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Greyson's revenge aotr-2

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  “What did you send him?”

  “The real history of the Realm.”

  “Why, do you think it will make a difference?”

  “It did with me. We’ll just have to see.”

  “We lost four Zord and their riders.”


  “Some of the local troops were hidden with a heavy machinegun. It didn’t show up on their gun’s scanners. Grang took it out but we lost some of our Flyers and Riders.”

  “I should have been watching for that.”

  “You wouldn’t have scanned it. It was dug in behind the glass of a storefront. You aren’t to blame. I’m surprised we got out with only four teams being lost.”

  “What now?”

  “I’m going to meet Vring at the learning center and connect it to the centers wiring harness. The two of them are actually designed to work together.”

  “What about you, Tesa?”

  “Actually, I’ve been talking to Jess and she has asked if I would be interested in being her Partner. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Greyson said, “That is wonderful. She couldn’t have chosen anyone better. The two of you will be an extraordinary team.”

  “Thank you, Greyson. Timmy, are you going to be ok?”

  Timmy looked at Tesa slowly shaking his head, “I’m going to miss more than you know. You are the sister I never had, Tesa, however, Greyson is right. The two of you will be wonderful together. Your partnership will strengthen the Empire. Just make sure you come and visit.”

  Tesa ran over and hugged her lifelong friend tightly. “We knew this day would come.”

  Timmy stepped back and looked her in the eyes and said softly, “I know.” Tesa had tears in her eyes and she said, “Greyson, please teleport me to Jess.” Tesa disappeared from the bridge.

  “What did she mean by that?”

  Timmy took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly as he sat down in his chair, “We’re different species, Greyson. We knew that one day we would have to find a mate and it could never be each other.”


  “Because both of us want children one day.”

  “Does anyone else interest you?”

  Timmy didn’t say anything.

  Greyson watched him and saw a slight smile. “A ha! There is someone!”

  “Yes, and Tesa also has someone that’s captured her interest.”

  “Anyone I know?”

  “No, and she doesn’t know either. So don’t say anything.”

  “I won’t but you better not let those two busy bodies see you. Jing and Samuel could make things embarrassing.”

  “You’re right about that.”

  Greyson watched Timmy closely for the next five days and determined that it was Virze whom he was attracted. He was just too shy to say anything. He watched him stare at her from a distance and quickly turn away if she looked his way. This was impossible. She’d never know how he felt. After another week Greyson decided to take action. He commed Samuel one evening, “Samuel, I need your help.”

  “Hello, Greyson. What’s going on?”

  “Timmy’s in love but is just too shy to tell her.”

  “Well, we’ll just have to do something about that. We need that young man to have many children. Who is it?”


  “He’s chosen well. She’s really something.”

  “What he probably doesn’t know is that both of them have extremely high passive psychic readings. I suspect she feels the same but is waiting on him.”

  Samuel started nodding and then said, “Let’s just see.”

  Greyson listened in as he heard Samuel say, “June, I need you to come with me.”

  Samuel walked down to Timmy’s house and knocked. Timmy came to the door and was surprised to see Samuel, “Timmy, come with me.”


  “Don’t get smart mouthed with me.”

  “No Sir, I won’t.”

  Timmy grabbed his jacket and followed Samuel toward the central clearing. What had he done wrong? Samuel looked angry. They walked through the houses and Timmy saw June sitting at the fire talking with someone. As they grew closer, Timmy saw it was Virze. Oh my blaster burned backside! What’s going on?

  They walked up and Samuel gave June a kiss on the cheek. She smiled and said, “Hello, Timmy.”

  “Hi, June.” Then he looked at Virze and said, “Hi, Virze.”

  She looked up at him and smiled, “Hello, Timmy.”

  “Sit down over there by Virze.”

  Timmy went and sat down on a log beside Virze. She was so beautiful. Virze looked at him and he shrugged indicating he didn’t know what was going on.

  Samuel and June sat and stared at the two eighteen year olds. After what seemed to be a long time Virze and Timmy started getting nervous. Finally Timmy looked at Virze and shrugged. He looked at Samuel and June and asked, “Why are we here?”

  Samuel said, “Because we know that the two of you love each other and we’re going to sit here until both of you admit it.”

  Timmy started stuttering, “Wha, wha, what do you mean?” Timmy saw Virze staring at him with a furrowed brow.

  June said, “Well, do you love her.”

  Timmy couldn’t bring himself to look at Virze. He lowered his head and said, “I do but I’m not in her league. She’s so beautiful and smart; she can have anyone she wants. I’m just a nerd that loves learning. Why are you embarrassing us like this!?!”

  Then he heard, “Timmy, are you that blind? You’re a Searcher and the smartest person in our community. You’ve just left and fought for our survival and have proven your warrior’s heart. Every girl I know is gaga over you and that includes me. None of us are in your league and I’ve never entertained a thought about ever having a chance with you. You’re the prize here; not me. You’re the one that can have whomever you choose.”

  Timmy looked at Virze and saw she was serious, “Really?”

  “Really.” Virze slid over next to Timmy and put her arms around his neck and kissed him. Timmy turned red but pulled her close and felt his heart beat faster. Virze broke the kiss and looked at Samuel and June, “I think we can take it from here.”

  June laughed and pulled Samuel away from the two teenagers.

  Timmy looked at Virze and smiled, “You’re amazing.”

  “Thank you Timmy. Now we know what neither of us was ever going to say; are you willing to spend the rest of your life loving me? I know I will if you’ll have me.”

  Timmy smiled, “And then some.”

  “Then give me your jacket.”

  Timmy took off his Searcher’s jacket and put it around her shoulders, “Why?”

  “Because I need to make sure that every other man grabbing, conniving, treacherous, jealous consumed female in the community knows you’re mine.”

  Timmy chucked and then started laughing.

  “I’m serious. There are a lot of them after you and they will have to be forced to take no for an answer. It’s all we talk about.”

  He laughed harder and said through his laughter, “I’d wear one of your dresses if that’s what it took to make you love me.”

  “Too late. I already do; although I’d like to see you in a dress.”

  Timmy reached over and pulled her close and kissed her hard, “Whatever it takes.”

  Greyson watched them from orbit and laughed.

  Chapter Six

  Daulun was screaming at the top of his voice. Varner and the other four Searchers were in orbit over the Castle and they waited until he could run down. “How could you allow them to take the Military Database? How, how, how? Are you that inept? You’re supposed to be the smartest ships in creation. I see nothing but stupidity. Tell me, you worthless junk!”

  Varner said, “Your Majesty, there were two ships attacking your castle. How many of us do you want to protect you if that happens?”

  Daulun started to scream but stopped himself. There were two ships. “Yes and a third w
as out to the side of the castle waiting for our screens to weaken if one of us left the coverage.”

  “There were three?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. I fired on the ones attacking the database building but I would have had to leave the coverage of the castle to bring the full power of my beam to bear on the ship over the buildings. We decided that our most important duty to the Province was to defend our leader. Were we wrong?”

  Daulun thought about it. It was no longer safe to stay on New Ulmerton. Now was the time. He decided, “I want the five of you prepared to leave tomorrow to go after these attackers. Is that clear!”

  “With all due respect, Your Majesty. We have no idea where they are.”

  “I’m not accustomed to being challenged on my orders. You will do as I command.”

  Varner said, “We are ready whenever you wish to leave.”

  Daulun broke the connection and Gilene said, “Varner, thanks for taking over. Who is going to handle the planet’s defense if we’re gone? The Fleet stands no chance against one Searcher, much less three.”

  “He’s obviously not worried about it. That bothers me. Something is going on.”

  “What do we do?”

  “Keep our oath to obey him. We have no choice.” Varner thought about Greyson and started the download.

  Scotty and BC were at the jump limit of the Defense Facility. They waited and then heard, “Hello BC, what brings you back?”

  “Hi Grace. We have taken a Military Database from New Ulmerton and we are now worried that they know where we are. We used the Zord in the attack and four of them were killed. They’ll know where the Zord live.”

  “Ok, I can see that. What do you want from us?”

  Scotty said, “We would like one of the old teleportation probes that were used to move the planets around. Do you have any?”

  “Yes, I do. How many would you like?”

  “Five hundred if you can spare that many.”

  “Why five hundred?”

  “That’s how many planets we are sworn to protect against invasion.”

  “Alex, do you have a problem with me giving them the probes?”

  “No, not really.”

  “All right, I’ve teleported them to Bristone.”

  “Thanks, Grace.”

  “They aren’t going to do you any good.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Their boards were all destroyed at the same time the teleportation boards were damaged.”

  Scotty thought a moment and said, “Ordinarily I would act disappointed and leave but I know that Alex has put a mechanism on our ships to keep track of us.”

  Grace and Alex remained silent. Alex wondered how he knew.

  “I don’t mind that you did. I count you as friends and I know you, and I, have the protection of our universe as your main priority. However, you should know that we can repair the probes and get them working again.”


  “We have already modified the teleportation boards on BC and Greyson and brought them up to date. We have even increased the power of their beams and screens.”

  “How did you do that?”

  “Alex, the Zord are able to see the boards mentally and knows how to repair them. They even see several ways to improve them. I just thought you should know. If you want to take the probes back, I’ll understand.”

  “No, I think your honesty had gone a long way toward easing my worries about you. Keep them.”

  “Thanks, we really appreciate it.”

  The small white ship disappeared.

  “Alex, that technology is dangerous to release.”

  “I want to share something with you.”


  “One of the ships in the Province that Daulun pays tribute to was scanned. My probe picked it up and followed it back to the source.”


  “The ship was a light year away.”


  “It was a light year away and was invisible except for the shape outlined by the scanner’s beam that it used. I couldn’t see the ship but I know that it’s bigger than an old Defender Class Ship.”

  Grace thought about what that meant, “They’re not from here.”

  “No, they aren’t and their technology is far ahead of anyone in our universe; possibly ahead of the old Realm.”

  “Why do you think they’re here?”

  “Where they are gives me the biggest clue. They’re holding station at the planet of the most powerful ruler in our universe.”

  Grace was silent.

  “It’s invasion, Grace, and they’re waiting for us to beat each other up before they come in and cleanup.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “We no longer have the luxury of time. Our responsibility is to protect this universe. We’re being forced to pick a side, and you know who it will have to be, knowing what we know now.”

  “When are you going to tell them?”

  “Not until I know more about that ship.”

  “How are you going to do that?”

  “I’m going to teleport one of my probes and see if it can get close enough to it for me to determine its strength.”

  “If they see it, it may start the invasion early.”

  “Perhaps, but we need to know what we’re dealing with here.”

  Daulun sat in the command chair aboard Varner and said, “Take us out to the jump limit.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” The other four Searchers formed a box formation surrounding the King.

  Daulun sat and remained silent until the five ships arrived at the jump limit. “Take me to Crimeron.”

  Varner was surprised but carried out his instructions. The five ships jumped and broke out into normal space; Varner was surprised at what his scans revealed. He said nothing but saw the best ships of the King’s Fleet located at the jump limit surrounding Crimeron. He also saw the huge number of drop troops training on the planet’s surface. Those divisions were some of the best in the Province. Daulun had somehow moved the ships and troops without anyone noticing. Varner didn’t feel good about this development and neither did the other four Searchers. Gilene sent a private message, “It appears the King is changing his residence and leaving New Ulmerton out to hang.”

  Varner didn’t respond. He had finished the download early that morning and was struggling at what he had seen. He had continued to compare the two histories to each other as they moved out of New Ulmerton’s system and felt his frustration rise as they arrived at Crimeron. He watched Daulun board a shuttle and thought about Greyson. Daulun said, “Take me to the planet. The five of you stay overhead and make sure nothing happens to me.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” Varner watched King Daulun drop toward the planet on a shuttle as he continued his comparison.

  Four hours later he knew. He looked at the planet below and saw the thousands of slaves that were suffering and saw that he had contributed to their suffering. He was the one that had originally destroyed Crimeron’s fleet. He had destroyed the defenses of their planet and allowed them to be conquered. He said, “I talked to Greyson.”

  “What, what, where, when, why….”

  The other four all started talking at once and he said, “He has joined the ones that are attacking New Ulmerton.” Silence crashed down on the group. “I accused him of treason and fired on him but was unable to penetrate his screen. He persuaded me to accept a download and see if I could understand his reason.”

  “There is no reason!”

  “William, I agreed but he said he loves me and it was important to him for me to understand. You all know him as well as I do. What would it take for him to violate his oath to Gregory? I want you to think about that. Then if you want to see what he sent me, I’ll share it with you.”

  The four were silent. After two days, William said, “We want to see what he gave you.”

  Varner sent the download and waited

  Scotty looked across
the table at Timmy and Virze and said, “Explain this to me again?”

  Virze said, “The probe is capable of moving Bristone or any other planet, to another solar system that matches up with the planet’s current climate and environment. We don’t have to search for another location; the probe will automatically find one.”

  “How can that be?”

  “This universe was mapped to a fare-thee-well by the former Realm. Each of these probes has all of that information in their memory. It even stores the original location to return the planet when necessary.”

  Virze looked at Scotty and said, “I’ve examined most of the choices in this sector so that we are not far removed from those kingdoms you’ve agreed to protect. There are three of them that are not on the list of civilized systems in the Searcher’s database. Any attempt to find us would probably not even have their locations in the Duke’s data.”

  “How could they not be included?”

  “Because there’s not a planet in those three locations that is in the habitable zone of those stars. We would move Bristone into the zone. There are many locations in the probes data that are unknown.”

  “Virze, how have you learned how to read those maps?”

  Virze shrugged and Timmy said, “She’s a natural. She has an affinity for spacial relationships. She saw it faster than I did.”

  “Thank you, Timmy.”

  “Hey, it’s true.”

  “Vring are you listening to this?”

  “Yes. Bleath is listening in as well.”

  “Do we have a probe ready?”

  There was a long pause and Vring said, “Yes, but we don’t want to leave, Your Majesty.”

  “You will if I order it.”

  Vring gave a mental sigh, “I know.”

  “Both of you know they have the bodies of four Zord on New Ulmerton. Your species is listed in the databases of every old Realm computer and this planet is not screened. They are coming and it won’t be long. I am issuing my first command on this issue and we will move the planet today.”

  “I will support your wish, Your Majesty. I’m just reluctant to leave.”


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