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Boomer (A Steele Riders MC Book 1)

Page 5

by C. M. Steele

  “So…are you going to get ready? It’s better if you show up as early as possible. They are preparing for the new school year so there are no kids until next week. If we wait until they’re settled in maybe you can get an interview or even just give them your info. They really need teachers in a bad way. I mean, there’s only about six teaching kindergarten through fifth.”

  “Wow, so it if I can’t get a job with them, then I must suck.”

  “Ha. I think they’d except someone with a ‘C’ average at this point,” Roxie says. She’s been almost completely quiet. I don’t know if it’s because Morgan is a natural extrovert or Roxie doesn’t know me. I hope it’s not due to her being interested in my man. We’d have a problem if that’s the case.

  “Well, come on. I’m going to make coffee while you change.”


  About an hour later, we make our way to Sam Houston Elementary. It’s a large building for a small range of students, but I assume it’s because they are planning on growing the school. As I get out of the car I'm a bundle of nerves. This is a big deal and I want to make a great impression. It's bad enough that I didn't schedule this appointment in advance so hopefully, they'll see me. I leave the girls in the car and head towards the entrance. I don’t want anyone to recognize Morgan. I’m not worried about them because at least four of Boomer’s prospects followed in a large SUV.

  There's a cute little receptionist who lets me in the building. She’s got gray hair and it’s coifed into a nice tight bun. She’s probably in her mid to late forties and I wonder if she’s related to one of the few people I’ve met already. Her nameplate reads, Mrs. Patricia Daniels Main Office Receptionist.

  “Hi, how can I help you?” she asks.

  “Hello, I’m Crystal Miller and a fresh out of the box teacher. I'm interested in a position and was told there may be some opportunities here. She smiles widely before I even finish my short spiel.

  “Have you brought your paperwork?”

  “Yes, I have,” I reply with a matching grin. “Great. As it happens we are looking for new teachers. Our classes are getting larger and there are not enough teachers in the town. If you wait right here, I'll go speak with the principal.” She gets up and leaves with my paperwork. I look around and the office has a very friendly vibe. I smile as I think about the possibilities for the future. I know because Boomer owns the whole town or at least half of it with his brother, that I don’t need to work should we continue as more than whatever this is. But I’ve always wanted to give back. My parents worked hard and did the same. My mom’s a teacher and loves it. She’s retiring in the next few years, but I’ve always wanted that life.

  It’s only another minute before she comes back out. “Mr. Daniels will come out shortly. He’s in the middle of a few things, but is very interested in meeting with you, Ms. Miller.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Daniels.” She’s the wife of the principal. I nod, then take a seat and admire the scenery. I turned off my phone before coming inside because I didn’t want to give off the impression that I was attached to it.

  “So, did you just move into the area?” Mrs. Daniels asks.

  “Yes, I was supposed to only visit a friend for a few weeks, but then I heard about a possible position. And well, if all things work out, I’ll move here permanently.

  “That’s wonderful. I’m glad you decided to venture in.”

  The door behind the receptionist opens and a tall, older man comes out. He’s just as distinguished and good-looking as his wife.

  “Hello, Ms. Miller. I’m Thomas Daniels. Please come in.” He leads me into his office and I know immediately that he’s a little more than eager to have me here.

  I hate that I’m leaving the girls out in the car, but it’s for the best. After about thirty minutes, I’ve got the job. It starts tomorrow as we prepare for the first week. I can’t wait to share the news with Boomer. I step out of the building with a smile as wide as my face. The girls are sitting on the hood of Morgan’s car with grins of their own.

  “Girl, did you get it?” Morgan asks, meeting me halfway.

  “Yes, I did,” I squeal. We bounce around in a small circle. “I have to call Boomer.”

  “Get it, girl. Maybe he’ll want to celebrate a little later,” she says, nodding and winking. I’m surprised she’s not grossed out because it’s her brother.

  I call and he picks up on the second ring. “Hey, Tigress, how did it go?”

  “I got the job,” I squeak out.

  “Congratulations. Does that mean you’re starting soon?”

  “Yes, tomorrow actually. He ran a background check while we talked. You weren’t kidding when you said they needed people. I’ll be teaching kindergarten for now.”

  “I’m so happy for you, baby.” I can hear a lot of machinery in the background.

  “Where are you?” I ask.

  “A demolition site in the next town over. I’ll be at the home office in about four hours.”

  “Okay, but I’m going to shopping for more work appropriate clothes. I have some, but I feel like since I’m dealing with the younger kids, skirts and pretty blouses aren’t the way to go. In fact, they recommended sneakers and jeans.”

  “Make sure the prospects stay with you. I don’t want you out of their sight.”

  “It’s cool. I’ll be back to the house around the same time.”

  “I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Same here, Garrett.”

  “Fuck, baby. You can’t call me by my name while I’m at work. I love hearing you say it. I’m fucking hard as hell now.”

  “Well, there better not be any bitches around. That thing is hard to hide.”

  “No, just men. Be good for me.”

  “I’ll try.” I end the call before he can scold me. “Did I hear shopping?” Morgan cheers.

  “Let’s go spend some money,” Roxie says. It’s one of the few things I’ve heard from her.

  I’m so tired by the time we get back in the car and I think the prospects feel that way, too. “I need to get home and take off these damn heels.” I love my shoes and these red backs are my favorite, but after so many hours a girl needs rest. I can’t have Boomer seeing me walk around like a baby giraffe. All the way home, Morgan talks about her plans for the coffee shop. She jotted them down while they waited for me. They sound good and with a town of this size, I could see it doing well. It won’t be a big money maker, but any helps. Besides, there are moments when we all need coffee and we’re away from the house.

  Morgan pulls up to the gate and it opens before she hits the code. I see Boomer standing on the porch. He comes down as Morgan parks. “Help her get all her shit. You have to be careful, Garrett. Your woman can shop.”

  “And I bet you got twice as many for no reason.”

  “You’d win that bet, sir,” she says. She’s bubbly and sweet. I hate that someone tried to take that sunshine away from her. I wonder if she’ll ever tell Boomer about it. She asked me privately today if I had. She seemed thrilled that I didn’t and that scares me. I’m stuck in the middle and have a feeling one day shit will hit the fan.

  Chapter 11


  We’re sitting on the couch with dinner in our laps. I put on some of her crime shows to watch while we eat. This feels so good. I’ve got more paperwork to deal with and we both have an early start tomorrow, so this is the only time we get to spend together.

  After we finish, she gets up and takes our plates to the kitchen. I follow and help wash. We haven’t shared more than a few kisses, and I can’t help but steal another. I pull her away from the sink and slide my hand into her hair while holding her around the waist with the other. “I need dessert.” Our lips lock briefly before she releases a sexy moan that hardens my dick more than it’s ever been. I don’t know how much more I can take before I try to seduce my woman. I want her ribs to heal a little first though. Thinking about it makes me angry and I pull away.

  “I’ve got a
lot of work to do. You should head to bed.” I have to get my shit together. Cyber’s coming over in an hour to find that fucker. I didn’t tell them all I knew what happened to her, but they are ready for war. They went back to the apartment and it was completely cleared out. That fucker wasted no time getting lost. He’s going to track that fucker down, but I’m going to have to wait to attack. According to Cyber, Corey’s sister is married to a big-time drug dealer. He’ll be enough trouble without the added mess of a bunch of dealers lurking around my town. I want that shit as far from here as possible.

  “I didn’t get to ask, but do I have a separate room?” she asks.

  “No. And don’t even consider it. You sleep where I do,” I tell her. Instantly, my guard is up. I know she wants time, but the idea of being so close and yet so far bothers me. I need to be able to hold her, protect her when she’s at her most vulnerable.

  “I didn’t. It’s just that we never discussed it and…never mind. I like having you around as much as possible.”

  I drag her back to me and kiss her hard. I needed that. She’s so damn beautiful that I’ll never get enough. My mind, body, and soul are obsessed with her. “I know. I miss you all the damn time.” I kiss her forehead then start some shit. “You know, I like when you don’t argue with me.”

  My Tigress gives me a look of promise. “Ha-ha. Enjoy it while you can because I’m sure we’ll be arguing about something by morning.”

  “Probably, now get to bed,” I tell her, patting her ass. I don’t know why I’m riling her up. She’s feisty and if her ass is as tough as she was with that bastard, I better watch out.

  She whips her head around and arches her brow at me. Oh no, I guess tomorrow isn’t going to wait. “I’m not tired.”

  “Tough shit. You’ve got an early start and I don’t want you to be exhausted.”

  “Dude, chill out. I’m going to read. Do what you got to do. I know you’ve got some club stuff to deal with.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Boomer, you’ve got that look you had last night. I’m not getting involved in anything unless you want to tell me, just don’t get killed or go to jail. And if you touch another bitch, well, that well-endowed member of yours will be missing,” she threatens. I laugh because I love how territorial she is.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’m not leaving this house and the only pussy I want is yours. And if you keep talking about my cock, you’ll be meeting him much sooner.”

  “I’m ready when you are.”

  My dick twitches in my jeans. I’m more than fucking ready, but I can’t take her when I’m afraid I’ll hurt her. “Trust me. I’m ready but you aren’t. Those wounds need to heal, and you need to reconcile yourself with the fact that once I fuck you there’s no going back.”

  “Yeah, that’s the whole virginity thing. I get it.”

  “No, I mean. It’s you and me, baby—until they bury us.” She doesn’t say anything, so I add, “Now, get on with your book and save the nasty parts in your pretty head, then let me know all the ones you want me to do to you.” She clenches her thighs then turns and runs from the room. And I’ve fucked myself into another round of blue balls. I’m going to rub my dick right off very soon if I don’t get in her.

  I go into my office and handle a ton of paperwork waiting for my approval. I’m glad that with every year more and more things are handled by others. Every one of the Steele Riders owns their own business in town. That saves me a motherfucking headache and spreads the wealth. We have enough in a joint business that the revenue goes into a group account. If someone needs extra cash, they can take it. My men are honest and work for their keep. It’s been one hell of a run so far, now it’s time to start adding family to the mix. I plan on knocking Crystal up every damn year with a kid if I can. I’ll be good and try to keep her from having to take maternity leave, but you never know how things will pan out.

  My phone buzzes and it’s a text from Cyber. I head out and open the gate for him. Once we get inside, he says, “Things are getting fishy.”

  “Come, let’s talk in my office.” He nods and follows me. “So, what’s going on?” I ask, taking a seat behind my desk.

  “After we left, I saw a moving truck come twenty minutes later. This guy has connections. The group of ten men moved everything in an hour. The apartment hadn’t been ready to be boxed up when we dropped off the sick little shit.”

  “He’s being protected by someone. I’m guessing it’s Santos.”

  “It has to be. His family doesn’t have that kind of money to waste on that fucker,” he says. He pulled all Corey Skinner’s records and those of his family. They aren’t wealthy but somehow are living like kings.

  “We’ll get him soon. We need to find a way in, but I’m not ready to risk anyone’s life over it. I had a chance to kill the fucker. No one else needs to pay for my fuck up.” I pour a glass of brandy and down it. I wave the bottle at Cyber, but he declines. I get myself another instead. “We’ve been together for two fucking days and I failed her on day one.”

  “I can’t say that you did the wrong thing, but I’m not the one dealing with that feeling. I know from what we knew he didn’t deserve to die.”

  “You’re right, but now I do and he deserves to suffer. If he could hurt someone he knows, what would he do to strangers? How many women has he already attacked?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to look and see if we can find anything on him.”

  “Thanks, Cyber.”

  “I’m your guy, Pres. Take it easy and love her like a man should. Good night.”

  I walk him out with a promise. “I will.” As soon as he’s gone, I lock up everything and climb the stairs to my woman. I open the door to see her holding a hand towel to her nose. “What happened?” I ask, running to her side.

  “I just got coldcocked by my Kindle.”

  “What?” I look at the tablet on the nightstand.

  “I started to doze off, losing my grip on the tablet. Then boom it kissed my nose,” she says. I can’t hold back the deep laugh inside of me. Damn, it’s not nice that she’s bleeding, but she got roughed up from a tablet.

  “Stop laughing, you ass.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m trying. I don’t mean to find it funny,” I choke out. She swats at me with her free hand and I catch it and pull her to me. “I’m sorry, baby. Let me see.” I take off the cloth and thankfully, she doesn’t look like she has a black eye. “You still look beautiful even with the black eyes coming in.”

  “What!” she screams, jumping up and running to the bathroom to look in the mirror. I watch her from the edge of the bed, waiting for her to come get me. She stands by the door and huffs with her hands on her hips. “You are a shit. I’m going to bed.” She walks past me and climbs into bed, making sure to tug at the covers. It’s fucking cute as hell. I strip down to my boxers and head to the bathroom before returning. I turn off the light, then join my woman.

  She’s pretending to be asleep, but I don’t care. I tug her back to my front and hold her. “Good night, Tigress,” I whisper, kissing her neck. She cuddles into me and we both fall asleep.

  Chapter 12


  The day has been so long, but a lot of fun. Since I have the kindergarten class, I get to decorate it the way I please. The teacher who moved up to first grade gave me tons of supplies to make the room special. She’s a nice young woman around my age.

  I’m so exhausted, but I have to pick up some groceries. I have one of Boomer’s minions following me around like a guard dog. I don’t know who he is because they aren’t allowed to talk to me. The store is kind of busy, but it only takes an hour to shop and get home.

  “What’s your name?” I ask him.

  “Sorry, ma’am. I can’t believe I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Richie, but people call me Rico.”

  “Well, hello Richie. Thank you for your help.”

  “No problem, ma’am. I’ll be outside should you need me before t
he Pres gets back.”

  “I’m back. Go on home, Richie. Thanks again,” Boomer tells him, looking all growling and grumpy.

  “I didn’t hear the gate,” I tell him.

  “That’s because I was working in my office. I wanted to see what he would do if you were alone. He did as I expected, but I can’t believe he never told you his name. Sometimes they take everything I say literally.” He rolls his eyes and it’s kind of cute to see him so light even though he looks beastly. I want more of this, but as he slides his arms around my waist, I hold back a cry. He gives me a brief kiss then proceeds to put the groceries away while lifting his phone to his ear. Holding it between his shoulder and head, he starts talking, “Hey, can you come to the house? I need your expertise. Yes. Great. Thanks, bro.”

  “What’s that about?” I ask as soon as he hangs up.

  “I want you looked at. I need to make sure it’s nothing more than a bruise. It could be just that, but I just need to be certain. I’ve never had to deal with this kind of thing even when it came to Morgan. No one dared touch her and since she was past the outdoor injury stage by the time we became her guardians, I had no major hiccups.” I nod and turn to take out what I need to start dinner. Fuck, I’m doing my best, keeping that secret, but I feel like it’s eating me alive.

  “Thanks. I’m sure it’s fine, but if you think it’s for the best, I’m not going to argue. The sooner this heals the better.” I work on dinner for ten minutes when someone buzzes the gate. Boomer leaves to check it out then comes in two minutes later with a man in black-rimmed glasses and bright green eyes that shine through the lenses.

  “Crystal, this is Doc. He’s the local physician that works at the clinic in town.” He looks at Doc and adds, “Doc, this is my woman, Crystal.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Crystal. I can see why he’s kept you from all of us. You’re lovely. Now, before he beats me, let’s check out your injuries.”

  “The bed would be the best,” Boomer says, taking my hand and leading me to our bedroom. I sit down and lift my shirt, just below my bra, revealing the large purple and yellow bruise. Boomer’s hands are clenched tight and a low growl comes from Doc.


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