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The Beginning

Page 8

by Lenox Hills

  As I come around the corner with my grocery bags, I see his black SUV. At least I hope it is, however I find that I crane my head at every large four door black car I see nowadays. I quicken my step to see Marcus and smile.

  “Good morning Marcus. No coffee?” I ask trying to keep it light.

  “In the car Miss, I have something for you,” and he pulls another envelope out of his jacket. I walk over to grab it from him and ask, “Why aren’t you in California?” I am trying not to sound like I am prying, but I thought Marcus would also have gone with him.

  “I live and work here for an executive service. I only drive Mr. Ellis when he is in town.”

  “I see, well, thanks for this,” and I hold up the envelope. I cannot wait to go inside and tear it open.

  I run up the stairs two at a time, open the door and fling my groceries on the counter. I flop on the couch, out of breath, I carefully open the beautiful stationary. No money falls out this time, however I am not disappointed.


  A little pampering for that hard working body.

  Call the Red Door Salon & Spa and ask to speak to Kristin.



  Well, not very personal, but attentive and sweet. I call Kristin and find I am already booked for tomorrow.


  The Red Door is actually a large red door on Fifth Avenue. Kristin told me I had to arrive at nine a.m. to accomplish all the treatments booked for me. Apparently, Jonathan and Kristin had already planned my day for me. The moment I arrive to change into a plush robe and slippers for the day, I am taken care of. Among the services are milk and honey sugar body glow, facial, manicure, pedicure, and nourishment body treatments. My eyebrows are waxed and perfectly arched, my scalp massaged, my hair trimmed and deep conditioned, my bikini area fully waxed and removed. At the end of the day, my last treatment is a two-hour full body massage that offers me one hundred and twenty minutes to think about Jonathan uninterrupted.

  Last night, at then end was sullen and quiet. The fervor we had going on was ruined. I sat next to him and we finished our bottle of Prosecco, and then he had to leave. It was very awkward and unfinished. I was careful to not make him feel to badly, and I yearned to tell him of my feelings and how much I liked him, however it was inappropriate and I knew it. Besides how can you tell someone you just met three days prior that you are falling for him? Add to the fact that you met in a strip club and he pays you. I don’t want to scare him away. In the end, I really have to just wait and see what he does, let him make the first relationship move. I push it all out of my mind and enjoy the rest of my massage, grateful for the spa day.


  Lazy…I laid on the couch with the cat all day watching TV, trying to avoid any love stories or anyone that looked like Jonathan.


  Back to work today. It is not as exciting as my first week, since I know that Jonathan is on the west coast and will not pop in. Yesterday I came up with a plan to keep my mind off everything. I have set a personal goal to pay off my student loans and save for a place of my own when my landlord comes back in a year. I did the math and if I work hard and spend very little, I can save enough to accomplish my goals. This is enough to keep my distracted. Focused on this plan can keep my thoughts off him.


  I made a deal with the champagne manager last night. I let him know that I am interested in going in, but only with guys that want to dance or talk. I told him I have a new money plan and I want all I can get, but no dirty nasty business. He promised to set me up with the newbies and the virgins. I also let the manager know that I am interested in private parties, but only the ones that pay well. He set me up with one for tomorrow night.


  We have the back room booked for a frat party blowup. My manager offered it to me at work last night, and I greedily accepted. From what I have heard some of the girls hate them, and some of the girls not so much. I will find out why for myself tonight. I have no idea if I should wear anything different than I would on stage; Samson said to wear something I don’t mind getting spilled on. I was worried at first about what meant by spilled on but he assured me he meant drinks.

  It is my turn to go into the party so I walk through the curtains and I see about twenty five insanely drunken guys acting like complete assholes. They have trashed the room, already finished and turned upside down two kegs, and littered the tables with shot glasses. They had brought confetti, streamers, silly string and balloons all of which have be strewn around the room like a five year olds birthday party. Overturn chairs are on the floor and they are standing around crowding the small stage like rabid dogs. I now dread this decision. Where is security? The manager told me that we had two guys in here. Shit.

  The stage is much smaller than I expected. It is more like a small box with a pole in the middle to hold on to, it is only about two feet off the ground, and there is nowhere to go since it is in a corner. The music from the main room is piped in, and can barely be heard over the screaming and talking these guys are doing. It takes a minute for me to be noticed.

  “Well well gentleman look what we have here….our next victim!!” One of them in a blue polo shirt says. They applaud and make a path towards the box. I must have looked scared because, another one in a pink polo shirt comes over to me and says, “Jim look what you did? Be nice,” and he turns to me, “We are harmless, just drunk and loud.” Oddly, I still feel like a lamb to the slaughter, as I sense instantly pink polo shirt is a liar. I walk towards the box and as I pass, they all reach out to grab me, push me, or slap my ass. I have a bad feeling about this, but as I move, they follow in behind me to the stage. Once I get to the box, step up and turn around I see that I am cornered…trapped.

  Quickly, I try to make an exit plan, as well as a plan to quell them a bit. I search out above their heads and still there is no bouncer to be found. The guys are waving dollar bills and yelling to see my tits already. I have to dance, I have to distract them and wait for help. I start to move, and I decide to really go all out with steps as if I am putting on a show, hoping they will enjoy it and be kind to me. I kick out and spin, but never turn my back on them and it helps to clear them from right in front of the box. They are all fanning out and showing a lot of singles but not tipping me at all. Assholes. These guys want it all for free. I am trying to put off taking of my top for as long as possible and then things go south quickly.

  “This is bullshit, take it off!” Yells one of them from the crowd.

  “Fuck this shit bitch, do what you’re here for! Strip!” Another squawks out at me.

  I am terrified, with nobody in here and this many guys they could do anything to me, and the look it their eyes tell me they might.

  Suddenly there is hand that reaches out, snatches at my bra, and pulls on it. I reach out, grab the pole with my left hand, and hold on. The clasp in the back holds tight and he doesn’t let go. His grip pulls me forward to cheers from his frat brothers. I am unable hold on to the pole any longer and he tugs to release me from it. In a final yank on my bra, he wrenches me away from the pole and for a moment, I am standing there teetering on the edge of the box.

  “Take her down like a running back” I hear from pink polo shirt who is standing right next to him. Somehow they high five each other and blue polo shirt pulls one more time and in my stilettos I wobble and fall off the box and onto the floor.

  In my descent, my bra finally snaps and he is now holding it above his head to roars from the swarm. He is waving it around like a victory flag. I scamper backwards to the wall and pull my knees up to my chest, and put my head down. I hope they won’t try to pull anything else off me. I hope they forget about me, but they do not. After they enjoy the bra for a minute, I see their feet circle around me.

  “Ok boys,” pink polo says, “what should we do to her next?”

  “I’d love some panties to go with my bra,” blue polo says, “a matching set I think they call it?
” as everyone in the room laughs. Oh no, please no, what am I going to do. I am so scared. I curl up tighter in a ball and hold strongly to my knees to keep them from getting to my panties. I feel them start to reach for me, and pull my arms off my knees, but I hold tightly interlacing my fingers. One of them starts to pry my fingers off my kneecap, I am so scared, I keep my head down get ready for the assault.

  Abruptly I feel one of them reach around me and pick me up, I tighten in my ball. Where are they taking me? I am so petrified. I keep my head down not wanting to know where I am going. Then I hear a series of loud “boo’s.” The arms that hold me wrap around me tighter and as we move I hear in my ear, “Are you ok kitten?” What?

  I lift up my head from my chest and see Jonathan, he is here, he is carrying me, and he saved me. Where did he come from? How is he here? I instantly relax and wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his hair. “I’m good now that you’re here.” I whisper and I feel him take me out of the club and into the cold of the outside, he then sweeps me into the SUV and Marcus closes the door for us.

  Once inside Jonathan takes off his coat and puts me in it. Grabbing a blanket from the passenger seat and tucks it over and around my legs. He leans forward to the console and turns up the heat inside. The whole time he tends to me, I keep my head down, and I am crying profusely. I cry in large heaping sobs that cause my make up and nose to run down my face and onto my lap. I must look a mess, and I am getting all this on his jacket.

  With my head hanging down, I feel a handkerchief thrust into my hand. I am grateful and begin to wipe my face off, the white cloth is quickly brown and black and pink with my makeup and tears. Then a crystal cut glass is put into my view, “Here, drink this.” Jonathan says very softly.

  “Wwwhhatt is it,” I stutter.

  “Brandy, it will warm you up and calm you down.” He tells me.

  “Ok,” and I drink. It goes down smooth and warm. After a few sips I sit back with my head still low, a glass of bandy in my right hand and a dirty handkerchief in my left. I am not sure how long we have been sitting in the car, but we have not moved. Jonathan has been still but I feel his presence next to me on my right.

  Soon I feel his left arm around my shoulders and his right thumb reaches through my hair and onto my chin. He crooks it and brings up my face to look at him. “Hey, are you all right? How do you feel? Do you want to go to the hospital?” Jonathan’s face is grim with concern and worry. The way he is looking at me is calming even in my state.

  “How did you, I mean why are you, I…”

  “Later ok? Later. Just let me tend to you for a minute. Ok?”


  “So, hospital? Yes or no.”

  “No, I am technically ok.”

  “Good.” He sounds relieved.

  I smile, and finish my brandy. Jonathan smiles back, refills mine, and picks up his. Marcus opens the passenger door, puts my workbag on the seat, and walks around to the driver’s side. “Let’s go.” Jonathan tells him, and we pull away from the club. I lean into his shoulder and close my eyes, wanting to forget the past hour of my life. I don’t even notice where we are going, but in a few minutes I can feel the SUV go down a small hill and we come to a stop. Our door is opened and I see a formally dressed valet with a long dark grey coat and gold epaulettes on the shoulders. He is also wearing a dark grey cap and a gold whistle on a long chain around his neck.

  “Good evening Mr. Ellis.” The valet greets us, and Jonathan steps out of the car. He turns around and grabs my hand, helping me out as well. After I get out I can see we are in an under ground parking garage. I pull Jonathan’s jacket around me to cover everything up. It is just long enough to skim past my butt. “Hello Miss, welcome to the Ritz Carlton.”

  “Thank you,” I reply but I try not to look at him, as I am sure my face is a mess. Jonathan whisks me into a beautiful small elevator, and presses the 20 button. I keep my eyes on the tile floor and huddle into the crook of his arm. We ride up in silence. The doors open on the twentieth floor and there is a security guard and concierge at a large walnut desk to the left of the doors.

  “Mr. Ellis, how are you this evening? Anything I can take care of for you?” The clean cut older woman’s voice is so even keel and smooth you would think that she always see’s barefoot half naked make-up smeared young girls at her desk.

  “Yes Barbara, can you please set my friend here up with what she needs?”

  “Of course Mr. Ellis, everything will be up in less than an hour,” then she looks at me and says, “medium-ish?” I nod my head.

  “Anything to eat for you?” she inquires.

  “I’ll call room service in a bit. Thanks Barbara.”

  “Goodnight Mr. Ellis.”

  Jonathan grabs my hand and we head down the hall and turn right until it ends.

  We arrive at two dark mahogany doors with gold handles. Jonathan pulls out a card key from his pocket and slides it in.

  Once the door closes, we take a few steps into his suite, and Jonathan pulls me close into him and envelopes me in a big hug. I curl my fists into balls and rest my arms against his chest and huddle in close. I start to cry a little again, and he kisses the top of my head. I think that I am half crying out of relief and half for the immense caring that he is showing me. This tender moment makes me feel safe. Lifting my head with his hand, Jonathan looks into my eyes and asks if I am ok, really ok? I assure him that I am. “How did you know to show up?”

  “Later ok, lets get you settled, and I will tell you all you want to know.”

  “Ok” I agree.

  “Stay here for a sec,” he asks and I sit on a upholstered bench in the entry.

  Jonathan goes into the bathroom, and comes out a two minutes later.

  “Ok, all ready for you, go in there, and relax. I am going to order some room service, are you hungry?”

  I realize that I am famished. “Yes, I am. Order whatever for me,” and I walk into the bathroom.

  The bathroom is stunning; it is all silver, mirror, and white marble. The lighting is soft and flattering. Jonathan has a bubble bath ready for me with a stack of towels on a metallic silver stool. I hang up his coat on the small metal valet, take off my panties, and throw them in the trash; I never want to see those again. Climbing up the two marble steps, I ease into the bath drawn for me. It feels heavenly and smells amazing. The tub is sunken with a little built in seat and arm rests as well as a pillow for my head. I let the water surround me and I try to relax.

  Shortly, there is a knock on the door. “Come in.”

  Jonathan walks in with two glasses of white wine. There is my hero. His dark hair is mussed up on top, he has changed into black nylon running pants, and a matching black nylon t-shirt with white running socks. “Are you going running?” I ask him.

  “Ha no, not tonight, I just changed to be comfortable.”

  “Do you normally run at night?” I ask.

  Jonathan has sauntered casually across the bathroom and is sitting on the bottom marble step talking to me. I have a feeling he has no idea how he looks, it is effortless and without forethought. I feel something stir inside me under the warm water.

  “I do. I love to run through the city at night here, it’s exhilarating and beautiful.”

  “Are you a big runner?” I sip my wine and am grateful it helps me to forget.

  “Yes, I run 10k’s and half marathons on weekends when I can. I run everyday, I prefer outside but I will run on a treadmill when I have to. I also love to trail run.”

  I love hearing about his running, when he talks about it his whole face lights up, and his eyes are bright and he is animated. It is very different from the cool, calm, and collected Jonathan I usually get.

  “Have you ever run anywhere dangerous?”

  “Well, trails along the edges of cliffs with a deep drop, an active volcano in Hawaii, and the running of the bulls, that was probably the most dangerous.”

  “That sounds exciting.” The kind o
f thing you only read about and he has done it.

  “Yes, I didn’t make the entire run though, those bulls are fast! I had to get inside in a doorway.” He laughs. I have never heard him laugh before; it’s a nice deep sound.

  Jonathan picks up a bottle of shampoo and looks at me, “Can I wash your hair?” He asks so sweetly and so tender. I nod my head. “Here,” and points to the marble next to him, and I slide over. Using his hands as a cup, he wets my hair down; once he has some shampoo in his hand, he runs it through my locks to lather it. Using those nimble fingers, he proceeds to rub my scalp and give me an amazing massage. It is so comforting, getting my hair washed, sitting in a scented bubble bath and enjoying a glass of wine. I feel so far removed from tonight’s events. I push it out of my mind.

  Jonathan rinses the shampoo with his hands, puts in some conditioner and runs his fingers through my hair like a comb, and rinses it out. He then picks up a washcloth, and holds it up, “Can I bath you?” I nod my head again. Picking up the scented French soap he lathers up the washcloth and gently starts with my face. I saw it in the mirror when I was undressing, and I had blotchy makeup and raccoon eyes. I was a mess, but he wipes it all away softly. I have my eyes closed and I am leaning into his reach. When he is done we hear the doorbell, he kisses my nose and tells me he’ll be right back.

  In a moment, there is another light knock on the door, and a soft voice says “Lenox?” very tentatively.

  “Come in?” I have no idea who it is. Then I see Barbara with a big bag on her shoulder.

  “Hello dear, I have some things for you. There are basic toiletries for you, hair gel, hairspray, leave in conditioner, mousse, brush, comb, a scrunchie, mini curling iron, mini flat iron, deodorant, razor, shave gel, nail file, mini perfume samples, lip balm, lip gloss, mascara, facial moisturizer, hand and foot lotion, socks, underwear 3 different types, thong, boy short and bikini. In addition, a set of pajamas, yoga pants, two camisoles, two sports bras, and two t-shirts and a pair of nike flip flops. Now, do you need some tampons or pads?” She puts down a large canvas Ritz Carlton bag filled to the top. Wow. I am impressed.


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