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Taming Adam

Page 8

by Shirley Penick

  Adam nodded. She squirmed in her seat and he didn’t know if she was excited or nervous.

  “I’m thrilled to have the chance. I’ll try not to drive you too crazy stopping every five minutes. But this might be my only chance to drive through the park without actually driving it myself, which means I can really look to see what a good shot would be.”

  Now he felt like a jerk, for dreading this. “You are welcome to stop as much as you like we’ve got a good five hours of daylight left, so we should have plenty of time even with stopping in Estes Park for some dinner. As long as we’re out of the park by dark we’ll be fine.”

  She beamed at him and her hazel eyes sparkled with excitement. “I really, really appreciate it, Adam. And will owe you one. A big one.”

  His mind went straight to the gutter on how she could repay him. All of them involving some sort of nakedness. He shifted in his seat to hide his reaction and cleared his throat. “No payment necessary.”

  “I’ll think of something.”

  He didn’t let his mind go anywhere with that statement. He kept his eyes on the road like it was the hardest drive on earth, when, in fact, he was following Beau down a nearly deserted highway. Since Beau had gone to CSU for eight years to earn his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, he knew the best way to, and from their home, both through the park and not.

  “You know I was thinking about that drone that keeps showing up,” Rachel said.

  He grunted.

  “Well if you really want to find it you could set up some motion-activated cameras.”

  He turned his head and looked at her for a moment.

  She stumbled on, “If you put them up above the height the cattle would turn them on, and point them at the six to eight-foot level, you might be able to see where it’s coming onto your land. I know it’s a lot of ground to cover, but maybe you could rent some, or I don’t know… it was just a thought.” She folded her arms and looked out the window.

  As he turned the idea over in his mind, he saw her tense up even from his peripheral vision. “That’s actually not a bad idea.”

  She looked back so quick her hair snapped. “You think so?”

  “I do, it would take some investigation, and planning but it’s the best idea I’ve heard so far.”

  She smiled so wide, the joy filled the truck. “I thought you thought I was an idiot mentioning it. You have so much land and cameras are not cheap, and I don’t know what resources—”

  “It’s okay Rachel. I needed to think about it for a minute. Have you already researched this idea?”

  “Well I might have looked at things online, a bit.”

  He chuckled at her expression of pride mixed with anxiety as she continued on. “There are a lot of different options. Many remote cameras are used for hunting. The problem is they don’t have a very long range, so you would need a lot of them. The ones I saw online have about a sixty-five-foot trigger distance and a one-hundred-and-twenty-degree wide angle sensor, for about eighty dollars. You would need a couple hundred of them to cover your perimeter.”

  “True, but we could do a portion of the land at a time, it wouldn’t have to be the whole thing done at once. Maybe do a quarter at a time, for two weeks then move them. I think we could see what direction the drone is coming from and then investigate from there. Once we didn’t need them anymore we could probably sell them to hunters at half the price and not be out a ton of money. I’ll talk to my dad about the idea.”

  She looked so pleased with herself for having a good idea he nearly laughed out loud.

  Rachel was so thrilled Adam hadn’t treated her like an idiot and really was considering her idea. She’d been freaked out when she’d realized he was the one that would be driving her back to their ranch. The two of them in his truck alone for several hours seemed like torture of the highest form. He’d been very helpful with toting around all her equipment at graduation, but she always still felt like he was indulging her, and he really thought she was an inconvenience.

  She’d gotten that idea stuck in her head the very first minute she’d met him, and she hadn’t been able to shake it. So, when he said her idea was a good one it had relieved a lot of anxiety. When he was being nice he was so darn attractive, she wanted to jump him. It had been a while since she’d had anyone she was remotely interested in that way. She lived in such a small town there just weren’t that many prospects. But that didn’t account for the crazy attraction she felt for Adam. Chase, Cade and Drew were also very attractive men and she didn’t feel anything toward them. There were also a couple of the hired hands that were cuties, but again no interest at all. Just this big cowboy with a grumpy attitude.

  She entertained herself with ideas of where they could get naked. Not the truck, vehicles were just not that comfortable, at least not the front seat. If all her crap was not in the back it might work, but the seat was still pretty narrow. She looked out the window at a pretty meadow, that might be good, but it was too close to the road. An old barn came into view. Now that would work, it was falling down and weathered, but maybe behind it.

  The truck started slowing down and over to the side of the road. Crap did I say that out loud? Can he read my mind?

  She looked up. “W-why are we stopping?”

  “I thought you might want to take some pictures, you were staring at that old barn pretty hard. Alyssa must have thought so too, because they are stopped up ahead.” He waved his hand toward Beau’s truck.

  She looked and saw Beau’s truck pulled onto the shoulder of the road about fifty yards ahead. Her cheeks flamed, and she fumbled with her seat belt. Nearly dropping her camera as she stumbled out of the cab. “Oh yes, of course, it’s a very cool structure it would make a terrific study. Be right back.”

  The man was going to think she was a complete idiot. He’d told her she could stop any time and apparently Alyssa was looking out for her, too. If she hadn’t been having hot fantasies, she would have noticed it and wanted to take pictures. God, she had to get herself under control, immediately if not sooner.

  She took a few pictures just for form, but her heart wasn’t in it and she knew they wouldn’t be that great, she tried to settle down and get some good ones, but she was too rattled.

  She got back in the truck and smiled sweetly. “Thanks for stopping.”

  “No prob. Just let me know if you see something you like.” He shrugged and started up the truck.

  She saw something she liked, all right, but it had nothing to do with photography.

  Chapter 14

  Adam wasn’t sure what had rattled Rachel, but she’d acted like a snake was going to bite her when he’d pulled off the road. She’d nearly dropped her camera trying to get out of the cab. He had no idea what was wrong with her. Women were a mystery. Maybe he should bring up a subject to talk about, so he didn’t seem so scary to her. But what?

  Ah, Beau’s project might be just the thing. “So, has Beau talked to you about taking some pictures for his presentation?”

  She startled and then nodded. “He has, but he’s not sure when he’ll be able to take me out to find each of the heifers and their calves. With the wedding in two months, Alyssa and I are going to be crazy trying to get everything planned.”

  It was just a wedding, what was the big deal? A dress, some cake, some food and invitations. Seemed pretty straight forward to him. He knew they were planning to have the ceremony at their church and they could always use the Grange Hall for the reception if they wanted. He wasn’t about to make light of the whole thing though because he didn’t want to downplay the work involved.

  He nodded. “You can always stay a few days after the wedding furor dies down, one of us can help you find the right livestock. In fact, some photographic documentation of the herd might be a good idea. Not sure if we would want all the animals photographed, but some of the ones we might want to show would be good, or any of the young bulls we might want to sell. I imagine our website could use some new pictures also. It’
s been a while since it was updated. It might be a couple of week’s work. We would be happy to pay you for your time and expertise.”

  “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. I’ve been toying with the idea of going to art school, but I haven’t really decided yet.”

  “Where are you thinking about attending?”

  “There are several Art Institutes, Seattle, Denver, then there are a couple of great schools in California, New York and Florida. I’m not sure I want to get as far away from home as New York or Florida. I’ve put in a couple of applications, so we’ll see what happens.”

  “So, are you looking at a bachelor’s degree or masters?”

  “I don’t know for sure. I’ve taken a lot of online classes and learned a lot. But Alyssa insists that a hands-on full-time college is best.”

  “The two are very different experiences, but I don’t know that one is actually better than the other. It’s more what options will best fit into your life style. I went away to college for my business degree and then took online courses to continue my education.”

  She laughed, and the sound shivered through him. “I’ve done just the opposite, started online, and may finish up going away.”

  He followed Beau into Estes Park and the parking lot where all the elk gathered. He was certain she would want pictures. There were hundreds of Elk that hung out in Estes Park, sometimes they were a nuisance. It was such a large herd that everyone was always floored by them.

  “Wow, look at all the elk. Are we stopping so I can photograph them?”

  “I can’t imagine any other reason to be stopping here, have fun, but don’t get too close. They might hang out in town, but they are still wild animals.”

  She frowned at him.

  “No, I don’t think you’re an idiot, but people try it every year. Sometimes total idiots try to put a child up on one of their backs for a photo.”

  “You’re joking, that’s ridiculous. And dangerous.” She shuddered.

  “I wish I was joking. Come on, I could use a stretch of my legs.”

  “Oh, in that case can you grab the tripod, and the green bag with the extra lenses?”

  “Yes, ma’am, whatever you say, ma’am.”

  She got out of the cab laughing, as Alyssa came over to her. He shivered and got her equipment out of the back seat and heard Beau walk up.

  “Gonna tote and carry again for the little miss?” Beau asked.

  “Somebody’s gotta.”

  “I suppose. Do you think they’ll be long?” Beau asked. “I was thinking we could grab an early dinner here in town and then we wouldn’t be starving if it takes us all night driving through the park.”

  “Sounds like an excellent idea.”

  Rachel and Alyssa headed toward the animals, they weren’t going to get too close. But it was amazing to see so many wild animals just standing in a field, practically in the middle of town.

  Alyssa joined her arm with Rachel as they had done for years and years. God, she was going to miss her friend when she left Colorado.

  Alyssa said quietly. “So, you were laughing when you got out of the truck. Are you doing okay with Adam? I know he can be unfriendly.”

  Rachel glanced over her shoulder and noticed the guys were back a few yards. “Actually, it’s going much better than I envisioned. We’ve had a companionable drive. He said to let him know if I want to stop somewhere for pictures. But you’ve already set that precedence.”

  Alyssa laughed. “I’ve been trying to anticipate you.”

  “Well, it’s working fine.” They stopped at a place that would give her a good view of the animals, but was a safe distance away.

  Adam and Beau joined them.

  She took the tripod from Adam’s hand and set it up, swapped out her wide-angle lens for the telephoto and mounted it. There was a small elk family off to one side the bull, cow and calf. She quickly snapped pictures of the family group since that sight was not a norm for elk, who primarily stay in single sex herds, so it was a treat not to be missed. Not much about this giant herd was consistent with typical behavior however. There were a number of very pregnant cows moving slowly and Rachel wondered how soon they would deliver.

  When she had plenty of pictures of elk, they loaded into the trucks and went in search of food, they decided on barbeque. The restaurant wasn’t quite in town, but it was on one of the access roads to the national park. Since it was a little early for dinner they didn’t have the wait they normally would.

  When they were seated at the table they looked over the menu. Rachel asked the guys, “What’s good?”

  Beau said, “Pretty much everything is delicious.”

  Adam nodded. “But they are kind of famous for their pulled pork sandwiches.”

  “Perfect, I love pulled pork.” Rachel snapped her menu closed and set it on the table. She hated trying to decide what to order at a new restaurant.

  Alyssa gasped. “Oh my God, did you see the appetizers? I want one of each they sound delicious. Oh, wait they have a combo that has them all, we have to get that. Please, pretty please.”

  Beau laughed. “Of course, we can order it. Are you going to have anything else?”

  Alyssa nodded. “I should order a salad. But that trout sounds too good. I have to try it.”

  “We’re going to end up taking a lot of left overs with us. They have generous portions,” Adam said.

  “Oh, goody, car snacks.” Alyssa smacked her lips.

  Beau laughed and Adam groaned. Rachel rolled her eyes, she never could figure out where Alyssa put all the food. She’d known her since they were kids and Alyssa always packed it away while most people ate about half the amount.

  Chapter 15

  After they ordered, while they waited for the appetizers, Alyssa said, “So since it’s the four of us and graduation is over, can we talk about the wedding? Adam you’re going to be Beau’s best man and Rachel is my maid of honor. So, there’s a couple of things we need to talk about.”

  Rachel looked at the guys and they looked like deer in headlights. Alyssa laughed. “It won’t be that bad, but you need to know what your respective roles are.”

  Beau said, “Showing up in nice clothes?”

  Adam chuckled. “My job is to make sure he doesn’t pass out.”

  Alyssa nodded. “Both true, but there are a couple more things you need to do. I want to have Tony be the ring bearer, so Adam if you can handle him when he gets to the front, until we get to the ring part that would be helpful. After we’ve gotten the rings he can go sit down.”

  “Sure, no problem.”

  “You’ll also be Rachel’s escort down the aisle afterwards and the two of you can drive us from the church to the reception.”

  “I can handle that also. Are you planning on using the Grange for the reception?”

  “We can, but I’ve also been thinking about having a party at the ranch, outside under the stars.”

  Beau patted her hand. “You know it won’t be dark until nearly eight thirty, that time of year. I thought we were talking about a three o’clock wedding. That would be a very long party to last until the stars came out.”

  “True, we probably need to talk about that more, Beau. I know we’ve got the Grange on hold and we would need to find out what all would be needed to have it at the ranch, anyway.”

  Rachel said, “It would probably be a lot easier to have it at the Grange. If you have it at the ranch, you’ll have to get tables and chairs and set up some kind of dance floor. And somewhere to cater the food.”

  “Yeah and the ranch is kind of smelly for people who don’t live on one. We’re all used to it, but there are other people who are not.” Adam shrugged.

  “I’m not sure I care that much about other people, both of us are from ranching families.” Alyssa waved her hand. “So, all of our closest people would be fine. Anyway, I’ll give it some more thought. Adam as the best man you’ll need to give the first toast. Both fathers will probably do the same and if Grandpa K wa
nts to he’s welcome.”

  “Okaaay, I can think of something brilliant to say.” Adam frowned, clearly trying to think of what to say.

  “Rachel, you can take a few pics at the rehearsal if you want, but I’m going to need to find a photographer for the event. I need you by my side.”

  Rachel gave her best friend a smile. “I understand, it might make me a little crazy not to be behind the camera, but I’ll do my best. How many people do you think will come from Chedwick?”

  Alyssa said, “I’m not really expecting anyone but my family. I’m sending invitations to everyone, but I’ll tell them we’ll have a reception in town after breeding season. Maybe October.”

  Rachel wasn’t so sure about that. Alyssa was a favorite around town, but she’d wait to see what happened. It wouldn’t surprise her if half the town made the journey. The October reception would be packed.

  Before anything else could be said the appetizers arrived and they all dug in tasting them. The meals came right after that. They had enough food for an army. Rachel decided the pulled pork sandwich was the best she’d ever eaten, but she’d had too many appetizers so only got through about half her sandwich and a handful of the fries. The coleslaw was good too, but she only had a few bites.

  She tried to wait patiently for everyone to eat their fill, but wasn’t terribly successful. She wanted to get on the road. There were pictures to be taken and places to explore.

  Finally, Alyssa looked at her and said, “Okay Miss Ants in the Pants we can go. As soon as we get the rest of this food in a doggy bag.”

  Rachel grinned. “You mean an Alyssa bag?”

  “Yes, I do, except for your cold French fries. You can take those with you.”


  Beau and Adam both looked at her with identical expressions of horror. “Yes. I know I’m weird, but I love cold fries almost as much as the hot ones. So, I will be taking them with me, since I ate too many appetizers to eat one of my favorite foods.”


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