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Iron Tongue cr-4

Page 20

by Неизвестный

  Lan didn' t answer. Krek did.

  " Murrk is honorable. He is Webmaster, after all. And if Jacy and Rugga keep the dam in fine repair and keep the stream in the valley to a mere trickle, there is no reason why Murrk will not allow mining of the power stone in his valley. It is all so simple now."

  Krek turned and pointed with his long front leg. " The cenotaph opens."

  " Silvain," muttered Inyx, remembering the foul deeds he had committed. But Lan had been correct. Silvain' s courage in assuming the magical guise given by Claybore to attack an entire city filled with sorcerers had been strong enough to open the pathway between worlds.

  " Ready?" asked Lan Martak.

  " Is this truly the world where Claybore walks?"

  The mage shrugged his shoulders. His powers had grown, but there were some- many- questions he had no answer for.

  " Let us leave this fine world behind," said Krek. The spider boldly entered the simple stone cairn, wavered for a moment, and vanished from sight.

  Lan Martak took Inyx' s hand, squeezed it, and then led the way. They, too, shimmered as if caught in summer heat, felt the gutwrenching shift to another world, then came out ready to pursue their adversary.

  Claybore would not prevail. Not while they walked the Cenotaph Road.

  Scanning, formatting and basic proofing by Undead.

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  Document creation date: 17.09.2008

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