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My Dead America

Page 13

by Frank Weltner

  “We were a hopeless people all along,” Helen said.

  “I agree,” Frank said. “Every city we explore is filled with the emptiness that we used to fill with our collective shopping sprees. Even I was not immune to it. Now we can see that it was not even a necessity.”

  “We bought this shit, because we felt we needed it. Maybe we did it to make certain we got a little something that everyone else had. No other reason. It was perhaps a fight for our territorial rights,” Bob surmised. “We must have been out of our minds.”

  “No,” Helen said. “We were advertised into believing we needed some of everything.”

  “It was an abuse of our privacy,” Frank mused in a quiet voice, almost dreamlike inside its ghostly context. “Even in our homes, they were shaking their chalky cereals in our faces, telling us how good it was. But it was never good. The taste usually just wasn't there. It was hype, and we fell for it. Now that we own all of it, because there's no one else alive to take it from us, we suddenly don't give a damn.”

  “Gone with the Wind,” Helen said to him.

  “You mean, like “Frankly, Scarlette, I don't give a damn!'” Frank asked her?

  “That's right.” Donna said. “And Clark Gable who said that got a $5,000 fine from the film commissioner for cussing like that.”

  “And laughed himself and his dimples all the way to his bank,” Bob said.

  Bob jumped onto the closest cash register area and flung his arms artistically into the air with total flamboyance, shouting, "Frankly, Scarlette, I don't give a damn!"

  Helen jumped on the sales counter closest to her and reached for the ceiling with both arms, pretending she was on Broadway.

  "Frankly, Scarlette, I don't give a damn!" she shouted.

  Then it was Frank's turn.

  "Frankly, Scarlette, I don't give a damn!"

  Soon they were all standing atop the register tables and chanting the mantra of a world that was gone forever from the film, “Gone With the Wind.”

  "Frankly, Scarlette, I don't give a damn!"

  "Frankly, Scarlette, I don't give a damn!"

  "Frankly, Scarlette, I don't give a damn!"

  After they stopped, they climbed down.

  It was sobering.

  Somewhere down the hall, they heard the chant being taken up by their friends who were out there patrolling other mall shops.

  "Frankly, Scarlette, I don't give a damn!"

  The chant was going viral inside the huge temple of materialism.

  Everyone wanted to sing it out.

  "Frankly, Scarlette, I don't give a damn!"

  Page 9

  Chapter Fifteen

  Death Knell

  A turning point had been reached. The rich were holed up, refusing to come out. The word had gotten to them. Even the soldiers and policemen who had been their friends, including hand selected FBI agents who were sworn banking agents, were now afraid for their future. The FBI promised to protect all worldwide banking criminals no matter what they had done. One of the troubles with our world and our nation had always been the manner in which its hired security forces had absolutely no consciences. Throughout history, these armed forces had protected some of the worst leaders. In Rome, they protected the Caesars including Nero, Caligula, and Diocletian, whom history now portrays as Rome's sadistic, imperial Christian slayers. In 20th Century Europe, they had protected Hitler, Stalin, Trotsky, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Mussolini. Security guards like this just didn't care how evil or militarist and devious these persons were, they stood ready to kill for them, even stepping in front of bullets to save them. The secret services hiding inside these earthen graves knew that these banking criminals had corrupted the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, NIH, and CDC in the outright murder of ninety-eight-percent of the Earth's population, yet they were holed up inside their bunkers and these pathetic service men assigned to their protection were still ready to die for them. Those whose families were not invited into the bunkers for safety were disappointed, but they mostly just sucked it up and remained totally loyal to the bankers who had killed their loved ones. They willingly died along with the rest of mankind in the service of these evil denizens who had murdered seven billion people worldwide. All dissent among these secret services was met with instant imprisonment and death. None of them wanted much of that. Amid this sacred cadre of well-armed and self-centered fascists, the best of them always knew that they might well be forced to die with these banking and Wall Street criminals if they remained on their side and the tiny numbers of survivors in the populace turned on them, which they might. But these armed agents stayed anyway. After all, they already had the best seat in the house which had allowed them to live out the great dying, and they were, therefore, determined to ride it out, all of the way, to a successful and finally safe end. If forced outside, they might survive the virus using the immunity they had been granted, but they would have to hide and live in disgrace. If they were ever discovered to be the bankster turncoats they were, they would certainly be arrested, tried, and hanged by those very angry crowds that soon would be roaming the streets looking for them. So most of them stayed put. They figured death awaited them faster if they left the force than if they stayed and protected these killers as they had sworn to do. None of them were foolish enough to wish such a dire future outside all alone. Like everyone else who was left alive, they wanted to survive.

  These armed guards who faced the putrid wrath of an entire planet figured correctly that the only way to find some mercy was to kill the remaining ninety-nine-percenters first, before they armed themselves, trained themselves in correct military tactics, and assembled outside these bunkers all armed to the teeth and filled with enough anti-bank loathing to wipe the slate entirely clean, taking everyone inside the bunkers down including the enforcers with the weapons. The secret service men and women already knew the bankers themselves were bad allies to have. They would not cover the backs of their soldiers. In fact, if worse came to worse, the banksters would do anything to ensure their personal survival. One of the best ways, well tested in history, was to throw their soldiers to the wolves. Many rulers, even Emperors and Kings, had surrendered all of their soldiers to invaders in return for pardons and the right to maintain all or even part of their holdings. This was a consistent negotiating tactic of the world's leaders at war's end. After all, once their forces were defeated and the war game was at an end, the immediate surrender of troops didn't cost the losers much. Their troops were already defeated and about to be captured. But to the invader, that surrender was important. For one thing, the invaders had usually fought themselves into a condition of near extermination of their own armies. They had sacrificed thousands of men and units. Their dead soldiers were left in the fields behind the advancing lines, unburied, unmourned, and eaten by the dogs that followed their armies waiting for the final suppers where they could tear fresh flesh from the bones.

  So it was that bunkers in New York City and in Boston which were the first to meet a wrath-filled Armageddon of citizen retribution, taught the rebels all they needed to know about how to take down the other bunkers, kill the bankers hiding inside them taking out even their relatives and their corrupted, well-paid government leaders. For instance, holed up in these well-stocked underground bunkers were not only the owners and families of the banks, finance companies, and investment firms but many of their government toadies who were state and national senators, representatives, justices, governors, sheriffs, and jail guards. In addition, they had professors, medical doctors, scientists, cooks, and all of the others needed to restore their lives of privilege at an even higher level after they rose up from the dead and made their way from bunker to sunshine. They fully expected to easily retake their rightful places at the heads of entire societies where their corrupt usury, taxation, and control of minds through monopolization of all of their restored media properties would ensure that the people would be mentally reshackled to total acceptance of the new reality. That way, they'd ha
ve all of the usual human slaves to wait upon them in restaurants, luxury hotels, and whatever else they wanted to reopen for their crafty utilization of almost all of the world's remaining properties. They'd always gotten their way, and, with these armed guards, weapons, and medicines, they expected those outside would be so glad to see them that assuming their authority would seem like simply and graciously answering the popular call of most surviving citizens to help them rebuild their society. They figured that they would just retake their rightful positions behind artistically arranged desks where they would make all of the decisions that would affect everyone in the world other than themselves, as they had always done in the past, and to do it exactly as they determined it should be done. They also figured, the little people as always, would line up and follow them just as they had always been trained to do. After all, people rarely rebelled against their rulers. That was what allowed this absolute travesty of death and dying to raise its ugly head in the first place. Now, all around the world, the great dying had begun to wind itself down. Most of the damage was over. Surely, the few survivors would be unorganized and afraid, and like the defeated Sioux Indians of 150 years ago, they'd come forward of their own volition and swear allegiance to the new world order for a bite of food, clothing, and a job where they could re-establish their loyalty and enslavement to the rich and governing cadres even if they were the very ones who had destroyed their entire planet and murdered their families. However, most of them were stupid and wouldn't even know that. In addition, nothing brings real respect faster than having your asses completely beaten and your family totally wiped out. Sure. They'd come forward and do whatever they could to unknowingly kiss the ass of their killers. This was planet Earth, and that's the way things had always been done here.

  In Cincinnati, a group of reactionaries attacked the police stations, pulling out the uniformed cops and stomping them into the concrete in front of their buildings. Then, they proceeded to the most expensive areas, looking for survivors who owned the largest estates. There, they found the bunkers, food, fuel, weapons, and armed guards. Most of the bankers, learning their bunkers were surrounded were terrified. Even with sufficient troops to protect them, bankers, speculators, CEO's, and their families were smart enough to want a sure thing instead. So, they did what they always did. Rather than trust to fate and bravery of their troops, they offered to surrender. Their terms were simple. They would give up their arms and their troops for a guarantee of safe passage out of the area. They thought this ploy would work for them. Little did they know what was in store.

  The surrender was signed. As a part of the deal, all of the bunker locations were identified and maps of them provided, and their armed guards surrendered to the ninety-nine-percenters. These guards were summarily disarmed and marched away to abandoned jails where they were immediately held for further disposition. The guards figured they'd be pardoned and set free, after which they'd head right toward the bankers again who would pay them to get all of their wealth back from these upstarts. That would not happen. The people had been killed without mercy, and the guards, soldiers, bankers, and politicians would receive exactly that in return. Nothing less than their total annihilation including the extermination of their women and children and all of their relatives would be a betrayal of justice. The seven billion victims of the rich around the world whose deaths these evil people had planned and carried out with no remorse or conscience whatsoever deserved to be revenged just as totally. The one-percent who planned the death of so many humans worldwide would receive what they had given. They were judged and exterminated along with their entire system of exploitation that drove them to the conclusion that the people of the entire world didn't have the gumption to protect themselves or to avenge themselves later, so why not just exterminate them entirely and not have to supply them with food, land, and fuel? And that is what they set out to do and accomplished. After all, in the words of one of their greatest and most heartless leaders, Henry Kissinger, the people of the United States of America were nothing but useless eaters, cannon fodder, and people to be done away with without one iota of regret. The filthy ninety-nine-percent who were poor white and black trash would be exterminated as the trailer trash they were already considered to be. After all, if they were so willing to be enslaved workers for the rich banks, then they would accept even their deaths and be quiet about it.

  Once the soldiers and armed guards were in the jails and the doors locked behind them, the bankers gave the people an inventory of all of the holdings inside the bunkers, expecting in accordance with their treaty that they'd soon be given it back. Unfortunately for them, the leaders of the people were a bit smarter than the bankers and senators gave them credit for. Their leaders wanted to know the secret hiding places not only of all of their other bunkers, but that of the weapons, food, fuel, and machinery they had stashed away to use against the survivors of the great dying. Then, they would let them go.

  But they didn't. They lied.

  They knew these conspirators were beyond redemption and could never be trusted again after what they had done in murdering seven billion people world wide. If released with their stash, they would use those weapons and all of the other materials to regain their control of the local, state, and national regions, piece by piece. Once freed by the ninety-nine-percenters who had captured them, the bankers would be free to attack them all over again. Then, they would have a chance to regain their unfair control over the Earth's resources and begin the killing again.

  That didn't happen. It would never happen. The lessons had been learned, and they were written in all the deaths the world had experienced at their greedy inhumane hands.

  The people used what they had gotten from their betrayers to protect the human race which was the knowledge of how totally evil the one-percenters were. None of them could ever be trusted. That meant that none of them could be freed to restart their conspiracies against humanity. The victors continued to arrest the bankers, politicians, military officers, and everyone else who had sworn their sadistic allegiance to the new world order. They arrested and executed each and every one of them. That meant death to each and every one of the greedy 1% and their families so no one would survive to do it again. The people knew that they were the ones who had murdered their own families without remorse in the name of more and more greed. They had been the people who ran the endless wars and torture prisons that threatened the world and the American nation with endless slavery to the evil Washington hegemony in the District of Columbia where inhuman agencies had been built under the Patriot Act, NDAA, and other traitorous legislation passed by the domestic enemies of the Constitution. In short, those whom they exterminated had destroyed most freedoms for the ninety-nine-percenters who owned practically nothing in favor of the one-percent who owned everything and seemingly always would, even to the point of killing almost all of mankind with the plague they themselves had developed. There was no way any of them would be allowed to survive. If they were ever set free, they would only do it again.

  So, with this in mind, Bob Thornton and his second in command, Rod Billingsly, took the bankers out in small groups and began laying what they called “the meat hooks” into them. They didn't really have meat hooks, but many in their groups would have gladly used them if they had them. There was no love lost between the betrayed and their betrayers any more. Most people knew in their minds and hearts that these murderers of their families needed to reveal everything they knew before they exterminated them in accordance with the perfect justice that these same banking goons and their government shills had planned for their own families who were now nearly wiped out.

  “You aren't really going to torture me, are you? I mean there is still such a thing as civilization. Surely, you will grant me the right not to be tormented again and again,” Solomon Benjamin Kagan, President of the Banking Consortium of Greater Cincinnati, pleaded.

  Thornton smashed Kagan's nose sideways with his fist. Thornton watched as it curved to th
e left and rested on it's injured side like the beached triangle of reddening human nostril it had become. He reached down at the trembling conspirator and moved his dislodged nostril as though it were a mere plaything.

  “Does that hurt,” Thornton asked?

  “Not too much,” Kagan said.

  “I can change that,” Thornton said.

  “I really wish you'd stop.”

  “I am sure you do. And, by the way, Mr. Kagan, we really wished you hadn't murdered billions of human beings out of your undying greed including the deaths of our sons, daughters, wives, mothers, and friends while you alone took the vaccine and survived your plagues quite nicely in your bunkers.”

  Thornton motioned to his second in command, Mr. Rod Billingsly, to come forward. He whispered into Billingsly's ear, but Kagan could not hear what Bob Thornton had said.

  Rod approached Solomon Kagan.

  “Want to be roughed up for starters, Solomon?”

  “Oh, no. I wouldn't like that at all. We gave you our soldiers. We gave you everything we had.”

  “Life has it's little disappointments, Sol.”

  Sol frowned. “Listen, we have a contract with you. That agreement, which your representative signed along with us, calls for our safe passage out of here and far away from people like you along with all of our property which you promised to give back to us. You are supposed to send us to places where we can never hurt you again.”

  “I canceled that contract,” Rod Thornton said. “I wasn't consulted on it. Besides, we just signed it to get you to give up. Not that it made any difference. We would have gotten into your bunkers easily. We got into all your bunkers. We posed as your friends, as bankers like you, and left viruses in them. If we had done that to your bunkers the viruses would have killed you in which case you and your relatives would already be dead.”

  “Then why didn't you do that?”


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