and shorts, but Ambrosia was a pretty classy restaurant, and he didn’t want to attract any more attention than he already did. “Brad’s up my ass about some goddamn sex tape. I gotta stay on the DL.”

  “Yeah, he already called me. I’m taking care of it. FYI, you might want to make sure the curtains are closed when you’re staying on the ground floor.”

  Balen chuckled, though in all seriousness, it really wasn’t a laughing matter. That shit had a way of coming back to haunt you. “Thanks, man.”

  Connor secured the towel around his waist and shrugged. “That’s why you pay me the big bucks.”

  “To keep my dick off social media?”

  “Pretty much. So, are we doing this, or what?”

  “Sorry. I have a date.” He walked into the bathroom to tame his hair. It was a bit longer than he liked it, but the sponsors preferred it that way. They thought it fit the whole surfer image, so…whatever.

  “Seriously?” Connor called from the bedroom.

  Balen could hear him walking around in there. Dude better be putting some fucking clothes on.

  “You’re not going out with me?”

  Balen wasn’t sure why he cared. His brother was a good-looking guy and he did not need him to get laid. If anything, Balen hurt his game, because, well, yeah…

  But there was no sibling rivalry with them. Connor was happy for Balen’s success, and Balen didn’t mind sharing the fruits of his labor. Besides, his brother was a damn good publicist—best in the business. He had to be in order to deal with Balen’s publicity nightmares. But in all seriousness, he loved having his brother living with him. The place was too quiet, too empty without him. Connor kept Balen grounded—kept him humble—because there was no way he could think he was the shit when his little brother was tossing his wet drawers at him.

  Balen finished brushing his teeth—spit, rinsed, and said, “Sorry, brah. Not tonight. And just so you know, I think the Doublemint Twins are switching things up on us.”

  “Yeah? How’s that?”

  “I’m pretty sure Carlie doesn’t have a cute heart-shaped freckle on her ass.”

  “Huh…” Connor sounded thoughtful, as if the idea had never occurred to him before now. “I wondered where that went.”

  Autumn had hoped the walk along the beach to Ambrosia would help calm her jangling nerves. It didn’t. Her shoes dangled from her hand as she let her toes sink into the sand. She didn’t want to think about how many times she’d changed outfits before settling on a halter-style navy blue sundress Summer had picked out for her when they’d gone shopping for their trip. It hung just above her knees. The scarf-like material was light and airy, making her feel like she barely wore anything at all. The dress had a built-in shelf, allowing her to forgo the bra. The freedom was scandalous and exhilarating because her 36Ds were not used to being this unconfined.

  She wore a light brushing of make-up to blend her sun freckles. Unaccustomed to the heat, she’d pulled her hair up into a twist. The last thing she needed was to break a sweat during dinner. The anxiety humming through her veins had already spiked her temperature enough. A few rogue tendrils escaped the up-do but she conceded defeat and let them hang.

  Before entering Ambrosia, Autumn dusted the sand off her feet and slipped into her strappy sandals. She checked the clock on her cell and exhaled a sigh of relief. Perfect, she was early. Just enough time to have a drink—or two—before her “date” arrived. Butterflies were rampant in her stomach, causing a small wave of nausea to roll through her. She told herself it was because she knew how this night was going to end. The fluttery feeling was definitely not the anticipation of seeing Balen again. The hostess escorted Autumn to a table for two and asked if she could get her anything from the bar while she waited.

  “Could I please have a Captain Coke?” She supposed she could have ordered something a little more fitting for a tropical island, like a Pina colada or something. But if she was going to go through with Operation: One and Done, she was going to need something a bit stronger than that.

  With each passing minute, her nerves strung tighter, and her heart beat faster until her palms started to sweat. She tried to imagine sex with Balen, going through with her decision to reclaim her sexuality. Images of them together filled her mind with frightening ease. He struck her as a man who knew his way around a woman’s body. Not that she had a lot of personal experience to judge by, but she had a pretty creative mind, and the things she pictured him doing to her… Autumn’s cheeks heated with the tell-tale burn of embarrassment. Great, she’d made herself blush.

  Holy hell, it was hot in here. She grabbed the wine list and began fanning herself as thoughts of sand, the surf, and Balen’s gorgeous face buried between her legs made her shift in her seat. Autumn had chosen a lacy thong to wear, and was now questioning the brilliance of that decision. All this squirming in her chair was making her panties rub some sensitive places.

  Thankfully, the waitress returned with her drink and it was going down before she could walk away. Autumn hailed her for one more before she could get too far. Twenty minutes and two Captain Cokes later, Autumn felt much more relaxed. She’d almost convinced herself she had this—piece of cake. Easy as riding a bicycle…only problem was, she still had the training wheels on and one of her tires was flat.

  Crap, what was she thinking? A wave of panic gripped her and another hot flash ensued. Autumn resumed fanning herself, and was giving considerable merit to sneaking out of here and bailing on the whole idea, when in walked her date. His eyes searched the restaurant and quickly lit on her. The moment they made contact, she forgot to breathe and her wine-list fan froze in the air. Her heart was ready to gallop out of her chest. The man was more gorgeous than she remembered. Autumn had always been attracted to tall, muscular men. There was just something arousing and undeniably feminine about being with a man that towered over her.

  Balen gave her a smile from across the room that would melt the panties off a nun and made his way over. She downed the last of her liquid courage, setting the empty glass beside the other one.

  “Am I late?” He nodded to her Captain Coke line-up.

  “No. I got here early.”

  Balen took the seat across from her. His expression was inscrutable, leaving her to wonder what he was thinking, but she was fully aware of every place his eyes landed. His gaze was like a caress and she could feel her nipples puckering under his bold, studious stare. Autumn hoped the ruching of her top was thick enough to hide her attraction to the man. The tingling awareness sent a direct current into her core and she couldn’t resist shifting in her seat. She bit her bottom lip to hold back her groan as her thong rubbed against her sensitive folds.

  She was buzzed just enough to dial down the filter between her mouth and her brain. “So, I believe you have something I want?” Autumn baited, letting the innuendo hang in the air.
r />   The corner of his mouth ticked up. It was a sexy grin she was sure he’d perfected for occasions such as this. She could almost see that hint of a dimple make an appearance.

  “I do. You want me to give it to you right now?”

  “That’s why I’m here. You’re not going to make me beg, are you?” He had no idea she was here for so much more than that, but Autumn wasn’t ready to tip her hand just yet. She was going to need a few more drinks before that happened.

  Something flashed in his eyes. She was no expert, but it looked a lot like lust. “Only if you want to, Autumn.”

  At the sound of her name on his lips, her eyes locked on his and she could feel a niggling of sobriety struggling to break through her buzz. Suddenly this felt too intimate, too real…

  Maybe he felt it too because Balen shifted in the chair and reached under the table. She imagined him readjusting himself. Was he as aroused as she was? The air between them felt electric, her nerve endings tingled with awareness… But then he produced a folded piece of paper and handed it to her. “You’re going to need this when you leave the country next week.”

  He hadn’t been readjusting anything, she realized with disappointment. The man had been reaching into his pocket. Perhaps her imagination was getting away from her, embellished by the aid of the good Captain Morgan. “You could have just given this back to me at the airport, you know.”

  He shrugged. “I had to take a call. By the time I was finished, you were gone. Besides, I wanted the excuse to see you again.”

  Was it honesty or arrogance that had him confessing this to her? But she was just intoxicated enough that it didn’t matter. Summer’s words echoed in her mind. “Get back on that horse.” And Autumn had no doubt that a prized stallion was sitting across from her. She lifted her empty glass to order another.

  Autumn was still functioning in the rational side of her brain. She knew this because there were enough thoughts running through her head trying to convince her that this might not be such a great idea. She was a novice rider, considering getting on a green-broke Mustang.


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