Book Read Free

Taming Adam

Page 16

by Shirley Penick

  “Of course. That is the point of this trip to let you take lots of pictures.”

  She nodded. “And have some fun at the same time.”

  “Fun and a picnic. There is a waterfall on the dirt road, we can have our picnic by that.”

  “Great.” She got out of the car and took lots of pictures of the sturdy little flowers growing in the harsh climate. She knew this time to bring a jacket for the drive. Even though it was warmer than it had been, the wind at this elevation was still cold.

  As they walked back to Adam’s truck an SUV tooted their horn and Adam waved.

  Rachel watched the car drive on. “The passenger had a sweater over her head. I assume it was a her since it was a female type of sweater.”

  Adam laughed. “Yes, that was Ruth Williamson, she’s terrified of Trail Ridge road. Her husband loves it. So once a year they take it into Estes Park and spend the day shopping and playing tourist and then drive back. She pretty much spends the whole drive with a sweater over her head, so she can’t see the drop-offs.”

  She looked towards where the truck had disappeared from view. “And they’ve been doing this for how long?”

  “They’ve probably been married going on forty years.”

  “And she’s still terrified?” she asked.


  “People are weird.”


  She laughed as they got in the car to continue the drive. Rachel thought about the old couple, how the woman would sacrifice her fear of the road, so her husband could drive on the road he loved. She wondered how many times he wanted to drive it and sacrificed his joy for his wife’s fears. Love really was about give and take and those two exemplified it.

  She knew Adam enjoyed driving but she wondered if he had things he would rather be doing. Not that he was doing it out of love, but still she wondered.

  Adam enjoyed taking Rachel around to the different places he had lined up for her. They’d had a good day in the national park, she’d loved the Old Fall River road and they’d had a fun picnic near the falls. Fortunately, there was only one other car they saw on the road, since it was a Thursday. So, they pretty much had the road to themselves and could just stop in the middle of it whenever she wanted to take a photo or two.

  They’d gone out on the lakes in his friend’s boat on Saturday and they’d had a lot of fun doing that. She took a ton of pictures and then he let her drive the boat for a while. She’d learned how to pilot a boat in her home town on Lake Chelan but hadn’t gotten to do it a lot. It had been a fun day with lots of laughs. Fortunately, they’d slathered on sunscreen so they didn’t get burnt.

  Sunday, they decided was going to be a chill day. She took her camera with her, but said it was not going to be the focus of the day. They took the drive to Hot Sulphur Springs and she’d taken a lot of pictures on the drive and then some of the town, but when they were ready to go in to the actual pools she’d locked her camera up in his truck and they walked into the springs hand in hand.

  She’d about given him a heart attack when she shimmied out of her jeans and had on her skimpy bathing suit. It wasn’t nearly as tiny as some he’d seen, but it fit her so well he knew he started drooling.

  She smiled a naughty smile. “I’m glad I brought my suit. I almost didn’t, not knowing if it would be warm enough to warrant it. But I was planning to be here for most of the summer, so I decided to drag it along. It doesn’t take much room anyway.”

  He had to swallow twice to get his throat to work. “I’m glad you brought it too. And no, it wouldn’t take much room. What it did take is so worth it. I need a picture of that if you don’t mind. I can take it on my phone.”

  She posed and laughed. “If you must.”

  He took several as she grinned and posed for the shots. Then it was her turn to take pictures of him with her phone, so he clowned around like she had. He didn’t know how she felt about his pictures, but he was fairly certain the shots of her were going to become a prized possession.

  They’d had dinner in a quaint restaurant, she’d brought a sexy sun dress to wear after the hot springs and he’d cleaned up some also. The restaurant had a bar with a dance floor and live music, so they danced and acted like they were on a date. Rather than him being a tour guide. He’d liked it, he’d liked it a lot.

  That night she’d joined him in his room and they’d made slow passionate love to one another. It was a special day and one he would remember for a very long time.

  Chapter 29

  Alyssa and Beau were due back tonight. Rachel would be happy to see her friend and hear about her Hawaiian adventures. But Rachel’s time on the ranch was coming to an end too quickly. In less than a week she would be on the road headed to California to make her final arrangements to start school. She needed an apartment and to pay her tuition and buy books and look over the campus. She would be a freshman, so the course schedule was pretty standard, at least until she could see what she should test out of. Not much to do about that right away though.

  After she got everything arranged she’d need to make a trip back to Washington to collect whatever she would need to spend the next four years in college. She planned to fly up, then rent a small truck to bring back down whatever she would need, depending on what she got as living quarters and whether they were furnished.

  It was a lot to do, but frankly she was not looking forward to it. In some ways she knew the experience would be valuable and she would learn a lot, but her heart wasn’t in it.

  She’d lost her heart right here in the Colorado mountains to a man she would never have chosen. He wasn’t at all the kind of guy she normally dated or was interested in. But her heart had a mind of its own.

  He never talked about her staying. He managed their time, so she would have everything done in the time that was allotted. She wondered if he would be glad to be rid of her. Or if he was biding his time until she packed up and moved on.

  She laughed. Cynical much? Just then he walked out of the house and grinned when he saw her.

  “I hurried with my work, so, we could get stuff done before the newlyweds show up and distract us.”

  “That’s probably a good idea. I’m excited to hear about their time in Hawaii. Someday I want to go, there is so much beautiful photography from the islands, but I would still want to take my own.”

  “You would have a different slant on it and bring your own flavor. I will be watching for your famous photography from now on. Someday you’ll be a headliner, for sure.”

  She felt her heart swell with his pride in her, while at the same time wished she wasn’t going anywhere. Did she really want to be a famous photographer? She didn’t know if she did. “Well thanks for your confidence, but I’m not sure I’m the famous type. I’m happy to be in the background taking pictures. Someone else can have the limelight.”

  “When you do become famous, you can set your own standards and be eccentric. Refuse all the attention. Brush off reporters with a comment on how you lose your creativity when you give pieces of yourself away in interviews.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You are so silly. Let’s get moving, we’re burning daylight.”

  He rolled his eyes back at her. “Grandpa K has created a monster.”

  Adam was having fun teasing her and it was keeping him from being depressed about her leaving at the end of the week. He was going to miss the woman. What he wanted to do, was to beg her to stay and marry him. He would love to take her to Hawaii and anywhere else she wanted to travel. He would happily become her pack mule for life. But he couldn’t derail her career.

  She had so much potential and he meant it when he said he would be waiting and watching for her to become a top photographer. The work she’d shown him was amazing, and here he had her out photographing a bunch of animals any idiot could take pictures of. Nope, he wasn’t going to let on that he wanted her to stay with him. He was going to work with her up until the last day, then he was going to smile and wave as she drove he
r little silver car out of his life.

  He couldn’t bear to think about that, so getting busy with work was the cure. They still had a couple hundred head of cattle to photograph. They would have to spend the last day hunting down all the ones that had been missed. He’d been thinking about a strategy for that. Maybe have everyone that was available spread out across the ranch and look for the missing ones. When they found the correct animals, they could text in their location and keep the cattle from moving until Rachel could drive around to the different locations.

  They spent the day as they had many others, chatting as they took all the pictures they could before dinner. When they got back to the house Beau and Alyssa had arrived.

  At dinner the newlyweds talked about Hawaii.

  Rachel gasped. “You did not go all the way to Hawaii and spend half your time on cattle ranches. Please tell me I misunderstood that.”

  Alyssa laughed at her best friend. “Nope, you understood perfectly. We went to the Big Island and it has one of the largest cattle ranches in Hawaii and very historic too. There were some up north and others down south. We had a great time.”

  “But you were supposed to be swimming in the ocean and soaking up the rays and having sex. Not working.” Rachel whined.

  “We did plenty of those things, too. And it wasn’t work exactly, it was interesting to see how they handle it on such a closed environment. We loved it, didn’t we honey?” Alyssa looked at Beau.

  He nodded. “We did, indeed.”

  Alyssa shook her finger at Rachel. “Besides, missy, if it was you on your honeymoon, you can’t tell me you wouldn’t have your camera out taking a zillion pictures.” Adam had to admit Alyssa had a point, Rachel would have that camera strapped to her hand the entire time.

  Rachel huffed. “That’s different. Everyone takes pictures.”

  “It’s not different at all. The ranch we went to has a visitor’s center and a lot of people go to it as tourists.” Alyssa shrugged. “We just asked different questions, and spent a bit more time there.”

  “Fine. But I still think it was silly to go thousands of miles away and end up on a ranch.” Rachel folded her arms and Adam had to hold in the chuckle he felt as the two women argued. They were so darn funny together.

  “Changing the subject.” Alyssa grinned. “So, you leave this weekend for college. I’ll help you with the last few days of picture taking so we can spend the time together. Okay?”

  Adam felt his enjoyment plummet. He didn’t want Alyssa to push him out of his last few days with Rachel.

  Rachel looked at him. “But Adam and I have a system down.”

  Alyssa laughed. “And I can’t figure it out? I’m sure he’s got plenty of work to do since you’ve been taking up half his time.”

  Adam shook his head. “Actually, I’ve been able to keep up just fine. I simply start a little earlier in the morning.”

  “Well now you can go back to your regular schedule,” Alyssa said.

  “If you insist.” He didn’t know what else to say and maybe Rachel would prefer to spend the last couple of days with her best friend. She didn’t argue with the plan, so maybe she was tired of him.

  “I do. It will be fun.” Alyssa grinned at Rachel.

  Rachel smiled back at her friend and nodded. Although the smile wasn’t as enthusiastic as Alyssa’s he could see it was genuine. He’d lost, and he’d just have to suck it up. He didn’t say much the rest of the evening as Alyssa and Beau continued to share their stories of Hawaii.

  Chapter 30

  Rachel woke up alone. Adam had left. She didn’t remember him leaving so he must have done so while she was asleep. He’d loved her last night, over and over, almost frantically. She’d been convinced he was going to ask her to stay. But he was nowhere to be found and there was a note on her bedside table that told her good luck in college and then he’d signed it with “think of me”.

  Well, so much for a profession of undying love. It clearly wasn’t happening. They were obviously not on the same page. She sniffed, she was not going to cry over the man. She was going to pack up her car and drive to California and enroll in school.

  The tears in her eyes were tears of joy, not sadness. She refused to cry over a man that wouldn’t even see her off, or tell her goodbye. The jerk.

  She’d just finished getting dressed when Alyssa knocked on her door.

  “I came to help you pack. I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’m going to miss you, too.”

  “No, you won’t you’ll be so busy in college you won’t have time to miss me. You’re going to have so much fun.”

  Rachel forced a smile, knowing her friend thought she knew what was best. “I’ll still miss you. But I can always stalk you on social media.”

  “For sure, and you’ll have to post some of your work as you learn new stuff. I’ll be waiting with bated breath.”

  Rachel laughed. “I’m sure you will, in between breeding the cattle, and delivering new calves, and sewing up hurt animals, and getting caught in snowstorms.”

  “I’ll still have time to check for new pictures.” Alyssa put her hands on her hips. “Now let’s get you all loaded up. It’s a long drive to California.”

  They spent the morning packing and filling the car with all Rachel’s belongings. Meg brought her out a hamper of food to eat on the journey and the whole family came to say goodbye and wish her luck. All except for Adam, he was nowhere to be seen. After they all said their goodbyes, Rachel got in the car and the family went inside for lunch.

  All that was left was to start the car and drive off.

  Adam rode Jake back into the yard and saw Rachel’s car sitting there still loaded and waiting for her. He groaned, he’d been a chicken-shit and had tried to hide out until she left, but it hadn’t worked. She was still here. He hadn’t wanted to have to say goodbye. He’d done that last night with his body. Loving her with everything he had. Showing her in every way how much she meant to him. He didn’t think he could actually say the words without begging her to stay. But he couldn’t do that, she was young, and she deserved to go to college and lead her life, maybe even find a younger man to love.

  Grandpa K walked out of the barn and looked at him still sitting on his horse staring at her car. “You owe her a goodbye, even if you aren’t brave enough to ask her to stay.”

  He sighed. “It’s not that I’m not brave enough, it’s that she deserves the time to find herself.”

  “Never saw her act like she didn’t know exactly who she was, or what she wanted. Are you sure you’re not the one that needs to find himself?” Grandpa K said with a lifted brow.

  “But her college…”

  “Seems to me she never was too excited about going to college. In fact, it seems to me that the idea of opening up that old photo studio in town was the thing that excited her the most. Might just be she’s waiting for an invitation to make this her home.” He shrugged. “But I’m just an old fool, you probably shouldn’t listen to me.” Then he started walking toward the house.

  Adam scoffed at the idea. His grandfather had one of the keenest minds he knew. “Grandpa?”

  He didn’t turn, just pointed. “She took a horse, went that way.”

  Adam was certain he knew where she’d gone. His land was that way and she loved that old swing that sat by the river. Adam turned his horse around and urged him into a run. He couldn’t get there fast enough.

  He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her horse tethered to a tree. He tied his next to hers and walked toward the river.

  She sat cross-legged on the swing with her back to him. She didn’t turn as he walked up behind her and knelt on the ground. She looked so damn beautiful in her ragged jeans and white T-shirt.

  He whispered, “You’re still here.”

  She nodded, but didn’t answer or look at him.


  She stared at the river and then shrugged. “I don’t want to leave.”

  She said it
so quietly he nearly couldn’t hear her. But his heart leapt with joy, maybe he had a chance.

  He cleared his throat. “I don’t want you to leave either.”

  She finally turned and looked at him. “You don’t?”

  “No. I couldn’t bear the thought of you leaving, that’s why I left this morning while it was still dark. I couldn’t watch you drive away. I love you.”

  “Then I’ll stay.”

  “And marry me?”

  She sighed and closed her eyes as a smile curved her lips. “Yes. I’ll marry you. I love you too, Adam. So very much.”

  The End

  About the Author

  I am a former techy turned writer. I’m writing two small town contemporary romance series with some other ideas percolating in my brain. The Lake Chelan Series is the first series and there are several more books planned for it. The Burlap and Barbed Wire series is a spinoff from the Lake Chelan series. All the books are stand alone but they are also fun to read in order.

  I have lived in Colorado, Hawaii, and currently Washing‐ ton. I’m a member of RWA (Romance Writers of America) and the local chapters GSRWA (Greater Seattle RWA) and Eastside RWA.

  My family consists of two grown children, their spouses, two adorable grand-daughters, and one grand dog. I started reading at a young age with the Nancy Drew mysteries and have continued to be an avid reader. My favorite reading material these days is romance in most of the genres.

  My favorite activity is playing with my grand-daughters!

  Some of the jobs I have held are a carnation grower’s worker, a trap club puller, a pizza hut waitress, a software engineer, an international trainer, and a business program manager.

  And for something really unusual... I once had a raccoon as a pet.


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