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Chaos Mortalitus

Page 2

by Mark LaMaster

  "What the hell? What was that all about?" I ponder aloud.

  My cigarette begins to burn the filter as I put it out in an amber colored glass ashtray. I can't help but feel lost at the moment, after not hearing from Tyler for all these years and now this. My thoughts are interrupted by the sounds from the bathroom, violent coughing, sounds of gagging as I run to investigate. The shower is still running as I find Angela huddled down in front of the toilet, naked and soaked, the water beading on her skin as steam rises off her body. "Babe, what happened?" I ask overly concerned. "Are you ok?"

  "Don't worry… just not feeling well, no big deal." She replies. "Why are you taking forever? I'm almost done with my shower."

  "I was just checking my Email. Hey, do you remember Tyler Morgan?"

  Angela spits in the toilet and flushes it, for my wife is far from shy as she walks over to our sink naked as the day she was born to use mouthwash. A gorgeous woman, to me she is everything I could ever hope for in a person to spend my life with. "You met him just after we got together, our first summer I think. Remember, we partied with him and some other friends at the lake in early June? I think you guys hit it off great." I say as my wife rinses her mouth out.

  Patting her lips with a small towel she recalls that summer long ago. "Yeah I remember him I think, your buddy from high school. He loved your art, rambling on for hours about that oil painting of yours, The Artifact."

  "Yep that's the one, I thought of that too, he was always so interested in all that stuff. Anyway, he sent me a Email early this morning, check it out when you get a sec, I'm gonna jump in the shower."

  Angela just stands there naked, staring as I undress. She touches the light switch in the bathroom, dimming the lighting a bit. Walking closer to me, Angela kisses me deeply and all the chaos of this early morning quickly fades away. We slide into the shower, our bodies mingling with the steamy water. "I love you sweetheart." She whispers in my ear as I kiss her neck.

  My heart belongs to Angela as I fall in love with her again and again, finding myself eternally lost in her eyes. Life feels complete in every way as I make love to my wife like it was the first time, passionately we connect and through all things I find sanctuary in her touch. She's my best friend, my harshest critic and the center of my universe and truly I know I'm a lucky man. We sit together in the shower with faint lights weaving in and out of the tiny droplets as they splash against our heads. Facing each other cradling our legs, something begs for this moment to never end.

  A constrictive feeling comes over me, terror gripping my heart as I lift my hand and touch her knee. I struggle to keep my eyes open as the water droplets are relentless and I can feel the clock ticking away, robbing me of these precious moments. "Didn't you have something to take care of this morning babe?" I ask my voice muffled by the water. "I remember you saying something last night before we passed out."

  "I have a doctor's appointment at 10:30 A.M. It shouldn't take too long though."

  "Doctor's? What that about? I don't remember you saying anything about a doctor's appointment." Bewildered, I quickly jump to conclusions.

  Angela takes a hold of my hand sensing my nervousness. "Don't worry, it's just last minute. I've been feeling a little off so I'm just going in for a check up." She says reassuring me.

  Exiting the shower we begin to dry off as I walk to the sink and grab my toothbrush. I begin brushing my teeth as Angela wraps her hair in a towel and puts it up. I stare into the reflection in the mirror as a reminder from Omega pops up. "Your electricity bill is due Mr. Mortal, I can pay this now if you'd like Sir."

  "Sounds good, go ahead and take care of that Omega." I respond as I rinse my mouth with water.

  "Electricity bill has been paid. It's currently a balmy seventy three degrees outside, please enjoy your day Mr. Mortal."

  "Thank you Omega."

  Applying eye shadow in the mirror Angela has a look of irritation. I push my leg through my favorite pair of faded black jeans now a dusted charcoal color and slip on a pair of white sneakers, with a plain black t-shirt. As I pull down my shirt I feel my wife's hands slide in between my arms and lock tightly. Truly a moment where nothing needs to be said, just silence as we embrace. "So you wanna' take two cars?" Angela asks as she continues holding her arms around me. "I thought maybe we could have lunch later."

  "Sounds good babe, we should have enough time before the interview. Consider it a date beautiful!"

  She walks over to the dresser and begins rummaging through her purse. After a moment she picks up the handbag and walks over just staring at me. "I love you baby, I'll see you soon." She says as she kisses me.

  "Love you too babe."

  Angela turns and walks out the double doors to our bedroom and begins to head downstairs. I once again sit down on our bed hoping to halt the seconds of the clock. No sound or motion, just silence and a subtle ring in my ear. Something is very different about today, I can feel it in my bones as I decide I need some fresh air. Walking out the door and down the stairs to my living room, I pass works of art from my personal collection, some of my earliest work. At the base of the stairs I come to Tyler's favorite painting of mine, its title, The Artifact. I stare at the piece as gallery lighting shines down on it.

  In that instant I feel myself begin to have a sort of weird flash, with my vision suddenly fading and returning as I feel myself being stretched forward, more a thought now than a man. Struggling to maintain focus, I stare hard at the painting through this episode. The painting itself is a realism piece with one object, very similar to a Tibetan Phurba, a ritual dagger. This is no ritual dagger though, with a look that's very alien. There is a stone on the end of its handle, an uncanny vision not like any precious stone I've ever come across.

  A weathered antique, cast iron plated as its metals seem to have a hardened liquid form. Layers of paint helped me to capture the texture of it exactly the way I had pictured it in my dreams. There are twelve exotic symbols that run along the blade's edge, also very foreign to me. Tiny etched vein cuts spider web through the dagger with a dull glow. Seemingly in the painting the dagger is in the process of changing into something else. Shaking off this weird panic attack, I head for the front door paying no attention to anything else in my home.

  Walking down the curving path through my driveway I begin to head down the road a ways, deciding to go to the beach. San Diego, California and what a beautiful day it is in my hometown as I pull a pack of smokes from my pocket, pausing under the shade of a tree to light my cigarette. Emerging from under the tree, I shield my eyes from the intense sunlight. My sunglasses sit atop my head at all times for days like this and in Southern California we sure get a lot of them. I push them down to offer relief to my strained eyes as I begin to walk toward the beach. Pulling a small earpiece from my pocket, I insert it into my left ear as I cross the parking lot near the shoreline.

  There are people everywhere enjoying the beautiful morning, living the beach life. As I step onto the sand, my foot sinks drastically with each stride. Usually I'd be upset wearing my favorite shoes and all and white is definitely not the best choice for the beach, but today is different for trivial matters are not a priority. I have a lot on my mind, a feeling that can't be explained as I walk for several minutes or so and come to a secluded tide pool area. Beginning to climb the rocks, water splashes through openings carved out by waves. Droplets collect on the lenses of my sunglasses as I stare out onto the horizon and watch the clouds scurry about side by side.

  Reaching for my cell phone I thumb through my contacts on the touch screen device, to Grace Julia Mortal, my mother. "Call Grace Mortal, holographic display."

  My mother is an amazing woman and an even better parent always supporting my art and choices in life, even those that hindered my progress. She is a psychologist, so along with my father; they make for a most interesting couple. I place my cell phone on a level rock in front of me and try and find a dry spot to sit. The earpiece activates as I wait for my mother to
answer her end. Once she picks up the phone generates a holographic display of her in high definition. We speak freely as if she's joined me on the beach this morning.

  "Hey mom, how are you this morning?"

  "Hi Ash, I'm fine, how are you?" She asks. "Excited about tonight?"

  "Yeah, I've actually had something else on my mind though mom. Something's goin' on, I've just had a bad feeling." I reply, doing my best to stress my concerns without worrying her too much.

  She pauses for a moment before responding. "You're probably just stressed, it's been a lot to take in lately. With all this hype going on with your art show, no wonder you're having doubts. Don't worry, you'll do great, I'm so proud of you and your father is too!"

  "I suppose you're right, I've just been a little worried. I want you guys to know I love you both, with all my heart. You have always been great parents to me, thank you for your support." I say, as if it might be my last chance.

  "Look, I can tell you're upset but not another worry, we'll discuss it tonight. Your father and I should be there around seven or so. We'll see you then, we love you Ash." She says, with a mother's tone.

  "See you tonight."

  "Bye for now sweetheart." She replies as she clicks off and the display fades away.

  Returning my cell phone to my pocket, I stare out onto the Pacific Ocean for a while getting lost in my daydreams. In the corner of my eye at the edge of the horizon, I see a glowing dot just sitting there flashing. Strange at first, I just assume it's a boat or something as I decide its time to get this show on the road. Standing up, I stare for a moment longer at the glowing dot as it remains in the spot on the horizon and then dust off my pants, heading back to the front of the beach. On my way I hit a button on my cell phone to have my car meet me in the parking lot.

  Continuing up the shoreline, back to a fast paced world taking small strides as I breathe in the ocean air, listening to the sounds of life in motion. Passing the same iron posts from my childhood, their paint a now faded red chipping away slowly with the shoreline's erosion. My car an automated coupe, sits in the parking lot waiting for my arrival. Jet-black, my car is a green vehicle as are most vehicles these days, emission friendly. Our generation missed out on the hot rod of the past, though they still exist; the price is ridiculous in upkeep. We all pitch in to undo the effects of global warming our forefathers left for us.

  "Passenger door open." I ask as I approach my car. The passenger door opens upward as I crouch down to sit inside, with my car's processor linked to the Omega System. Automated vehicles came about around 2016 A.D.; the technologies first application was military in 2011 A.D. Cars of today run on hydrogen and electricity and solar cars are beginning to pick up momentum as well. Super processing units are the brains of the operation linking all vehicles through the Omega Global Network. Vehicles can travel at high speeds and high volume without incident.

  Since its application in 2016 A.D., globally there have been four thousand and twenty six vehicular deaths worldwide, based on road hazards or acts of God. I program a daily schedule of locations through my direct link to Omega so that my commands are kept to a minimum. Usually I just want to collect my thoughts and relax when driving. "Omega, take me to scheduled locations and play mix one."

  "Yes Mr. Mortal."

  Attack choppers circle high overhead as Tyler Morgan slowly turns the ignition off on the speedboat that floats silently in open water on the Pacific. Surrounded on all sides, the cavalry closes in on the singular target as images from the last twelve hours riddle through his mind. His heart has fury to its beat, for there was so little time for strategy. Quickness of breath while he tries to calm his adrenaline filled nerves as the United States militaries have cornered him. With courage he made it this far, watching his dear friend leave his home on 4983 Utopia Drive only hours ago.

  He was quick to his doorstep holding the package close, walking the path destiny has chosen and truly today is the beginning of something beyond imagination. "KEEP YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM OR YOU WILL BE SHOT!" A voice says over a loudspeaker, with all iron sights locked on target.

  "Here we go." Tyler replies lifting his hands into the air.



  Tensions flare in a dark interrogation room poorly lit with a central light that rocks gently with the ocean currents. Tyler Morgan sits shackled to a chair at a stainless steel table as two mysterious dark figures hover, drilling him with synchronized attacks. "Where is the Payload Tyler?! Where have you taken it?!" One of the soldiers says with a stern voice. "Do you realize your implication in all this?!"

  "Being a matter of national security, you can be held indefinitely…without trial. Hell they can even try you for treason and then its all gas for you buddy!" The other soldier adds with a smirk.

  Tyler looks up blinking steadily from the flickering light swaying above, his senses sharpened patiently refined. Mirrored glass in the back of the room camouflages the interrogation while a group of military personnel review a comprehensive analysis of Tyler's mannerisms during the procedure. Strangely enough the harden tactics have no effect on the man. "This is God's plan, for all of us, even the both of you. Can't you see it, the approach of destiny? I've seen revelations, I've seen what the fates might hold and your eyes will watch the heavens change as trumpets roar by the thousand, a new age approaches." Tyler replies with a strong voice.

  "Keep tellin' yourself that bud! Keep in mind this isn't a joke smart ass. You're in a whole lot of trouble. This isn't a traditional branch of the government, we have no restrictions of any kind, meaning bad news for you Mr. Morgan, really bad news." The soldier says swinging across the table striking Tyler in the face, causing his head to jet downward with a spray of blood. "TELL US WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW DAMN YOU!!!"

  "Greg, chill out!" The other soldier yells to his comrade.

  "I've seen it… so will you… do what you will, I'm done with these questions." Tyler replies softly and turns his head away, shutting himself down in a sense.

  Staring back at Mr. Morgan ominously, the two soldiers realize this man has no intentions of giving them the information they need. The two men exit the interrogation room and walk down a long hallway with piping catwalks over head. Coming to a stop in front of a double doorway at the end of the hall, they open the door and enter the room. Inside they find an older man standing in front of a fireplace in a large office. A fire rages as the man calmly stands sipping a glass of scotch, three ice cubes.

  The man turns to the soldiers revealing an aged face with a dark stare. Sloshing the ice cubes about, the man sits in an executive recliner. "So we have potentially the biggest discovery of all time sitting in the other room, locked away in a madman's mind." The mysterious man says.

  "Sir, Mr. Morgan isn't cooperating, he can't be broken Sir." One soldier says standing firmly at attention. "All his mannerisms report normal, he's a rock Sir."

  "Any man can be broken, you need only find his weak points and apply pressure. First and foremost let's review here. Eight weeks ago a small object entered our atmosphere at speeds defying all known aviation physics as we know them. Upon entry, the object appeared a hundred miles off the coast of Southern California, reducing its speed to a complete halt and remaining stationary."

  "The objects radar signature then began to expand instantaneously while still holding a stationary position. Our vessel, the U.S.S Solitude was first on scene, confirming the presence of this pyramid now on the ocean surface. Out of nowhere this small object came to Earth and turned into a pyramid on the ocean surface. Reports say it's almost twice the size of Egypt's Great Pyramid, and composed of an unidentified crystal like material." The mysterious man continues using subtle hand signals.

  "Sir, is there no word on the composition of the structure?" One of the soldiers asks.

  "None so far. The entire area has been sealed off by our military, including airspace as we are trying to keep a lid on this thing. We are the only government curr
ently having any dealings with the pyramid. I've talked to the President and we've discussed our plans to evaluate this objects threat level to the National Security of the United States of America."

  "On first approach of the object the assumed entrance seemed to be open. First excavation team infiltrated and determined autonomous delivery as no signs of life were found inside. Inside the main chamber our team reported unknown markings, similar to hieroglyphics and a cylinder shaped centerpiece standing eight feet high. The cylinder has twelve rings, with each moving right or left, designed to line up under a center marker, similar to a modern day combination lock."

  "Each ring has a thousand symbols on it, making twelve thousand total. Our combination specialist is saying that not knowing the meanings of the symbols associated with the language has produced a stalemate and for weeks now this pyramid has sat silently waiting for Mr. Morgan. Gathering the top minds in the fields necessary to evaluate this extra terrestrial object was our first agenda. Leading archeologist Tyler Morgan is brought in based on his extensive study and ability in deciphering ancient languages."


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