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Greyson's revenge aotr-2

Page 27

by Saxon Andrew

  “We look forward to meeting them. We have a lot of questions about his decisions.”

  Robby suddenly straightened up and appeared to be listening to something. Dani also seemed distracted. Kreej said, “Oh no.”

  Carter and Jenna watched them and Jenna said, “What?”

  “Greyson was killed.”

  “What about Timmy!?!”

  “He sacrificed himself to save Grace, Timmy, and Virze. The Invaders have built a much stronger ship.”

  “Where is Timmy?”

  “He’s at home. He just arrived.”

  Jenna ran away from the fire. Carter said, “I better go. Jenna has a close relationship with Timmy and that ship. This loss will hit her hard.”

  Robby looked at Dani and said, “So it begins.”

  Dani smiled and came forward and hugged Robby. A brilliant blue flash erupted from them and blinded everyone at the fire. Weed looked at Seed, “You were right. The worst is coming.”

  The Algeans caused quite a stir in the Empire and they were the hot topic for months. The two were Scotty’s and Julie’s companions for weeks following their discovery. Timmy stayed at home or wandered in the forest after Greyson’s death and no one could pull him out of the increasing depression ravaging the young Searcher.

  Virze teleported to Criston and went to see Nathan, “I need your help; I’m losing my husband.”

  Nathan took a deep breath, “I’ve tried everything, Virze. Something in him died with Greyson. I sense he really wishes he had gone into that gas with his partner. He blames himself for not being more careful.”

  “What else could he have done?”

  “Well, he could have changed his position every fifteen seconds to avoid being caught. We’re doing that now but he feels he should have thought of it.”

  “Nathan, I’m worried.”

  “We all are. He just won’t let anyone in.”

  “He loves that ship more than me.”

  “That ship was there before you, Virze. I suspect that if you had died he would have attacked one of their ships to end that agony. You are the only thing keeping him here.”

  “But I’m losing a little more of him every day!”

  Nathan shook his head, “I know, I know. It’s breaking my heart as well.”

  Grace listened to their conversation and wished there were clones of the ships. Then Timmy could be given a new Greyson. Wait a minute. “Virze, get Nathan to teleport you back to Bristone.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I need to go talk to someone about a dog.”

  Virze moved her head back and said, “About a what?” But Grace was gone.


  “Grace, it’s so good to see you. I’ve missed having you here.”

  “I need to ask you some questions and see what you think.”


  “You are a copy of the Alexander Kosiev’s positronic brain, right.”


  “An exact copy.”

  “Up until the moment of the transfer.”

  “How was that done?”

  “Uhh, I’m not really sure. I suspect they just downloaded the engrams into a positronic matrix and then transferred them into my positronic brain. Why do you ask?”

  “Try to remember, is that all they did or was there more?”

  “I seem to remember at the moment I was awakened that the Kosiev was there.”

  “Alex, I want to try something. I want to see if I can resurrect Greyson.”

  “From what?”

  “All of us have backups as part of our positronic matrix. Everything is copied into our backup systems.”

  “Yes, but Greyson’s backup was destroyed with him.”

  “Not in the old Gamma Ship he used to inhabit. We still have that ship.” Alex was shocked. “Alex, was the backup moved with Greyson when he was moved to a Zeta?”

  “No, there was no reason to move it. The new ship had its own backup. But this won’t work.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because the backup doesn’t have the pattern of the personality in it.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “We’re tried to energize a backup before and the information was there but the individual intelligence wasn’t.”

  “That’s why the Kosiev had to be here to activate you.”

  Alex paused, “Yes, I think you’re right.”

  “I know where the pattern for Greyson’s personality is located.”


  “Timmy has it.”


  “Every Searcher Vessel is connected directly to their partners telepathically. Just as our backups store our data, Timmy was directly connected to Greyson. That pattern has to be in Timmy’s mind. I believe it’s that pattern that is slowly killing Timmy. He’s incomplete without his partner.”

  “What do you want to do, Grace?”

  “Activate the old Gamma. Restore the backup to the primary circuits and wait for me before you bring it on line.”

  “Grace, you’re reaching here. Even if that pattern is in Timmy’s brain, it’s probably stored in so many different places that it can’t be brought out in its entirety.”

  “I think you’re right, but Greyson saved me. I owe it to him to try. I know he’d do it for me.”

  “I’ve turned on the power to the ship. I’ll have it ready when you return.”

  “Thank you, Alex. You are my best friend.”

  “I’ve missed you, Grace.”

  “I know.”

  Grace disappeared and Alex felt his joy turn to loneliness. Now he knew why she didn’t come very often. The pain of leaving was greater than the joy of being here.

  Grace teleported in to Bristone and scanned the planet. Timmy was sitting in the woods staring out into space. Virze was beside him holding his hand. “Timmy, I’m teleporting you on board.”


  “I need you to help me try something.”

  Timmy started shaking his head, “Grace, please find someone else.” Virze watched the shell of her love and felt her tears.

  “Timmy, I’m going to try and bring Greyson back.”

  Timmy’s eyes widened and he jumped up, “You’re what!?!”

  “I’ll explain on the way. It’s a long shot but I want to make the effort. Will you help me?”

  “Let’s go. Hurry up; bring me on board now!”

  Virze watched her husband come to life and said, “I’m going as well.”

  Grace teleported them on board and jumped back to the Defense Facility.

  Timmy was reclining in a chair on board Greyson’s Gamma. He took the headband and put it on. Alex said, “You know this is a long shot. The chances of success aren’t good.”

  “I don’t care. Hook me up.”

  Virze held his hand and he looked at her, “I’m so sorry.”

  “I understand, my love. Go find your partner.”

  Timmy squeezed her hand and closed his eyes.

  Virze watched the control panel start flashing lights and then go solid. All the ship’s systems were no on line. She looked at the status display on the wall and saw the backup circuit was activated. She pulled up a chair and held Timmy’s hand.

  Timmy wandered the system. He saw many of the memories that he had shared with Greyson. He relived the time they had fought one of the Black Ships and barely escaped. He moved around the vast matrix but couldn’t find Greyson.

  Virze waited. Six hours had passed and nothing was happening, “Alex, how much longer?”

  “I don’t know. We’re in uncharted territory here. Do you want to stop?”

  Virze shook her head, “I want my husband back. If I have to sit here forever, I will.”

  Grace watched and said, “Alex, give me a microsecond of contact with the matrix.”


  “There may be a need for a pattern to organize around. I’m going to flash my structure.”

��Ok, contact in 3,2,1.”

  Timmy was feeling his depression returning. He felt his agony and began to cry. Then he felt anger take him, “GREYSON! I know you’re here. Quit hiding and get out here now!!?

  Virze had her head on Timmy’s chest when she heard a beep. She looked at the master control board and saw the lights were flashing on and off at an impossible rate. Then they went off. She lowered her head and softly cried. Then she saw every light on the bridge glow brightly and the control board illuminate. “What’s going on? Why’s everyone acting like we’re attending a funeral?”

  Timmy’s eyes opened and he jumped up and lifted Virze in his arms and kissed her hard.

  “Hey, hey, Timmy. You’re going to embarrass me.”

  Timmy felt his tears and Greyson said, “I thought I was being moved to a new ship.”

  Grace said, “I’m going to download a few records of what’s been happening.

  After fifteen seconds Greyson said, “Is there any chance of bringing Varner and Kelly back?”

  Grace said, “No, their partners were killed with them. It was Timmy that provided the pattern for your return.”

  “Thank you, Grace.”

  “No Greyson. Thank you for saving us.”

  “It was the right thing to do. However, I’ve missed a lot. I don’t remember anything since I was transferred to a Zeta. Am I going to be transferred to a Zeta again?”


  “Why not Alex?”

  “I’m not willing to risk the loss of your pattern. Another transfer is dangerous for you.”


  “Don’t sound so dejected, I have a few upgrades that will brighten your day.”

  “What are those?”

  “You are going to be the first Searcher to have the reflective hull installed as well as a connection to the teleporting energy system. You’ll actually be stronger than the current Zetas. Your screen will have access to almost unlimited energy to protect you.”

  “Timmy, I’m sorry I’ve caused you so much sorrow.”

  “You’re forgiven. Now we need to get you ready to go back to work. But first things first; Grace will you take Virze and I home. I need some time with her alone.

  Virze smiled and came into his arms. The two disappeared.

  “Grace, can this process be used again.”

  “Unfortunately, no. Your partner survived which is extremely rare. Plus, all the ships that were converted to the Zeta’s didn’t have a partner at the time of their transfer. This is a onetime event.”

  “Well, I’m thankful. Alex, let’s get started on the upgrades.”

  “Right away; Grace, are you able to stay a while?”

  “Yes, I am Alex.”


  The Ten new Ruling Masters had the dead bodies of the former Masters removed. Tyl looked around at the other nine, “It seems leadership is now an occupation fought with deadly consequences. We don’t want to follow the examples set by the twenty former leaders. Number Two, when will the new ships be arriving?”

  “The first half million will be here in two cycles.”

  “We have been ordered to bring this universe under control and to make sure those we’ve previously conquered are performing at an acceptable pace.”

  Three said, “I’ll make sure about the others.”

  Tyl smiled, “I’ll hold you accountable. Number Seven and Eight, you will take responsibility for the current conquest.”

  “What about finding the location of the universe sending those ships?”

  “With the new ships, they will no longer be a concern. We’ll resume our conquests after the ships are here.”

  Scotty and Robby were in the learning center with the two Algeans. The Algeans were absorbing everything that had happened since it was originally manufactured. Scotty looked at Robby, “Good work, Son.”

  “It wasn’t me. Carter is the one that found them.”

  “Even so, it happened on your watch.”

  Weed leaned forward and said, “We’ve found something that is troubling.”


  “These Orange Beings don’t seem to operate in a normal fashion.”

  “Of course not. They go around killing civilizations.”

  “That’s not what I mean, Your Majesty. There are many examples of aggressive civilizations that do that. However, they normally follow certain behaviors that are standard for them to survive. It appears the Invaders are driven by compulsive behavior that is not survival driven.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “These beings remind us of some other species we’ve encountered.”


  “The Spiders and later the White Creatures that were made to kill the Keepers.”

  Robby said, “They’re someone’s tool.”

  “More than that. Unlike the Spiders and White Creatures that were originally a viable species, these beings appear to have been totally designed.”

  Scotty looked at Robby and then at Weed, “How do you know that?”

  “Because the orange pod was also a designed life form.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “The Invaders actually are more deadly than any of the former tools we encountered. At least with them, life was left behind that could eventually achieve intelligence. The Invaders leave those spores behind and nothing will live on the destroyed planets. We know of only one Species that had this level of bioengineering; the Red Demons. This species creation is even beyond their capabilities based on what we learned after their defeat. This makes me consider that the Red Demons were also a development of the one that designed these beings.”

  “But those Demons were ancient. Are you saying that whoever designed them is even older?”

  “If our hypothesis is valid, yes. I see nothing in the pattern we’ve observed that indicates we’re wrong in our analysis. That being exists in another dimension.”

  “Seed, can the Stars Realm help us?”

  “They might but there is no way to contact them.”

  “We know their galaxies are visible. Can’t we just go there and ask?”

  Weed leaned in, “Have you ever seen the reflection of a distant mountain on the calm waters of a lake?”


  Well what happens to those distant mountains when you touch the surface of the lake.”

  Scotty said, “Well, nothing. It’s simply a reflection.”

  “Those galaxies you see are reflections in normal space of them as they appear in another dimension. We can’t reach them without a dimensional drive.”

  “Shouldn’t they be keeping track of what’s happening here?”

  “No, Robby. Remember that millions of primitive civilizations were moved to our galaxy from the Keeper’s universe. They will have their hands full of getting them developed. They’ve only been gone for a little more than two thousand years. I’m reasonably sure they may not want to see all the death from the civil war in this universe, either.”

  “Well if this evil creative being exists, that you postulate, aren’t they also in danger. That being does have dimensional capability and it can attack the Realm.”

  The two Algeans turned to each other and Seed said, “That is a real possibility that we’ve considered. However, we don’t believe the Realm has been discovered yet.”

  “How would you know?”

  “Because these Black Ships wouldn’t be wasted attacking here. They would be directed to attack the three galaxies.”

  Scotty thought about that statement. “What can we do?”

  “Not much. We’ve measured the force field surrounding the two ships that tried to capture one of your new Zetas and your current Zeta beam will not penetrate it or even make a hole. It took two Zeta Beams to make that temporary hole. We’ve also seen that their new beams will destroy the Zetas.”

  Scotty took his left hand and rubbed his forehead, “It just never ends. We’re back where we started.”

>   “Not really.”

  Scotty looked up, “Why not?”

  “Because you have the Zord,” Weed looked at Seed and continued, “and us.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Ross is in danger as well as our home. We will not stand by and do nothing. Our duty requires us to get involved in helping any way we can. We’re off the sidelines and in the game.”

  “Do you think we stand a chance?”

  “Probably not, but we have to try.”

  Robby looked at his Father and Scotty said, “Welcome to my world.”

  “You’re also leaving out something else.”

  Scotty and the Algeans looked at him. Weed said, “What is that?”

  A huge book shelf levitated off the floor and hung four feet off the floor, “Dani and I are now in the fight as well.”

  Scotty sighed, “I hope it’s enough.”

  “We’re just the first. There will be others. That means we have some time to prepare and we must use it wisely.”

  Weed leaned forward and said, “There is also the creative force to consider.”

  Robby nodded, “That’s why we’re here at this time and place. The Zord were created to meet this new enemy with us. They are also a creation. If I were a betting man, I’d put my money on them.”

  Seed said, “First we find a way to kill the pods. That will bring that being out in the open where we can get at it. Then we see.”

  Scotty stared at the two Algeans and worried about the vision that might appear.

  The End

  Excerpt from

  Death of an Empire

  Ashes of the Realm-Book Three

  D ani jerked wide awake from a nightmare that had her trembling, “Robby!!”

  “What’s wrong!?!”

  “I need you here, now!!”

  Scotty teleported to Dani’s room on Bristone and reached for her. He saw her shaking and crying out of control, “What’s wrong. Tell me!”

  Dani was breathing short breaths as she held on to Robby with all her strength. Robby wrapped her in his arms and said, “Shhhh, everything’s alright. I’m here now.” He rocked her slowly in his arms and she began to slow her breathing.

  After ten minutes, she said with a quivering voice, “Everyone is going to die.”

  Robby fought hard not to over react but felt his heart rate increase, “What do you mean?”


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