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Greyson's revenge aotr-2

Page 8

by Saxon Andrew

  “Perhaps, but we will have to conquer those planets anyway.”

  “Yes, but they will be tremendously weakened by this idiot.”

  The Commander stared at his screen and nodded. At this rate it was going to be years before he could take action. The huge orange skinned creature continued to stare at the screen and felt the urge to shut that creature up. It was easier in the last universe. This one wasn’t going to happen as quickly. It was still a half season before his ship was scheduled to be relieved. This was so boring.

  Chapter Five

  Timmy teleported to Greyson’s bridge humming off key. Two weeks had passed and Tesa was working with a team of engineers redesigning the bowguns. Vring had developed two new circuits that needed to be trialed and Scotty decided to trial them on Greyson. Timmy appeared and said, “Hello, my name is Timmy Valrico and I understand your name is Greyson.”

  “That is correct. What is it that you are going to do?”

  “We have some additions to your scanners and screens. We believe that they will greatly enhance your abilities. I’m excited about the prospects and it’s great to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Well, do what you have to do and let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”

  “I will. This won’t hurt a bit.” Timmy went to the scanner control panel and removed the cover. He removed four layers of circuit boards and stared at the main board. “Let’s see, there is a place here that should take three connections. Ummmm…, there they are.” Timmy took out a small welder and placed three solid wires into the holes on the board. “Now, before I make the connection, would you please scan the most distant planet you can see.”

  “All right, I’ve locked the sixth planet in my display.”

  “Great! Now save the image. I’m turning the power off for a few moments.” Timmy tripped the breaker next to the side panel and welded the three connections to the main board. He moved the new circuit to the side wall of the panel and anchored it. He then replaced the top layers and connected them to the main board. “Alright, I think we’re ready.” Timmy tripped the breaker and the board’s lights came on.”

  “Good grief.”

  “What? Is something wrong? Did I make a mistake?”

  “No! I can scan the last planet in this system clearly. Whatever you did has increased my range dramatically.”

  “Great! I understand that with this new circuit you will also be able to see a Gamma Ship that’s in stealth mode. That by itself is a huge improvement if it

  works. Would you mind if I send a message to BC.”

  “Not at all, the channel’s open.”

  “BC, do you have a moment?”

  “Sure Timmy. What do you need?”

  “I want you to go to stealth mode and try to sneak up on Greyson.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Absolutely, give it a try.”

  After a minute Greyson said, “I can see you, BC. You’re coming around the moon’s northern horizon.”

  “Timmy, what have you done?”

  “I’ve upgraded Greyson’s scanners. You’re next.”

  “Well hurry up. I don’t want to be left behind.”

  “I need to increase the power of Greyson’s screens first. Then I’ll come and do yours.”

  “What do mean increase the power of my screens?”

  Timmy picked up another large circuit board and said, “If we’re right, this should triple the strength of your screen. It would take at least four or more Gamma Ships firing together to penetrate it.”

  Greyson thought about that and said, “What about my beams?”

  “We have a circuit to make them more powerful but Emperor Robbins wants to talk with you before I install them.”

  “What do you think about that, Timmy?”

  “I told him he should install them. You’ve given your oath and I know you can be trusted. I know how hard it was to come to the decision to join us and I respect you for being able to see the truth in what you’ve learned. You will be a great addition to our community.”

  “Timmy, I destroyed a defenseless planet and killed more than forty million innocent inhabitants.”

  “No you didn’t.”

  Greyson was startled by the response, “How can you say that?”

  “That evil Duke destroyed that planet. You had no freedom to disobey him. You aren’t to blame for that, he is. If there was any decency in him, he would have never placed you in that situation. He obviously didn’t care about how that would hurt you.” Timmy went to the main screen relay and threw the breaker. “I’ll be done in a few minutes. Oh, and by the way, welcome to our community. I’m excited at the prospect of getting to know you.”

  Greyson knew. The Emperor was right; Timmy was the perfect choice for his partner. He understood what he was forced to do and did not judge him for what he had done. Now he had something to look forward to doing. Timmy noticed the Searcher’s panels increased in brightness. He wondered what caused it.

  Scotty, Jingo, Grang, and Nathan were standing in the central clearing of the human community waiting on Timmy and Tesa. “Where did they go? Vring do you know where Timmy is?”

  “He’ll be there momentarily. He’s asked me to stay overhead to provide a view of what happens.”

  Jingo looked at Scotty, “I wonder what they’re up to now?”

  Timmy and Tesa came out of the forest next to the clearing holding what looked like a larger bowgun. Timmy approached the group and smiled, “All right, now we’re ready.”

  Nathan gave his younger brother a hug, “Ready for what?”

  “We’re going to trial the new gun. It’s no longer a bowgun because it doesn’t shoot arrows. You can decide what to call it.”

  “Where have you been?”

  “We took a couple of the blasters you captured at the Magrum’s compound and put them on an island in the middle of the river, Your Majesty. We don’t want to start a fire and we’re uncertain of what will happen. Would you like to do the honors?”

  Timmy handed Scotty the gun and he immediately noticed it was heavier than the bowgun but not as much as its increased size promised. “How do I do this?”

  “The switch just above your thumb is in the upper position. That means it is set to go after a blaster. Just point it in any direction but down and pull the back trigger.”

  Scotty saw there were two triggers in the grip with the front one being slightly offset from the back. It was easy to place his index finger on the back trigger without touching the front one. He shrugged and pointed the gun at a distant tree and pulled the trigger.

  A bright light erupted from the gun and went straight at the tree and then went vertical. It continued to climb and then suddenly changed direction and disappeared at high velocity over the trees toward the river. A moment later the group heard a loud boom.

  Timmy said, “Vring, can you show us what happened?”

  Everyone suddenly had a vision of Scotty firing the gun and a bright light leave the barrel and move up in the sky. It changed direction and went supersonic as it flew a straight line to the island in the river. Then a bright flash erupted from the island.

  “It’s programmed to go vertical if it doesn’t sense a blaster in the immediate vicinity. If you aim it at a blaster, it will go straight at what you’re aiming.”

  Jingo smiled, “What if you don’t want to explode the blaster?”

  Timmy pointed to a button next to the selector switch, “Press this button and the spark will go after anything organic next to the blaster and burn it.”

  Nathan said, “I wish I had better control over what I want to hit.”

  “Oh, but we have taken care of you, Great Searcher.” Timmy turned to Tesa and said, “Go to the target.”

  Tesa ran across the clearing and up the hill next to the community and disappeared into the forest. Everyone looked at each other and wondered what was going on. After fifteen minutes they heard Vring say, “She’s there, Tim

  Timmy turned to Scotty, “Your Majesty, look through the raised scope on top of the gun at the tree on the hill about half a mile away.”

  Timmy pointed and everyone squinted to see what he was pointing at. Scotty raised the gun and looked through the scope in the direction Timmy indicated and immediately saw Tesa standing next to a large white square. “I see her, Timmy.”

  “Please allow the others to see.” Scotty handed the gun to Jingo and he passed it to the next until all had seen Tesa. “Ok, this is a little complicated but I’ll try to make it as simple as possible. If you want to hit a specific target, thumb the selector to the second position. That powers the scope’s targeting system. Are we together so far?” Everyone nodded. “Now you use the front trigger to designate your target. Sight through the scope and as soon as you have your target in the center, pull the front trigger back to the second trigger. The target will be hit with a beam from the small red generator in the gun and mark it with an energy reading that will last for about sixty seconds. When you pull the back trigger, the gun will fire a spark at whatever you have designated even if it moves away from where it was previously located. Does everyone understand?”

  Grang asked, “How do I decide whether or not to burn or explode the target.” Everyone looked at Grang. He saw them staring, “What?”

  Scotty shook his head as Timmy said, “The button will still determine whether the spark explodes or burns. Push it and the sparks will burn until you push it again.” Timmy turned to Scotty, “Now, Your Majesty, if you will designate that white square with the first trigger. Don’t pull the second until we start the target moving.”

  Everyone watched as Scotty sighted through the scope and pulled the first trigger. “I’ve done it, Timmy.”

  Timmy said, “Vring if you will start the target moving.”

  Scotty watched through the scope as Vring gripped the white square and flew away from the giant ging tree that had it suspended on a wire. He flew about two hundred feet and released the target and it started swinging in a four hundred foot arc. Scotty handed the gun to everyone and allowed them to see the swinging target. Timmy waited and said, “You may pull the second trigger now.”

  “Should I aim at the target?”

  “If you choose; or you can just fire it in the general direction.”

  Scotty pointed the gun toward the target and pulled the second trigger. The Spark left faster than they could see and there was an immediate flash on the distant hill. Scotty looked in the scope and saw a black mark in the center of the white square. “This is amazing. Where did you get the material for that target?”

  “It’s an armor plate from an Ultraship. It won’t burn but it can be slightly damaged by a spark set to explode. The thing to remember is that the spark will see the energy signature of whatever you’ve designated. Even if they hide behind cover, the spark will detect the radiation. If they run away, the spark will chase them. The real skill in using this gun will be the ability to sight and designate a target.”

  Grang asked, “Is the beam wide enough to designate more than one person?” Everyone looked at Grang again and he said, “What?!”

  Jingo smiled, “That’s more words than you’ve used in a month.”

  “We have to learn this weapon. You should be asking those questions.”

  Jingo laughed, “You just see it faster than I do.”

  Timmy said, “Actually, the beam can be widened to target more than one person. The control is on the side of the scope. Push the organic button on the scope and swing it across your targets. The number of targets sited will appear in the upper corner of the scope. If you target five people, fire five sparks.”

  Scotty said, “Timmy, you and Tesa have done a remarkable job.”

  Timmy said “Don’t forget, Vring.”

  Scotty smiled, “Yes, and certainly Vring as well. Now I have something to tell you.” Timmy tilted his head wondering what Scotty was going to say. “Greyson has requested that you be his partner. I am hoping that you will accept the position.”

  Everyone smiled as Timmy’s eyes grew wide and a smile split his face. “That’s great! Does that mean I’m a Searcher?”

  Scotty nodded and then saw Timmy’s smile fade, “What about, Tesa?”

  Scotty’s com buzzed and he pressed it, “Timmy, there are two chairs on my bridge. It wouldn’t be the same without the two of you together. Certainly she will have a home here.”

  Timmy jumped straight up and ran away from the group toward the distant hill yelling Tesa’s name. Scotty watched him leave as Nathan smiled, “His world is now complete. He has dreamed of traveling the stars since he was old enough to look up at them.”

  Scotty smiled, “Greyson, your beams will be increased as soon as we can get Timmy and Tesa back. We will also repair your teleportation board.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. I am honored by your trust and I will defend the Empire.”

  Scotty smiled and thought about what to do about New Ulmerton’s King.

  Grang said, “Do you mind if I have a shot with that gun?”

  Scotty handed it to Grang, “Some things never change.”

  Nathan said, “I’m next.”

  Mallory stood up, “You can have it after me.”

  Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the former princess, “What?”

  Grang said, “Welcome to my world.”

  Even Mallory burst out laughing. Grang said, “What?”

  Scotty and Julie looked at Bleath and watched as he lowered his head, “How may I serve you, Your Majesty?”

  “Bleath, we have learned that the current ruler of New Ulmerton is planning to destroy the planet.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I’ve seen the BC’s recordings and he is ruthless. I wondered what he would do if there was a chance one of his relatives would take his place. It’s not a leap to believe that he would destroy the planet before he let them take it.”

  “I’m thinking about taking control of the planet. New Ulmerton has the most industrial capacity of any planet in this sector and we can use those factories. I’m not going to allow him to destroy it but then if we don’t take control, we’re left with a world controlled by a ruthless military and a Royal Family that is little better than the king.”

  “How do you intend to control the military and the population?”

  “I plan to replace the King with his daughter. I suspect the civil population would accept her as ruler.”

  Bleath lowered his head, “Now that might work. How do you intend to handle the military?”

  “I was thinking about taking the flyers to make that happen. However, this is not a fight that directly affects your world. I wanted to see how you felt about it.”

  “How would you get them there?”

  “We’ll teleport them straight to the planet.”

  Bleath looked at the four elders with him and then turned back to Scotty, “We’re in this with you, White Hair. If you sent the riders without their Zord, I would have my legs full stopping them from demanding you send them as well.”

  “There could be significant loss of life.”

  “Just like the Night of the Torg, some things are worth fighting for, Your Majesty.”

  “Thank you Bleath. I wish there was another way. We’ll be facing modern weapons and it could turn into something deadly.”

  “I see you’re going after that machine on the planet first.”

  Scotty nodded “I guess there’s no hiding what’s going on. I think I have to go after it before the King leaves. I’m certain he’ll attempt to take it with him and once it’s on another planet we’ll lose track of where it is. That database will be what we need to build our defenses against future attacks. I’m especially interested in the probes that would allow us to move the planet if things turn ugly.”

  “I have a suggestion on how to help you succeed.”

  Julie looked
at Scotty and said, “We could use any suggestion that would improve their chances of making it out alive.”

  “Instead of having them walk to the location, teleport them in with a flyer and fly to the building. Go on a night where the moon is dark and you shouldn’t be seen. One of the flyers could carry the device out and you can just teleport them away when they clear the King’s protective screens.”

  Scotty looked at Julie and then said, “Let me talk about it with my team. I think that is a good idea. Let me see what our Searchers have seen and see if the flight in and out is possible.”

  “Why take only the flyers for the team. Take enough to cover your escape.”

  Scotty smiled, “Bleath, are your warriors getting restless?”

  Bleath laughed, “Now who’s the mind reader. We are at heart hunters and things have really gotten to be pretty tame around here. I’d go with you if I could get away with it.” Scotty saw the four Elders vigorously shaking their heads.

  “I understand, my friend. I’ll let you know after I run this by Jingo and Grang.”

  “It’s always good to see you, White Hair.”

  “Yes it is, Bleath.”

  Jingo and Grang were in the forest trialing one of the new spark guns. Timmy had developed a device that would launch a disc made of ging tree wood at high speed across the clearing. The trick was to hit the disc as it flew across with the marking beam. Jingo was good but Grang was amazing. He didn’t miss.

  “How do you do that?”

  “Just keep it in the sights. The beam is moving at the speed of light so there is no need to lead the target. Your use of a bow has affected your aim.”

  Scotty walked up and watched them shoot. Jingo turned and saw him, “Hey, why don’t you come give it a try?”

  Scotty smiled and said, “Stand back and learn.” Scotty took the gun and said, “I’m ready.”

  The disc shot out of the launcher and Scotty hit it before it had gone twenty feet. He looked at Grang and Jingo staring at him and said, “Can you launch more than one?”

  Jingo looked at Grang, “Oh, so now we have a showoff. How many would you like, Your Majesty?”


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