Tattooed Love

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Tattooed Love Page 2

by Simone Elise

  Adam Shield. The one I never could describe properly. He was quiet compared to the rest. Still loved the club as much as his brothers, but he didn’t like blood. He didn’t get a thrill out of ending a man’s life, and, when he could, he avoids confrontation.

  “Did Troy pull strings?” I asked as Cole kicked the shed door open. I couldn’t stay at one of my houses because I had to be with an upstanding citizen.

  “Yeah, kinda. You’re staying with our father and little sister,” Cole informed me, as he straddled his bike.

  “You guys have a sister?” I questioned as I saddled my own motor bike.


  “She won’t get in the way, will she?” I asked with an eyebrow raised. The last thing I needed was to put up with a brat of a little girl.

  Cole let out a grunt.

  “She’s never home according to dad. Does dance or something. She shouldn’t be a problem.”

  I nodded my head and kick-started my motor bike.

  “Have fun at school,” he yelled with cockiness to his voice, as I took off.

  Time to drag my arse through another day of school.

  Bloody parole board.


  I pulled my sunnies down, seated on top of a picnic table, trying my best to stay awake. It had been a long and bloody weekend.

  “I can’t believe you tapped her!” Ian exclaimed to Joey next to me.

  “She was really good too,” Joey said proudly.

  I didn’t bother joining in; I didn’t have the energy. I watched as a small middle schooler was pushed forcefully to the ground. I then saw Amber Shields shoot the kid a dirty glare as she walked away.

  She didn’t seem to notice the kid cursing at her as she looked around the yard.

  Man, that chick had an attitude problem. I recalled the other night when I’d saved her from herself. I doubted she would remember as she was on another planet when I’d helped her out.

  I still can’t believe she lived in that place. What she wore, what she drove, all pointed to money, but, that trashy place I dropped her off to, said anything but money.

  “Man, that chick is hot,” Joey muttered with lust in his voice.

  Following his gaze, I noticed he was eyeing Amber.

  “Yeah, I heard she was linked to some big time gangster,” Ian joined in. These two lived for women; when they weren’t bragging about their latest score, they were lining a girl up.

  “Maybe that’s why she’s got that cut lip,” Joey commented.

  I looked a bit closer, and noticed that Amber’s lip was broken and swollen. Looks like she copped a good one to the face. Nearly as good as the one I got this morning.

  Though I doubted she was with a gangster, because if she was with a big time one, I would have seen her around.

  She was talking to Rachel as she approached us; she looked uninterested and tired as she casually smoked a cigarette.

  When she walked past us, she flipped the butt into Linda’s hair, which merited Linda’s shrill yell. It went right through me; I really didn’t need to hear that.

  Standing up, I put my foot on the butt and squashed it with my foot.

  “Your hair isn’t on fire, Linda,” I spoke as she was running her fingers through it, checking to see if it was.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled softly and sent me a small smile.

  I nodded my head, and walked towards the front doors of the school, cursing the bloody parole board once again for making it a condition of my bail to attend this damn place.

  The boys walked in behind me, and I already knew that I was about to waste another six hours of my life here.



  What was the point of history?

  It was a pointless subject. In fact, I found nearly all subjects at school pointless, but history was the one I found most pointless. I knew I would never use it. I was either going to end up in a juvenile center before I turned eighteen, or, if I got it my way, I was going be on the known criminal list.

  Regardless of what happened, I knew this subject ‘history’ would not play a part in my life.

  So I was staring out the window, watching intently as the school gardener tried to mow over the rocks.

  “Amber.” I heard my teacher’s voice and whipped my head to the front of the class.

  Our teacher, Mr Woods, had his back to us and was writing on the whiteboard. I looked closely, and I noticed he was pairing students together, writing our names down next to each other.

  I skimmed the list and stopped at my name, waiting for Mr Woods to finish writing my partner’s name. He finished and moved aside.


  Just bloody great.

  I glanced around the room, and spotted the pinhead in the middle, talking to one of his mates.

  “Ok class, listen up” Mr Woods spoke loudly trying to get our attention. “So, as you can see, I have paired each of you up with a classmate. Your partner will be your partner for the following assignment. Some of you already know what you have to do – put together a written report on World War II, and then research one soldier from the war, which you will present in an oral report at the end of the month.”

  I groaned inwardly.

  “Go on then,” he continued. “Pair up, and complete the question sheet on my desk.”

  All of a sudden, I was filled with more unreasonable hatred towards him. I hated Mr Woods.

  He had just forced me into a whole month of one-on-one time with Jackson bloody Johnston.

  What was he thinking pairing me up with that pinhead!

  I angrily looked out the window, trying to remember what car Mr Woods drove so I could key some friendly advice into his paint work.

  The sound of a chair scraping against the floor brought my attention back to the classroom.

  Jackson sat in front of me, a bored expression on his face.

  I could honestly see why so many girls found him attractive, even with his cut lip and bruised jaw.

  He had black hair that spiked up in every direction, and a defined jaw with a six o’ clock shadow, though it was safe to state that his most attractive feature was his piercing dark eyes. I had only been able to look at them closely a few times; Jackson usually kept them hidden behind sunglasses, but the few times I had made eye contact, my breath had caught in my throat; those eyes were hauntingly dark.

  Pity he was such a pinhead.

  “Jackson.” His husky voice introduced himself.

  I let out a slow sigh.

  “Seriously? You’re introducing yourself?” I questioned.

  He shrugged his shoulders.

  “You know me, and I know you,” I stated, pushing my sunglasses up to the top of my head.

  “Think rather highly of ourselves, don’t we, Miss Amber Shields,” he said cockily.

  I rolled my eyes. “Point proven,” I replied, and I leaned back into my chair.

  A small smirk appeared on the corner of his lips, and then quickly disappeared.

  “Just get the assignment done, and hand me what I need to read on D day. I don’t have time to deal with teachers breathing down my neck about stupid assignments so just make sure it gets done,” he ordered, pulling out his phone as it vibrated.

  He just ordered me. I was gobsmacked for a moment. I watched as he frowned at whatever he was reading.

  I let out a soft chuckle.

  “Something amusing you?” he asked, not taking his eyes off his phone.

  “Depends on what you classify as funny I guess,” I replied softly.

  He didn’t respond.

  I tapped my finger on the table, while his attention was on his phone.

  Taking my eyes off the pinhead, I scanned the classroom; all partners in the room were immersed in discussions with each other.

  I watched Linda, one of the cheerleaders, laugh and talk to one of her girlfriends. It looked like she had moved on from the episode this morning, when I had used her hair for an ashtray.

  I lean
ed over to a neighboring desk and took a handful of pencils. No one even noticed, so engrossed were they in their discussion.

  I lined the pencil up, aiming at Linda’s head, and flicked it.

  It fell short.


  I lined another one up.

  “And what do you find so amusing?” Jackson suddenly quipped.

  “Huh?” I replied, bringing my attention back to him. He was still staring at his phone when I shot him a quick glance. My mind snapped back to our previous conversation. “Nothing really,” I replied, closing one eye while I lined up my next hit.

  I flicked the pencil and it fell short again.

  “Darn.” I muttered.

  Jackson pulled up his chair alongside mine and picked up a pencil. “Explain,” he prompted, rolling a pencil in between his fingers.

  “I won’t be doing the assignments,” I announced nonchalantly, closing one eye again while taking aim.“You will.”

  “Nope. I won’t be. I don’t give a toss whether we pass or fail,” I pointed out, and flicked the pencil. This time it went too far.

  Bloody hell, what was wrong with me today?

  “Don’t have a very good aim, do you?” Jax teased.

  I gave him a pointed look, and flicked the pencils one after the other, willing for one to hit her. As luck would have it, I missed her every time. Pencils littered the floor around her, but she was too slow to even notice.

  “Watch and learn little girl,” Jax said, and I watched as the pencil glided through the air and hit Linda square in the back of the head.

  “OUCH! What the hell?” she yelled, turning around to glare at me.

  A soft chuckle left my lips. “Nice,” I complimented him. Jax smirked and stood up. “I did you a favor, now do the assignments”. In that moment, the bell rang, and he began to make his way out of the classroom.

  He didn’t even give me a chance to reply and push the point home. Oh well. I would not be doing the history assignment.


  I lived with my father. Not because I wanted to, but because I had no other choice. Dad was a typical businessman, driven by money and status. He loved two things – money, and the things money bought.

  He loved me, I knew that for sure, but he loved me in a particular way. His way of showing me how much he loved me was making sure my account never dried up; I wanted for nothing, and that I had an endless supply of high end cars.

  I let out a slow sigh as I drove up to the mansion that housed just my father and I, and well, our endless staff.

  I had lived here my entire life, and I still felt like it was more of a display house than a home.

  I dragged my feet up the staircase to the entrance of the house. Another downside to this house was all the darn stairs.

  The sound of the closing front door echoed throughout the house behind me. I threw my backpack in the direction of a side table and it missed, hitting a vase instead, and sending it crashing to the floor.

  Great. I am not cleaning that up.

  What was with my aim today?

  I usually prided myself on my aim; my ability to aim my gun and not miss a target, but today was just not my day. I couldn’t even manage to flick a pencil across the room. If Blake had witnessed that, he might have reconsidered my role in the gang.


  I knew that voice all too well. As luck would have it, dad was home early.

  I rolled my eyes and let my head fall back very dramatically. Why did he have to be home so early? I stomped into the living room and slumped into the armchair across from him.

  Like always, dad was sitting in his favorite armchair, drink in hand.

  “What?” I asked, sounding tired and uninterested.

  Dad looked up from his paperwork; his small glasses perched on his nose, still in his business suit. “We are having a guest move in with us for a while.”

  My eyes snapped wide open. He hadn’t let anyone stay here since my brothers had left.

  It had just been him and I.


  What could possibly have compelled him to let someone move in, or even come and stay for a short while?

  “A favor to your brothers,” he replied, sipping on his southern comfort.

  “A favor to my brothers?” I repeated. That didn’t make sense. Why would my brothers want anyone to stay with us?

  “He will be here soon,” I realized from his tone that the conversation had ended.

  I stood up and left the room, walking towards the staircase. I noticed flashing lights and looked out the window to see a car approaching. I quickly took the stairs, two at a time, and ran to my bedroom.

  As I closed my door softly, I heard our doorbell ring.

  I was in no mood to meet and make conversation with whoever was moving in. My opinion of my brothers was very low, and any friend of theirs wasn’t one of mine - it was that simple.


  It was a beautiful morning, and I skipped down the stairs two at a time. The chefs would have already planned breakfast. I was in the mood for some bacon, and, as I pushed the swinging doors to the kitchen open, the aroma of bacon and eggs filled the air.

  My mouth watered at the aroma, until, in a split second, my world came crashing down around me.

  No, it couldn’t be…

  Standing there in just his shorts, no shirt was none other than… Jackson Johnston.

  What was he…?

  How could this…?

  From what I could tell, he was just as shocked to see me as I was to see him. Seconds passed, minutes passed, and we just both stood there, staring at each other. Like maybe, just maybe, this couldn’t be happening!

  What was he doing in my house, topless? Who the hell invited him here? How the hell did he get in? From the expression on his face, he was asking himself the same question.

  How the hell was this happening right now?

  Surely, he couldn’t be my brothers’ friend.

  Could he?

  “They said they had a sister. I was expecting a ten year old,” Jackson said under his breath as he just stared at me, gobsmacked. “I never put your last name with theirs,” he said out loud.

  “So, you’re the friend of my brothers’?” I finally said something, after clearing my throat.

  “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  My expression hardened immediately hearing that. “Well then, you are no friend of mine.”

  And suddenly, I had lost my appetite.

  Chapter 2

  I didn’t know who was going to speak next, but I had a strong need to run; like go back in time and not be hungry, and never come in here and see him!

  How the hell did he know my brothers? My brothers were… there weren’t words to describe them. I loathed them. Because they left me here, with dad. They’re liars, and not even very good ones.

  Jax opened his mouth and I’m sure he was about to say something smart, when my father walked into the kitchen.

  ”Oh good, you’ve met Jackson,” he said casually.

  I stood there, frozen.




  Shock again.

  The flurry of emotions was hard to handle.

  “Amber, close your mouth. It’s rude,” Dad pointed out, walking towards the table and picking up a piece of toast.

  I snapped my mouth shut; I hadn’t even realized it had been open. I somehow moved my legs and walked towards the kitchen island, slumping on a stool. My beautiful morning, turned into a nightmare as soon as my eyes landed on Jackson.

  I couldn’t have people at school know I lived in a mansion and that I had more money in my bank account than their parents would make in a year. I couldn’t have that. I had a reputation! Sure, it wasn’t a very good one when it came to school, but I still had one.

  I glanced at Jax. He was rubbing the back of his neck, and his eyes were fixed on me. He seemed pretty shocked himself.

  I stared at the toast. I was
anything but hungry.

  Only the appearance of Jackson Johnston could ruin my unhealthy need for bacon in the morning.

  After having seen Jax with his top off, I doubt I would ever be able to eat in this room again.

  He had scarred me.

  Dad took the stool next to me.

  “I received a phone call from the local police today, Amber” Dad said, striking up a conversation I immediately wanted to end. Me and the police never go well.


  “Your license has been suspended again.” The disapproval in his voice was clear. I don’t know how many times he had been dragged in by the police because of me. Surprisingly, he always spoke on my behalf and usually got me out of it.

  He had power, connections, and money. All things in my favor, but it seemed like he wasn’t using them this time.

  “I told them you would stay off the roads this time. Three months,” he added with a tone to say I had to do what I was told.

  I slammed my fists down on the island counter.

  “Do not start Amber” he warned, giving me a pointed look.

  Jax walked towards us, and took a stool at one corner of the island. Looks like he had discovered he could walk again; maybe the shock of seeing me was wearing off? I glared at him, seeing red. If he was a friend of my brothers’, he was certainly nothing but a scum bastard.

  “Jax and you attend the same school. Perhaps you could ride together?” Dad asked, looking over at Jackson.

  I rolled my eyes dramatically.

  “I’d be happy to give you a ride,” Jax said politely, looking at me.

  My mouth dropped open! What a Kiss Ass! I could count on one hand, actually on one finger, how many times Jax had spoken to me, and now he was offering to take me to school? Well, he could go and get fucked.

  “That’s very nice of you Jax, you are a good man!” Dad praised.

  Dad shot me a disapproving look when I didn’t immediately start saying thank you. One glance at me, and he could see something was wrong.

  “Something wrong Amber?” he questioned.

  Not at all dad, seriously, everything is just peachy. I am over the moon with this morning’s events. Of course, I never said any of this out loud.


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