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Death by Seduction

Page 19

by Jaden Skye

  “I was with Charma the night Pete died. She was my date for the evening,” Eric repeated, breaking the deep wall of silence and shame he had been living behind.

  Brad stared right through Eric, his forehead creasing in puzzlement. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No, I’m not kidding,” Eric replied. “I swore Charma to silence about our relationship, and I’ve been silent about it myself, naturally. You can only imagine what will happen to my life and my career when this information goes public.”

  Cindy could not believe what she was hearing. What had moved Eric to speak up this way now?

  “No one knew? Not one person?” Brad looked stunned, both at the news and sudden confession.

  “Cindy knew,” said Eric softly, “that’s all.”

  “Cindy knew?” Mattheus echoed.

  “Yes,” Eric went on. “When Cindy interviewed her, Charma told Cindy to contact me. Charma said I’d do everything I could to help find the true killer. And I have.”

  “My dear God,” breathed Mattheus, closing his eyes for a second.

  “Rotten, sordid story, huh?” said Eric. “The papers are going to have a field day with it.”

  “Sorry about this,” Brad shook his head slowly, “but yeah that’s right. The papers are gonna have a field day with everything. This’ll hit the front page. You sure you know what you’re doing? You don’t want to back out?”

  “I know what I’m doing,” breathed Eric. “I’m saving a life.”

  Eric was visibly shaken and so was Cindy. But she was also thrilled by Eric’s courage, and the turn his life had suddenly taken. He wasn’t only freeing Charma from jail, he was freeing himself, she realized.

  “Okay, that’s it. Now we can let Charma out of custody,” Brad declared, “and haul Val and the other guys into the station for immediate questioning. Let’s see how their story matches up with the facts we have on them now.”

  Taylor went over to Eric and put his hands on his shoulders. “I don’t care what reporters say about you, you’re a prince in my eyes,” he said.

  Mattheus joined in immediately, “I can’t but agree,” he nodded warmly to Eric. “You did strong thing, you did what’s right. Everyone will benefit in the long run, including you, Eric.”

  Cindy stood silently with tears in her eyes, as Eric turned, and walked to the door.

  “You’ll come in and give us a formal statement?” Brad asked as Eric took a few steps away.

  “Absolutely,” said Eric, then stopped. “How about Taylor?” he went on. “Is there any reason he needs to stay in hiding?”

  “No, he’ll be okay,” said Brad shaking his head. “We’re on top of everything now.”

  “Wonderful,” Taylor exclaimed. “I’m leaving the island the minute the case is closed. In the meanwhile, I’ll lay low.”

  “Fantastic,” said Eric. “I’ll give you a ride back now. Go gather your stuff, I’ll be waiting outside.”

  Eric started walking again to the door. Before he got there go, he stopped himself one more time and turned to Cindy and Mattheus.

  “Thanks for everything, both of you,” he said. You got a great partner there, Cindy. CM Investigations! An amazing company, long may it thrive.”

  Chapter 24

  Cindy and Mattheus rode back to the hotel with Brad in the police car.

  “You never know when a case will crack open,” Brad mumbled as they returned, “you never know when a chump will turn into a hero.”

  “I never thought of Eric as a chump,” Cindy remarked, unable to stop thinking about Eric and what he’d done.

  “Yeah, that guy’s got guts, turning the tables on himself like that,” Brad agreed.

  “He’s a man of integrity,” Mattheus added.

  Cindy took a long moment to appreciate the sacrifice Eric had made. He probably had no idea himself that he was going to admit that he’d been Charm’s date for the evening. But being honest and saving a life obviously meant more to him than his reputation and what would happen to him. Cindy felt both honored to know him and scared of what would he would go through now.

  The police car stopped at the station, letting Brad out. Then Brad had the car take Cindy and Mattheus back to the hotel.

  Cindy and Mattheus drove together silently, not saying much. When they got to the hotel, Mattheus turned to Cindy, “Is it time for us, now?” he asked.

  “Yes, of course,” said Cindy quietly, “let’s go and have a long lunch.”


  Cindy and Mattheus were seated under a palm tree at the outdoor restaurant in the hotel where cool breezes blew in through the veranda on them. It was settling to be here with Mattheus now. Cindy was grateful for the unconditional support he always offered. Despite his flare up of moods, Mattheus was a rock Cindy knew she could always depend upon.

  After they ordered lunch, Mattheus stretched his hands out on the table, as if reaching for hers.

  “Look, this time it’s different. I’m really sorry,” he said. “Eric’s a great guy and I suspected him and I also suspected you.” Mattheus was determined to get it all out.

  Cindy was moved that Mattheus appreciated Eric.

  “I had no idea Eric was involved with Charma,” Mattheus went on. “You could have blown me away with a feather when he said that.”

  “It’s hard to understand, isn’t it?” murmured Cindy. “I never could make sense of it either, a guy like that.”

  “He’s definitely a man of value,” Mattheus said, “and being involved with Charma doesn’t change that at all.”

  “No, I suppose it doesn’t,” said Cindy.

  “I really didn’t know he cared for someone else,” Mattheus went on, “I thought the two of you were falling in love. Then, when I saw how crazy Eric was about Charma, I realized what a jerk I was.”

  Cindy was unnerved by the idea that Eric loved Charma so deeply. Why hadn’t she seen it as clearly as well?

  “I don’t blame you if you can’t take my stupid jealousy,” Mattheus was disgruntled.

  “You’re right, I can’t take it,” agreed Cindy. “That’s definitely for sure.”

  “I don’t blame you if you want to get rid of me, either.” Mattheus continued.

  Cindy was surprised to see Mattheus so truly shaken. “You don’t blame me, but you won’t let me go, either,” Cindy smiled slowly.

  “You’re right, I can’t let you go,” said Mattheus. “You mean too much to me.”

  Cindy felt the power of Mattheus’s feelings go through every cell of her body.

  “How can you love someone and not trust them?” Cindy responded.

  “That’s a wonderful question, and I don’t have the answer,” said Mattheus.

  “What would it take for you to trust me, Mattheus?” Cindy continued.

  “Another great question,” Mattheus replied. “At this point I don’t think it has anything to do with you at all. It’s up to me to not to go along with this jealousy. I have to recognize these crazy thoughts for what they are, nuts.”

  “Easier said than done,” Cindy responded.

  “That’s for sure,” Mattheus looked at her pleadingly, “but I’ve conquered bigger obstacles in the past.”

  “You certainly have,” said Cindy as she decided to be completely forthright as well.

  “And your ideas about me and Eric were not completely crazy,” Cindy went on. “ I did feel close to him and he was developing feelings for me as well. You picked something up.”

  Mattheus breathed more easily. “Thank you for saying that. I thought so.”

  “But I was far from falling in love with him and just because people have passing feelings for each other doesn’t mean anything more is happening. If you’re alive, you have feelings. So what? It doesn’t take away from my love for you.”

  “It’s hard for me to see that,” said Mattheus, sadly.

  “You’ve got to see it, Mattheus,” Cindy insisted, “or you’ll be on edge your

  whole life long. Yo
u have to trust that you’re completely worth loving, no matter who else comes onto the scene.”

  “Am I?” asked Mattheus in his charming, young boy voice.

  Cindy’s heart flew open in a rush of love. “More than worth it,” she uttered, “it’s wonderful to be with you.”

  Mattheus looked at Cindy deeply, taking it in. “You mean that?”

  “Of course I do,” Cindy breathed. “But it’s up to you to receive it.”

  “I receive it,” said Mattheus finally. “I thank you for it.”

  “And the problems we had were not only because of you. It’s me, too, It’s hard for me not to answer a call for a case from a desperate person. I can’t drop everything then and spend time with you.”

  “I’ve noticed,” Mattheus smiled, seemingly relieved that Cindy was sharing responsibility for the difficulties they faced. “I left last time because you put everything before me and I was convinced I didn’t really matter to you. But then I thought better of it. Finally, I realized, it wasn’t about me at all.”

  “No, it wasn’t,” said Cindy.

  “You love me as much as I love you,” breathed Mattheus, “you’re just in the grip of a mission you can’t stop.”

  Cindy liked his way of putting it. “I’ve never thought of myself on a mission,” she replied, “it’s just too painful for me to say no to a call where a life is at stake. I couldn’t live with myself if I did that.”

  “I realize that,” said Mattheus, “and when I left I didn’t know how we then could ever have a life. All of a sudden, a week later, it hit me. Solving cases is our life. We both love it.”

  Cindy was startled. “It’s not that I don’t want time alone with you,” she repeated. “I do, I love it.”

  “Of course,” said Mattheus, “I realize that. I also realize that when a call comes that’s important, you’re not going to ever say no.”

  Tears suddenly filled Cindy’s eyes. “Can you live with that?” she asked in a small voice.

  “What choice do I have?” asked Mattheus. “It’s either live like that or live without you.”

  “There are other women,” started Cindy.

  “No,” Mattheus stopped her immediately. “There’s no one else in the world for me but you. And there never will be.”

  The intensity of Mattheus’s words made Cindy’s head spin.

  “Do you feel the same way about me?” he added quickly.

  That was a question that haunted Cindy. Mattheus had asked her that before and she hadn’t been able to respond. Cindy knew she loved Mattheus, but she also knew she didn’t feel exactly as he did. She loved being with him when he was here, but didn’t feel as though she couldn’t live her life without him.

  “Can you say that there’s no one that could ever make you as happy as you’d be with me?” Mattheus wanted a response. And he deserved one.

  “I love you and am always happy when I’m with you,” Cindy responded, “except when the jealousy comes or you suddenly disappear.”

  “I promise I’ll never disappear again like that,” Mattheus uttered, “no matter how I feel. And there may be a thousand guys out there who’d you also enjoy, but when you pick one and take vows, things grow deeper. I know it’s true, Cindy, believe me. It’ll be like planting a tree so it can take root.”

  “My love for you is deep, Mattheus,” Cindy wanted to reassure him, when suddenly Mattheus’s phone rang.

  “Yeah?” he picked up and listened for a few minutes. “Fantastic, great,” he responded. “Go get him off the boat and bring him in. It’s the final piece and tells us the whole story. Thanks for letting me know.”

  “Who was that, Brad?” asked Cindy.

  “Right,” said Mattheus. “Our calculations proved right. Val was trying to get off

  the island before the cops could get to him. One of the guys I have working the case spotted it and let Brad know immediately. They’re bringing Val in as we speak. Looks like the creep’s completely guilty. Case over, no problem!”

  “Val could have been running away for lots of reasons,” Cindy exclaimed. “It doesn’t mean he’s the killer. He could be running from charges for fraud.”

  “Nah, it’s deeper than that,” said Mattheus as Cindy’s phone rang then.

  Cindy picked it up quickly and it was Eric. “You heard the news?” he asked. “Val tried to escape the island. The police got him just in time.”

  “I heard,” breathed Cindy, “but thank you so much for letting me know.”

  “Thank you, Cindy, for everything,” Eric declared, “Charma’s being released in a few hours.”

  “How wonderful, Eric,” she replied. “You’re an incredible guy. Charma’s lucky to have you.”

  “I’m lucky too,” said Eric as Cindy quickly hung up the phone.

  “The guy’s madly in love with Charma,” Mattheus repeated, staring into Cindy’s eyes.

  “I know,” said Cindy, “but he deserves much better. No good can come of it. Charma’s deep in the life, has lots of customers, and Eric knows each one of them.”

  “So, maybe he’ll take her away from it all,” Mattheus suggested. “It’s been done before, plenty of times. And now that Eric’s gone public about it, his life can’t stay the same.”

  “No, it can’t,” said Cindy sadly, wondering what would happen to him. “I just want Eric to have the best life has in store.”

  “Looks like Charma is what life has in store for him,” Mattheus responded. “What does life have in store for us, Cindy? Another chance?”

  Cindy smiled slowly. “Yes, Mattheus,” she whispered, “it absolutely has.”

  Mattheus’s old, beautiful, boyish grin returned full force. “Let’s go back up to your room and spend time together then. There’s a thousand plans we have to make and a thousand things I want to tell you.”


  As soon as Cindy and Mattheus got up to her room, both their phones started ringing off the hook. The news was out about the arrest of Val, and people were rejoicing everywhere.

  Loretta’s father Henry was the first call Cindy received, thanking her profusely.

  “You did a fantastic job closing in on that guy,” Henry mumbled over the phone, “I can’t thank you enough. Loretta was wrong about you, I apologize for that.”

  “It’s alright, it’s fine,” said Cindy. “Loretta’s going through all kinds of hell. She’s confused.”

  “You can say that again,” Henry agreed, “but now it’s over. I’ll take her home and get her back on her feet. And don’t kid yourself, she’ll get better, too. The guy who drove her nuts is finally gone.”

  Cindy’s stomach clenched for a second. Henry was glad that Pete had been killed.

  “We’re gonna start packing to go as soon as the police give us the word,” Henry continued. “I’ve got a bonus for you, too, for all the hard work you’ve done.”

  Strangely enough, Cindy didn’t want it.

  “I heard your partner came on board at the end, as well. Can’t thank him enough, either,” said Henry.

  “It’s our pleasure, Henry,” Cindy remarked, feeling more and more unsettled.

  After both Cindy and Mattheus took a few more calls, Mattheus put the phone down and drew Cindy into his arms.

  “There’s no way to tell you how happy you’ve made me,” he murmured. “It’s heaven to be here with you.”

  It felt wonderful to be in the warmth of Mattheus’s arms once again, too. Cindy put her head on Mattheus’s shoulder and left it there for a long, moment.

  “Now that the case is over, we can finally make our plans,” said Mattheus.

  Cindy felt odd, though. Deep down she didn’t feel the case was over. Instead she felt as though they were all jumping to conclusions too quickly, too eager to have it tied up.

  “We haven’t even heard the results of Val’s interrogation,” Cindy pulled back as she spoke to Mattheus.

  “It’s obvious though, isn’t it?” asked Mattheus, surprised. “Val’s in the
middle of every interaction that’s gone bad.”

  “When something looks obvious, it isn’t,” Cindy answered, “you’re the one who taught me that.”

  “What are you saying?” Mattheus tightened up.

  “I just want to feel positive,” Cindy said definitively. “I want to talk to John Burnd one more time.”

  “John Burnd?” Mattheus was rattled. “Charma’s weird customer who practically stalks her? Why him?”

  “Because I’m not finished, Mattheus,” Cindy repeated.

  “Oh God, not again,” Mattheus murmured.

  “Charma’s getting out of jail and Burnd will be thrilled about it,” Cindy went on. “This is a good time to get him to spill the beans.”

  “You talked to him once already, didn’t you?” asked Mattheus.

  “Yes, I did,” said Cindy, “but I wasn’t ever finished. All the evidence we’ve got now is circumstantial. It’s a good case, but there’s nothing direct.”

  “Why would Burnd have direct evidence?” Mattheus was incredulous.

  “He hung around Charma incessantly. He saw everything and everyone who came and went. He was her personal, self-proclaimed protector. If anyone has something extra, he does,” Cindy said.

  “If Burnd had or saw something, why wouldn’t he have talked by now?” Mattheus asked. “It doesn’t make sense.”

  “But I want to talk to him anyhow,” Cindy persisted. “He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. He could have seen something and not known what it meant.”

  “Okay, okay,” Mattheus took a deep breath. “This is how you work, we’ve been through it before. It’s fine with me. Do what you have to. Would you like me to go with you when you speak to him?”

  “No,” said Cindy, pleased that Mattheus was on board. “It’ll be much better if I go alone. Then Burnd won’t feel threatened.”

  Mattheus turned and went to the window and looked out.

  “I’m here for you Cindy,” he finally said slowly. “You do whatever you have to right now.”

  “Thank you,” said Cindy, picking up her phone to put a call into Eric who had Burnd’s contact information. Time was of the essence and Cindy wanted to talk to Burnd right away.


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