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Alan Govenar

Page 43

by Lightnin' Hopkins: His Life;Blues

  Jazz: New Orleans 1885–1957 (Charters), 70

  Jefferson Airplane, 173

  Jefferson, Blind Lemon, ix, 9–11, 18, 23, 43, 75–76, 84, 87, 146, 289n39

  Jefferson, George, 10–11

  Jefferson, Marcella, 10–11

  “Jesus, Won’t You Come by Here,” 11, 121. See also “Now Is the

  Needy Time”

  Jewel Records, 149, 150, 151, 186

  Jim Crow laws, 32, 85

  Johnson, Conrad, 33

  Johnson, Floyd, 4

  Johnson, Lonnie, 23, 30

  Johnson, Robert, 17

  “Jole Blon,” 46, 48

  Jones, Abner, 33

  Jones, Little Hat, 23

  Jordan, Tucker, 8

  Joseph, Harold “Frenchy,” 146

  juke joints, 25

  Juneteenth Blues Festival, 205, 221, 223; and “Lightnin’ Hopkins Day,” 220

  Kagan, Shel, 130

  Kahal, Sol, 294n47

  “Katie Mae Blues,” 43, 116

  KCOH, 53

  Kelly, J. D., xii

  Kelly, Reverend Johnny, 227

  Kessler, Joe, 118

  KFVD, 66–67

  Kilpatrick, Joe “Spider,” 77, 103, 122–23, 146

  King, B. B., 233

  King, Freddie, 232

  King, Martin Luther Jr., 86

  Knight, Elizabeth, 104

  Kroll, Connie, 62

  KPRC, 40

  KYOK, 53

  Lacy, Elamer, 16, 28, 38, 224

  Lang, Eddie, 23

  Langford, Clyde, xiii, 4, 8, 18, 37, 42

  Last Night Blues (recording), 107, 109

  “Late in the Evening,” 64

  Lay, Sam, 148

  “Leaving Blues,” 64

  Ledbetter, Huddie (Leadbelly), 15, 61, 70, 79, 87, 100, 115, 156

  Ledbetter, Martha, 115, 129

  Leadbitter, Mike, 41, 179, 301n81

  Legacy of the Blues series, 203

  Lennon, John, 184

  Leonard, Victor, 122

  Leon County (Texas), 1, 12; slave property in, 2

  Leona (Texas), 5

  Lester, Julius, 172

  “Let Me Play with Your Poodle,” 36

  “Letter to Lightnin’ Hopkins,” 299n21

  “(Letter to My) Back Door Friend,” 150

  “Levee Camp Moan,” 25

  Leventhal, Harold, 79, 83, 104–5, 110–11, 114, 121

  Lewis, George, 70

  Lewis, Huey, 230, 310n89

  Lewis, Stan, 149–50, 186, 192

  “Life I Used to Live,” 64

  Lightnin’ (recording), 109

  “Lightnin’ Blues,” 50, 131, 132

  Lightnin’ and the Blues (recording), 115–16

  Lightnin’ and Co. (recording), 123

  Lightnin’ in New York (recording), 110, 111

  “Lightnin’ Don’t Feel Well,” 65. See also “Wonder What Is Wrong with Me”

  Lightnin’ Hopkins Appreciation Society, 151

  Lightning Hopkins: Last of the Great

  Blues Singers (recording), 116

  Lightnin’ Hopkins, Rare Performances 1960–1979 (recording), 302n7

  Lightnin’ Hopkins Strums the Blues (recording), 115

  “Lightnin’ Jump,” 64

  “Lightnin’s Piano Boogie,” 110

  Lightnin’ Slim (Otis Hicks), 232

  Lightning Strikes (recording), 119, 149, 198, 301n82

  Lippmann, Horst, 135, 147

  Lipscomb, Mance, 54, 102–3, 131, 140, 179, 181, 188, 190, 197, 231

  “Little Antoinette,” 182

  Little Richard (Richard Penniman), 67

  “Little School Girl,” 56

  Little Walter (Walter Jacobs), 148

  Live at the Bird Lounge (recording), 161

  Lockett, Jesse, 46

  Logan, Don, 186–88, 192

  Lohr, Fran Petters, 190

  Lomax, Alan, 147, 307n34

  Lomax, John A. Jr., 69, 78–79, 92, 96–101, 104, 117, 140, 175, 179, 188, 227, 307n34

  Lomax, John A. Sr., 100

  The London Muddy Waters Session (recording), 198

  Lone Star Colored Baseball League of Texas, 21

  Lore, Nick, 300n51

  Lyday, Jim, 79

  Lyon, George, 137

  lynching, 3

  Mahal, Taj, 194

  Marshall, Thurgood, 86

  Mary Allen College, 9, 289n35

  “Matchbox Blues,” 136

  Matrix (club), 173–74

  Mayhew, Aubrey, 146

  McAdoo, Bill, 104–5

  McCarthy, Joseph, 104

  McCartney, Paul, 184

  McCaskill, Bill “Rascal,” 53

  McCormick, Robert “Mack,” 18, 30, 45, 47, 54, 61, 68, 69–70, 73, 84, 90, 93, 95–96, 98, 101–4, 106–8, 113, 117, 119, 120–23, 146, 153, 188, 297n37, 298n64; arrest warrant of, 127; and Folkways letter, 91–92; Lightnin’ Hopkins, promoting of, 78–81, 83; Lightnin’ Hopkins, recording of, 76–77, 87, 89; Lightnin’ Hopkins, relationship with, as deteriorating, 124–28

  McDowell, Fred, 147, 231

  McGhee, Brownie, 70, 79–80, 100, 147, 210, 299n21

  “Mean Old Frisco,” 109

  “Mean Old Twister,” 43

  Meeker, Robert C., 53

  Mello, Breno, 159

  Mercury Records, 62, 64

  “Mercy,” 48

  “Merry Christmas,” 63

  Mesner, Eddie, 41, 43, 45, 48

  Michel, Ed, 101

  “Mighty Crazy,” 111

  Mikofsky, Anton J., 218–20

  Milburn, Amos, 40–41, 44

  Miles, Luke “Long Gone,” 99, 103, 189

  Miller, Henry, 171

  Milton, Mabel, 13, 125

  “Mini Skirt,” 184

  Mississippi Sheiks, 23

  Mister Jelly Roll (Lomax), 70

  “Moanin’ Blues,” 64

  Modern Records, 48, 58

  “Mojo Hand,” 113, 114, 193, 206, 300n62

  Mojo Hand (Phillips), 155, 159, 166–67; critical reaction to, 171–72

  Mojo Hand (recording), 113, 130

  Monroe, Bill, 196

  Moon, Bucklin, 167

  “Moonrise Blues,” 49

  Moore, Chintz, 22–23

  Moore, Ella B., 22

  Moore, Tom, 54–55, 87, 102. See also

  “Tom Moore’s Farm”

  Morgenstern, Dan, 132–33, 192

  Morrison, Van, 230, 310n89

  Mousner, Jim, 86

  “Move on Out Boogie,” 64, 151

  “Mr. Charlie,” 97, 184, 186, 219, 223

  “Mr. Charlie, Your Rollin’ Mill Is Burnin’ Down,” See “Mr. Charlie”

  Mullen, Patrick, 84

  Murray, Albert, 171

  Musselwhite, Charlie, 67

  “My Little Kewpie Doll,” 64–65. See also “Bad Boogie”

  Naifeh, Alfie, 200, 212

  Napier-Bell, Simon, 152

  Nash, Tom, 5

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 85

  National Students Association, 156

  Newell, Inez, 46

  New Lost City Ramblers, 114

  Newport Folk Festival, 147

  Nixon, Elmore, 137, 185, 187

  Nixon, Hammie, 141

  Normangee (Texas), 22

  “Nothin’ But the Blues,” 65

  “Now Is the Needy Time,” 11. See also “Jesus, Won’t You Come by Here”

  Ochs, Phil, 145

  Odetta, 156

  “Old Country Stomp,” 7

  Oliver, Joe “King,” 23, 61

  Oliver, Paul, xiii, 95, 102–4, 142, 151–52, 295n69

  Olivier, Barry, 97

  O’Neal, Jim, 222

  On the Road Again: Down Home Blues, Jazz, Gospel, and More (film), 302n7

  Otis, Charles “Honey Man,” 219

  Paley, Tom, 114

  Palmer, Earl, 149

  Palmer, Robert, 205, 222
  Patoski, Joe Nick, 134, 302–3n11

  A Pattern of Words (television program), 110

  Patterson, J. L. Jr., 127

  Paula Records, 186

  Pearl, Bernie, 194–95, 197, 232

  Pearl, Ed, 98–100, 125, 189, 194, 196, 197, 198

  Peery, Carroll, 118–19, 138–39, 183, 191, 235

  “Penitentiary Blues” (“Groesbeck Blues”), 75, 181–82. See also

  “Bud Russell Blues”

  Phelan, Charlotte, 82–83, 88

  Phillips, J. J., 155, 166, 170, 304n4, 305n12; arrest of, 157; background of, 156; and Lightnin’ Hopkins, 157–69, 171–72

  Phillis Wheatley High School, 33

  Pickens, Buster, 29, 123, 200

  Pickwick Records, 146

  Plessy v. Ferguson, 32

  Point, Michael, 217

  “Policy Game,” 63

  Pollock, Mark, 212

  “Polo Blues,” 27

  Pope, Kay, 144

  Poppy Records, 190–91

  Porper, Howard, 69

  “Prairie Dog Hole,” 27

  Prestige/Bluesville Records, 117, 126–27, 146, 151, 201, 229–30

  Price, Sam, 23

  Puckett, Riley, 7

  Pullum, Joe, 53

  Quinn, Bill, 45–46, 48–52, 54, 56–59, 69, 91, 119, 152, 293n38, 294n46, 295n59, 295n61, 301n82

  race records, 48, 115, 294n52

  Racine, Marty, 226–27

  radio: African Americans, targeting of, 66

  Rainey, Ma, 133

  Ramey, Ben, 79, 81

  Ramsey, Frederic, 70, 73

  Rau, Fritz, 135, 147

  Real Jazz (Panassie), 70

  Reconstruction, 3

  “Reminiscences of Blind Lemon,” 75–76

  Robertson, Eck, 7

  Robey, Don, 52

  Robinson, Bobby, 112–14, 130–31, 201

  Robinson, Clyde, 28

  Robinson, Frank, xiii, 28

  Rochon, Lonnie, 53

  rock ‘n’ roll, 67, 82

  “Rocky Mountain Blues,” 43–44, 108, 239. See also “I Can’t Stay

  Here in Your Town”

  Rogers, Larry, 213, 215

  Rogers, Lelan, 184–85, 187

  Ronn Records, 186

  The Rooster Crowed in England (recording), 87, 89, 240

  Rotante, Anthony, 95, 152, 237

  Rowe, Mike, 152

  Royal Amalgamated Association of Chitterling Eaters of America, 295n73

  Rubenstein, Mansel, 153, 184

  Russell, Tony, 152

  Sanborn, Frank, 46

  Santa Fe Group, 32–33

  Schilthuis, Laurence, 239

  Schuller, Tim “Mit,” 215

  Score Records, 115

  Scott, Frank, 151

  Sebastian, John, 110, 300n51

  “Section Gang Blues,” 25

  Seeger, Mike, 114

  Seeger, Pete, 79, 85, 104–5, 115, 296n23

  “See That My Grave Is Kept Clean,” 75

  “Sellin’ Wine in Arizona,” 191

  Serenaders, 13

  Shad, Bobby, 58–62, 116, 201

  Shaw, Arnold, 59

  Shaw, Robert, 32, 188, 211

  Sharp, Cecil, 79

  Shelton, Robert, 89, 105, 107, 130

  “She’s Mine,” 75

  Shine, Black Boy, 32

  “Shining Moon,” 48, 64, 109

  “Short Haired Woman,” ix, 47–50, 81, 89, 107, 115, 136, 142, 150

  “Shotgun Blues,” 49, 56

  “Sick Feeling Blues (I’m Aching),” 64

  Silber, Irwin, 104

  Silver, Al, 64

  Silverman, Jerry, 104

  Sims, Estelle, xi

  Sims, Frankie Lee, 29, 55–56, 239

  Sing Out! (magazine), 104

  Sittin’ In With Records, 58, 62

  Skoog, Larry, 41

  “Slavery,” 181–82, 234

  Smith, Bessie, 14, 55

  Smith, Charles Edward, 116

  Smith, Wilson “Thunder,” xiv, 41, 43–44, 200

  Smokes Like Lightning (recording), 122, 124, 153

  Snyder, Robert, 171

  “Some Day Baby,” 58

  Sometimes I Believe She Loves Me (recording), 139

  Sonet Records, 203

  songs: as commodity, 60

  “So Sorry to Leave You,” 109

  Soul Blues (recording), 137, 151

  “Spirituals to Swing” concert, 70

  square dances, 6–7

  Stack, Frank, 80

  Starr, Ringo, 173

  Steele, Lanny, 205, 221, 308n16

  Stewart-Baxter, Derek, 142

  Stoneham, Luther, 39, 293n38

  “Stop Drinking,” 310n89. See also “Better Watch Yourself”

  Story, Zarefah, 114

  Strachwitz, Chris, x–xi, 50, 52, 54, 71–72, 76–77, 89, 95, 98, 102–3, 113, 120–22, 131, 133, 135, 136, 138, 140, 147–48, 154, 170, 181, 190–91, 197–98, 230–31, 235, 294n46, 295n59, 301n87

  SugarHill Studios, 51, 293n43

  “Sugar Mama,” 49

  Sumlin, Hubert, 141

  Sunnyland Slim, 141

  The Sun’s Gonna Shine (film), x–xi, 180

  Swank, Sam, ix

  Sweatt, Heman, 85

  Sweatt v. Painter, 85

  “Take It Easy,” 110

  Tampa Red, 30, 36, 84

  Tanner, Gid, 7

  “Tell Me Baby,” 75

  Terry, Sonny, 80, 100, 107–9, 147, 210

  Texas: African Americans in, viii; baseball in, 21; during Civil War, 2

  Texas blues, vii–ix

  Texas Blues Man (recording), 184

  Texas Blues Society, 151

  “That Mean Old Twister,” 80, 81

  Theater Owners Booking Association (TOBA), 23, 57

  “Thinkin’ ‘bout an Old Friend,” 110

  13th Floor Elevators, 184, 186

  Thomas, Andy, 293n38

  Thomas, Beulah (Sippie Wallace), 33

  Thomas, Danny, 184–85

  Thomas, George W., 33

  Thomas, George W. Jr., 33

  Thomas, Henry, 7–8

  Thomas, Hersal, 33

  Thomas, Marcellus, 181

  Thompson, Lurie, 5

  Thompson, Sid, 41

  Thornton, Big Mama, 218

  Thornton, Yank, 54

  Through the Years: A Historical Sketch of Leon County (Leathers), 2

  Time Records, 116

  “Tim Moore’s Farm,” 55, 102, 123, 181–82; as protest song, 54, 86–87, 234

  Titon, Jeff Todd, 96

  “T’ Model Blues,” 55

  TNT Records, 62, 64, 91

  Tolbert, Frank, 43

  “Tom Moore.” See “Tim Moore’s Farm”

  Tonneau, Serge, 152

  Tradition Records, 89, 298n53

  A Treasury of Field Recordings (recording), 90

  Trident Press, 155, 167

  Turner, Ben, 64

  Turner, B. K. “Black Ace,” 56

  Turner, Felton, 85

  The Unexpurgated Folk Songs of Men (recording), 89

  University of Texas Law School, 85

  “Unsuccessful Blues (Can’t Be Successful),” 50

  “Up on Telegraph,” 191

  Van Ronk, Dave, 145

  Van Zandt, Townes, 190, 232

  Vaughan, Jimmie, 211, 232

  Vaughan, Stevie Ray, 211, 232–33

  Verve Records, 149

  “Vietnam War,” 187

  Village Gate, 104, 107, 114, 130, 132–33, 215

  von Schmidt, Eric, 112

  “Walking Blues,” 50

  Walkin’ This Road by Myself (recording), 122–23

  “The War Is Over,” 63

  Warren’s Bottom (Texas), 2–3, 5

  Washington, Lorine, 6, 125

  Waterman, Dick, 193

  Waters, Muddy, 47, 56–57, 61, 66, 113, 151, 192, 198, 203–5, 221, 235, 307n34

  Watson, D
oc, 196

  Watson, Johnny “Guitar,” 67

  Wawzyn, Dietrich, 131

  WDIA, 66–67

  Weavers, 70, 104–6

  Welding, Pete, 106

  Wesley, Carter, 86

  “West Coast Blues,” 43

  Wheelin’ on Beale (radio program), 66

  “Whiskey Headed Woman,” 49

  White, Bukka, 190

  White, Hattie Mae, 85

  White, Tony Joe, 190

  Whiz Records, 153

  Wiesand, Stephanie, 141

  Williams, Big Joe, 50, 84, 100–1

  Williams, Clarence, 23

  Williamson, John Lee “Sonny Boy,” 30, 84, 141, 310n89

  Williams, L. C., 56, 103

  Williams, Moohah, 66

  Williams, Ted, 35

  Wills, Bob, 46

  Wilmer, Val, 143–44

  Wilson, Harding “Hop,” 55, 239

  Wilson, John S., 81–82, 93, 115

  Wilson, Ron, 208, 211, 220

  Winter, Johnny, 184

  WLAC, 67

  “Wonder What Is Wrong with Me,” 65. See also “Lightnin’ Don’t Feel Well”

  Wood, W. D., 2

  World Pacific Records, 101

  Wright, Dan, 29

  Wynne, Angus III, 134

  Yates, Peter, 156

  Ziehm, Howard, 120

  “Zolo Go,” 50–51

  zydeco, 33, 51

  Also by Alan Govenar


  Texas Blues: The Rise of a Contemporary Sound

  Untold Glory: African Americans in Pursuit of Freedom, Opportunity and Achievement

  The Early Years of Rhythm and Blues

  Stoney Knows How: Life as a Sideshow Tattoo Artist

  Masters of Traditional Arts: A Biographical Dictionary

  African American Frontiers: Slave Narratives and Oral Histories

  Portraits of Community: African American Photography in Texas

  Deep Ellum and Central Track: Where the Black and White Worlds of Dallas Converged (with Jay F. Brakefield)

  American Tattoo

  Meeting the Blues: The Rise of the Texas Sound

  Flash From the Past: Classic American Tattoo Designs 1890–1965 (with Ed Hardy)

  A Joyful Noise: A Celebration of New Orleans Music (with Michael P. Smith)

  Living Texas Blues

  For Young Readers

  Extraordinary Ordinary People: Five American Masters of Traditional Arts

  Stompin’ at the Savoy

  Osceola: Memories of a Sharecropper’s Daughter

  Essay Collections

  Juneteenth Texas: Essays in African-American Folklore (with Francis Abernethy and Patrick B. Mullen)


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