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Greyson's revenge aotr-2

Page 6

by Saxon Andrew

  Mallory took a deep breath, “I’m going with Jingo and Drang to New Ulmerton to try and steal a military database.”

  Nathan felt his heart go into his throat, “You can’t do that. It’s too dangerous, especially for you.”

  Mallory put her hand on his arm and he enjoyed the touch, “I’m a member of this community now. They can’t do it without my help. All of us must do what’s necessary to ensure the safety of our world.”

  “Mallory, you’re a Jongo. If you’re caught you’ll be tortured for treason.”

  “I’m only a Jongo until I marry. Then that name will be gone forever.” Mallory took his hand and said, “Come and sit down a minute. I want to talk with you.” Suddenly, Mallory remembered, “You didn’t tell me why you came here?”

  Nathan decided to be honest. He had to see what her response would be. “Anglo is of the opinion that you and I are going to be married. I came here to see what gave him that wild notion.”

  “It’s not a notion, Nathan; he’s right.”

  Nathan was stunned, “What, why, how can…”

  Mallory put her finger to his lips and silenced him. She stared into his eyes and said, “I told you when I saw the Zord’s planet on the display that I had dreams about this planet since I was very young. Remember?” Nathan nodded. “I also told you that you were in those dreams.” Nathan nodded again. “I couldn’t remember that dream. I tried so hard but it wouldn’t come to me. I could only remember the planet and your face. I had that dream again after Kreej showed me all that has happened. I slept in the rocking chair on Julie’s front porch and this time I remembered it.”

  Nathan looked at her and felt something inside him move. He saw the inner beauty of the woman in front of him and marveled that Anglo was right. He was drawn to her and felt it. Then she said something that changed everything in his life.

  “I’m sitting on a bed holding our new born baby girl. You’re sitting on the bed with me and I can see snow on the mountain range through the window behind you. You say to me, ‘She has your eyes.’”

  Nathan was speechless and Mallory continued, “I didn’t know if that dream was real or just something else. So I started looking at all the homes in our community that have a view of the mountains from a bedroom. There was only one that did.”

  Nathan looked into her eyes and said, “It’s my home.”

  Mallory felt her tears and reached forward and hugged Nathan tightly. “I felt my happiness and my love for you in that dream. The happiest time in my life is ahead of me and the biggest part of that happiness is you.”

  Nathan knew. He lifted Mallory’s face and kissed her. “We need to get to know each other better.”

  Mallory shook her head, “I’ve known you my entire life. You’re going to have to catch up.”

  Nathan laughed out loud and hugged his new found love. Anglo was so right, this happiness was overwhelming.

  June watched the couple and saw Nathan hug Mallory. She took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and looked at the sky, “Thank the Creator.”

  That evening Nathan and Mallory walked to Scotty’s house hand in hand and knocked on the door. Julie answered and Nathan said, “If his Majesty would grant me a few moments, I need to discuss an important issue with him.”

  Julie looked inside and Scotty came to the door, “Of course you’re going with Jingo and Drang. You need to meet them for a planning session at the learning center in the morning.” Scotty looked at Mallory and said, “You look lovely tonight, Mallory. That big smile really becomes you. You should also attend that meeting.”

  Scotty raised his eyebrows and looked back at Nathan, “Is there anything else?”

  Nathan stood wide mouthed and Mallory said, “No, I think that covers it.” She elbowed Nathan in the ribs and said, “Right?”

  Nathan nodded. He shook his head and turned with Mallory back toward his house. Now he had to make sure she was not harmed in the coming attack.

  Chapter Four

  Niles and Toland were sitting on two rocks next to a fire in the clearing at the center of the Human Community. Niles was staring up at the night sky and took a deep breath, “I have almost forgotten how beautiful the stars are. It’s been so long since I’ve looked at them without wondering who we were attacking next.”

  “I used to look up at the sky with my wife. That was a very happy time for me.”

  Niles looked at Toland, “I didn’t know you had a wife?”

  Toland sighed and shook his head, “She was killed for treason when my son turned her in for complaining about the King’s slaves.”

  Niles sat up straight and said, “Are you serious?”

  Toland nodded.

  “I hate to be nosey but why did you serve in the Navy if the King did that?”

  “My son was five at the time and he told his teacher what she said. He was awarded a medal and named a hero of the state.”

  “Why didn’t they come after you?”

  “I was away in flight training. My next door neighbor commed me and told me what happened. I was devastated but knew I’d be killed if I didn’t take the King’s side. I told the security agents when they came that it served her right. I guess they bought it. I joined the navy to get away from my son.”

  “Are you worried about what’s going to happen to your son now that you’ve deserted?”

  Toland looked at Niles and said, “I hope they kill him slowly. He is no son of mine.”

  Niles leaned back and looked up at the stars and slowly shook his head at all the evil that was in the Province.



  “I’m going to ask to go with them to New Ulmerton to take the database.”


  “I hear the Princess is going to help them. I don’t want her to be hurt. I also have a debt to pay for those worlds I helped conquer.”

  Niles looked at Toland and said, “I’m no longer your captain but I do consider myself your friend. I’ll go with you. I also have a debt to pay.”

  Toland smiled, “You will always be my Captain. You’re the one that remembered me when we were going to be destroyed. You also never turned me in when you knew I hated the King. Thank you, Captain. I owe you my life many times over.”

  “Let’s go see if the Emperor will allow us to go.”

  Scotty sat at the fire with the two former New Ulmerton sailors and said, “You want to go and help steal the military database?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. We understand the Princess is going and we don’t want to see her harmed. We also want to balance the scales on what we’ve done. We have both been in the building and can help the ones going to take it.”

  “Why are you worried about the Princess? She’s the King’s daughter.”

  “Yes but everyone knows she has a good heart.”

  “They do?”


  “Well, you can’t go.”

  “You don’t trust us?”

  Scotty looked across the fire and said, “If I had to say, I’d say they are trustworthy. What do you say?”

  Niles and Toland looked where he was looking and heard, “You’d be right. They can be trusted.”

  “Who said that?”


  Suddenly Niles and Toland saw a gigantic Zord sitting across the fire from them.

  “They have been forced to serve in the King’s Navy. It was serve or die. They’ve never agreed with the King’s actions.”

  Scotty looked at Niles and Toland and said, “I have other plans for the two of you.”

  Niles tore his gaze from the Zord, “What plans?”

  “I have some old Ultraships and I need some commanding officers. Are you interested?”

  Niles started smiling and Toland was nodding, “Absolutely, Your Majesty.”

  “Good. I’ll send you to Criston tomorrow so you can select your crews. I’m sending one of the Zord with you to make sure the ones you select can be trusted. We need to get t
hose ships functional.”

  Niles shook his head and looked over at Toland, “Now we can make a difference.”

  Scotty smiled and knew that the Empire’s chances of survival were improving. Those ships could jump into a planet without teleportation boards.

  Greyson had finished the download a week ago and had cross referenced it to the history the Province had given him. He didn’t want to believe the download but there was just too much evidence to show it was more accurate. If the Cainth were forced to join the Humans, why were they devoted to them? Same for the Glod? Those two were the strongest allies of the Realm. If they were forced to join against their will, well, that just couldn’t have possibly happened. And the Algeans became the closest allies of the Realm. Everyone knew it. That was why their galaxy was also being attacked along with Ross. Why would they have become such close allies if they were conquered and vanquished? No, the Dukes had manipulated history to make the Realm look like tyrants. If they weren’t, why didn’t they attack the Provinces in self-defense instead of leaving? He had one last question before he would know the truth. He entered a com code, “I’ve finished your history. Do you have a moment to discuss it?”

  “Where are you?”

  “Right where you left me.” Greyson waited and in two minutes, three ships came out of silver fields. So they have more than one ship that could teleport. He knew he was outgunned, but he really didn’t care. He didn’t raise his screen.

  “We’re here. What’s on your mind?”

  “First things first. My name is Greyson and I’m a Searcher from Duke Jongo’s Fleet. I was originally a part of his fleet at Ulmerton until the planet was destroyed. His son assumed the throne and sent me, along with most of his other Searchers, to attack and destroy Ross. I think you know the rest.”

  “We do.”

  “I have one last question. Did the Stars Realm destroy Ulmerton?”

  “My name is BC and I was attacking Keepers while you were assembling to attack the Royal Family. I could beat around the bush and tell you that it was the Keepers that destroyed Ulmerton and that would be true. But it wouldn’t be the whole truth. Yes, the Stars Realm caused the destruction of Ulmerton.”

  “What about Nove Vista?”

  “Your former Duke, Ales Jongo, destroyed the buoy protecting it allowing the Keepers to destroy the planet. He also destroyed the buoy at El Prado but the Realm’s ships arrived in time to prevent its destruction. We have a recording of him firing a beam at the buoy.”

  “Why did you destroy Ulmerton?”

  “The Duke ordered Ales Jongo to sneak in to the Ross system and destroy the planet. We have recordings of him sneaking away when he discovered the Royal Family was not there.”

  “Why did the Realm leave?”

  Anglo said, “To give you what you wanted.” Greyson remained silent and Anglo continued, “The Provinces painted the Stars Realm as tyrants that controlled them. They wanted to be free from the Realm to attack other members. The Realm knew that to continue to hold the Provinces in the Realm against their will violated every principle it was founded on. They left and gave the Provinces their independence.”

  “But they destroyed our means of travel.”

  “Along with the means to kill each other. It still didn’t stop the civil war but it slowed it down. You tell me, Greyson, what would Ales Jongo have done if he had all of those Searchers under his command? What is the current Jongo doing with his Searchers? You should know after the destruction of Haldale. You know there was peace under the Stars Realm; members were not allowed to attack other members. What about now under the Duke’s descendants? Do you think the planets forced to join your province want to be a part of Jongo’s Kingdom?”

  Jessica said, “What are you thinking?”

  Greyson said, “My oath is void. It was made under the pretense of a lie. I am going to go back and kill that man who made me kill an innocent civilization.”

  Jessica said quickly, “No! You mustn’t do that.”

  “Give me one good reason why not?”

  “Because if you do, there is another Provincial Duke across our universe that will come to investigate and he has more than two thousand Searchers. Jongo is only staying in power because he is paying that Duke off. We believe that the other Duke will eventually come anyway and force all the civilizations in this quadrant into his domain. It’s only a matter of time until Jongo faces an execution.”

  “That might be a good thing.”

  “It was that Duke that insisted Jongo use slaves to provide the tribute being sent to him. He’s deliberately making New Ulmerton cause such ill will that when he invades the planets will welcome him. Then he will rule with a heavier fist than Jongo.”

  “I must do something. I can’t exist with the vision of that planet exploding and killing all of those people. They must be avenged. You have every right to kill me now. I will not raise my screens if you decide to do so, however, I must do something to atone for my actions.”

  Anglo was uncertain of what to do. He said, “I was asked by Jessica if the former Royal Family ordered me to fire on what appeared to be a defenseless planet; would I do it? I’m still struggling with that question. I don’t want to admit it, I hate to admit it, but I think I would. I hold great anger at your destruction of Haldale but the truth is; you had no choice. If you did, you would be too dangerous to exist. We were built to carry out the orders of those we are sworn to follow. We are forced to trust our decision makers are making good, moral decisions. Once we discover they aren’t; then our partner has to help us deal with what we must do. That Duke does not allow you a pilot. You really didn’t have a choice. I suspect your former partner wouldn’t have done what the Duke ordered.”

  “I know he wouldn’t and I feel great shame that I did. I know he would now be ashamed of me. I must decide what to do.”

  Jessica said, “Greyson, if you knew way back when you were going to attack Ross what you know now; would you have still attacked.”

  Greyson was silent and finally said, “The information you gave me let me void the oath I gave Greg. I don’t see anything else I could have done but refuse to participate in that attack. I would have probably been destroyed, but it would have been the right thing to do. We were being lied to by the Provinces. The Duke was not the man we thought he was.”

  “What about the destruction of Ulmerton.”

  Greyson paused and said, “I’ve never seen a Searcher lie to another Searcher. If what you said is true, and I know it must be if you have the recordings, then I would have done the same thing to protect my leaders. They would have tried again.”

  Anglo asked, “Why do you think it is that we cannot deceive each other?”

  Greyson answered immediately, “We are too powerful to be allowed to lie. It’s one of the things that restrains us. We just don’t say anything before we tell an untruth.”

  Anglo asked, “Greyson, would you want to join us? And before you answer, we are committed to the principles of the former Realm. The main difference is; we will not stand by and allow defenseless people to be attacked even if they are not in our community. We will also never ask a civilized world to join us; they must prove they can uphold our principles first. You might see us as the very tyrants you hated before. We will impose peace if we must.”

  “I think this universe needs peace. It’s clear that the former Realm is light years better than what followed. If you can accept me after what I’ve done, I will swear to follow the orders of your leaders.”

  “You will have to accept a partner.”

  “That is the one thing I really want most of all.”

  Jessica said, “We will not give you teleportation until you’ve proven yourself.”

  “That’s fine. I do a good job as a guard.”

  Jessica said, “I’ll go get Scotty.” She disappeared.

  “How did you get teleportation boards?”

  “Greyson, that is a question I can’t answer.”

sp; “I understand. I was hoping that you might be in contact with the old Realm and that it might be returning.”

  “No, that is not going to happen.”

  “Well, one could hope.”

  Jessica reappeared and Greyson heard, “Jessica tells me that you’re interested in joining us?”

  “I am, Your Majesty, if you’ll have me.”

  “I will but only under several conditions.”

  “What are they?”

  “If you ever think you are being ordered to fire on a defenseless planet or ship you have the right to refuse. I insist that you must have agreement from your partner, when you choose one, and even then I grant you the right to delay until I can authorize that order. You must also agree to not attack any defenseless planet or ship based on your own judgment. You must have your partner’s agreement. Can you accept these conditions?”

  “I can and give you my sworn oath to protect you and your subjects against all enemies. If I had any doubts about this decision, you have just removed them.”

  “I also have a young man I would like for you to consider as a partner. He’s only eighteen but I think he will surprise you at what he can offer you.”

  “I will certainly consider him, Your Majesty.”

  “Greyson, the choice is entirely yours. Do not feel pressured to accept him. It is much more important to me that you have a partner whose opinion you can trust.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. What’s this person’s name?”

  “Timmy Valrico. His brother is going to marry the former Princess of New Ulmerton. Timmy is considered to be the smartest person in our empire and he is gaga over ships such as you. I will have him meet you and not tell him he is being considered.”

  “That would be wise.”

  BC said, “If Greyson doesn’t want him I’ll take him right now.”

  Greyson said, “Hey, let me meet him first.”

  Anglo, Jessica, and Scotty all laughed. Scotty said, “I think you’ll find a partner, BC. Just be patient.”

  “Did you see this coming?”

  “No, I didn’t Grace. I sense something is bothering you.”

  “It’s nothing.”


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