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Dare To Love Series: Daring the Hard Man (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Burke,Aliyah

  Text copyright ©2016 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by CP Publishing. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Dare To Love Series remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of CP Publishing, or their affiliates or licensors.

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  Daring the Hard Man


  Aliyah Burke


  Some dares are worth everything…

  Luca “Hard Man” Van der Laar is the top bad boy player for the MLS team, Washington Ospreys. While attending a Miami Thunder charity event, he lays eyes on a woman he wants to call his own. But can he keep her after their one night?

  Kaitlyn Henderson never expected to find a one-night stand at the event she attends. But there he was and there they were. From a family of cops, and as a 911 dispatcher herself, she embraces life, taking it as it comes, understanding that the next second may be your last.

  She wasn’t expecting anything more than their one shared night. However, he takes that as a dare and is determined to prove there is so much more between them than twenty-four hours.


  To all my readers, thank you so much for coming on another adventure with me. To Carly Phillips, I’m always honored to be allowed to write in your world, thank you for allowing me to come back for a second time. To my editor, Leanore Elliot, thank you so much for helping me to improve my writing and my craft! To DH, you are my everything. I love you. Last and never least, to the men and women of this country who sacrifice so much to protect us, thank you!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Dare To Love Series By Carly Phillips

  Other Stories In The Dare To Love Kindleworld Series

  Excerpt For Icy Dare

  Additional Books By Aliyah Burke

  About The Author

  Chapter One

  Luca Van der Laar nodded at the redhead who brushed by him for the third time. He still wasn’t interested. Since he encountered that baby scare he’d kept his cock locked up tight. No visitations. Period. Currently, he was all about his career and not having or starting a family.

  “Smile,” the order came from his agent Carlos Martinez.

  “I am. On the inside.” In truth, he wanted to get out of here and head back to his hotel room for some peace and quiet. Then he wanted to find a pitch and get a good workout in.

  “Don’t be an ass, this is a huge opportunity for you.”

  Yeah, he was aware. The Miami Thunder professional football team had put together a huge charity event, bringing in other major sports stars as well as their own players. The program director for the Thunder, Alex Dare was a friend to Carlos Martinez and had asked him along. So, while he was huge in the soccer world, those who didn’t follow it tended to merely recognize him from commercials. He felt okay with this, because this was for charity and he didn’t have to be the biggest star. Alex had done a damn impressive job in setting this up and he did have a huge number of fans here. He’d been swamped with fans and groupies earlier, then he stepped away for a breather.

  Slanting his gaze to his agent, he sighed. “I was a well behaved chimp for you. But I’m not out there right now. I’m back where the press isn’t, giving myself some food and drink.”

  He shook his head as the star quarterback for the Thunder lobbed a pass to a young kid—smiles all around.

  Luca was a private man. He preferred to keep it that way but he didn’t mind being out in the limelight, just had to take moments throughout to keep his attitude in check. It may be a fault, but it was his and he owned it.

  “I know it’s not your thing but it’s only a little longer.” Martinez clapped him on the shoulder. “Hang in there.”

  Through the crowd, his gaze landed on a woman he swore reached in his chest and grabbed his soul, imprinting herself on it. His breath exhaled sharply and his knees buckled.


  Draining the rest of his sports drink, he crumpled the cup and lobbed it to the trash. “Fine. I’m fine. I’m off to mingle, I just came back here to get a break and eat.” He hastened out to the large nearly chaotic gathering, going directly to the spot he’d seen her. A light breeze blew, softening the Miami heat and he lengthened his stride.

  Carlos wouldn’t understand. He’d found his forever partner content with being a family man. This taking no chances and putting his sex life on hold had gone on for nearly a full year for Luca. And the second, the very second, his gaze had landed on her, his cock had sprung to life as if jolted by electricity.

  Any woman who could banish his fear of ruining his career and want to take her to bed, he should stay away from, but he wasn’t about to do that. He needed to ascertain if it were a glitch in his desire for sex or if there was truly something there.

  He wove through the crowd, almost desperate to lay eyes on her once more. Luca skidded to a stop before a tow-headed young boy.

  “Hi,” he said, a blush scampering up his young cheeks. “You’re Luca Van der Laar!”

  Luca grinned and sank to his knees in front the lad. “I am. Who are you?”

  “Milar. I watch your games. We’re rooting for you in the cup. Will we win? Can I have a jersey of yours? My brother likes Michael and says he’s better than you, but you’re my favorite. Can you sign the jersey you’re going to give me?”

  He may not be ready for kids of his own, but fans were different…Didn’t hurt to have this worshipping stare. The boy had no fear and reached out taking Luca’s hand in his. Tiny fingers wrapped around his two middle fingers.

  The crowd parted as he stood and he had a direct line of sight to the woman he’d been after previously. Her thick curls moved in the air and he longed to touch them, to see if they were as soft as they looked from here. A small tug on his hand had him focusing back on the boy beside him. A wayward thought hit him. “Where is your family?”

  Slender shoulders rose and fell. “Somewhere over there.” He pointed into the crowd.

  That’s helpful. “Don’t you think they will be worried?”

  Another shrug.

  “Of course, you don’t.” He gazed around once more. Yes, he wanted to get close to her, but he wasn’t about to leave a child alone. “How about we get to that big tent along the side and have them come to us?” At the doubt crossing the boy’s face, Luca withdrew his cell phone and added, “I’ll have a jersey brought to us there.”

  “A real one not a little boy one?”

  Such hope in that phrase.

  He dialed his agent and smiled at the boy. “Same size I wear.”

  “What?” Carlos asked.

  “I need you to bring one of my jersey’s to the emcee table, please. And a marker.”

  “Run into trouble?”

  “Nope, fulfilling a promise to a fan. Meet you there.” He returned the phone and stared at the boy. “Shall we?”

  The child kept up a continuous stream of chatter as Luca herded him to the booth. The emcee had some music playing and approached. “Something I can help you with?”

  “My parents lost me,” the boy piped up with his announcement.

  “Got separated, can you call them please?” Luca added in.

  “Sure thing.
Luca Van der Laar, right?”

  He nodded.

  The man continued, “And who might you be, son?”

  “Milar Stamkos.”

  “Come sit back here and I’ll show you how all this works.”

  “Can’t. I need his jersey.”

  Luca smiled. “I’ll wait until it and your parents arrive.”

  “How about he sits back here with you?” The emcee—name badge reading Martin Fisk—gave him a questioning look.

  “Sounds like a great idea.” Please don’t leave before I find you. His thought went out to the woman. He accepted the chair and bottle of water while Martin made his announcement.

  Carlos got there first and his dark eyes moved between him and the boy. “Thought you wanted an adult one.”

  He beckoned for the jersey. “I do. Milar here, asked for an adult one.” Luca took the marker and faced the boy. “Now, how do you want it signed?”

  “Something specials.”

  “Of course.” He spread out his jersey and uncapped the marker.

  As he wrote, a woman called out, voice pitching over the crowd, “Milar. Milar!”

  The boy waved and Luca hid his laughter at the concerned panic on his mom’s face. Another boy trailed behind worried Mama Bear with a man he figured to be father.

  He may not have understood the language being spoken but he got the gist. Mom was worried. Luca rose, capped the marker and waited.

  There were screams, pictures, and autographs before he waved farewell to the family and set out once more to find his woman. He held onto hope she would remain for the concert and fireworks.

  “You can’t leave yet,” Carlos said, grabbing his arm.

  He cocked an eyebrow, flicking his glance between the hand on his arm and the eagle sharp gaze of his agent. “Who said I was leaving?”

  “You did.”

  “Changed my mind.”

  Carlos smirked. “You found some pussy.”

  Luca scowled. “Go away.”

  “Who is it? I saw some hot chicks over there.” He gestured to the right where some baseball players were assisting some kids with batting practice.

  “There are beautiful women everywhere. There are single athletes here. Hell, there are married ones who have no problem cheating, so of course there are hot women around.” He removed the hand on his arm. “Go away.” Luca went left, going to the middle then walking slower as he took in the view. All the sights and sounds. Happiness. Joy. All for a great cause. He slowed as he approached the dunk tank.

  “Luca! Come on, man. Give these people a new target. Come on folks. Give a big hand for the striker from the Washington Ospreys, Luca Van der Laar. Get him up here to take a swim.”

  As they chanted his name, he went to the back and climbed up to take the seat.

  “Who wants to sink him? Come on now, surely there is someone there who roots for one of his rivals.”

  Luca grinned as the hands shot up.

  The announcer laughed and said, “Okay, line up. Two balls a piece.”

  The first few missed as he joined in the joviality, egging them on to sink him. A tall burly man stepped up and took the ball. Luca prepared himself. However, the man passed it to a young girl hanging on his leg. Her Annie-curls bounced in the wind as she curved her fingers around the ball.

  “Three for the lovely redhead,” the caller said. “I’m partial to red curls.”

  The little girl gave the large man beside her the extra two. Her face pinched as she pursed his lips.

  Luca watched her adjust her stance before she drew back and threw. While not hard enough to knock him from his perch, she hit the circle. She wriggled her nose, took another ball, stepped back and let it go. Another hit. Just not enough power.

  There were encouraging cheers from everyone for her to get him with the final ball. Luca rubbed his hands together and beckoned at the girl. The man with her dipped his body lower and whispered in her ear. Then the guy stared at Luca and pierced him with his intense blue eyes.

  He swallowed, expecting the worst.

  The man didn’t take the ball from the girl, just assisted her in adjusting her stance.

  Luca cracked his neck and waited. Beyond the man, he spotted a woman approaching—the one he’d been trying to find. His breath hitched and he sat higher, trying to keep her in sight as she wove around the few people between her and him. He refused to move his gaze away, keeping it locked on her.

  She looked down then back up and met his stare.

  His heart skipped a few more beats as her golden gaze snared him. Beautiful eyes, reminded him of liquid gold. Sure, it could have been from the light but he wasn’t sure.

  Her lips kicked up in a grin.

  He responded. Then water covered him as he sank below the water line. The cold shock had him gasping, then spitting out water as he surfaced.

  The crowd cheered the girl on and he sought for his woman.

  Yes, she was his.

  He ducked down and pushed up once more, slicking his hair back away from his eyes. Cheering and laughter echoed all around but she was gone. He reached up and hauled his body from the water.

  “Once more?” the caller asked, gesturing him back to the seat.

  Luca’ refusal dangled at the tip of the tongue when she stepped back into view. “Sure,” the word tumbled from his mouth.

  The ripple—no, a punch, it felt like so much more than a ripple—rocking through him at the meeting of their gazes, would have taken his legs from him once more. Her golden stare held something distracting to him, made his insides do weird things.

  He climbed back into the seat and couldn’t look away from her. Wouldn’t. She held his gaze as intently as he did hers. No denying a connection remained there for a moment between them.

  Another person sunk him and he immediately locked his attention where she’d been. Still there—still watching him. A slight quirk of her lips was all she gave him though. Three more times he was dunked in the water and after each, he sought her out. She continued to remain.

  “Time to give this to someone else,” he said as he climbed out. He shook the excess water off and jogged down the steps to the ground.

  “Thanks for being such a great sport,” the caller said offering his hand.

  Luca shook it. “My pleasure.”

  “Want a towel or anything?”

  “I’ll be fine, thanks.”

  He tossed him one. “Take it anyway, it may come in handy.”

  “Thank you.” Luca walked out from behind the game and ran the dry towel over his face. Okay, so the man had been right, it was helpful. He stepped into the crowd and searched for her, waylaid by people congratulating him, he nearly missed her. She was leaving.

  Excusing himself, he headed after her. He smiled when he saw who she’d stopped to speak with.


  Kaitlyn Henderson needed to walk away from the man with the incredible blue eyes. Her feet and legs were definitely not on the same page as her brain and self-preservation instinct. Her limbs were locked and not going anywhere. The man’s eyes weren’t just a generic blue but an icy sapphire if there were such a hue…that’s the impression she got from seeing them. They stood out from his tanned skin and black hair.

  Hair that gleamed in the sun and his lean muscles were obvious beneath the water soaked tight shirt clinging to his body. The water rivulets still found a way to accentuate the muscles as well while the droplets ran down his body.

  Athlete for sure. She came up with no reason for the connection sparking between them but it was there. And she longed to explore it further.

  I’m not here for a hookup. I’m here for the kids.

  Even with the mental reprimand—or was it a pep talk? She couldn’t say for sure—her body reacted, powerfully. Her nipples drew taut and her pussy pulsed. If she’d been alone, her fingers would have been below her waistband and in between her nether lips, flicking her clit and plunging in.

  I’m not alone, so I have to behav
e and keep my hands out of my pussy. Relief later, not now.

  Kaitlyn stayed put and kept her eyes riveted on him. Each time he’d been sunk, she smiled. He may have been talked into this but he was being a great sport about it. For whatever reason, she didn’t leave until she felt sure he had finished.

  Wet man candy was awesome and not anything to walk away from.

  But he’d finished and now, she wanted to get an ice cold drink. She paused when Milar stopped her.

  “Hi, Ms. Henderson.”

  “Milar. You look happy. Are you having fun?” She glanced around grateful to see his mom not that far away, keeping an eye on him.

  His grin was huge and blinding. “Yes.”

  “Looks like it.” She gestured to the shirt. “What’s that?”

  “Jersey from the best player in the league.”

  “And who is that?” She brushed some of his light blond hair away from his eyes.

  “Hopefully me,” a man said from behind her.

  Damn, what a nice voice.

  Somehow, Milar’s smile grew wider. “Luca. Of course, it is. I am looking for my brother to show him what I got.”

  Kaitlyn turned and promptly lost her breath. The man from the dunk tank—still wet and damn sure still fine—even more so, up close.

  “Hi Milar.” He may have been speaking to the boy but his intense gaze never moved away from her face. “And you would be?”

  Yours. The word hovered on the tip of her tongue. “Kaitlyn Henderson.”

  He offered his hand and she accepted, gulping at the fissure of electricity rocketing through her. Heart thundering, she tried to act natural. Hard to do when it made her wonder if her own ribs would be able to keep it contained within her chest.

  He swiped his thumb over the pulse in her wrist and his lips quirked when the speed kicked up a few notches. He skimmed the pad of his thumb over it once more. To the same result. “Hello, Kaitlyn.”

  Holy shit that voice is beyond lethal. All her women parts were standing up, being extremely vocal and demanding his attention. She made two attempts to get her hand free from him but he wouldn’t let her go. “May I have my hand back?”


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