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Page 5

by Various

  Outside it was, as usual in Oxford, raining. Inside it was warm. I could smell smoke, lavender and polish. And deep red wine. Baron twiddled a delicate crystal glass in front of me, then pressed it into my hand. I preferred lager, but still. I took a big gulp and the red wine went straight to my head.

  ‘He wasn’t doing it to me. That’s the whole problem,’ I whimpered. ‘He was doing it to Ingrid Smorgsen.’

  Baron’s eyebrows shot up, and he sat down at the far end of the Chesterfield. I looked at his eyes again. And now at his mouth, blowing out another plume of smoke. A sensuous lower lip, full and reddened by the wine. Very white teeth.

  ‘He was fucking her?’

  ‘Not just him. Rob was there, too.’ I pushed my thighs together, remembering what I’d seen. The three bodies, a mass of naked limbs jerking violently about on the floor. Breasts. Cocks. Bottoms. Ingrid’s mouth, opening wide, her tongue and long throat. Christ, the shock. And the rush of horrified excitement as I watched them through Guy’s ground-floor window. The same excitement rushing through me now, but stronger, because Baron was listening and watching me. ‘They were both doing her.’

  ‘You poor baby.’ Baron paused, and sat down beside me, but not too close. ‘What did you see, Bella Donna?’

  He laid one arm along the back of the sofa.

  ‘Guy was behind her, holding her hips, her bottom all pinched up and red in his hands like it must really hurt.’ Nausea rushed through me. ‘Christ, it makes me feel sick – his cock going right in, his butt pulling back, then banging in and out. He was taking her like a dog.’

  ‘And Rob? What was he doing?’

  It was so quiet in there. The clock ticked, tocked, ticked, on the mantelpiece. One of the pages of my essay slipped out from the grate onto the hearth.

  ‘I can’t tell my mates. They’ll either laugh or think it’s revolting. But I’ve got to tell someone.’

  ‘Of course you must. I’m a grown-up, Bella. I’m good at keeping secrets.’ He laughed softly. A gorgeous, low, sexy laugh I’d never heard before. ‘I’ve a few scandals of my own, you know.’

  I looked at his knees, crossed comfortably, his hand resting on the sofa seat beside me, rocking the wine about in the ridiculously delicate glass. I leaned back and closed my eyes.

  ‘It still makes me feel sick. But Rob was in front of her, holding his cock in one hand, her hair in the other, and he was stuffing it into her mouth. She sucked it in, looked like she was going to bite it, her head kept jerking forwards where Guy was shoving her from behind, and then she started sucking Rob’s cock like it was a lollipop, she closed her eyes and groaned and she really enjoyed it, even though Guy was going at her from behind, scraping her knees red raw across the floor. I keep seeing his bottom pumping back and forth into her like some kind of zoo animal – he’s my boyfriend, for God’s sake!’

  I staggered to my feet, doubled over now with nausea. But my knees gave way. Baron’s hand encircled my wrist and he pulled me gently back down again.

  ‘Not any more, he isn’t.’

  I leaned against his tweed jacket and his arm was round me now. I was shaking as if I was ill. He pulled me closer. My head was tucked under his chin. I could see dark spikes of stubble pricking through his skin and I could smell a kind of citrusy cologne.

  ‘The boys were laughing at each other, over her head, as if she was a piece of meat. Do you think they laugh like that about me? I should have gone away, shouldn’t I? But I was rooted to the spot, my legs wouldn’t move, the way they were doing it, poking at her like animals, I couldn’t help watching until they all started going really fast and shouting and screaming. I saw their cocks slipping in and out of her mouth and her bottom, all shiny and wet –’

  ‘It can be good doing it that way, if you do it right.’

  His remark didn’t register until much much later. Years later. I was gabbling now. ‘I couldn’t breathe, then that look came over their faces, you know, when guys are about to come and their faces go red and kind of bulge in that hideous way and they shut you out –’

  ‘Young guys like them, maybe, who think they’re studs – no fucking finesse.’ Baron’s voice rumbled below my ear where I was lying on his chest. My heart was pounding in time with his. ‘I wouldn’t shut you out.’

  I was twenty. I know now that he was forty-five, but that was the moment he went from older man to charming lover. There was my jerk of a boyfriend hung like a donkey but still a brute. And there were Baron’s arms, his voice, the life he’d already led, so calm, so strong. So full of promise. I said nothing.

  ‘It’s time I exercised my rights over you.’

  ‘Droit de seigneur, do you mean?’

  ‘Ah, so you remember my medieval tutorials?’ He laughed and my skin prickled. ‘No. I meant my droit de tutor, if there is such a thing. A modern version. Nowadays you have the choice to refuse, which those poor wenches didn’t. But I’ll take advantage of you anyway.’

  The laugh was rumbling up from his chest again. The excitement building inside me, pressed close to his big warm body, stopped me speaking.

  ‘You’ll be struck off!’ I squeaked, trying to pull away. My short skirt rucked up even higher, and we both looked at my long legs. The wine slopped over my ink-stained fingers as I put the glass down on the table. The confusion was rushing back, making me hot again.

  Baron took my hand and licked the wine off my fingers, one by one, and I heard myself whimpering again to feel his long wet tongue on my skin. I licked my lips and watched my fingers sliding into his warm wet mouth.

  ‘That’s doctors, or judges, who get struck off. But sure, it’s forbidden.’ He really was like a lion. Even his hair, golden and swept back, was like a mane. And the way he waited. For answers. For dazzling displays of intelligence. And now? For a kiss? For the right moment to seduce me? For me to do it for him, undo my blouse, show him my breasts, right here in broad daylight? Open my legs?

  His eyes flashed as if he could read my mind and, under my scratchy black tights, I felt my pussy twitch. ‘You going to tell?’

  I shook my head and really that’s how it happened. My fingers, wet from his saliva, were caught in his thick hair. His face was close as he wiped the remaining moisture from under my eyes. All so gentle. His breath was on my face. I could smell faint cigar smoke and eau de cologne. My lips slid against his, and then he was biting my mouth. I was so shocked I couldn’t breathe. My tutor! Nearly as old as my dad! But we fitted, like gloves. How come this felt so horny?

  His hands were so calm and warm, stroking my face, my hair, and then he kissed me. You always know the point of no return, don’t you? That was my moment to stop it, but no way. It was my time to wait, and I let him. I wanted to know what it would feel like and it was magic. Very soft, the scrape of his stubble on my chin, but the warmth and wetness of his mouth, his tongue trailing round the tender lining of my lips, so that it tickled and made me shiver. He kissed me harder, parting my lips so that his tongue was inside, tasting of red wine, and I sucked on it.

  I realised I was struggling to breathe, suffocated by the sudden ferocious desire rocketing through me. He was heavy lying on top of me. It was intoxicating, but it was also squeezing the life out of me. I twisted under him, and I realised my tights and my knickers were wet.

  ‘Where are you going to, my pretty maid?’ he enquired, reaching to undo the buttons on my shirt. Guy’s shirt, actually.

  I gasped and wriggled as his nails scraped my skin, my own fingers digging into the leather seat. ‘Anyone could barge in looking for you.’

  ‘Who cares? They’ll either run a mile or else stay for the show, if they’ve any taste. That doesn’t bother you, does it?’ He could tell I was still tense. ‘It’s a bit late to come over all shy with me, Bella.’

  He pushed my shirt off my shoulders. I could feel the warmth of the fire on my skin. I felt so young and beautiful as he looked at me, traced my collarbones, trailed his fingers over my breasts. Guy loved my breasts
. He used to knead them like dough, roughly, until the pain became delicious, then snuffle at them like a puppy. I used to try to slip a nipple into his mouth, aching for him to suck it, take some more time, but by then his permanently stiff cock was at bursting point and he couldn’t wait. Like it was when I saw him with Ingrid. Thick and hard and thrusting up another girl’s cunt …

  I groaned, crazily turned on by the thought of Ingrid’s bottom opened up, her cunt filling with Guy’s cock, her mouth sucking on Rob’s hard-on. I couldn’t help comparing the two guys, wondering what this older man’s cock would be like, how it would feel, how big it would be.

  ‘You OK with this, Bella? Because I want you like hell, and I don’t think I can stop.’

  In response to my thoughts, his words, his touches, I arched my back, pushing my breasts towards Baron.

  He smiled, running his tongue across his lip. He lifted my shirt away so that my skin prickled with excitement. Does he have a big cock? I wondered. The way he’s looking at me, holding my shirt open like unwrapping a parcel, my breasts bulging out of the too-small, cheap bra, he had a way of looking all admiring, hungry, like he’s not had it for years, not seen anything so gorgeous as me in years, though I’d heard so many stories about him and other female students. Just then I felt like a prize. A fresh young prize. The power and sexiness were like a head rush.

  ‘You’re beautiful, Bella,’ he said. ‘Those boys have no idea –’

  ‘Bet you say that to all the girls,’ I giggled, then went cold. How stupid, how young that sounded.

  He smiled, pulling my shirt right off and throwing it to the floor. ‘Only the ones I want to fuck.’

  ‘That’s supposed to make me feel special? How many other girls?’

  He smiled, and ran his fingers over my breasts. ‘Just enjoying talking dirty, Bella. You’re here, and you’re now.’

  I struggled to my elbows, scrabbled about for my shirt. ‘This is like another bloody tutorial. I don’t understand a word you’re saying.’

  He pushed me back down and in one movement ripped off my skirt, tights and knickers. ‘Relax, darling. You don’t need to think about anything. Just let me enjoy your luscious body. You know it’s luscious?’

  I squirmed again, trying to close my thighs over my luxuriantly hairy pussy. Waxing wasn’t the fashion then, though we all tidied our bushes up if we were in for a hot night. I wonder how many men cared then, or care now? It’s the cunt they’re after, isn’t it? My nipples pricked up, burning and hard. We both looked at them, tight red nuts like beacons telling the world I was horny. Desire snaked straight down to my cunt and my legs loosened, opening a little.

  Baron reached out to touch my nipples, then looked again at me. I smiled. It felt like a slow, seductress’s smile, even though I was so young, because I felt so delicious. Any resistance had ebbed right away. Lust and desire had rushed right in.

  Baron leaned over me and kissed me again, long, slow, wetter and harder this time, then suddenly hoisted me onto his knee. The daylight coming through the window was harsh and bright now. My breasts, tumbling heavily into his hands, felt exposed as if I was on stage. I was straddling his knee, my bare pussy rubbing against the fabric of his trousers. I must be leaving a sticky smear there. I started to rock slightly, desperate to relieve the building, burning pressure.

  He put one arm round my waist to stop me moving. He caught one bouncing breast with his other hand, and pulled it towards his face. I leaned back on his thighs, pushing my breasts hard against his mouth, desperate for him to suckle me. One hand reached between my legs and my fingers started to poke and prod desperately inside my warm, wet pussy lips.

  ‘You really are wasted on boys your age, Bella. Have you any idea how sexy it is, watching you finger yourself like that?’

  I tossed my hair back, opened my legs further, pushed my fingers in harder to feel my wet cunt sucking on them.

  ‘You’re making me feel sexy, Baron.’ I barely recognised myself. My voice was cracked, and husky, and saying his unfamiliar name.

  His golden eyes rested on my face, then he looked down. I shifted to part my legs a little more, and edged my fingers further into the auburn curls. I held my breath to stop myself gasping out loud as they grazed the hidden clit.

  ‘In that case, I’m going to keep you here all afternoon. And you’re going to come back to my room again, and again, and we’re going to go on doing this.’

  The potent mix of awe and desire was crushing me.

  ‘Doing what, exactly?’

  ‘This, exactly.’ He started fondling my breasts, and pulling me towards him he bit hard on one nipple, then turned to the other, biting and sucking it, sending shocks of desire straight down to my cunt. ‘Even after you’ve graduated.’

  I pushed myself hard against his face, grabbing his hair and angling my nipples brazenly into his mouth, scraping them against his teeth, pulling back, muffling his cheeks and ears with the warm mounds as if to drown him.

  ‘You think so, do you? You don’t think I’ll leave this place, run away, get married, never look back?’

  I rose up on my knees. My moist pussy stuck to his trousers for a minute, the tiny curls caught on the fabric, tugging the tender skin before letting go. I wanted to be higher up than him, feel his head burrowing in between my breasts. He was hurting me now, biting and nibbling as my nipples stretched taut like arrows, hard yet sensitive, feeling the pain yet relishing the pleasure. My hips started automatically to gyrate, answering the messages sent down there from my tits.

  ‘It’s called a liaison, Bella. It’ll keep us alive. You’ll come back to me, and I’m going to have you, year after year. Just you wait and see.’

  I wriggled my buttocks backwards, still leaning hard against his face. His cock was hard underneath me, edging between my bare buttocks. I scrabbled for his zip. I felt him tense and for a moment his mouth relaxed on my nipple, but I got my hand firmly inside his trousers, pulled them down his hips until my fingers landed on his waiting prick. It was a quiet, stunning moment of ownership. My tutor’s cock.

  ‘And the other girls you talk dirty to? The other nubile young students?’ I challenged him, egged on by the sudden vision I had of him having sex with other girls, here on this sofa, writhing on the Persian carpet, licking red wine off their breasts, taking out his cock and thrusting it inside them …

  His cock jumped in my hand as if to remind me it was there. I tilted my pelvis in answer, offering my eager sex, holding the rounded end of him and guiding it until it rested just inside me. My whole body felt like one pulsating pussy.

  ‘They’re not here now, are they?’

  ‘You wait, Baron.’ I pushed my nipple hard into his mouth again and squealed as his teeth closed round it and he started to suck, filling me with hot desire and a soaring confidence. ‘I’ll be the best.’

  Instead of waiting, relishing the suspense, I let myself drop, driving myself onto his cock. He kept his mouth and fingers on my nipples, rubbing and pinching, biting and sucking, the sensations shooting up me, making my head light with pleasure, shooting down me, making my cunt tighten with impatience.

  He gripped my hips and started to guide my rhythm, pushing his cock further and further up me. I couldn’t believe how big it was, how hard, much bigger and harder than Guy’s. Christ, what a surprise! What a bonus! I laughed to myself. Baron was doing me a favour, not the other way round.

  Then we were growling and swearing, tearing at each other like enemies, bucking furiously against each other. I gripped him with my thighs, thrusting my hips against him, cramming him in, grinding right down to the very base so that he filled me with all those solid inches of rock-hard, thrusting cock.

  Each time we pulled back and slammed against each other we became more violent, and I screamed out loud as I felt the impending orgasm flick on inside me. I couldn’t hold on much longer. I wanted to show Baron that I might not be the best student he’d ever tutored, but the best he’d ever fucked. That was my
challenge. Not getting a degree, not dissecting Chaucer. Fucking my handsome tutor until he never got me out of his head.

  The college clock chimed twice. Way past lunchtime. At the same time footsteps pattered across the wet quad and up the stone staircase towards Baron’s room.

  We were grunting and rocking hard now, my hair flying, the excitement rising as he bit and sucked my nipples, dug his fingers into my hips to keep me locked against him. I wanted it to keep going as long as possible. Forever, preferably. On the other hand, I couldn’t stop the inevitable. I opened my eyes and watched him, and at the same time he lifted his mouth from my breast and looked at me, and we fucked each other harder still.

  Someone knocked at the door.

  ‘Who? Who?’ I hissed, wanting to scream with excitement. His eyes flicked to the door and back to me and he gave a monumental thrust.

  ‘It’s Ingrid,’ he growled, accelerating us both towards the climax rushing nearer. ‘How about that, Bella Donna? It’s Ingrid, come for her tutorial!’

  His head fell back against the sofa and he stared at me, but his eyes stayed focused and bright as he started to shoot up me. I rode him for all I was worth, moaning in my own exquisite pain as I started to come, and as I started to come I milked it, making it sound unmistakable, moaning louder, wilder, so that Ingrid could hear. Then I leaned over and kissed him again, licked his lips, flicked my tongue over his teeth, sucked his tongue as it slipped into my mouth. He strained up against me, his mouth warm and fixed on mine, and I felt him pumping his juice into me. I squeezed every drop and held it there. I didn’t want it to ebb away, because then it would be gone for good.

  There was another sharp rapping at the door, and we jerked apart.

  ‘Come in, Ingrid!’

  We stared at each other, trying not to laugh. I gripped him inside me as hard as I could. His gorgeous cock twitched once, twice, then started to slip out. I twisted away from him to yank my skirt on. As I wrapped my shirt round me, not bothering to button it, and turned back to him, a shaft of watery sunlight came through the window.


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