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In The End (The Butterfly Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Isabella Redwood

‘Interesting indeed, Miss Nichols, I’m sure it will be a splendid affair,’ he tittered, though I thought I caught a smile when the giant spider launched through the doorway upon him entering the kitchen.

  ‘Do you have to go to work today?’ I moaned, pouting, knowing full well he did and not wanting to be away from him even for a few hours.

  ‘Sadly yes, why don’t you go shopping, that card I gave you hasn’t been touched and you deserve to treat yourself.’ I grimaced at the mention of the card and Nicholi started laughing.

  ‘Seriously, baby, you’re going to have to get over this hatred of all things plastic. We are going to be married soon and everything I have will be yours, not that it is not already. Please splurge, if it makes you feel better, buy me a gift too.’ He knew exactly what to say to make it less painful for me and with that in mind my eyes brightened.

  ‘I have been planning for Jacob and Max’s room too so I could get some supplies while I shop for you.’ I was getting more excited by the second.

  ‘Make sure you shop for yourself too though, Sophia, we will have a few events to attend and it will be helpful to have some options available.’ Knowing how meagre my closet was I knew he was right, but still did not feel comfortable and he sensed it.

  ‘Think of it as a business expense, schmoozing with architects and engineers isn’t exactly a leisure activity so if you think of it as work and gathering items for that, it’s easier to digest.’ I still did not like it, but knowing that my salary after paying the debts I had, did not allow for such fineries as would be required, I had no choice.

  ‘What are your plans for the boys’ room?’ He changed the subject and my face brightened again. I showed him the drawings I had made, and he studied them carefully in silence.

  ‘If you don’t like it I can make adjustments.’ I took the silence for disapproval.

  ‘Sophia, these are amazing, I never realised you could draw like this. Change of plan, you’re coming to the office with me and then I will take you shopping after, it’s the only way to ensure you buy anything for yourself at all,’ he teased, pulling me to stand and kissing me longingly, the fire building to explosion level when Earl returning to the room with the mail interrupted us.

  ‘I beg your pardon, sir; an official gentleman just brought these documents for you.’ Clearly not used to such overt affection on public display, Earl skittered away at speed.

  Nicholi opened the letters, one a new court date for Max’s custody hearing, the last having to be postponed with Cross in hospital, and the other an appointment for the reading of Nicholi’s grandfather’s last will and testament. The bomb Nicholi was about to drop, I would never have foreseen.

  ‘They want both of us to attend.’ Bitterness emanated from his words.

  ‘They, what, why?’ I was perplexed, but deep down fear was brewing.

  ‘I have no idea; seemingly even from his grave he is still playing games. Let’s not think about this now, we need to get going, we can talk later, okay?’ Taking my hand in his, he kissed my fingers each one in turn.

  ‘Sure, I’m excited to see your work,’ I confessed, to be honest, Nicholi could make watching paint dry fun in his presence.

  We drove to his offices in relative silence, him stroking his fingers against mine, the music, Thirty Seconds to Mars blaring with the song The Kill echoing through my memory; I used to dance to this. It was a distant memory yet my feet itched to wear those old ragged ballet slippers and pirouette around the room.

  ‘Lost in thought?’ he asked, stroking his fingers down the side of my face, my heart suddenly thundering in response to his touch.

  ‘I was just thinking of dancing,’ I mumbled, biting the corner of my cheek a little too hard as the memories of the last time I had danced came flooding back.

  ‘I would love to see you dance again one day,’ he replied, kissing my cheek as we walked hand in hand to the elevator. I sighed as he pushed the call button, would I ever dance again? It seemed so dishonourable to their memory, thinking about it even a little.

  The elevator door opened, and I instantly felt the sparks flying and reverberating around the enclosed space. I saw Nicholi smirk out of the corner of my eye before he pulled me into his arms and our lips met, the intensity of our kiss making me moan for more. We arrived at our floor much too quickly for my liking, Nicholi released me reluctantly with a concupiscent expression on his face. He clearly was enjoying himself as much as I was.

  After signing in at reception and obtaining my visitor badge that Nicholi affectionately clipped onto my shirt, lingering just a little too long in the process, one of his managers passed us, stopping to exchange pleasantries and Nicholi escorted me into the conference room.

  ‘Just sit here and when I ask you for the number just say fifty, okay?’ he explained with an endearing expression on his face. I never had chance to question further as the meeting was brought to order.

  ‘Ladies, gentlemen, I trust you have all had the opportunity to peruse the plans and are ready to discuss phase two?’ He was so authoritative I sank a little in my chair. The room was filled with fellow engineers, architects and others that I had no clue what their job was. I was trying to focus as they discussed the materials and building code plans, but felt my eyes drifting over to Nicholi, not believing he was truly mine. I was awoken from my reverie by the sound of my name and Nicholi’s voice.

  ‘I would like you all to meet my fiancée, Sophia; she will be doing the interior design for the project.’ I was stunned, initially by the word fiancée, my heart melted, but then I would be doing what?

  ‘What was the number you were thinking of, Sophia, for the work?’ He smiled at me and I forgot to breathe.

  ‘Eh, fifty,’ I mumbled, the stark realisation of what he had said slowly dripping through my subconscious.

  ‘Excellent,’ a voice piped up from the front. ‘We look forward to working with you, my dear.’ The oldest member of the meeting addressed me, mid-forties, developing a little dust of grey around his ears, a small smile emerging across his face before he rose and the meeting was adjourned.

  ‘What was that about?’ Anger was slowly bubbling up in my chest, what had I just agreed to?

  ‘Come.’ Nicholi gestured, taking my hand and leading me into his office. He closed the door and turned to face me.

  ‘This is an opportunity for you to pay off all your debts and then some, doesn’t that sound good?’ he questioned, stroking his fingers across my cheek, along my lips making me lose any connection with my thought train. ‘You’re so sexy when you pout.’ His voice was husky and seductive.

  ‘Stop.’ I took a step back, almost tripping over the leg of the ornamental sphere that was behind me, Nicholi grabbed my hand, stopping me from falling.

  ‘What a stupid place to put that,’ I voiced, blushing crimson and cursing my lack of spatial awareness whenever Nicholi was around.

  ‘See, you need to do this, cannot have the guests tripping over misplaced furniture, can we.’ I scowled at him and he gave me his most alluring smile, making me forget why I was even mad to begin with.

  ‘You really think I can do this?’ My self-confidence had always been low, my sister was the bubbly, fearless one, and I was the wallflower, sitting in the corner watching everyone else.

  ‘I know you can.’ I sighed picked up the pencil, toying with it in my hand. I took a deep breath and put pencil to paper. I could see Nicholi casting glances in the corner of my eye in between numerous phone calls and tried to focus. Letting my mind wander I pictured myself in the hotel on the winter floor, my thoughts ebbing and flowing with the drawing utensils.

  ‘I’m done, now please be honest and not just because you’re my boyfriend.’

  ‘Fiancé,’ Nicholi corrected, and I felt my face blush, would I ever get used to how longingly he looked at me, plain old me.

  ‘What do you think?’ He had been staring at the drawings for the longest time as I stood in place, my fingers knotting together in anticipation.

  ‘I think you’re the most beautiful, talented and fascinating woman I have ever met and I cannot believe you’re mine.’ Pulling me onto his lap, stroking my face, his fingers traced the outline before we hungrily reached for one another. His secretary interrupted our embrace, confirming Nicholi’s next appointment was waiting.

  ‘Baby, we just need to meet these people and then we can head over to the mall,’ he confirmed, leaving me on his chair while he opened the door to greet his guests.

  ‘Sophia, this is Mr Lee and Mr Gardner.’ Two burly looking men sauntered in, clearly military, I would know from a mile away. ‘They are going to be working with us from now on.’ They what? Very confused, I watched as Nicholi handed them each a file and requested one man to drive us to the mall, the other was to wait at the house. As soon as they left Nicholi turned to me, acting as though this was an everyday occurrence, being escorted by Rangers.

  ‘Eh, what is going on, why do we need the X-Men following us around?’ My suspicions were growing by the second.

  ‘I need to keep you safe, baby, they are just there to assist me, let’s go.’ Taking my hand as we headed for the elevator, Nicholi clearly was not going to elaborate further and as the elevator door sealed behind us I wanted answers.

  ‘Why would I need a bodyguard? Is this because of Larissa?’ I knew the answer before he could vocalise a response, his face greying at just the mere mention of her name.

  ‘I don’t want you to worry; this is just for my own sanity, nothing else. I told you from the beginning, Sophia, I am big on security whether that be alarms, guards or GPS tracking systems,’ he smiled, pointing at my watch.

  ‘GPS tracking systems, what are you talking about?’ I looked at my watch that he had given me, back to his eyes, so beautiful yet filled with a fear that resonated within me. I had known after Cross’s attack we were in danger and never batted an eyelid at the additional security Nicholi had set up at the house, but there was more he was not telling me.

  ‘Your watch has a chip in to track your location, Jacob has one too, as do I.’ The way he said it so casually as though it was an everyday occurrence made me smile. Taking that as acceptance of our new arrangement Nicholi leaned in, pulled me into his arms and took my breath away as only he could. Our bodies moved in unison, leaving me wanting as the elevator stopped at our floor. I was not getting anything further from him, but that did not mean I would not delve more by other means.

  We arrived at Harpers twenty minutes later, a huge department store filled with everything you could possibly desire in women’s clothing.

  ‘I took the liberty of making you an appointment with a personal shopper,’ Nicholi confessed, looking rather guilty and deservedly so.

  ‘Good morning, Miss Nichols, I am Kate and I will be your personal shopper today.’ A warm, bubbly, brunette-haired woman came to meet us and my stomach dropped, this was not going to be pleasant.

  ‘Sophia is fine,’ I muttered, taking her outstretched hand in mine as she led me to the fitting room suite.

  ‘I have selected some items for us to start with, once I confirm your measurements we can begin.’ She looked positively jubilant and my stomach groaned in anticipation.

  After trying more dresses, skirts and outfits than I care to remember, including all the apparently essential accessories, I flopped on the changing room floor. Nicholi had nodded his head in approval as I was paraded around the suite, feeling like a show and tell doll, in between taking phone calls and conducting business on his laptop.

  ‘Now that wasn’t too painful was it?’ Nicholi kissed my hand as we left the store, our train of bags following swiftly behind.

  ‘On a scale of one to ten it was a hundred on the shame and embarrassment level,’ I muttered, not believing the obscene amount of money he had just spent with the shiny black Lucifer card.

  ‘Mr Lee will take you back to the house and I will be home as soon as I can okay?’

  ‘You’re not coming with me?’ Deflated, my anger subsiding at the news he was leaving, I reached for his hand.

  ‘No, baby, I have to meet with the senior partners, but I would much rather be going home with you, I promise.’ His voice was low and husky as he pulled me closer, sealing kisses around my forehead and ending with one on my nose.

  ‘Take good care of her, Lee.’ His voice was suddenly authoritative and commanding as he watched me enter the open car door and sit down. His expression was unreadable, his posture tense. I waved as we drove off and watched him from the rear window before settling back in my seat, remembering I had forgotten something.

  ‘Crap, Mr Lee, I need to pick up something before we go home.’ I was suddenly feeling a little brighter at the order I had placed while being contorted into the third evening gown by Kate, the over exuberant personal shopper.

  ‘Just Christian is fine, ma’am, but I have my orders from Mr Veneto to take you straight back home,’ he confirmed, seemingly not budging from his given orders.

  ‘Just Sophia is fine; it will only take a minute, please, Christian.’ Using the voice my sister would pull out whenever she wanted something, I watched him mull and process then sigh.

  ‘Okay, where to, ma’am?’ Feeling slightly guilty, but at the same time knowing it was harmless, I directed him to the craft store.

  What to get the man who has everything? I had pondered as Kate passed me silk underwear, a far cry from the simple white bra that had unadorned me this morning. The look on her face when she saw it had turned me a shade darker than the crimson bra and panties set she had given me to try on.

  We pulled up at the craft store and Christian was out the door first, scanning the area, observing everything before he opened my door for me to exit. There was much more to this than Nicholi had told me, and knowing I would get to the bottom of it later, I entered the store to collect his present.

  Using my Lucifer card for the first time gave me chills, but I rationalised it with the fact it was a gift, and we drove back to the house in silence. Earl was at the door to greet us, with Mr Gardner dealing with the visitors wanting to deliver various items for the party that evening, looking particularly stern, I shuddered, another Earl. Grabbing my phone out of my bag, I speed-dialled Nicholi.

  ‘Hello.’ His voice was distant and cold.

  ‘Er, hi,’ I murmured, shocked by the response I was receiving.

  ‘Sophia, when I ask Lee to drive you home, can you please respect that and do as I ask?’ Realisation was slowly dawning on me that Christian had told him about our impromptu stop.

  ‘Sorry, I just had to run a quick errand, we are home now,’ I reiterated, hoping that would help somehow, I was wrong.

  ‘Yes, I know. I’m in a meeting, talk later.’ He hung up the phone before I could say anything more.

  ‘Madam, where would you like me to take your purchases?’ Earl asked curtly, seemingly to be angry with me too, though he always was so that was nothing new.

  ‘Upstairs is fine, Earl, thanks,’ I replied, virtually whispering. Still bruised from the response I had received from Nicholi, I reached for my phone and began to type.

  I am sorry you are upset with me, but I do not know what I did wrong. The phone illuminated within minutes, a response received.

  I am in a meeting Sophia. I was getting angry now, what the hell was wrong with him?

  I heard you the first time; maybe you didn’t when I said I was sorry. I had to pick up your gift and Christian was with me the whole time.

  CHRISTIAN? If text messages could be in colour this would have been in bright, bold flashing letters.

  He said I could call him Christian, why are you so mad with me? His hostility was gnawing on me and I sat at the kitchen table, tears building in my eyes.

  Did he now…talk later. And with that I threw my phone into my bag and ran upstairs, fighting my way through the mountain of bags to the bathroom, the tears flowing as I watched the water from the shower mist the mirrors, throwing off my clothes that were clearl
y not good enough for him, and got into the shower.

  I just stood there watching the water circle down the drain hole, forming a mini tornado before it was sucked away just as my happiness had been. Not used to all the emotions that were running through my body, I felt like I was drowning. Nicholi was my first physical relationship, that was our first fight, though I did not know why he was so cold towards me, and of course, my insecurities were working overtime. Why would he want a self-deprecating broken nobody when he could have any woman he wanted and there were many who wanted him. The looks, hushed voices and giggles that I heard while he was sitting waiting for me at the clothing store. I cringed, no; he wants me. He would not have asked me to marry him if he didn’t. Was he changing his mind? My heart stopped, and the door clicked open, making me jump out of my skin.

  ‘Hi,’ his voice was low, eyes distant.

  ‘Hi,’ my voice broke once again, demonstrating my weakness. Before either one of us could say anything further Nicholi was in the shower, still fully clothed, holding me in his arms.

  ‘I am sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to upset you, please don’t cry.’ My emotions had betrayed me again, and I clung on, wrapping myself as tightly to him as I could.

  ‘You look a little wet, Mr Veneto.’ Trying to smile, my heart still aching at the thought he did not want me.

  ‘What is it?’ He gently stroked my face, kissing my eyes and nose and tilted my chin to look into his eyes.

  ‘I thought you were having second thoughts about marrying me,’ I whispered, my voice breaking once more.

  ‘Oh, baby, no.’ Nicholi pulled me into his arms kissing me so hard I could not stop to breathe, not that I wanted to. I reached to unbutton his shirt, and he ripped it off, the buttons pinging to the floor of the shower, whirling around in the mini tornado. I could feel his erection on my stomach as he wrapped my legs around his waist and carried me into the bedroom. My nerve endings were on fire as he stroked and teased my body, his lips setting a burning fire in their wake as we came together. We lay in silence, his head on my chest; our legs wrapped around each other, my heart rate slowing, my skin tingling in memory every time he stroked me.


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