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Fight Like A Girl

Page 16

by A. D. Herrick

  “Shank ran upstairs after the girl while the guys circled Marco. I watched as they shouted at him about money. Marco just shook his head screaming he didn’t know what they were talking about. Finally, they’d had enough. One of the guys slit his throat burying the machete in his chest.

  When Shank came downstairs empty handed the hounds were pissed. Shank assured him he would turn over the girl. He told them it was all part of his plan. I watched as they all left. Once I was sure they were gone I snuck back inside searching for any survivors.

  I’d locked the doors and turned off the music. No one was alive. There was no one left but the girl. I couldn’t leave her there man. I couldn’t leave her alone in case they came back but I didn’t want to scare her so I hid downstairs and waited.

  I knew the moment she woke up. Her screams. They’ll haunt me for the rest of my life. But damned if they weren’t music to my ears. She was heartbroken but she was alive.” The words were soft but I heard them. He had stayed when he could have walked away. He stayed to be sure my girl was safe.

  “Thank you for looking after her.” I meant it too.

  “It didn’t work.” He shouted angrily. “Fuck.” He roared out in anguish as he tugged on the tuffs of his hair.

  “I’d barely made it out before the cleanup crew arrived. I was going to warn you but didn’t know how to explain it. How would it look when the only survivor of an MC survived a hit and showed up claiming one of your own had done it? How would it have looked?” He cried out on the verge of a breakdown.

  “It wouldn’t have fared well, I can tell you that.” I hated to admit it, but he was right so I didn’t say anything, allowing him to get it all out.

  “I tracked him down. Having some insight into who was working behind the scenes helped. I tried to get close to her. I tried to find where they were keeping the girls.

  I found her, ya know, my sister, Lola. I found her at the fight. She’d just taken your girl down. I was sickened by the sight of her. She was so thin and frail. Her clothes hung off her like rags. I’d gotten close enough to talk to her. The Hunters were too busy celebrating their win that they didn’t notice. I urged her to run away with me. Begged her to run. But she wouldn’t. She just stood there, staring straight past me. When I grabbed her hand to try and pull her away she screamed. She screamed this blood-curdling scream that nearly pierced my eardrums.

  That’s when all eyes turned on me. I tried to play it off, telling them I was just trying to congratulate her on my win, claiming she had just won me a lot of money. Which was a lie. I hadn’t even bet on the fight, nor would I have.

  When the guys accused me of trying to fuck her I felt like I was going to vomit. She was my sister. My fucking sixteen-year-old sister for crying out loud. Of course, I couldn’t tell them that. Fuck.” Rabbit jumped to his feet and began to pace across the room in long angry strides.

  “That’s when Shank came along. He told me for twenty bucks I could bang the loser. Fuck if I didn’t want to deck him right then. Twenty bucks. He was charging for men to fuck a girl who was lying unconscious. The sick bastard.” I felt the rage and anger begin to boil over, not liking where this conversation was going.

  “I opened my wallet at threw him everything I had, a hundred bucks, and asked him to give her to me for the week. But on the condition that she was just mine and that no one else could touch her.”

  The fucker laughed and agreed. It took everything in me not to deck him. Everything. But I couldn’t, I knew that if I did he would sell her off to someone else. I bit back my anger and made the arrangement.” His eyes rose to meet mine, a look of understanding passing between us. I owed this man more than I ever imagined. This was the man who bought my girl. The one she told me never touched her but instead took care of her, using his time to nurse her back to health sneaking her food and medicine.

  “You saved her life,” I said in awe of the man before me.

  “But I couldn’t save my sister. She was killed in the next fight that night. There was nothing I could do.” My heart lurched for this man. He had lost so much. His family, his crew, his sister. It was more than most could take.

  “I’m terribly sorry for your loss.” I meant it. I had never been sorrier. It was men like Rabbit I was working so hard to protect, girls like his sister. That was the purpose of Destruction.

  I wanted to be mad at him for taking my kill. I wanted to be angry that he had ended Shank’s life. But I couldn’t. He needed this kill more than I did. He needed to have this moment. He needed the closure.

  “You know, as bad as Marco was for selling his sister and all. It was Shank that took all the money. It was Shank behind it all. Marco was just an easy target.” I believed it. Marco was a fool but he would have to be a bloody idiot to hang around after robbing the MC’s of their money.

  “Where will you go after this?” I asked, curious of to his next move.

  Rabbit shrugged his shoulders loosely. “I honestly don’t know.”

  “You’ll stay here. We need more guys like you around.” Spike said entering the room.

  With a nod of my head, I motioned toward Shank lifeless form. “It’s done.”

  “So it is.”

  I held out my fist bumping it against Spike’s.

  “You should hang with Spike, Rabbit. He’s good people. His crew will help you get on your feet.” Rabbit nodded as though thinking it over.

  “Take care of your girl, yeah?” I gave him a half nod.

  “That’s what I’m about to do.” The nightmare was over and I couldn’t wait to do just that. I couldn’t wait to get home to my girl.

  Chapter Twenty Nine


  I woke to the feel of a warm body wrapped around mine. The scent of cinnamon, and spice, with a hint of musk, hit my senses causing me to burrow deeper under the covers, snuggling closer to the warm hard body against me.

  The movement caused him to stir, his arms banding around me, holding me tightly. “Five more minutes,” he muttered under his breath.

  I bit back the giggle bubbling in my chest. Elation ran through me filling me with uncontainable giddiness. All the anger, pain, and sadness from the night before were replaced by the burning desire to cling to this man like a life preserver.

  He was home. Unable to help myself I turned in his arms hugging him against me, absorbing the feel of his skin pressed against mine.

  “Mornings are for sleep, G.” His hand ran down my face lazily as he tried to coax my eyes closed.

  “Mornings are for cuddles and kisses.” I corrected, peppering his chest with a smatter of said kisses.

  “You’re incorrigible.” He groaned with a teasing lilt in his voice.

  “You wouldn’t have me any other way.”

  “This is true.” He replied rolling us over so that my body was draped along his. My legs wrapped around his narrow waist, holding on to him for dear life.

  I gazed down at him, enamored by his beauty. His face was relaxed making him look years younger. His thick dark lashes rested on top of his cheekbones making me envious of their length. His thick lips had me blushing at the thoughts that ran through my mind.

  “You’re staring.” He huffed out in false annoyance, his lips curved up into a smile.

  “You’re handsome.” I retorted unwilling to let him sleep. I was too full of energy and excitement. Happiness radiated through me like never before.

  “Shank’s gone. He’ll never bother us again.” His words were desolate. I knew it pained him. Knowing he had to take the life of a friend.

  Though he roared and raged I knew the act had weighed heavily on him. That’s how I knew he wasn’t the monster he pretended to be. He may have taken lives but he didn’t do so without remorse, despite what he claimed. He had a heart. He was a good man.

  “I know,” I replied quietly allowing the news to wash through me, carrying away my fears.


  “You wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t. I gave him a s
mall smile.

  “I gave the gym to Spike and the Reckless Dogs. Our things are being moved to our new place. I also spoke with Millie; she’s giving you some extra time to get your paintings done. She sends her condolences about Marco.” I almost rolled my eyes at his last comment. Almost. Despite what he had done and how badly it hurt, Marco was my brother and I did love him. But his betrayal still hurt. The pain was still too raw, too fresh.

  “Where is this new home you speak of?” I asked placing a chaste kiss on his lips.

  “Right next door. Mamá demanded to be close to her nietos. How could I deny her?” An arrogant smile tugged at his lips.

  “Her nietos?” I quirked a brow in question, curious as to how he sees this playing out.

  “That’s what I said. Lots of them. A whole house full of Hijas and Hijos running around.” He smiled warmly using a strand of my hair to tug my lips down to his.

  “How do you see this playing out?” I asked, my lips teasingly grazing against his.

  “You’ll paint in the studio I had set up and I’ll train at the gym I own down the road. We’ll be married as soon as you’re ready and start working on those bambinos Mamá demands we give her.” He finished with a kiss. His lips molding to mine, stealing my breath.

  “Okay.” It was all I could say as he rolled us on the bed, his strong arms holding him us as his body blanketed mine. My mind turned to mush at the thought of us starting a family together.

  “How about we start on those bambinos? Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” How could I deny him? This man was my world, my life, my everything. He was the happily ever after I dreamed about but never thought I would obtain.



  My stomach rolled in defiance as I fidgeted in place. This was it. This was the day I had been dreaming about my entire life. But now that it was here it felt like a thousand butterflies had been released in my stomach. I fought against the bile that threatened to creep up the back of my throat. My hands clutched dramatically at the program in my hands. The thin white paper was a crumpled mess in my clutches. I needed to get myself under control before I completely lost it. Inhaling deeply through my nose I let it out slowly through my mouth as if blowing away the nervous energy that threatened to consume me.

  I could sense the moment he walked into the room as if the invisible force tethering us together had been drawn tight. The air shifted, announcing his entrance, calling to me like a siren. A soft breeze from the door opening carried his scent to me. My eyes fluttered closed, allowing the mixture of spice and musk to envelope me, wrapping around me like a second skin. The deep rich scent was dry yet dark, sweet yet warm, reminding me of home.

  It didn't take long before I could feel his eyes on me. The weight of his gaze was hot and heavy as it roamed over my body, I could feel the power of his stare caress across my skin. I squirmed in place under his watchful eye.

  Excitement licked up my spine, squelching the nerves I felt from before. I struggle to remain still, wanting desperately to turn to him and run into his arms. But that's not how this game was played. I fought against my baser needs, forcing my feet to remain rooted in the cold white marble floor. My toes curled in the smooth black leather of my kitten heels, grasping for purchase.

  The gentle tap of his footsteps echoes off the high ceiling and glass walls, headed in my direction reminded me of a ticking clock. Each strike brought him closer and closer. My heart sped up in my chest; each tap making it beat even faster until I thought it would explode from my chest. My breaths became labored as my ears strained, listening for every tap of the rubber soles, like a percussion the sounds created the beat in which my heart danced to. Every step was metered, carefully orchestrated to prolong the teasing tango of the flirty game we played. A game in which I was bound and determined to win.

  The sound of footfalls halted. The sudden silence had me holding my breath. My back begged to arch as though an invisible force were pulling me backward. A soft pleading moan slipped from my lips. My resolve was weakening. My desire outweighing my thirst to win.

  The nerves I felt before were a distant memory overrun by the hunger and lasciviousness that had taken control of my body.

  I could feel the heat from his body leaching into mine as he stood behind me, so close but not close enough to touch. Like a flower straining high into the sky, blossoming brightly for the rays of the sun, my body did the same, seeking, searching, as I strained to soak in his warmth.

  My legs trembled.

  The scrap of paper in my hands was decimated.

  A light perspiration covered my chest.

  Letting out a low shaky breath I fought to remain in control. I fought my body’s need to turn around and wrap my arms around his neck, dragging his thick full lips down to mine. A whimper caught in my throat as I fought to remain still.

  The tiny hairs on the back of my neck rose as a breath of warm air caressed the delicate skin.



  He knew what he was doing. For that reason alone I held my ground. The stubborn streak that burned through my veins flared to life, fighting for dominance.

  My senses went on high alert, my thighs pressed together as a thrill shot through my core. The scent of cinnamon invaded my olfactory system. My pulse spiked, the rush going straight to my head making me dizzy with need.

  I felt my body quiver, my resolve breaking. I fought against the pull. But it was useless. I was being ripped down by the tidal wave of desire that cracked between us like lightning striking the earth, leaving my pulse thundering in my ears.

  A whimper escaped my lips as large hands skimmed along my sides. The touch so delicate yet heavy with a need of their own.

  A squeal escaped my lips, as his hands drew me back, pulling me taut against a wall of muscle.

  I caved.

  Falling back into the warm embrace, allowing him to take the full weight of my body. His hands skated around my front protectively, cradling the basketball-sized protrusion of my stomach.

  “Irresistible.” He murmured against my ear, the vibrations of his deep rich voice had me arching against him, mewling like a cat in heat.

  “I surrender. Take me home and make love to me, Chaz.” I begged, not caring how desperate I sounded.

  “Patience, my love.” He chuckled lightly. “How would all of your fans feel knowing you left them before your exhibition opened?”

  “I don’t care.” I whimpered, my thighs clenched tightly, staving off the carnal need that pooled between.

  “I’ll make it worth your while.” He promised, punctuating each word with a kiss along the delicate curve of my neck.

  “Oof.” I cried out, my hands rushing to my stomach to cover his.

  Chaos chuckled burying his face in the curve of my neck. “Looks like your little boy is excited about his mommy’s big debut.” Pride shined in his voice as the baby continued to kick triumphantly.

  “I think our little girl is ready to be home, she knows Mommy and Daddy need a little one on one time.” I countered. The sex of our unborn child had been a constant debate since the moment we found out we were expecting. At eight months pregnant we still continued to root for the opposite sex, neither of us wanting to give away the surprise until the birth. Though we joked and teased about the baby's sex, neither of us cared which sex we were having, we only hoped for a healthy baby. A baby we would love from now until forever.

  Chaos spun me in his arms, his hand reaching out, cupping my cheek as he tipped my chin up. The silver glint of his wedding band catching the light stole my breath, reminding me of our promise to one another.

  Our eyes locked.

  The amber flecks in his eyes caught fire in the light; pure love flickered in the flames burning bright. The deep green of his eyes offered the comfort and reassurance that his love would always be there.

  “Thirty minutes and then I’m taking you home.” His lips kicked up with a devilish glint.

I can’t wait.” Leaning into him, our lips met. A brief brush of his lips against mine set off fireworks in my mind. I’d never been more in love.

  The crowd began to thicken around us as the gallery doors opened. Millie had stayed true to her word. Though it had been a year since she offered me the opportunity to showcase my work, I could have never been happier. It was a long time coming and I would have never made it here without Chaos.

  Though he went by Chaz now, he would forever be Chaos to me. He was still a Greek god, still gorgeous yet unpredictable. Only now, instead of causing trouble in the streets, he spent his time helping kids stay out of it by running a youth training camp at the gym he owns in town, Aurora, the golden dawn after the storm. Our fresh start at life outside the Folds. Our new beginning.

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