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Boomer (A Steele Riders MC Book 1)

Page 8

by C. M. Steele

  My men are ready, but that doesn’t stop Santos’s men. A car speeds up behind us and starts shooting into our car.

  “Duck,” I shout. The family does, and I lower my passenger window, firing back, hitting their tires. I also shoot the driver in the head. They roll and crash into a wooded ditch. It’s the same guys from the airport. Then another car comes speeding up, but it’s Beast and Jackson.

  We pull into the club garage. “Is everyone okay?”

  “Yes,” they say together.

  Then Mrs. Miller says, “You’re not though.” It took me a second to feel the blood dripping down my arm.

  “Fuck,” I say.

  “Let me look at it,” Doc says as he pulls an emergency kit out that we keep inside the garage. “It’s only a graze. You’ll be all right after I get you stitched.”

  “I need to get to her.”

  “It can wait, soldier. You damn well know, you’re no good to her if they come again. Use your head.”

  “Fuck you, Doc. Fix me already.” He jabs a syringe into my arm several times, numbing the area. “That stings. Just stitch me up.”

  “Calm down. I’ll be done in a minute.”

  “Can you tell us why they’re after you?”

  “Her roommate tried to hurt her, and we beat his ass. His sister is married to a dealer.”

  “That bitch. I hate her. I told Crystal she’s not a good person,” Sophia says.

  “Well, then you’re a good judge of character. I’m Dr. Joseph Simmons,” he says, taking her hand and bringing it to his mouth.

  “Hey, can you finish my arm?”

  He wipes it off. “There.”

  He puts the kit away and tosses the blood-soaked gauze in the trash. “Now, while we wait for the coast to clear, do you all want something to drink?” Doc adds. He directs all his attention to Crystal’s sister. Her parents are eyeing him like this motherfucker is bold as hell.

  “Jackson, what’s going on?”

  “It’s all clear. Wrench and Boss are with us. The area is secure. I think we need to triple the security.” We’ve never had a problem like this before. Our town hasn’t had a serious crime in the five years since we established it. We have cameras and secure gates with bulletproof paneling on our vehicles.

  “We’ll discuss a plan later. Fuck. I can’t believe they came after us for that pussy. I should have killed him when I had the chance. I’m on my way home.” I need to get to my woman and hold her.

  “You can stay here or come with me. Beast will bring your luggage later. Doc, take them in one of the other trucks. This one needs to go to Wrench’s shop. I’m taking my bike.” I leave them there because seeing Crystal before they take away her attention is a must. The drive is short and I enter my gate and see guys standing on the outside of it. I nod at them. Shit just got real today and that won’t happen again. Santos has started something he shouldn’t have.

  I park and run straight into the house. Crystal throws herself into my arms. “You’re back, Garrett,” she sobs, placing kisses on my neck.

  “I am, baby. You can’t get rid of me that easily,” I whisper, closing my lips around hers. I walk us up to our bedroom without giving a fuck who is there. I’m not going to fuck her like I want, but I need to be alone with her.

  “Where are my parents?” she asks, realizing she hadn’t seen them.

  “I came ahead. Doc’s bringing them. I needed to see you.” I brush the back of my hand down her cheek. “I’m sorry about all this.”

  “Don’t be sorry. That shit came after me and I destroyed his ego.”

  “No, baby, we beat his ass,” I confess.

  “He deserved it, if not more…” she mutters the last bit.

  “When I get a hold of him, he’ll get it,” I promise. I’m going to end this fucker. I lay on my back and pull her on top of me.

  She gasps. “Oh no, have you been shot?” she asks, seeing the bandage on my arm.

  “Just a flesh wound.” She presses her head against my chest as I rub her back.

  “Where is she?” I hear.

  “Your parents are here.” She gets up. “Rest, Garrett, please.”

  “Too much shit to do. Remember, Tigress, I need to lead.” I get up and kiss her before we go back downstairs. Her mom runs up to her, holding her close. I watch as most of my men break away from the personal moment. Good for them. I’m looking around and I don’t see Morgan.

  “Where’s my sister?”

  “In the kitchen,” Blade says. The others start strolling into the house. I go into the kitchen and find something I don’t need to. Mick and Morgan cooking together and laughing.

  “What the fuck is going on?” A lone tear drips down my sister’s face. I wrap my arms around her.

  “I’ll leave you alone,” Mick says, walking out of the kitchen.

  “Don’t try to get out of helping me,” she shouts at him. “I’m so happy you’re all right, bro.” She presses her face into my chest. I rub her back, placing a kiss on her forehead as I comfort her. Jackson comes into the room and asks, “What the fuck am I, chop liver?”

  “Yes, did you get it all taken care of?”

  “You know we did. Is this what actual war feels like? Because I’m ready.”

  “It’s not, but it will be. They started it, but we’re going to finish it.”

  Chapter 18


  “Sweetheart, care to explain what’s going on?” my dad asks as he holds my mother close. I took them to a room down the hall where they can sleep and we can have a private family moment. They were shot at today. That’s not something they’re used to. “When we got the message you needed us to come down we didn’t know you had a man and that he’s a thug.”

  “Garrett’s not a thug. He’s a hardworking man who doesn’t take shit from anyone,” I argue. He’s mine and he’s good to me.

  “I like him,” Sophia pipes in. “And I’m so glad you’re okay,” she adds, squeezing me in a big hug. I grunt and flinch with my side freaking still hurting.

  “What’s wrong with you?” she questions, looking down at my side. She tries to lift my shirt, but I stop her.

  “I’ll kill him if he hurt you,” my dad rages, letting go of his hold on my mom. He’s clenching his fists, ready to rip Garrett’s head off.

  I give my dad a hug, then pull away as I stare into his eyes and tell him the truth. “No, he didn’t at all. This mess is because of Corey. I should have just gotten an apartment by myself.”

  “What happened?” My dad grills me for the next ten minutes. When he learns about what Corey did, and I even show them the remnants of my bruised ribs, he threatens to kill him with his own hands.

  “That’s why your guy said he should have killed him when he had the chance,” he growls out. I’ve never seen my dad mad like this. The last time was when some jackass started teasing me about being short with big tits. I punched the kid in his face. We had a big parent-teacher meeting at the school about it. At the end of the day, my dad reminded me that there were always lousy people out there and to stay strong. That’s what I did this time. Only the punch wasn’t enough. They want my blood and that of my family’s.

  “What about my brothers?” I had forgotten about them and they could be in danger, too.

  Dad informs me, “They’re training in Vegas for the Pay-Per-View fight this weekend.”

  “Oh no, I totally forgot about it.” I scrunch my brows because I won’t be able to go.

  “Don’t worry, Tigress. We’ll go and get married while we’re there,” Garrett remarks, entering the room and coming to stand by my side.

  “I have to work.” I ignore the whole marriage thing. It’s not that I don’t want to be tied to this beastly teddy bear, but I’m not going to get my hopes up.

  “Yes, you do, but not on the weekends. I don’t mean to sound like a dick, but you’re working with kindergarteners. They’re either going to play or you’ll read to them.”

  “Oh, my goodness. I
forgot about your new job.”

  “They gave me that age because I’m new and don’t have to plan as much. So, yes, I can go as long as I get back in time.”

  “I’ll get you there. I can’t miss work either.”

  “What do you do for a living?” Dad challenges.

  “I, along with my brother, own most of this town. Welcome to Steeleville.”

  “Wait, are you telling me you own the whole town?”

  “Not anymore. As the need for more businesses in the area come about I rent out the property. If they want to buy it they can.”

  “Wow,” my mom mouths.

  “That’s why I don’t want any trouble in my town.”

  “And the guys with the biker jackets? They’re your friends?”

  “I’m the President of the Steele Riders. Every one of these men are close friends who have been to war with me or friends and family of them.”

  “Do you normally have high-speed gun chases?”

  “Actually, I can say this was my first. I get that you’re concerned about your daughter, but I won’t let anything happen to her. In fact, tomorrow, at least several of my men will be at the school. I doubt they’ll be looking for a fight. They may realize one lousy fucking beating isn’t worth losing their men. If Santos comes for us, I’ll finish him, too. I’m still waiting for that little pussy to make his location known. If I’d killed his ass the first time, we wouldn’t have this because they wouldn’t know which of his enemies got him.”

  “I want them dead as well. They came after my family.” My dad stands strong and hard in front of Garrett, emphasizing his anger.

  Garrett nods, but I can see he doesn’t want my father involved. “I understand, but sir, I don’t want a war with anyone and I’d hate to get you involved.”

  “If Sophia hadn’t texted Crystal, they would have gotten us,” Dad tells Garrett. “They involved me the moment they attacked us.”

  There’s a knock at the door. Garrett opens it to see Blade.

  “What’s up?”

  “Hey, Pres. I’m going to pick up some food at the store. No offense, but there’s not enough in your house for all of us,” Blade says.

  “I ordered from the diner for the club. We’ll have to pick it up in twenty minutes.” Garrett tells him.

  “That’s cool. We’ll head there now.” It’s obvious he’s ready to eat now. These guys are huge. I’m sure they want to fire up the grills and barbeque some fat ass steaks.

  “Take several guys with you,” Garrett orders. “The danger isn’t over yet.”

  “Sure thing, Pres.” He turns around and jets out.

  About three hours later, Garrett has them all gone from the house. My parents, Sophia, and Morgan are staying until things clear up. Cyber, who seems pretty cool, arranges more security. Many of the men added additional security to the gates as well, making the fencing bulletproof. They’re headed to the club to do the same thing. Garrett’s leaving right now to see how it’s going.

  “I’ll only be gone for a little while. When I come back, I plan to hold you until we both have to get up.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” I reply, waving him off as he hustles down the stairs and onto his bike.

  “Now that he’s gone, let’s talk wedding. We only have a few days to get things together.”

  “He was only joking,” I tell my mom.

  “Baby girl, that man wasn’t joking.”

  Chapter 19


  I’ve been on edge all day, it’s been one of the longest of my life. The Millers are staying until we leave for Vegas. Every time I turn around, I’m calling Crystal or one of my guys. We haven't heard from Santos or his men. After our meeting last night, the fellas and I questioned if Santos was already snooping through our town trying to start shit before I even met Crystal. Cyber managed to pull up some of the footage from the grocery store. The little punks look like they walked straight out of the Gangland show. All our buildings are secured overnight. The guys worked all day and finally crashed at the clubhouse. I can't wait to pick up my girl from the school. Her mom is making us dinner and we’re having a not so unexpected guest tonight. After the show he put on in my garage, I knew where Doc was headed. Mr. Miller didn't seem to mind him that much. And I sensed a new level of respect from him on my end. I get that the violence and danger that he saw isn't something he wants his daughter around and I'm hoping after we deal with these fuckers we won't have any more problems. One of my last stops before picking up my girl is the jewelry store. I’m not there long when I see the perfect ring for her. A nice three-carat diamond would do for my Tigress. I even made her special cut for the club that I had to get from the tailor’s. She is the future wife of the president after all. She deserves nothing but the best. I look at my watch and realize I have to get on the road in fifteen minutes. Fuck, I'm out of time.

  “Hey, Pres. I found out some shit on Santos,” Cyber informs me with crazy energy.

  “What's going on?” I need everything I can get on that fucker, so I can end this bullshit.

  “He claims he’s not the one who put the call out to scoop up her family. It was that little fuck and his druggie dad. Santos wants to meet.” I laugh at that shit.

  “And I’m supposed to believe the fucker? His men just tried to kill my family. Now he wants to meet,” I scoff. “Get the fuck out of here with that fucking bitch shit.”

  “The message says he doesn't want war with you.”

  “How did they send it?” I ask. I have a feeling how they did, but it galls me to think they contacted my woman.

  “They didn’t; I forwarded all texts or calls to your old lady from Santos or his wife straight to mine.”

  “That was a smart thing to do. I don’t want them even calling her for shit. Clear the line, and I'll talk to him as I'm driving, okay?"

  "Got you. I'll set up the call and dial it in."

  Two minutes pass and my phone goes off. “Hello,” I answer. Since the ID comes up blank on my screen, I know he blocked his number too. He’s a known drug dealer. Anything on him and he’s toast.

  “Steele. This is Gabriel Santos. We have a major problem between us I’d like to resolve.”

  “I’ve got a problem solver for you, Santos. You came after me and mine.”

  “I did no such thing. I don’t know what that little pendejo did that you beat his ass, but I’m sure he deserved it. If he wasn’t my wife’s brother, I might kill him myself. Basta, I still might, nada mas.”

  “He tried to rape my woman. He hurt her and had I known then, he’d already be dead.”

  “That’s not tolerated in my world, Mr. Steele. Even putas who sell themselves aren’t to be forced into shit they don’t want. I cannot tell you where he is, but I will say should he go around using my money to start shit, he’ll be lying in a ditch. My wife will just have to be consoled by me.”

  “Do we have an understanding, Santos?” I ask. I want this over with.

  “Si, I don’t want anything to do with the baboso. See him, kill him. He’s a weak link and so is his bitch ass father.”

  “If any of your men come at us again, we won’t hesitate. My men only want him.”

  “Perfecto. I will keep them away from your town. But you need to know that someone else is looking to enter the area.”

  “Yeah, I’ve already started seeing the signs.”

  “You didn’t hear it from me, but they are from Colombia and looking for more gringos to get hooked on the cocaína and heroin.”

  “Trying to take out your competition?”

  “No. My shit’s legal. I’m a pinche marijuana wholesaler these days. The US making it legal has limited the risk.”

  “Stay out of my hair and we won’t have a problem.”

  “Agreed, adios, Mr. Steele.”

  “Good-bye, Santos.” I hit the button on the back of the steering wheel, ending the call. Now onto my mission to pick up my future wife. The men and I will go to church tonight.

  As I pull up to the school, I give her a call. “Baby, I’m here. I’ll meet you at the door.”

  “Okay, I’m getting my things.” My men are standing their ground as I approach. I send them on their way because I don’t need their help. I’m taking Santos at his word. He doesn’t want a war because my men have been soldiers and they will destroy his people.

  She comes out a minute later giving me a large smile. I pull her into my arms and kiss her. I’ve missed her so much. I don’t know if I can pull away long enough to get her in the truck.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  “Take me home, Garrett.”

  “Tigress, calm that down. Your parents are at our house. If we go there, I’ll have to wait until everyone is asleep.”

  “That’s a pity because I need you.”

  “Come on. We need to go before you get fired for fucking on school property.” I drag her to the truck, holding in my need to lift her over my lap and fuck her in the cab.

  Chapter 20


  Holy shit, this night refuses to end. I want Garrett on me, in me, and possessing me, but people around here just won’t go to bed. I look at the clock and mentally scream. It’s only seven-thirty. What the hell? “Is the clock broken?” I blurt out. Cringing because that’s not something I meant to say.

  “No,” Garrett answers, looking at his watch.

  “Sorry, I guess I’m more tired than I thought.”

  “Go to bed, sweetheart. There’s no need to entertain us. Besides, we’re planning to do the same soon.”

  Our bedroom is on the opposite side of the one my parents are using and a floor above. As soon as we get there, I’m tearing at Garrett’s clothes. “Damn, Tigress, I really thought you were tired.”

  “Stop talking. I want it now.” I lift his shirt off him. He chuckles until I cup his cock through his jeans. The laughter is gone, and my beast is here with me. His eyes are dark and devious as he eyes me, while he shakes his head and smirks. I find myself off my feet and carried into the bathroom. He sets me on the counter while he starts the shower. I stare at his tattoos. He comes back to me, nestling his body between my legs, then gives me a peck on my lips. Garrett grabs the hem of my shirt and lifts it over my breasts. He leaves it there for a moment, so he can admire my chest. His mouth wraps around my nipple, sucking it through the material of my bra, then letting it go with a little pop. I’m lucky I’m sitting because I feel weak from his touch.


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