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Death by Seduction

Page 5

by Jaden Skye

  Cindy walked over quickly, noticing how full the place was despite the early hour. As she approached Loretta’s table, her father, a tall, muscular, well-dressed man with short dark hair and a square, carved face, stood up to greet her.

  “Thank you for coming so quickly to help my daughter,” he said, extending his large hand. “Henry Dodd.”

  Cindy shook his hand politely and smiled. “Cindy Blaine, “she replied, “and I’m happy to be of help,”

  “Your name is familiar,” Henry shook his head, “I’ve been wondering if I remembered you from Loretta’s college days,” he said as he held out a chair for Cindy to sit on.

  Cindy looked over at him more carefully. He seemed totally unfamiliar to her.

  “Do you remember me?” Cindy asked, as she took her seat and he pushed her chair in.

  “To be honest I don’t,” Henry replied as he sat back down. “Those were hard years for me.”

  Cindy knew that he was referring to the sudden loss of his wife in a car accident.

  “Yes, I realize that,” she said, as Henry motioned for the waiter to come over so Cindy could order breakfast.

  Right after Cindy ordered a cheese omelet and coffee, Loretta pushed her chair back. “Listen, I am so sorry, but I have to go now,” she said. “Angela’s plane is arriving in half an hour and I told her I’d meet her at the airport.”

  “That’s fine,” said Henry, “you go pick Angela up, and I’ll stay here with Cindy.”

  “Thank you, you’re a doll,” Loretta said breathlessly, blowing a little kiss to her father. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Don’t rush on the roads, drive safely,” her instructed as she twirled around for a moment and quickly departed, leaving Henry and Cindy at the table alone together.

  “She’s amazing, isn’t she?” Henry said, not taking his eyes off Loretta as she left the restaurant.

  “Yes, it’s amazing, the way she’s holding up,” Cindy looked over at him.

  “Don’t kid yourself,” he replied, his voice promptly lowering. “I heard her crying into her pillow way into the night. Loretta knows how to cover up and be strong. She has since her mother died. I taught her how.”

  “You did a good job of that,” Cindy remarked as a delicious hot omelet was placed before her.

  “I did a good job of lots of things,” Henry was pleased with Cindy’s comment. He smiled as he lifted the coffee pot on the table to pour her a cup of coffee.

  “And right now you’re being quite being brave as well,” Cindy went on, wanting to learn more about this man she was having breakfast with.

  “Of course I’m brave,” he answered gruffly. “What good would it do for Loretta to see me fall apart? I want to give her a feeling of normalcy, to know that life goes on.”

  That made sense, of course, Cindy thought as she ate the wonderful breakfast. But things weren’t normal at this time and it was important to recognize that as well. Part of being brave was also acknowledging the pain and grief you were feeling and expressing it. Cindy needed to break through this wall of false appearances that both Loretta and her father had so carefully constructed and lived behind.

  “Who do you think killed Pete?” Cindy asked then, abruptly changing the tone of the conversation.

  Henry was startled. “Well, I didn’t think there was any question about that,” he replied, staunchly.

  His response confused Cindy. “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “The police have said it’s an open and shut case, haven’t they? All the evidence is in,” he remarked.

  “Some evidence is in,” Cindy acquiesced. “One can always look further.”

  “One can always look further with everything. There’s a point when that’s counterproductive, of course,” he replied. “I was told that it was clear that Pete died at the hands of the whore.”

  Cindy recoiled. Henry had such a look of disgust on his face, as though Charma were a rag Pete had found somewhere that could be easily thrown away.

  “I realize that Loretta refuses to believe that Pete was killed that way,” Henry went on forcefully. “That’s why you’re here. Loretta began to freak out when the police began to question her about Pete. She insists that Pete would never cheat, let alone visit a whore.”

  “She knows her husband,” Cindy breathed.

  Henry grinned oddly. “I don’t know how much she really knows about Pete, or about anybody, for that matter. Loretta could never really face everything squarely.”

  “What do you mean?” Cindy was fascinated.

  “I mean I raised her to be a good girl,” Henry continued. “I’m actually glad that you and I are alone now so that I can speak to you frankly.”

  Cindy was glad as well. “Please do speak frankly,” she said. “Whatever you say will help me.”

  “Help you with what?” Henry retorted. “Finding the killer? Forget that, the killer’s been found. You’re basically here to support Loretta, help her get through this rotten ordeal.”

  Cindy was shocked by his comment. “That’s not how I see my role here,” she replied.

  “Well, I’m glad to be setting things straight for you then,” Henry picked up his own cup of coffee then and swallowed every last bit. “I don’t want you stirring up any more pain for my daughter.”

  “I’m a private detective, not a counselor,” Cindy held her own. “It can be very painful for families to find out about posthumously about their loved ones and I’ll do my best to ease that for Loretta. But I came down here to find the killer. That’s my job and it’s what Loretta hired me to do.”

  Henry thrust his head up, looking at Cindy harshly. “I told you that Loretta refuses to see most things as they are,” he repeated emphatically. “She always has, this is nothing new.”

  “What exactly does she refuse to see?” Cindy was surprised by Henry’s antagonism.

  “Listen,” his voice got lower and gruff, “Pete wasn’t exactly the husband Loretta cracked him up to be. This guy had his problems, if you know what I mean?”

  “What do you mean?” Cindy wasn’t relenting.

  “Pete was a sex addict from day one, if you asked me,” Henry’s voice dipped so low it was hard to hear what he was saying at first.

  Cindy was startled. “That’s quite an accusation. What do you base it on?”

  “Come on, honey,” Henry became too familiar. “In the beginning I saw how he used to look at Loretta, couldn’t keep his hands off her. Then after they were married and time passed there were those long trips alone down to the Dominican Republic.”

  “I thought he came here for business,” Cindy interjected.

  “Yeah, what kind of business? Monkey business, Henry spit out. “Then there also were adventure vacations with the guys and plenty nights back at home when he didn’t get home until way too late. He told Loretta he was working and she went along with everything. But a father gets the picture. Pete was hungry for sex and adventure and out on the prowl to get it wherever he could. I thought that the minute I met him, but became convinced as time went on.”

  “Did you ever tell that to Loretta?” asked Cindy, distressed.

  “Not in so many words, of course,” said Henry. “Sure I asked her where he was all those time she was by herself, and she always found a reason. I had to leave good enough alone. She said was happy with him, he was everything she wanted. I wasn’t going to be the one to crush her dream.”

  “That must have been hard on you,” Cindy remarked.

  “It was hard, it was lousy, but most guys aren’t so different. How many husbands do you think are faithful?”

  Cindy immediately thought about Clint. Clint had been faithful to her and she was sure Mattheus also would have been.

  “In other ways Loretta had a good deal in life,” Henry continued. I helped her get her wedding business going, and it took off like wild fire. People look up to her. I’m proud to see that.”

  “How did you help her with her business?” Cindy w
as interested.

  “I funded the business from top to bottom,” Henry announced proudly, “gave her every penny she needed to get the boutique going and keep it growing the way it is.”

  Cindy didn’t know why she was so disturbed to hear that. She thought Pete had helped Loretta with her business.

  “What about Pete?” Cindy asked

  “Pete couldn’t have paid for it like I did. No way in the world,” Henry sneered. “Yeah, he made some money one month and then lost it the next. His company speculates on everything, a perfect job for him. You think a guy like that could ever give Loretta the stability and backing she needed?”

  “You don’t sound as if you respected Pete,” Cindy had a sinking feeling.

  “You got that right,” Henry was emphatic. “So if you wonder why I’m not sitting here crying in my soup, it’s because I always knew something like this would happen. It was only a matter of time. When you play in the gutter, you get pulled down the drain.” Henry’s intense dislike for Pete was palpable.“So, I’m sure the whore did it,” he continued, “and if I were you, I wouldn’t bother myself looking any further. You’ll only stir up bad publicity for Loretta and her boutique. Let’s keep this quiet, it will all blow over. She’ll get over it and find somebody better down the road. I’ll make sure of that, believe me.”

  Cindy wished it were that simple, she wished she could go along with Henry, but she couldn’t. There were too many questions unanswered and leads left unexplored.

  “I heard that Pete left a big deposit on the condo they were buying down here,” Cindy commented.

  Henry only sneered mildly this time. “Pete left it? Maybe he handed it over, but I was the one who gave Loretta every buck for that down payment, the whole hundred thousand. I put the money in Loretta’s account and she gave it to Pete.”

  “A hundred thousand?” that seemed like a large deposit.

  “I told you,” Henry got more confidential, “Loretta can come to me for anything. And so can anyone who’s a good friend to her.”

  Cindy wasn’t sure what Henry was implying, but it made her skin crawl.

  “Thanks for the information” she responded.

  Henry smiled a craggy smile then. Obviously, he enjoyed being thanked.

  “No problem,” he said, “ask me anything you want. But don’t ask Loretta. Don’t rub this nightmare in her face. Let her think her husband loved her, let her think he didn’t go with the whores, and that she was all he ever wanted.”

  Cindy closed her eyes sadly for a long moment. Henry was trying to protect his daughter in every way he could. But did it truly help someone to let them live in a dream world and never face the truth?

  “Loretta believes someone killed Pete and dumped his body in the whorehouse,” Henry went on for good measure. “Let her believe that all she likes. It’ll help her get over his death and re-build her life.”

  “But she also wants to know who did it, ”Cindy interrupted. “Loretta’s not going to let the investigation slide.”

  “Sometimes she wants to know,” Henry broke in harshly, “and plenty of other times she forgets about it and wants her life to go on again. Down the road she’ll accept that there was no other evidence and they closed the case by convicting the whore. Loretta will go forward with her life then, you’ll see.”

  Henry’s suggestion appalled Cindy. “You think Loretta will be able to go forward with her life when she doesn’t believe her husband’s real killer has been found?”

  “I don’t think so,” said Henry, “I know so. And I know her better than you do.”


  Cindy and Henry parted amicably. He had an appointment to see someone on the police force about getting his hundred thousand back and Cindy wanted to go back up to the room to think things over and decide on what steps to take next.

  As soon as she got to room, her phone rang. Cindy bolted, afraid it was Mattheus calling again. She looked at her phone quickly, and to her surprise it was not Mattheus, but her brother in law Frank, calling from the States.

  “What’s up? Why are you calling?” Cindy felt jittery taking the call. She seldom heard from Frank in the past when she was on a case.

  “Cindy, we’re just calling to say hello,” Frank answered in a warm tone. “Your mother and I are thinking of you. How are you doing?”

  This was unlike Frank, usually it was her sister Ann who called to check in. Cindy realized with a start then that Ann was no longer here, so now her husband was filling in for her.

  “It’s good of you to call and check in, Frank,” Cindy began to soften. “I appreciate your concern.”

  “Of course,” he replied, his voice softening as well. “We care about you here, we really do.”

  “Thanks, I know that,” Cindy’s voice dropped, a sense of exhaustion suddenly overtaking her.

  “And we feel awful about what happened at dinner with Mattheus during our visit,” Frank continued. “I hope we can make it up to you. I hope you and Mattheus will give us another chance.”

  Cindy sighed deeply. “I’ll give you as many chances as you like,” she responded, “but I can’t speak for Mattheus.”

  “Oh God,” Frank began to say.

  “But it doesn’t matter,” Cindy cut him off. “Mattheus and I have broken up.”

  Silence fell on the other end. “Broke up?” Frank’s voice faltered.

  “Yes, that’s right,” Cindy replied. “I’m down here on this case alone.”

  “Is that safe? Is that smart?” Frank sounded mildly alarmed.

  “Of course it’s safe,” Cindy answered swiftly. “I’m in touch with the police down here, they’re helping me out.”

  Frank got edgy. “Did you and Mattheus break up because of your mother and I?”

  “No, not because of you,” Cindy quickly reassured him. “We broke up because it just wasn’t right between us for the long term. There were things we couldn’t work through.”

  “Cindy, I’m so sorry,” Frank said, and meant it.

  “Thanks,” Cindy replied.

  “It’s got to be rough going, losing a partner again,” Frank sounded sad.

  “Yeah, it’s rough,” Cindy agreed.

  “Don’t I know,” he went on.

  Cindy realized that Frank had to be suffering a lot from the loss of Ann, as well. It was still so recent.

  “I’m sorry Frank, it’s got to be rough for you as well,” Cindy replied. “It’s been an awful time for us all.”

  “Awful isn’t even the word for it,” Frank murmured. “I don’t know how I’m ever going to make it up to your mom.”

  “You’re not going to be able to make it up to my mother,” Cindy was quick on the draw. “Nobody could. We all have to work these things out on your own. Ann’s death isn’t your fault, you have to remember that,” Cindy insisted.

  Frank grumbled something Cindy couldn’t make out. Obviously he didn’t agree with that statement.

  “Believe me, Frank,” Cindy went on, “lots of guys have a woman on the side. Their girlfriends don’t go and kill their wives, though. What happened to Ann was not your fault.”

  “I never, ever imagined something like this would happen,” Frank’s voice lifted a bit. “Never. I loved Ann so much.”

  “I know you did,” Cindy replied. “And Ann knew you loved her too, believe me. “

  “What makes you say that?” Frank’s voice became stronger yet.

  “Because Ann was happy with you, she felt loved and supported. You gave her the life she always wanted.”

  “Thank you, Cindy,” Frank whispered back into the phone.

  “You strayed and you shouldn’t have,” Cindy continued. “I’m not saying it was right but I’m saying it happens. And it doesn’t mean you meant any harm to Ann. It doesn’t mean you didn’t love her.”

  “You’re an angel, Cindy and I never knew it,” Frank breathed. “Ann knew it, though. She loved you so much, too.”

  “I’m far from an angel, Frank,�
�� Cindy responded. “I’ve just learned a lot these years, more than I ever wanted to.”

  “Yes, you have, thank you again,” Frank repeated. “I called to check in on you, and here you’re making me feel like a new person.”

  Chapter 7

  Cindy hung up the phone feeling better. It was good to realize she still had some family, that there were those back home thinking of her. She and Frank had not been close all the years he and Ann were married, but it seemed as though that was changing now.

  Cindy walked over to the patio and looked outside. The day was misty and cloudy, felt like rain in the air. Cindy found her talk with Loretta’s father jarring. In many ways he was implying that Loretta was a child, clinging to her dreams, unwilling to see the truth about her husband. Cindy had to look further into Pete and Loretta’s marriage. Had it truly been all Loretta said it was? Cindy could start by talking to some of the people Pete worked with down here, get a feel if he were the kind of guy who would frequent the brothels. If he were, it might even be possible that the police had the right person locked away.

  As Cindy thought about contacting Pete’s company, there was a quick knock on her door. Startled she came in from the patio and walked over to it.

  “Open up, Cindy, it’s me,” Loretta called from outside.

  Cindy quickly opened and saw Loretta standing there flushed.

  “I just got back from the airport with Angela,” Loretta said as she flew into Cindy’s room.

  “Angela’s unpacking now and I wanted to talk to you.”

  “Of course,” said Cindy, closing the door behind her.

  “Let’s have it,” said Loretta. “What did you talk about with my dad?”

  Cindy was surprised at Loretta’s urgency to find out. “We had a lovely breakfast,” Cindy started slowly.

  “No, spill the beans!” Loretta insisted. “I don’t care about small talk. My father’s great with small talk, he charms the hell out of all my friends.”

  “Your father is convinced that Pete was killed by Charma,” Cindy felt relieved to jump right in. She was sick of small talk herself.

  “Killed by the whore?” Loretta’s cheeks flushed.


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